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Vegan things to throw on the grill?

Drama Llama

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I know that you love to cook! So, here are what I make for vegan BBQ: eggplant burgers, falafel burgers, portobello burgers, black bean burgers, veggie fajitas, skewers with veggies/pineapple/tofu/tempeh, Thai tofu skewers with peanut sauce, grilled marinated corn on the cob (choose a marinade of your choice with almond or soy milk based dressing).

Edited by mathnerd
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I like those grill baskets so my veggies don’t all wind up getting stuck in the grill. I like to put together zucchini, summer squash, red onion with a little Italian salad dressing (I make it myself since a lot of store dressings have cheese). Grill in grill basket. I usually serve over brown rice with some cubed avocado on top. 

If this is a shared grill, your vegan guest might be grateful if you could brush off the grill surface with a grill brush before beginning to cook the vegan items to get any animal residue off the grates. 

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1 hour ago, EKS said:

You could ask your friend.

I second this, not everyone is vegan the same way so unless you know the details of their dietary preferences, asking helps. Some people don't like faux meat, some do. Some like it but not if it is soy based, some are also gf. When I was vegan the only meat replacement I would eat on occasion were beyond burgers and sausages. 

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Some favorite options here:

thick cut zucchini stored between paper towels to dry it some, and then grilled with different seasonings

plantains (cut into long slices or short ones on a kabob, brush with oil and sprinkle with salt)

marinated mushroom caps

Veggie kabobs: tomato, peppers, sweet onion chunks, mushrooms or firm, marinated tofu (I do a soy, ginger, orange mix with garlic, salt, and pepper)

Fruit kabobs: pineapple, mango, papaya chunks




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13 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

I may try this vegetarian muffuletta soon. You can just leave off the cheese. The mushrooms can be grilled.


I like meat as much as the next person (unless they are one of "those" :tongue:), but unless it was a really compelling meat dish--and those exist--it would be hard to compete with delicious muffuletta sandwich as my choice.

That looks so good.


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1 minute ago, DreamerGirl said:

You can substitute Tofu for paneer and look for grilled recipes.


And the freezing of firm/extra-firm tofu (that's first drained and patted dry, a tip that I picked up here) helps one get very close to a paneer-like texture.


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I just got THREE new vegetarian grill cookbooks and I have been having a lot of fun with them.  The best new thing I have made is grilled chickpeas. You take cooked or canned chickpeas and toss with olive oil, smoked paprika, and salt.  Throw them in a grill basket and close the lid.  Open and shake every 3 minutes until they are slightly charred.  They make a great wrap or addition to salad.  We love them just as a super healthy snack.  So easy!

Our old standards are grilled veggies of any kind.  One thing that is fun it to marinade some zucchini, eggplant, red peppers, and onions, grill them all up, chop and toss with pasta.  Reserve some marinade to toss in as a dressing.  Eat hot or cold.

Another is to wrap beets in heavy duty foil and bury in the coals while cooking other things.  Cook until you can poke a fork through the foil into the center.  Then chop and add to salad or quinoa or pasta or whatever and dress with a balsamic or tahini based dressing.

I'm getting hungry.....

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As I read this thread title, someone asked me about throwing something out. So, of course, I read the title as "vegan things to throw out?" Which made me wonder what vegans/veganism did to offend OP, because that doesn't seem like her.

I am disappointed to not see an explanation in the post, but happy OP isn't throwing vegans out!

Other posters have already mentioned the things I thought of to answer her actual post, so this really is a post so you can all giggle at me.

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The impossible burgers / beyond meat burger patties are actually quite good. I also love veggie kabobs! I've been trying to eat vegan for cholesterol reasons as much as possible, and I really don't miss a regular burger patty when eating an impossible one. However, I think the best answer is to ask your friend, because everyone is different. My sister is vegan 100% and doesn't care for any of the meat substitutes! 😅

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