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3 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

This is rapidly becoming a world I don’t care to engage in anymore.

A person at my normally live and let live church (a new one since Covid), felt a need to ask me insincere questions about my mask at a women’s event. I wish I had told her on the spot to not bother speaking to me again. It would’ve been satisfying. 

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53 minutes ago, kbutton said:

This is rapidly becoming a world I don’t care to engage in anymore.

A person at my normally live and let live church (a new one since Covid), felt a need to ask me insincere questions about my mask at a women’s event. I wish I had told her on the spot to not bother speaking to me again. It would’ve been satisfying. 

I don’t recognize this place any more. This whole thing is so horrific and is so heavily steeped in discrimination and eugenics it boggles the mind. How did we go from “your mask protects me and  my mask protects you” to “you don’t have the right to protect your own life and health or that of your loved ones”? Do they realize they better ban sunglasses as well given their logic? Those have been shown to obscure identity more than a face mask. 

Who wants to live in a country where carrying a gun in public is fine but wearing a mask to protect your health is somehow dangerous?

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7 hours ago, KSera said:

Those have been shown to obscure identity more than a face mask. 

Oh, my word! Yes. Is there a study on this? I really struggle to recognize people in sunglasses without a lot of context.

I agree with your whole post. Well said.

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10 hours ago, kbutton said:

This is rapidly becoming a world I don’t care to engage in anymore.

A person at my normally live and let live church (a new one since Covid), felt a need to ask me insincere questions about my mask at a women’s event. I wish I had told her on the spot to not bother speaking to me again. It would’ve been satisfying. 

I am sorry that happened.  I am not good at thinking about what I want to say in the moment because I am so shocked that someone would say such crappy things.  I had someone constantly question me about our family wearing masks in a bad way.  Even though this person was an acquaintance.   People suck.

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9 hours ago, KSera said:

I don’t recognize this place any more. This whole thing is so horrific and is so heavily steeped in discrimination and eugenics it boggles the mind. How did we go from “your mask protects me and  my mask protects you” to “you don’t have the right to protect your own life and health or that of your loved ones”? Do they realize they better ban sunglasses as well given their logic? Those have been shown to obscure identity more than a face mask. 

Who wants to live in a country where carrying a gun in public is fine but wearing a mask to protect your health is somehow dangerous?

I sadly love your whole post.  Very well said and so true. It is so hard for me to wrap my brain around it because it doesn't make any sense. 

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Has NC’s anti mask law taken effect?

We had planned to visit elderly family there this summer, and I am not sure if we will still want to go if we can’t mask when we feel it’s necessary. 

My bonus ILs just had Covid again, and we know of a few others with Covid right now for the 4th or 5th time. I can’t tell what the levels are, but judging from personal IRL experience, pretty sure it’s circulating in our area, and our family can’t afford to take risks — big ramifications for even a cold here.

But, hey, we can wear sunglasses. 



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1 hour ago, kbutton said:

Oh, my word! Yes. Is there a study on this? I really struggle to recognize people in sunglasses without a lot of context.

Face masks are less effective than sunglasses in masking face identity (I don’t live in New York or NC, but if I were to write my representatives, I would be referencing this study in my comments.) That study includes references to many others that make the similar conclusion that obscuring eyes is more problematic than lower face when it comes to identifying faces (not that I am on board with this whole concept that people minding their own business and not behaving illegally in public are required to be able to be identified).

26 minutes ago, Spryte said:

Has NC’s anti mask law taken effect?

Not yet. The governor hasn’t signed it. Still hoping he will veto. 

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11 hours ago, kbutton said:

This is rapidly becoming a world I don’t care to engage in anymore.


From the linked article: "a stage 4 cancer patient at a gas station was intentionally coughed on by another customer, who told her that wearing a mask in public was illegal."

WTF is wrong with people????

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1 hour ago, Spryte said:

Has NC’s anti mask law taken effect?

It hasn't been signed or vetoed yet, but an exemption was added for medical masks intended to prevent transmission of contagious disease.

As one member of the General Assembly pointed out, the narrowness of the exemption means she's technically not allowed to wear one because she has asthma on days with poor air quality.

The intent of the bill is to target protesters, but I object, as a NC resident, to the passage of any such bill; the issue is already addressed by other laws, and if there's not an intent to enforce something as written, it shouldn't become law at all.

We are continuing to mask. I don't get challenged. If I did, I would feel free to answer, if I was feeling charitable, "If your family had the health situation ours has, you might make the health choices we make." If not, perhaps an acidic, "Thank you, Doctor, I'll keep that in mind."

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30 minutes ago, Corraleno said:


From the linked article: "a stage 4 cancer patient at a gas station was intentionally coughed on by another customer, who told her that wearing a mask in public was illegal."

WTF is wrong with people????

