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Who knows someone famous?

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I grew up with Audra McDonald. When I went to see her after she won her first Tony Award, we were backstage at Lincoln Center and she said, "Oh! You are expecting another baby! I wish I was married and having children." Um, ok. The grass is greener, eh? She'll be in A Raisin in the Sun on tv next week.


Also performed with Sharon Leal. Actually, she dated my ex-boyfriend after me :D


My husband's best friend growing up is Steve Martin's nephew, so we spent some time around him early on in our marriage. When my dh was a kid, he and his buddy went to spend the weekend with Steve during the era when he was dating Bernadette Peters, and she kissed my dh on the cheek. Pretty cute-- I think he was 12 at the time. Anyway, we have a lot of respect for him and his work ethic. He's a gracious man.

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I can't say I "know" anyone famous...I'm not even sure who qualifies for that label, given that many of the "famous" people mentioned in this thread are completely unfamiliar to me.:p


Most of my brushes with fame have been just that ~ incidental. Things like rubbing elbows with actor John Corbett (of the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding and tv show "Northern Exposure") at the bar he used to own in Seattle. Or bumping into Nicholas Cage at a bar in New Orleans. Or hanging with Seattle Sonics at a bar post-game. (Do you sense a theme here?:rolleyes:)


My college roommate's family are well-connected with the Clintons, so I've been around them. I did some temp work at the firm handling the Jimi Hendrix estate and his dad, Al, would come by each week. Very sad affair, that estate case, btw.


Beyond that it's mostly a lot of various and sundry run-ins, most of which took place either when I went to college with ueber rich kids at Tulane or when I temped at Microsoft while my best friend worked for the Sonics.

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I met Sara Lee, the baked goods queen. My mother bought a used Jaguar from her about 14 years ago in Connecticut. Sat with her in the DMV going over the title.

Used to see Paul Newman quite often at horse shows when I was a kid. I competed against his daughter, Clea.

In evangelical circles, I've met with a few "famous" authors including Don Richardson (Peace Child).:)

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created the special effect in Star Wars when they go into hyperspace and all the stars zoom at the viewer. Ok, that is a stretch :cool:


I actually met or gaped at several famous folk when I was in college at UCLA and later worked at AMPAS (Oscar place). Alan Alda, Telly Savalas, Gregory Peck, Tippi Hendren, Anthony Perkins (scary! he tried to ask my friend out for a date and she was creeped out - he was so much older AND after all he was the Psycho guy !!!) screenwriter Morrie Ryskind (he SAID Groucho Marx was out side in a car but he wouldn't come in - darn it!) and probably others I have forgotten. this was, after all, 20 years ago (!!!!!!!!).

At San Francisco State U., early 80's, some actor from a sci=fi series came to speak at the school. He handed out cards that said "David Prowse IS Darth Vader!" and I got shoved into him during autograph time.


My dad went deep sea fishing with Zeppo Marx once...and John Wayne almost got my dad fired.


My mom met Ronald Reagan when he was a tv personaility. We have home movie footage of my grandma barreling past Secret Service men to shake John Kennedy's hand.


AND - one of my great-great somethings on my dad's side was Charles Ogle - the first film Frankenstein monster in 1910! :eek:

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Do tell, we have die hard Eagles fans in this house. :D Dh and I used to go to the Eagles Fly for Leukemia Dinner every year back in the late eighties/early nineties, were you there?


His name is Matt Darwin #78. He played from 86-90. No, I wasn't there. I didn't even graduate from high school until 1990. We have a 9 year age difference. I didn't even meet him until 1992, after his pro career was over. I guess he was waiting for me to grow up. Ha!

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I "know" Jennifer from the board. Hey Jen, any way they might bring back Alias?


I hope so. I'm looking for a series again-traveling around the world making movies, earning Oscar nominations and what not is just so tiring. I'd rather work on my stunts and kickboxing, stay home with the dh (did I mention he was yummy?) and baby, and look utterly fabulous every day. :D:D:D:D



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I once had dinner with poet Allen Ginsburg. I've also met members of the

80's bands The Alarm and Rhythm Corp, and I've gotten autographs from several former Tiger baseball players (Kirk Gibson, Alan Trammel, Lou Whitaker, and hall-of-famer Al Kaline, plus others).


Also, when my Mom was young Billy Graham came to sing (not speak--he was in a men's quartet) at her church. And when he was running for president, Richard Nixon came to her place of work and she shook his hand.


