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Does anyone ever think that maybe there is a government conspiracy to poisin us?

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After the reading the article about mercury in HFCS, I started putting the following pieces together:


Mercury in the following products:


Dental amalgam fillings





Then all of the contaminated food products


Then the problems with sugar, corn, wheat


There are tons of other examples along these lines.


Can these all be accidents?


Just my mind wandering along the lines of a Dean Koontz novel.

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It is funny you mention it. I was just reading up on this the other day. I found this blog and although it sounds extreme I found it interesting.





BTW..Dean Koontz was my favorite author ever. Unfortunately, I had to stop reading him because I started having pretty severe nightmares.

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After the reading the article about mercury in HFCS, I started putting the following pieces together:


Mercury in the following products:


Dental amalgam fillings





Then all of the contaminated food products


Then the problems with sugar, corn, wheat


There are tons of other examples along these lines.


Can these all be accidents?


Just my mind wandering along the lines of a Dean Koontz novel.


Now you've got me worried about mercury in my foil hat.

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I believe it. I also think that they are trying to render us sterile.


I am with you on the sterility. I somewhat believe about poisoning. Everything going on today speaks to me of the book Brave New World with a bit of The Handmaid's Tale thrown in.

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And don't forget tuna! I grew up eating either tuna or egg salad sandwiches (yeah, I have the waistline to prove it too).....so now I wonder if all my other health problems are because of mercury filled tuna and dental fillings. Could explain a lot.


But...I don't think it's an evil government plot......except that it's probably more along the lines of as pp says the almighty dollar being worth more than safety.


What I don't get with the money theory though, is that there would still be a lot of people who work in these various places that know the dollar is winning out over safety........why isn't someone squealing? Yes, I realize many are just as money hungry and don't want to lose their cushy job, but hey, the whistleblowers of the world seem to be making mega bucks for their actions, so shouldn't that motivate someone. Or is it being announced but the even-more-evil-than-the-government media is covering it up for the payoff money? See, even that doesn't work, because the media jumps on the simplest of things and blows it all out of proportion way too often.


So, onto my theory about our financial crisis.......anyone else NOT realize that we were in a crisis until last fall when every media outlet announced it? Or do I just live with too much sand over my head? Except for the gas prices I didn't think that our paycheck was disappearing any faster than the general increase in price but not in salary had been doing for several years. And now suddenly everyone around me is losing their job, losing their house. And those who still have a job are suddenly getting food from food kitchens because they can't afford it all of a sudden on the same paycheck that they've had for years. Maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones.....knock wood, our middle income paycheck is about the same, our expenses are about the same.....but then we never carried any credit debt, don't have fancy cars with payments or other bills....we have a mortgage and utility bills, one cell bill, and zillions spent on homeschooling field trips, experiments and experiences. So I feel the crisis only through my panic when reading the news, and have to remind myself that we are still doing about the same thing as last year on the same money. A little less eating out but that is the first to go every year when prices rise and paycheck doesn't. Otherwise my life hasn't changed except for the stress caused by the media making me worry!

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The housing bubble burst over a year ago :( My parents had the misfortune to buy a new home BEFORE they sold their first home in the fall of 2007. Suddenly, they found that there were no buyers for the first home and it was rapidly losing value. It took several months for them to unload the second home at a loss. They are staying put and trying to stretch their depleted savings. They have always been financially responsible and had no mortgage. We have been watching the worsening situation since then.

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Especially a targeted population.

But, hey I am paranoid about the whole digital TV turnover (or whatever it is called)

as my hubby says anything that has to do with The government/TV/and Soemthing you HAVE to do sounds fishy.

seriously though.




Would you expand on your fears regarding this? I have a new tv, so I'm not getting a box, but I am curious what your thoughts are regarding this being some sort of conspiracy. Genuinely curious, nothing more. :)

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Especially a targeted population.

But, hey I am paranoid about the whole digital TV turnover (or whatever it is called)

as my hubby says anything that has to do with The government/TV/and Soemthing you HAVE to do sounds fishy.

seriously though.


I am interested in your targeted population theory and your TV theory.
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No, I think that business people (big business) are more concerned about the bottom line than our health.



I also think if the government wanted to poison or sterilize us (and I can't imagine why they would), there are more efficient and effective ways to do it.

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I have to admit that I have never thought it was a conspiracy, but more something like careless stupidity during the pursuit of profit. However my cousin sent me this link a couple of weeks ago. It is interesting. Maybe I need to buy a foil hat.




GAH! Warning...this is a video link that started playing before I realized it. I just woke my husband :tongue_smilie:

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No, I think that business people (big business) are more concerned about the bottom line than our health.



And government doesn't have much of a track record for doing things well, efficiently or safely either. I have very real concerns about them taking more and more things under their "management."


Just this evening, I watched a report about how you can find your Personal Medical records on line with a simple search and a couple bits of someone's data (ss# and dob). So much for the comprehensive streamlined computerized new system making our lives better and easier. acckk.



The new high-efficiency lightbulbs? My mother dropped one a couple months ago on her tile floor. She was so annoyed -- the mercury goes everywhere and is absurd to try to clean up.