And he followed that up by saying he hoped the cancer killed her:


According to Stuart, she told the man that it was dangerous for her to go into public without a mask because of her diagnosis. It’s not a political statement, she said, and she says she showed the man a medical card describing her condition.

He then proceeded to approach her and feigned coughing on her repeatedly before telling her that he hopes the cancer kills her, she said. Stuart said she called Cary police but ultimately didn’t file a complaint.

Cary police confirmed the call. Witnesses at the oil-change store also corroborated Stuart’s account.

I wish she had pressed charges as assault. He clearly had intent to harm. I’m sure dealing with a legal case is the last thing the poor woman needs though 😢

People have become so awful and I hate it. 

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2 hours ago, Spryte said:

Has NC’s anti mask law taken effect?

We had planned to visit elderly family there this summer, and I am not sure if we will still want to go if we can’t mask when we feel it’s necessary. 

My bonus ILs just had Covid again, and we know of a few others with Covid right now for the 4th or 5th time. I can’t tell what the levels are, but judging from personal IRL experience, pretty sure it’s circulating in our area, and our family can’t afford to take risks — big ramifications for even a cold here.

But, hey, we can wear sunglasses. 



While I have issues with the bill, even as rewritten, I can tell you that masking here is no big deal. As far as I can tell nobody cares.

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1 minute ago, Pawz4me said:

While I have issues with the bill, even as rewritten, I can tell you that masking here is no big deal. As far as I can tell nobody cares.

That’s helpful, thanks! 

I can’t imagine that it’s any worse than my very anti-mask corner of the world, as far as interactions with people in public go. There’s just no legal justification for the harassment here. (Seriously, 12 yr old DD had an old man cursing at her — I’m calling it harassment.) 


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3 minutes ago, Spryte said:

That’s helpful, thanks! 

I can’t imagine that it’s any worse than my very anti-mask corner of the world, as far as interactions with people in public go. There’s just no legal justification for the harassment here. (Seriously, 12 yr old DD had an old man cursing at her — I’m calling it harassment.) 


Why are people so bizarrely triggered by other people wearing masks? It’s the weirdest thing. I haven’t really had anyone say anything negative to me about it, but I did have one time in a waiting room where a man was shooting eye daggers at my very sweet mask wearing child standing next to me the entire time. After awhile, he made a few fake coughs and I moved out of his line of sight. That’s the most I’ve had, but I’m always thinking of responses just in case. My new favorite “friendly” reply to a question about it is, “oh, I’m good thanks!” Totally doesn’t answer a question, but sort of sounds like it did for long enough to leave or change the subject. 

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15 minutes ago, KSera said:

Why are people so bizarrely triggered by other people wearing masks? It’s the weirdest thing. I haven’t really had anyone say anything negative to me about it, but I did have one time in a waiting room where a man was shooting eye daggers at my very sweet mask wearing child standing next to me the entire time. After awhile, he made a few fake coughs and I moved out of his line of sight. That’s the most I’ve had, but I’m always thinking of responses just in case. My new favorite “friendly” reply to a question about it is, “oh, I’m good thanks!” Totally doesn’t answer a question, but sort of sounds like it did for long enough to leave or change the subject. 

I have no clue why it makes some people so hostile. And absolutely they should leave kids out of it. 

We get the eye daggers, too. Old man dropping the f-bomb on a 12 year old girl was utterly shocking though, even here — I can’t think that’s the norm anywhere or will lose all faith in humanity.


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3 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

I am sorry that happened.  I am not good at thinking about what I want to say in the moment because I am so shocked that someone would say such crappy things.  I had someone constantly question me about our family wearing masks in a bad way.  Even though this person was an acquaintance.   People suck.

I didn’t expect it at our church, and while I tolerate genuine questions even when poorly phrased, she phrased it in a “now that Covid is over” way. That was the tipping point. And most people at church know we have a medically complex kid.

I need to rehearse too—most of the mean people stopped asking long ago, so it’s a bigger surprise than it used to be. We have discovered multiple reasons to mask on top of Covid, including not getting paid sick time. 

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One thing about #neuroCovid (acute and #LongCovid) is that it can happen regardless your COVID case is mild or not. Scratchy throat, stuffy runny nose, and mild cough are respiratory symptoms that do not correlate with neurological ones. Once the virus enters the brain (it can happen within days after infection with SARS-Cov-2), the pathology and symptoms can be independent of the infection in the upper respiratory tract. Neurological symptoms can happen without respiratory or other systemic ones.



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4 hours ago, Spryte said:

I have no clue why it makes some people so hostile.

