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Easter pics?


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3 minutes ago, Farrar said:

OMG. I'm doing this next time I have my kids at home for Easter. That's hilarious. My twins would probably clobber each other.

I got the idea from my friend who has 4 kids from age 40 to 24. She has teen grandkids down to infants. They ALL do the egg hunt and all love it. It’s one thing that even the teens will gladly participate in and she loves watching  her adult boys and sons in law clothesline each other and collaborate and trash talk about it. It’s well worth the $ spent.

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8 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

Wanna share Easter pics?

it’s been years since my kids have hunted eggs buf this year we put a couple hundred $ in plastic eggs along with candy and let them hunt.

it got a bit intense there but it was all in good fun. Especially watching my 9 months pregnant dd waddle as fast as she could to get eggs before her siblings did.

yeah, I’ll take this pic over a dozen of them dressed up in fancy church clothes.



I love this!

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@Slache I'm glad I'm not the only one who gave chips in their baskets!

My kids grabbed the Pringles first yesterday morning.  It's not something we usually buy and I actually found medium sized cans that were Easter themed, so they were thrilled to bits.  Even the 20-something year old who buys his own snacks.  😄 I'm going to have to remember this for next year, especially since the Muddy Buddies and jelly beans didn't go over so well.


I'll be the shameful mom and admit to not taking a whole lot of pictures yesterday.  There wasn't a lot of family time between everyone's shifts and sleep schedules, so it was mostly the 12yo and I, with yucky weather outside so we didn't even want to do anything.  He and I cooked together and put together a puzzle, but it was a very slow day for us.

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Our traditional raw egg toss took an interesting twist this year when the the olders started tossing over obstacles in the yard.  Bonus kid on the left is tossing over the shed to kid out of the picture, who did catch it 6 or 7 times.image.thumb.jpeg.2125c461f49c5d2190e8a52b672904a9.jpeg

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30 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:



I'll be the shameful mom and admit to not taking a whole lot of pictures yesterday.  There wasn't a lot of family time between everyone's shifts and sleep schedules, so it was mostly the 12yo and I, with yucky weather outside so we didn't even want to do anything.  He and I cooked together and put together a puzzle, but it was a very slow day for us.

Sounds like a nice day with your 12 yo!  I never take many pics anymore (all my kids are grown) because two of my four kids hate being in photos and it just ruins the moment if I try so I've given up.  Makes me sad (especially because no family photos ever because one refuses - he's an Aspie)  but I have to respect their wishes.  

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My fil has hundreds of eggs for his 10 grandkids. Every kid had a full bag. One of my kids needed a second bag mid hunt. It was a good time. Only got pictures of the 2 youngest and the oldest though.

Edited by hjffkj
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Middle grandchild (7) and granddaughter Emma (3) found the Easter Bunny while he was taking a break. 😂

Oldest grandchild (10) found the special egg at their neighborhood egg hunt and won a huge gift basket. That's his other grandma with him. She's Grandma, I'm Nonna.


Owen Emma Easter Bunny.jpg

Brandon wins basket.jpg

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I also required my kids to do an Easter egg hunt. We secretly put cash in a couple of the eggs, which was a super surprise afterward when they were opening their eggs. I was afraid they wouldn't engage, but it was quite the opposite. They were pushing and shoving and vying for position before we shouted go, and there was tons of friendly wrestling over found eggs. So much fun!

The other cheesy thing I did was purchase a set of inflatable bunny ears with inflatable rings. The idea is to toss rings at the person wearing the ears. So much silliness! So much laughter.

Good times.

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So easter didn't exactly go as planned. We made it to church.  Than DH got dizzy, sweaty. We left and his BP was over 200.  So he spent the day in the ER he is fine probably just to much caffeine.  We did Easter egg hunt but not until after dark.  So only got a couple quick snaps of the youngest.  Which is a shame because her hair and dress were sticking adorable.



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18 minutes ago, Harriet Vane said:


I also required my kids to do an Easter egg hunt. We secretly put cash in a couple of the eggs, which was a super surprise afterward when they were opening their eggs. I was afraid they wouldn't engage, but it was quite the opposite. They were pushing and shoving and vying for position before we shouted go, and there was tons of friendly wrestling over found eggs. So much fun!


I love this thread 🥰. The above was my experience with my young adults and teens as well. Except I didn’t think about doing cash and they just had candy in their eggs and still were all over it. So fun.

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Can I join in? This was the first major holiday none of the kids came home, so I don't have pictures. But I have a favorite memory.

We had never heard of cascarones until we moved to Texas. Oldest dd and I thought it would be fun to pick some up and put them in the Easter baskets with the traditional dyed eggs. Dd picked one out of her basket and cracked it on her brother's head, dumping confetti all over his head. He grabbed an egg from his basket and cracked it on his sister's head. Except he didn't get a cascarone. He got a hard boiled egg that hit her head hard but didn't spray confetti. They were teens at the time and we were all laughing so hard!

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My husband and our younger son were baptized at the Easter Vigil.  Both of them + older son were also confirmed.  My dad was the sponsor for the boys, which he especially appreciated.  First picture is my older son and dad looking at the bonfire before the vigil, second is younger son after he was baptized and the last is the boys in their church clothes, lol.  My sons, especially the older one, take after their dad in that they really do enjoy dressing up when the occasion presents itself.  My dad thought I would get them white suits like he had for his first communion.  I reminded my dad that the boys are not 7 and it’s not 1949 like he was/it was when he had his first communion and I am far too cheap to buy them nice clothes they can’t wear again. 

It had been awhile since I’d been to an Easter Vigil and I’d forgotten the length.  I should have napped and caffeinated myself first.  

Edited by LucyStoner
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On 4/18/2022 at 4:25 PM, stephanier.1765 said:

My 18 mo grandson did not like the feel of grass on his feet so my son held him up off the ground so my grandson could grab eggs grass free. I imagine this is one of those stories that's going to make it into the family legend.




Aw, that's adorable and so sweet.

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On 4/18/2022 at 1:25 PM, stephanier.1765 said:

My 18 mo grandson did not like the feel of grass on his feet so my son held him up off the ground so my grandson could grab eggs grass free. I imagine this is one of those stories that's going to make it into the family legend.




That some good dad-ing your son is doing.  So cute!  

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8 hours ago, LucyStoner said:

My husband and our younger son were baptized at the Easter Vigil.  Both of them + older son were also confirmed.  My dad was the sponsor for the boys, which he especially appreciated.  First picture is my older son and dad looking at the bonfire before the vigil, second is younger son after he was baptized and the last is the boys in their church clothes, lol.  My sons, especially the older one, take after their dad in that they really do enjoy dressing up when the occasion presents itself.  My dad thought I would get them white suits like he had for his first communion.  I reminded my dad that the boys are not 7 and it’s not 1949 like he was/it was when he had his first communion and I am far too cheap to buy them nice clothes they can’t wear again. 

It had been awhile since I’d been to an Easter Vigil and I’d forgotten the length.  I should have napped and caffeinated myself first.  

How lovely they could be baptized and confirmed at the Easter Vigil.  I love that service. And I hear you on the caffeine! We used to do a fancy Easter coffee hour after ours and were totally exhausted by Easter morning when we started all over again. lol

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