Here's an interesting one: my uncle served in WWII and was in Paris immediately after the war. He and his men were ordered to guard some boxes out on the sidewalk. They got curious and he opened one of the boxes. Inside was the Mona Lisa.

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My dh's job brought him into contact with a lot of professional athletes, and we became acquainted with a few. I think my husband was a little rattled the first time he met Jack Buck (the voice of the Cardinals). Even though Mr. Buck was always extremely polite, I don't think my husband ever saw him as a regular guy (he only met him a couple of times, though).


Before I knew my husband, my best friend in college and I followed Joe Buck (now a Fox Sports announcer) around the St. Louis Galleria. He was with his then fiancee (now wife), so I don't think he noticed us. We did have sense enough to follow at a distance.


Barbara Mandrell's mother is from my hometown. Although I stood in line for her autograph in Nashville once, I never "met" her. I know lots of her relatives, though.


A funny celebrity story. One day I was at work and one of my co-workers came in bursting with excitement. He had passed Wayne Gretsky on I-170 coming into work. It was during the short period of time when Gretsky played for the St. Louis Blues. This man had grown up playing ice hockey, and Gretsky was his idol. He kept on repeating, "He just glanced over and looked right at me! LOL.

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the only "famous" person I KNOW is our local mayor, lol. I'm an alternate on the Parks and Rec board- can I be famous?? I was interviewed thrice for homeschooling on the local PBS station in Syracuse....I've been in the newspaper a couple times....ROTFLOL!


as for who I've *met*--

I have a pic w/ Bush when he was Governor --at some rally in San Antonio.


OH-- and I sold gas to David Robinson when I lived in San Antonio --It was after dark and I wouldn't turn the gas pump on. I made him come in a prepay. Had no idea who he was, just that he was TALL, lol.


I also got George Strait's autograph at the same place -- sold him a gold shamrock for muscular dystrophy :D

I don't really recall any other meetings of famous people.


dh as a pilot has flown Noah Wile [Dr Carter on ER] and Pierce Brosnan.


they also flew Howard Dean [as head of the DNC]: apparently Dean walked up to the pilots, clapped them on the shoulder and said light heartedly "We got some good Demecrats here, right?!!" Both dh and his co-pilot are staunch conservatives. They looked at each other and said "well, we know a few...."



....and Hillary: from Upstate NY when Bill had his heart problems. Dh thought the Secret Service guys were cool. "Just like on the movies" lol. he said he never got into LaGuardia airport that fast any other time :cool:


he runs into a lot of famous people at the airports. Harrison Ford, John Travolta [both pilots], Benjamin Netenyahu, Tim Russert,..and several others i don't remember.

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Well the closest thing to actually knowing someone famous... we have a family friend who works for Pixar so we've gotten to tour the facility. We met the "real Nemo." He lived in a tank in the hallway. LOL And we got to see the storyboards for the Cars movie several years before it came out. I also heard first hand about the "Tour guide Barbie" scene in Toy Story II long before it came out too and was told that my voice was what he always thought of whenever he was drawing a certain character in the movie.


Other than famous people I've met... that's the only one I really know. And you wouldn't recognize his name! LOL

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Cathy Duffy slept at my house many years ago when she was speaking at a convention in San Jose, California. And I used to be freinds with Mary Schofield (long story on the "used to be"). Gregg Harris and Little Bear have both been to my house.


And that's my claim to fame :-)

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I met Steven Curtis Chapman (in Beijing, China, we were worshipping at the same church - he was there to pick up adopted daughter, we were touring). That's it for me --




I just "inherited" my dh's old palm pilot - he moved up in the electronic world. I was erasing names in his contacts list, and came across Ravi Zacharius, Elizabeth Elliot, Phil Keaggy, Norman Geisler - home numbers, cell numbers, emails, etc!


My dad drove Elizabeth Taylor around, when she was married to Senator John Warner. She wrote him lovely thank you notes. Dad worked for a shipbuilder which contracted for Navy jobs (subs and carriers) and Warner was chair of the Senate committee which oversaw that work ??

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LOL, you'll love this RM. A few years back I was at the Western States Horse Expo and ran into Clinton Anderson. We chatted a bit about his show, and horses (of course!), and he shook my hand. My oldest dd was with me and he was just super. She said in her little voice "I've seen you on TV!" and he thought it was great that she was a regular viewer.