There is a very excellent article about denialism that was published in Scientific American this week. It's good enough that I was thinking of starting a whole thread about it, as I think there is a much smaller subset of the board who pays attention to this thread at this point, and I hoped for a broader discussion. But I'll post a (non-paywalled version) link here because there's a quote super relevant to the above about masks making people hostile:

We’ve Hit Peak Denial. Here’s Why We Can’t Turn Away From Reality

and the relevant quote:


Finally, truth tellers are the Achilles heel of collective denial because they call attention to what’s swept under the rug. Thus another playbook tactic is to hush them up, often by painting them as subversives or deviants. And so those who wear masks are ridiculed, scientists reporting on COVID-19 risks are cast as fearmongers, and those with long COVID are dismissed as having anxiety disorders.


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5 hours ago, KSera said:

After awhile, he made a few fake coughs and I moved out of his line of sight.

The whole fake cough thing! So we have these contractors who are right wing anti-vax anti everything who come each week. I always ensure I wear a mask when they come in (I don't always remember at work, but I always do it when they come in) and they always do the whole 'fake cough' thing. It's so year 9 boys, we're so funny . . . ugh. 

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4 hours ago, Amoret said:

I have found that the socialist news has been really good on Covid. I occasionally check on the world socialist web site (which is a Marxist, pro-Trotsky site) and they've had some good articles about it, with a dedicated section focused on Covid. 


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16 minutes ago, bookbard said:

I have found that the socialist news has been really good on Covid. I occasionally check on the world socialist web site (which is a Marxist, pro-Trotsky site) and they've had some good articles about it, with a dedicated section focused on Covid. 


They really have. But it’s also been unfortunate that it means that a lot of the more honest Covid pieces include socialist leaning comments, which means they are not ones I’m likely to pass along or share with anyone because that’s going to be offputting. I’m can separate science from politics I do and don’t agree with so while there are things I might internally eye roll about (I’m definitely not Marxist lol), doesn’t prevent me from agreeing wholeheartedly with a lot of really valid points. But it means I can’t use them as resources for people who I know would dismiss the entire thing because of those comments.

I really enjoy commentary from the Gauntlet. I first read her in the aftermath of that awful piece from—was it the Atlantic? Whatever it was where the immune compromised spouse was told she needed to compromise by putting her life on the line sometimes so that her husband could go out to eat at restaurants.

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It looks like a mask ban bill may be heading to New York - see below for the proposed bill (health exception only during a declared public emergency . https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2023/A10057/amendment/A

For those who know more about legal terms, what exactly is a legal assembly?

We've gone from "we wear a mask to protect each other", to "you are free to wear a mask to protect yourself", to mask bans in a matter of a couple of years. Where is the outrage by Ashish Jha, the CDC's Cohen, Biden,...? This should be all over the news networks.

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58 minutes ago, Mom_to3 said:

It looks like a mask ban bill may be heading to New York - see below for the proposed bill (health exception only during a declared public emergency . https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2023/A10057/amendment/A

For those who know more about legal terms, what exactly is a legal assembly?

We've gone from "we wear a mask to protect each other", to "you are free to wear a mask to protect yourself", to mask bans in a matter of a couple of years. Where is the outrage by Ashish Jha, the CDC's Cohen, Biden,...? This should be all over the news networks.

The world has really gone insane. These mask bans are so upsetting and wrong I can hardly respond. 


1 hour ago, Mom_to3 said:

health exception only during a declared public emergency

So when a public emergency has not been declared, people with disabilities or immune compromise will be not allowed to exercise their right to assembly in a way that protects themselves apparently. They will have to sacrifice themselves if they want to, say, gather for a demonstration to demand rights and protections for those with disabilities. 

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I wore masks from before the.CDC suggested it at the beginning of COVID and until well into this year in certain locations and will likely do so for the foreseeable future. I made 100s of cloth masks with homemade filters at the beginning of the pandemic. So I'm pro-mask.

But when masks aren't used to protect oneself or others and instead to cover the face to elude cameras and the ability for protestors "protesting" or engaging in a pogrom (see yesterday in LA's Pico neighborhood as the latest evidence) against other people (let's be real, we're talking about Jews) to not allow the people you are protesting to know your identity you don't need a mask. You need to show your face so we know who you are. 

My kid who has been part of the protests only wears a mask when he is engaging in anti-Israel behavior as do his friends. If you're actually immunocompromised, stay away from crowds.

Edited by YaelAldrich
I really have a lot to say. Sorry
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34 minutes ago, YaelAldrich said:

But when masks aren't used to protect oneself or others and instead to cover the face to elude cameras and the ability for people (and let's be real - Jews) while "protesting" or engaging in a pogrom (see yesterday in LA's Pico neighborhood as the latest evidence) you don't need a mask. You need to show your face so we know who you are. 

My kid who has been part of the protests only wears a mask when he is engaging in anti-Israel behavior as do his friends. If you're actually immunocompromised, stay away from crowds.

