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What Are You Thankful For Today?


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I am thankful for so many things this year!

I have been battling depression for several years, and that has lifted and I am so, so grateful. I am thankful for some very special people in my church who fought with me.

My asthma and mobility are improving.

My food allergies miraculously disappeared.  I had a severe allergy to wheat, so I had been gluten free for 15 years.  This summer, my doctor re-tested me and my food allergies were gone!  Also, I am no longer allergic to animals! I had been allergic to basically every mammal for my entire life -- those allergies are gone, too. :)

I am thankful for family and friends -- including all of you here.  You have helped me in ways that you cannot know.  Thank you! :)

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Thankful I live in here.  That arexnew cabinets in our main kitchen are beautiful. That I see 2 out f 3 chikdren today.  That dh has di d a great job of adjusting to using a grill forcour cooking - our oven is gone and the ekwxtrician hasn't cime yet to install our new appliances.  Glad I just got allergies and not am sick. 

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A feast with two of my favorite people in the world (DH and DS)! And our dishwasher broke a few weeks ago and DH was able to fix it, making every day, but especially a holiday, so much easier. And it's a clear, sunny day, and we went for a walk together after lunch. Just lots of really good stuff.

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I am grateful for this community. 

I am grateful for my husband and my children.

I am grateful for my new, wonderful son in law and his whole family who are loving on my daughter this Thanksgiving.

I am grateful for the Robovac that is currently vacuuming AND mopping my floors.

I am grateful for the sweetest gift! My oldest dd got me this pin the last time she was in Auburn. (I have a chi mix grand-fur-baby that I adore) I am thankful even though it didn’t work like I hoped it would. 😭

I am grateful that my husband and kids went to the game today, and I was home alone to watch the Iron Bowl because my husband is FOUL right now. He has a whole 2 hour drive home to cool off. 😂


Edited by popmom
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I am thankful that immunotherapy is working its magic on my DH’s cancer. I am thankful for good friends and family that have been with us through this journey, especially one friend whose DH also has cancer and is not doing well. I feel awful for them. 
I am so thankful that my child, born premature after suffering a stroke, is graduating from college in a few weeks. It has taken a lot of blood, sweat and tears and therapies to get them to this point and I am very thankful for SWB and the WTM books and community. Homeschooling this child was brutal at times, but it allowed them to develop and learn at their own pace. 
I am very thankful that my 2 year old nephew recently sailed through an all day surgery for a life-altering surgery and that he lives in a time and place where this surgery was possible. 

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1 hour ago, GoVanGogh said:

I am thankful that immunotherapy is working its magic on my DH’s cancer. I am thankful for good friends and family that have been with us through this journey, especially one friend whose DH also has cancer and is not doing well. I feel awful for them. 
I am so thankful that my child, born premature after suffering a stroke, is graduating from college in a few weeks. It has taken a lot of blood, sweat and tears and therapies to get them to this point and I am very thankful for SWB and the WTM books and community. Homeschooling this child was brutal at times, but it allowed them to develop and learn at their own pace. 
I am very thankful that my 2 year old nephew recently sailed through an all day surgery for a life-altering surgery and that he lives in a time and place where this surgery was possible. 

This is really beautiful. 💕

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