Along those lines, I also met chatted a bit with Gawani Pony Boy at the same Horse Expo (he's very very nice too). And very handsome! Yeah, I could've spent a little more time talking with him! (lol!)


I attended high school with the younger brother of one of the band members in Smashmouth. I was friends with friends of the younger brother... did have lunch at their house once or twice.


I also met a bunch of famous people while I lived in Hawaii and worked at Borders there... doesn't really count as knowing them.


My grandfather was the guy who knew all the famous people. He used to spend time with James Michener. And I think also Marlon Brando.

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My Dad had listed the creator of VeggieTales house....I think my Dad helped sell it but I can't remember at this time.


When I was young we were on a small plane with the group Peter, Paul and Mary.


About 12 years ago in the Vancouver, B.C. Airport we met Brian Denehey.


I met Joey McIntyre from New Kids about 3 times.


Don't know them though....



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Well Speaker Dennis Hastert taught me how to lobby. He heard about my boys through a mutual friend and helped CAN (Cure Autism Now) get legislation through congress. He introduced me to key players on the hill.


The founder of CAN was a producer for Harrison Ford. Through CAN I met either in person or through the phone many top scientist who were doing research in the field of Autism. At fund raisers I went the very wealthy and famous in the Chicago area and to this day remain under impressed.


Rene Roso gave me an invite to her house to join a private prayer meeting for CAN. Being in Il with preschool boys I did not go. She had a real heart for kids on the spectrum and held monthly prayer meetings for them and CAN.


Dh's step brother is a producer and works for Eric La Salle.


Dh's older brother tho is a close personal friend of the Dalia Lama. He wrote a book called, In Search of the Medicine Buddha and when the Dalia Lama read it he asked to meet David. He spends several weeks a year now with the Dalia Lama. Here is a link to his web site, http://www.floracopeia.com/crow.php David is married to a well known in Italian actress.


Dh's step father is a world renown physicist and a Rabi who lives in Jerusalem. As a boy of 3 he was hidden by Cori Ten Booms group but lost his parents in the camps.


Dh's grandmother was the sister of Mel Gibson's grandfather. Dh's father knew Mel's dad when they were younger. So my dh is Mel Gibson's second cousin and my kids are his kids third cousins. I think thats the way it goes any way.


I won a scholarship to go to college in Israel at Hebrew U in the 80s. It was a bridge the gap between Christians and Jews and bring more tourism and and students to Israel. Part of that scholarship was to have my picture taken with prominent Israeli politicians. One of whom later became prime minister.


For those of you who the Christian group Phillips, Dean, and Craig I went to college with Dean and my dad knew Phillips' dad. I also was in the same youth network with the author/speaker Tommy Tenny although he was a couple of years older than me but we had mutual friends. My parents and grandparents knew and worked with his parents and grandparents.


I could post more but will leave it at that. Fun Thread.

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Don't know anyone famous but I did dance next to Corey Feldman at Disneyland back when Videopolis was open :D



I remember Videopolis! Lots of fun. This is where I have met famous people. We always had summer passes so went a lot and met Tom Hanks, Ralph M ???(Karate Kid) and saw Michael Jackson. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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Wow, Sela Ward! I really like her acting. She seems like she would be a neat person too!


I don't know anybody famous nor have I had a brush with anyone, that I can recall. My mom knows the guys from Montgomery Gentry, the country group. She manages a super Lowe's in Lexington, KY and they shop from her a lot and have become friendly with her. I think she might have met a famous driver for the Lowe's car in track racing too but I can't recall the name.


Oh wait, I know Howard Carpenter! He and my MIL are tight. He is the father of John Carpenter the film maker (I haven't been in town at the same time that John has yet). But Howard is quite well-known in certain circles with music. And he has worked with tons of big names in the past: Johnny Cash, for ex. I saw his albums with pictures of those he backed with music. Quite amazing!



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Don't know anyone famous but I did dance next to Corey Feldman at Disneyland back when Videopolis was open :D



I remember Videopolis! Lots of fun. This is where I have met famous people. We always had summer passes so went a lot and met Tom Hanks, Ralph M ???(Karate Kid) and saw Michael Jackson. Arnold Schwarzenegger.


I *loved* it, too :D I was bummed when it closed.

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because of where I lived there are many famous people from my area.