I'm glad you posted this, because when I saw the bulbs in the grocery store the other day, I couldn't help feeling like it was some insidious poisonous situation that no one's bothering to mention because someone decided it was a fair trade, a little of our health for a little of their energy-conversion and profits .......

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Sorry I haven't responded yet, I missed your question; I haven't been on here much lately.

I don't quite know what my fears are exactly; just a generalized feeling and paranoia. I suppose it would be "1984ish" fears. I will try to think on this a bit more and give you a better response.


Would you expand on your fears regarding this? I have a new tv, so I'm not getting a box, but I am curious what your thoughts are regarding this being some sort of conspiracy. Genuinely curious, nothing more. :)
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The new high-efficiency lightbulbs? My mother dropped one a couple months ago on her tile floor. She was so annoyed -- the mercury goes everywhere and is absurd to try to clean up.


My mom read the side of the package. Apparently, if you drop one, you're supposed to call Hazmat. They'll bill you $7,000. (She had a friend who did.) So much for electric savings, eh? :lol:

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I am interested in your targeted population theory and your TV theory.


Sorry this took so long.

Not quite sure I can aptly sum up my fears regarding the TV theory as of yet.

However, I can talk a bit about targeted populations. The price difference between a gallon of organic milk and non is outstanding; maybe 3 times more???? It is very, very expensive to eat organic, non tainted food and it also requires a level of knowldege obatined by a certain amount of information that may not be available to everyone. Not only does one need access to the information but they also need the capacity to care enough about it to do actually something about it. Often survival is the only concern for some populations. Does that make any sense?

A sort of modern, more covert eugenics; maybe??????

Certain minority groups as well as the "low class" are whom I am specifically thinking.

Our local natural food store recieves most of their patronage from appearingly well-to-do folks. The not so well-to-do shop at Albertsons (not always, but mostly). A quick look at each parking lot is very telling.

Access to information is a biggie and the abililty to do something about it once obtained is a whole other issue. Who can afford to replace their lead tainted crock pots? (not rhetorical).

I know it is a bit confusing and rambly...maybe some food for thought though.


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Sorry this took so long.

Not quite sure I can aptly sum up my fears regarding the TV theory as of yet.

However, I can talk a bit about targeted populations. The price difference between a gallon of organic milk and non is outstanding; maybe 3 times more???? It is very, very expensive to eat organic, non tainted food and it also requires a level of knowldege obatined by a certain amount of information that may not be available to everyone. Not only does one need access to the information but they also need the capacity to care enough about it to do actually something about it. Often survival is the only concern for some populations. Does that make any sense?

A sort of modern, more covert eugenics; maybe??????

Certain minority groups as well as the "low class" are whom I am specifically thinking.

Our local natural food store recieves most of their patronage from appearingly well-to-do folks. The not so well-to-do shop at Albertsons (not always, but mostly). A quick look at each parking lot is very telling.

Access to information is a biggie and the abililty to do something about it once obtained is a whole other issue. Who can afford to replace their lead based crock pot? (not rhetorical).

I know it is a bit confusing and rambly...maybe some food for thought though.



This is the first I've heard of lead in crockpots. So I googled it and found this interesting tidbit...



I mean, really, where does this end?

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I'm feeling like I should add that line from the movie "Network" into my signature line.....


"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!!!"


BTW, has anyone else seen this movie. Classic. I love it. In fact, maybe I'll watch it right now. I'm kind of in the mood for it.

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The TV thing, while annoying, isn't really sinister. They analog channels are being leveraged for emergency communication channels. (police, fire, etc.) They have been broadcasting simultaneously (the tv stations) in analog and digital for over a decade, just now phasing out the analog.


I saw the financial collapse coming long before the media started reporting it. I started seeing it when my husband's junior co-workers (fire dept. - average national salary $47K) started buying houses for $500K and driving around with car payments higher than my first mortgage (I'm 38 - it wasn't that long ago). It doesn't take a financial genius to see that there is something very, very wrong in those numbers, and a little asking revealed that there were a good many mortgages that were being written so that were going to inflate suddenly after a few years. So, five years ago, I was asking what was going to happen when everyone suddenly couldn't pay their mortgage. Oops, here it is.


When Earl Butz pushed the corn subsidy in 1973, he was looking for cheap food and subsidizing farmers for actually growing crops. And he succeeded. It was clearly not the best plan, but I think it was simply short-sighted, not a plot.


Frankly, with all the turnover, infighting and general b*tching, there is no way our government could achieve such a massive plot without it being outed repeatedly.

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The TV thing, while annoying, isn't really sinister. They analog channels are being leveraged for emergency communication channels. (police, fire, etc.) They have been broadcasting simultaneously (the tv stations) in analog and digital for over a decade, just now phasing out the analog.


I saw the financial collapse coming long before the media started reporting it. I started seeing it when my husband's junior co-workers (fire dept. - average national salary $47K) started buying houses for $500K and driving around with car payments higher than my first mortgage (I'm 38 - it wasn't that long ago). It doesn't take a financial genius to see that there is something very, very wrong in those numbers, and a little asking revealed that there were a good many mortgages that were being written so that were going to inflate suddenly after a few years. So, five years ago, I was asking what was going to happen when everyone suddenly couldn't pay their mortgage. Oops, here it is.


