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888 reading update or what is on your nightstand?

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I am currently reading books number

28. Dangerous Journey (ds also reading)

29. Master Cornhill read aloud for history studies

30. The 64 dollar tomato


The 64 dollar tomato was not on my 888 reading list. I saw it yesterday at the library on the new book shelf. It was calling to me. I currently have tomato seedlings sprouting in varous locations in our house. I guess I will have to create a new catagory - I plan to call it either

Just because :D or

books from the library new book shelf ;)

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Hey! I was just going to post this same question this morning - I guess you beat me to it :rolleyes:


I've finished twelve books on my 888 list and in my pile right now I have

  1. Mansfield Park
  2. Fight Like a Girl
  3. The Iliad (I STILL haven't started it - I keep putting it off!)
  4. Six-Point Plan for Raising Happy Families
  5. Every Woman's Battle
  6. Jane Austen: A Life

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Great minds just think alike

I have also been reading a lot of Jane Austen. I picked up Becoming Jane, the book the movie was based on , at Barnes and Noble last weekend. I plan to read it next.


I read Becoming Jane last month and enjoyed it - I posted a review here on my blog. If you like reading about Jane Austen I just finished a great book called The World of Jane Austen - it is really a photographic "field trip" to all of the homes she lived in or visited. Very good book. Here is my review on that one as well. :D

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In the Bleak Midwinter by Julia Spencer Fleming and The Best American Short Stories 2007, edited by Stephen King. I'm enjoying both, particularly the short story collection! I don't read enough short fiction and I really, really like the genre.


These are both for my 888 and I recently finished A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and Uglies (YA fiction by Scott Westerfeld).

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I just finished A Wrinkle in Time and Silver Dollar Girl. I am almost through with Winnie-the-Pooh and will probably move on to either Heidi or Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.


My 19 year old daughter (Rebekah), who also has a list, is reading Jane Eyre, Wolves at Our Door, Wolf Captured, Nobody's Princess, Moon Riders, and Bitter Trail. Moon Riders and Bitter Trail are westerns by Elmer Kelton.

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My Grandfather's Son by Clarance Thomas. Although biographical, it was so enlightening about racial issues of the 60's and 70's. Something I learned about myself reading this book is that I'm such a white northern girl. I'm really looking forward to covering this time period in our school.


Now I'm reading for the first time Pride and Prejudice. I know it's currently running on PBS which has motivated me to read ahead of the movie. So far I'm really enjoying it.

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I guess I'm not doing that, but here's what I'm reading:


Wayward Christian Soldiers by Charles Marsh

Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain

Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes (read aloud with kids)

The Well-Trained Mind by, well, you know (refreshing and planning)

The Crisis of Caring by Jerry Bridges


plus a bunch of stuff for work, the most fascinating of which has been Botanical Latin by William T. Stern

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Currently Reading:

19. The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper (audiobook)

20. The Return of the King by Tolkien (read aloud with kids)

21. Praying the Scriptures for your Children by Berndt

22. Over Sea, Under Stone by Susan Cooper (audiobook with kids)

23. Lost in the Cosmos by Percy Walker



1. An Autobiography: The Story of y Experiments with Truth by Mohandas Ghandi

2. Surprised by Joy C. S. Lewis

3. All Rivers Run to the Sea by Elie Wiesel

4. Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (audiobook)

5. Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer (audiobook)

6. To See Every Bird on Earth (Dan Koeppel)

7. Man's Search for Meaning (Viktor E. Frankl)

8. A Girl Named Zippy (Haven Kimmel)

9. Leave Me Alone, I'm Reading (Maureen Corrigan)

10. Joy in the Morning - Betty Smith

11. Inkheart by Cornelia Funk

12. Inkspell by Cornelia Funk

13. The Two Towers by Tolkien (read aloud with kids-started before Jan 1)

14. Go Tell it on the Mountain by James Baldwin

15. A Season of Shadows by Paul McCusker

16. And the Word Came With Power by Shetler

17. The History of Love (Krauss)

18. The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper (audiobook with kids)

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Just finishing Energy Victory (Winning the War on Terror by Breaking Free of Oil) by Robert Zubrin-- haven't read a book this significant since Omnivore's Dilema; Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything -- like a light science textbook and (ahem) helps me fall asleep at night. And Joel Salatins' Everything I Want to do is Illegal -- a light read I pick up every now and then.

Geez, seeing how much Jane Austen is getting read kind of makes me want to pick up a Romance Novel and relax a little! ;)

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What I'm currently working on, though not well with this flu :(


The Road by Cormac McCarthy

Spook Country by William Gibson

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier Clay by Michael Chabon

The Penderwicks

Getting the Girl by Markus Zusak


What I have finished


Falling Man by Don Delillo (finished)

What Dead Men Know by Laura Lippman (finished)

Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer (finished)

May Bird Among the Stars by Jodi Lynn Anderson (finished)

May Bird Warroir Princess by Jodi Lynn Anderson (finished)

The Castle Corona by Sharon Creech & David Diaz (finished)

I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak (finished)

Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer (finished)

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (finished)

God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens (finished)

Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs (finished)

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert (finished)

The Vicious Vikings & The Measly Middle Ages T. Deary & M. Brown (finished)

Beowulf translation by Burton Raffel (finished)

Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain (finished)

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I don't have a blog, so not doing 888 but I am currently readying

The Gluten Free Girl I think we have some intolerances here. Trying to educate myself.

Financial Peace Revisited

Parenting with Love and Logic Audiobook


Also reading w/ds Hugenot Garden,

Door in the Wall



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My list keeps getting re-worked as interests are becoming different than they were a couple of months ago. I also greatly reduced my 888 list to only 32 books because of expecting a baby. I just didn't want to have such high expectations and then be upset with myself for not doing it.


So, I have read and finished:


-Johnny Tremain (with dd), Esther Forbes

-The Hiding Place, Corrie Ten Boom

-Come Be My Light, Mother Teresa

-Riders of the Purple Sage, Zane Grey


I am currently reading:


-The China Study (fascinating and a slow read as I take time to digest)

-The Omnivore's Dilemma (not as fascinating in light of the China Study)

-Knowing God, J.I.Packer

-Go Tell it on the Mountain, James Baldwin

-What Your Dr. May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations


Some of these are going to get pushed aside before I finish them because I have books on hold that I'm waiting for with regards to childbirth and breastfeeding which will take precedence when they come in. :)

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Wicked: The real story of the Wicked Witch of the West

Israel, My Beloved by Kay Arthur



I've finished 11 books so far and I have my Daily Bible that I read every day as well.......


I did take a break from my 888 list after reading Twilight (which was on my list) and read the other 2 books in the series........

So technically I've read 13 books since Jan 1st....

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