I dated once only a guy named Bill Bellumy in college. I saw him years ago as an MTV VJ on MTV. He was in some FOX TV show.


He is someone that I actually interacted with.


The most recent people that I know is I know the Jonas Brothers father because he use to be the pastor of Wyckoff Assembly of God in New Jersey. I know their father because I was in charge of my church's children's church program. I would borrow some materials from Pastor Jonas' church.


I know a few other people, but they are not popular anymore. Like I said, I know a few people because of where I lived and grew up.





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*DH played golf with President Bush (current), and met Former Bush and Gov. Jeb Bush. Bummer of a day for me to sleep in!!

*Met Tyra Banks enroute to Italy last year.

*Partied w/ Cheap Trick

*Boys take soccer lessons from Guiness Book of World's Record holder

*Know a few pro athletes in our neighborhood

*Carly Patterson, Olympic Gold Medalist (gymnastics)

*DB and SIL are close to Aiden Quinn's mom

*Aiden Quinn's dad was my English professor

*friend flies private jet for Mark Cuban

*another friend flew for Eagles (band) and Bon Jovi


*a good friend is being considered for her own show on Food Network--let you know if that happens :)

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I know someone who is "famous" here - Marcia Somerville and her family of the TOG fame! LOL I knew the Somerville family in the mid 80s when we went to the same church for a few years - same small group and all that. I was shocked a few years ago when I read about TOG on these boards and saw her name and realized it was the same family I'd known years ago when they had just two or three children.


I'm also remotely related to someone from the band, Steely Dan. And recently found out my kids are indirectly related to William Bradford. :)


I'll post more if I think of any.

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The most recent people that I know is I know the Jonas Brothers father because he use to be the pastor of Wyckoff Assembly of God in New Jersey. I know their father because I was in charge of my church's children's church program. I would borrow some materials from Pastor Jonas' church.


Thanks for that bit of trivia. My oldest sometimes thinks that being an A/G PK is the worst fate anyone could have in life (most of the time, she's just fine with it -- but you know how teenage girls can be!). You just upped the cool factor for her!;)


(She's been one since birth. It's all she knows and didn't see it as a bad thing until recently -- and even then, it's mostly due to the remarks that other people make!)

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WTMindy, nice abs. You rock!!! Makes me want to go do some sit-ups. You know, I when I was growing up I had a pair of white Go-Go boots and I loved them. I have no idea how you guys cheer in them though. LOL!


You do realize that's not WTMindy, right? Crissy was posting in jest.;)

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1. One weird thing is that I grew up around the Circus. Both my grandparents (in Heaven now), worked for and trained with Ringling Brother's Barnum and Bailey Circus. I inherited my grandmother's clown collection which includes, among other things, a 6 figure Emmett Kelly Painting Collection (that's 6 figures each painting), a Calliope Magazine collection that dates back to the 60's (this was the only clown magazine around. Very extensive and quite informative); and part of both grandparent's ashes are in Clown shaped liquor decanters.


Hey, my grandfather was a HUGE fan of the Ringling Brother's Barnum and Bailey Circus, and used to follow them everywhere!!!! Probably in the 60s and 70s. There's no way to find out now, but I'll betcha he knew your grandparents?? He also always had his "Circus Room" in his house - an entire room stuffed to the brim with paraphernalia.


I once went to Baraboo Wisconsin to visit some friends for a few weeks, and went to the Circus World Museum. I also met some of the "Flying Wallendas" who were friends of my friend.

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Guest Tuffteacher

My father knows a lot of famous golfers but I have only met a few famous people. The Osmond family came into the dive shop I was working in on Maui and renter snorkeling gear. Then I was cashier at a hardware store in Denver when the housekeeper from the Brady Bunch came in and shopped.

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I also met the astronaut Christa McAuliff's husband. I worked as a custodian (when I was in college) at the courthouse where he works in NH.


A high school friend of mine, who had just transferred from NH, had Christa McAuliff for a teacher just before the Challenger accident. I'll never forget his face when news of the accident spread through school.

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We went to Disney World on a Make a Wish trip with our profoundly handicapped then 12yos and our other 3 children a couple years ago. We saw Erik Estrada and his family being MOBBED everywhere they went. It was horrible and ridiculous.