When Earl Butz pushed the corn subsidy in 1973, he was looking for cheap food and subsidizing farmers for actually growing crops. And he succeeded. It was clearly not the best plan, but I think it was simply short-sighted, not a plot.


Frankly, with all the turnover, infighting and general b*tching, there is no way our government could achieve such a massive plot without it being outed repeatedly.


....unless they were really all on the same page. But that's a whole other theory....


running off w/ my own well worn foil hat.

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I mentioned "corn" in an earlier post. The changes that make me are angry are what scientists/bioengineers have done to make the kernals plumper and sweeter. Corn is not what is used to be! This sweet stuff they market and put into everything is loaded with sugar and has lost the taste of real corn. If one can grow their own from old-fashioned varieties it is better.

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I believe it. I also think that they are trying to render us sterile. Scientists have ruined corn with genetic engineering :glare:


Yes, I have read much about sterility due to GMO corn and high fructose corn syrup. Floride makes people dumb. Eugenics rears it's ugly head again.


If it hadn't been documented in the past I might not worry....but history always repeats itself.

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Sorry Barb. I watched it a couple of weeks ago and didn't remember that it started playing right away.


LOL, that's all right. I just wanted to warn any other night owls. I was sitting in the dark in our room and one of my darling children had the volume cranking. I rocketed the poor guy out of bed.

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Well, LOL, I don't think that was the intent. Mercury was thought to be bacteriocidal for a long time - and not too dangerous in tiny amounts (that part was just bad judgment). The thing is, it's been shown to be bacteriostatic for years now, so it only inhibits bacteria growth, rather than killing the bacteria in the medium. And now some bacteria can actually thrive in spite of (or because of?) it. So it would be better to just remove it completely from everything. Trouble seems to be that most plants producing things like vaccines don't want to clean up their acts and produce in sterile conditions. If they would do that, and move toward at least allowing single dose vaccines for those who request them, then preservatives in vaccines wouldn't be so necessary a part of the equation. Ditto for production of other products that include mercury because of any "bacteriocidal" tendencies once claimed for it.

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Well, LOL, I don't think that was the intent. Mercury was thought to be bacteriocidal for a long time - and not too dangerous in tiny amounts (that part was just bad judgment). The thing is, it's been shown to be bacteriostatic for years now, so it only inhibits bacteria growth, rather than killing the bacteria in the medium. And now some bacteria can actually thrive in spite of (or because of?) it. So it would be better to just remove it completely from everything. Trouble seems to be that most plants producing things like vaccines don't want to clean up their acts and produce in sterile conditions. If they would do that, and move toward at least allowing single dose vaccines for those who request them, then preservatives in vaccines wouldn't be so necessary a part of the equation. Ditto for production of other products that include mercury because of any "bacteriocidal" tendencies once claimed for it.

Oh, no! We don't like to know when things go bad! Good grief! Next you'll suggest they stop putting preservatives in food so it will eventually mold or something. :001_huh:


Has anyone else had this surreal experience? I lived with roommates some 20-ish years ago - so before BIUB dates were popular - and we used to clean on Saturday mornings. One week we were cleaning out the refrigerator and found an open jar of apple sauce... looked fine. Except none of us could remember EVER buying apple sauce. Ever. Or eating it.


I'm afraid of food <and pharmaceuticals> that doesn't spoil. That is just wrong.

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The TV thing, while annoying, isn't really sinister. They analog channels are being leveraged for emergency communication channels. (police, fire, etc.) They have been broadcasting simultaneously (the tv stations) in analog and digital for over a decade, just now phasing out the analog.


I saw the financial collapse coming long before the media started reporting it. I started seeing it when my husband's junior co-workers (fire dept. - average national salary $47K) started buying houses for $500K and driving around with car payments higher than my first mortgage (I'm 38 - it wasn't that long ago). It doesn't take a financial genius to see that there is something very, very wrong in those numbers, and a little asking revealed that there were a good many mortgages that were being written so that were going to inflate suddenly after a few years. So, five years ago, I was asking what was going to happen when everyone suddenly couldn't pay their mortgage. Oops, here it is.


When Earl Butz pushed the corn subsidy in 1973, he was looking for cheap food and subsidizing farmers for actually growing crops. And he succeeded. It was clearly not the best plan, but I think it was simply short-sighted, not a plot.


Frankly, with all the turnover, infighting and general b*tching, there is no way our government could achieve such a massive plot without it being outed repeatedly.


Well said! :iagree:

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My mom read the side of the package. Apparently, if you drop one, you're supposed to call Hazmat. They'll bill you $7,000. (She had a friend who did.) So much for electric savings, eh? :lol:



And exactly how quickly do they respond when you've got shattered glass particles and little balls of mercury all over the kitchen floor with toddlers????

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Well... here the haz mat team is part of the fire department, so essentially as long as it takes the fire department to get to your house. (And they don't bill, though that could change in the future - certain jurisdictions are beginning to charge for EMS services, also integrated within the fire department)

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