We went into the back entrance for the Mickey 3d show together with the Estradas, bc of our wheelchair and their privacy issues and we were seated together early in the front. They chatted nicely with us about our son, our adopted african-american son, and make-a-wish buttons/ trip. They were super nice to our kids. We didn't let on that we knew who they were, and we hoped it was a nice reprieve for them!

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~~~~~I grew up watching a Saturday Morning tv show called "Creature Feature". Dr. Paul Bearer was your host. "Uncle" Pauli was also a family friend :). And yes, he did look like that in real life.




I grew up watching Creature Feature too! Saturdays were a hoot. Dr. Paul Bearer was soooo corny but a great (g)host! :D

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This is way too fun reading all these replies.


- My mother used to babysit the children of someone who played for the Boston Celtics - only I can't remember his name!! Bill or something that begins with a B I think.


- My cousins' cousin is the mayor of Quincy Massachusetts. Last year when my Nana died, he arranged a police escort for all of us in the funeral lineup from the church to the cemetery. That was nice.


- I once got a personal postcard from Amy Carter when her father was the U.S. president.


- I met Margaret Becker, a Christian musician, backstage at a concert, because I was with a mutual friend of ours. I LOVED her. I've also met Twila Paris and Steven Curtis Chapman. Bob Ayala, Melody Green, Bob Fitts, but I don't expect many here would recognize those names. But maybe. :)


- My mother knows some of the Von Trapp family.


- An former religious leader of mine had a conversation with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


- I saw Natalie MacMaster a few weeks ago at the airport. Please, someone, tell me you know who she is! She's an awesome Celtic dancer and fiddle player from Eastern Canada - I know she has toured in the States!!!!!


- My niece was a stunt double in a Tom Selleck movie series, Stone Cold.

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I grew up watching Creature Feature too! Saturdays were a hoot. Dr. Paul Bearer was soooo corny but a great (g)host! :D

I loved his show and every chance I got to ride in his hearse. He really did look like that in person (his hair was as greasy and he had a fake eye and the scar--an accident when he was younger).. I do so love Creature Feature. :)

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1. My dad once did some work for Gunther Gabel-Williams - of the Ringling Bros. Circus.


2. My grandfather was good friends with Grace Kelly's brother, and ate dinner with her family often.


3. My fil went to high-school with Charles Bronson (although his last name at the time was Bronzinski).


4. My uncle is an artist, and worked for Hanna-Barbera. He drew the backgrounds for the Fantastic Four cartoons, and you can see his name in the credits.


5. I have a good friend who ate lunch with Mike Huckabee in an airport recently.


6. My daughter was on America's Funniest Home vidoes as a finalist (does she count? :)) and we met Tom Bergeron.


That's it - my pitiful list! :o

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I only "talk" on one other online group and it's a group of mommies. One of them I talk to quite a bit was once one of the best known porn stars in the industry. LOL! Of course I'm uninformed because I had to be told who she was and what they meant back when she joined. :) She's great though and seems to be a great mommy.


Oh and I've eaten and spent time with Phil Keoghan (host of TV show Amazing Race), Bob Proctor (author, speaker, and in the movie The Secret), and Bill Phillips (fitness expert and author of Body For Life).


Wow, huh? LOL That's about it for me.

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Hey, my grandfather was a HUGE fan of the Ringling Brother's Barnum and Bailey Circus, and used to follow them everywhere!!!! Probably in the 60s and 70s. There's no way to find out now, but I'll betcha he knew your grandparents?? He also always had his "Circus Room" in his house - an entire room stuffed to the brim with paraphernalia.


I once went to Baraboo Wisconsin to visit some friends for a few weeks, and went to the Circus World Museum. I also met some of the "Flying Wallendas" who were friends of my friend.


Yep, I'm sure he's been to Florida to follow the circus. Come to think of it, that would be the Bradenton/Sarasota area, right? How cool, I'll bet they've met! You never know what connections you'll find here. I found out a few weeks ago that Amy in NH and I are extremely distantly related by marriage through William Bradford.

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Yep, I'm sure he's been to Florida to follow the circus. Come to think of it, that would be the Bradenton/Sarasota area, right? How cool, I'll bet they've met! You never know what connections you'll find here. I found out a few weeks ago that Amy in NH and I are extremely distantly related by marriage through William Bradford.

Actually, it would be the St. Pete area--BayFront Arena mostly. Gram only did the college in Sarasota a few times, mainly private shows for investors and such.


They retired from performing when I was in middle school and went to private clown troup functions. ;)

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