I’m trying to remember if you’re the one who told me about totobobo masks in the early days. I have it connected with you in my head.  I gave away my handful of n95s to a local nurse so then I had my totobobo as my only mask until I got the supplies and started making them.

The serious risks to people’s health from banning masks can’t be erased due to the fact that some people might do something illegal while wearing a mask. Ironically, every example of an antisemitic act that I’ve heard a politician give as a reason for enacting mask bans is something done by someone who wasn’t even wearing a mask. (I’m sure some have been done with masks, I’m just saying they keep using examples that don’t even include masked perpetrators.) And has been pointed out, wearing sunglasses has been shown to be much more obscuring of someone’s identity than wearing a mask, and no one is talking about banning sunglasses. Even my iPhone can do Face ID on me now while my N95 is on.  There’s a reason NC wants to ban masks and not sunglasses, and I’d hazard that reason has very little to do with concern for Jewish people. 

40 minutes ago, YaelAldrich said:

If you're actually immunocompromised, stay away from crowds.

😢 this is unfair and ableist. The message that chronically ill and disabled people don’t matter to the general public has been loud and clear and bitterly felt by my own high-risk family member.  The “just stay home” so the rest of us don’t have to be aware there’s still a disabling illness widely circulating ignores that disabled people are as human as anyone else. They have as much right to participate in peaceful assembly as anyone else. As I said above, are we really telling disabled people they can’t gather to fight for visibility and rights? Because that’s what this does. It makes it illegal for them to do so safely. Masks allow them to live more fully as members of society.

If there’s a kind of protesting people think should be illegal, campaign against that kind of protest, but this taking away the rights of people to protect themselves is abominable. Even if for some it’s an unintended consequence of wanting to unmask protestors, the ends doesn’t justify the means in this case. 

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20 minutes ago, KSera said:

I’m trying to remember if you’re the one who told me about totobobo masks in the early days. I have it connected with you in my head.  I gave away my handful of n95s to a local nurse so then I had my totobobo as my only mask until I got the supplies and started making them.

The serious risks to people’s health from banning masks can’t be erased due to the fact that some people might do something illegal while wearing a mask. Ironically, every example of an antisemitic act that I’ve heard a politician give as a reason for enacting mask bans is something done by someone who wasn’t even wearing a mask. (I’m sure some have been done with masks, I’m just saying they keep using examples that don’t even include masked perpetrators.) And has been pointed out, wearing sunglasses has been shown to be much more obscuring of someone’s identity than wearing a mask, and no one is talking about banning sunglasses. Even my iPhone can do Face ID on me now while my N95 is on.  There’s a reason NC wants to ban masks and not sunglasses, and I’d hazard that reason has very little to do with concern for Jewish people. 

😢 this is unfair and ableist. The message that chronically ill and disabled people don’t matter to the general public has been loud and clear and bitterly felt by my own high-risk family member.  The “just stay home” so the rest of us don’t have to be aware there’s still a disabling illness widely circulating ignores that disabled people are as human as anyone else. They have as much right to participate in peaceful assembly as anyone else. As I said above, are we really telling disabled people they can’t gather to fight for visibility and rights? Because that’s what this does. It makes it illegal for them to do so safely. Masks allow them to live more fully as members of society.

If there’s a kind of protesting people think should be illegal, campaign against that kind of protest, but this taking away the rights of people to protect themselves is abominable. Even if for some it’s an unintended consequence of wanting to unmask protestors, the ends doesn’t justify the means in this case. 

I still wear a mask when indoors away from home, which includes mostly grocery shopping, volunteering at a food pantry, and working out in a group studio gym 4+ x a week. The latter two are so good for my physical and mental health, but would not be either if I was banned from wearing a mask, because... ???  Are exercise studios having a problem with masked clients doing violence that I haven't heard of? (BTW, literally everyone there knows me by name, if anything i am more memorable as pretty much the only person working out in a mask; my name and home address are in their computer system)

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5 minutes ago, KSera said:

I’m trying to remember if you’re the one who told me about totobobo masks in the early days. I have it connected with you in my head.  I gave away my handful of n95s to a local nurse so then I had my totobobo as my only mask until I got the supplies and started making them.

The serious risks to people’s health from banning masks can’t be erased due to the fact that some people might do something illegal while wearing a mask. Ironically, every example of an antisemitic act that I’ve heard a politician give as a reason for enacting mask bans is something done by someone who wasn’t even wearing a mask. (I’m sure some have been done with masks, I’m just saying they keep using examples that don’t even include masked perpetrators.) And has been pointed out, wearing sunglasses has been shown to be much more obscuring of someone’s identity than wearing a mask, and no one is talking about banning sunglasses. Even my iPhone can do Face ID on me now while my N95 is on.  There’s a reason NC wants to ban masks and not sunglasses, and I’d hazard that reason has very little to do with concern for Jewish people. 

😢 this is unfair and ableist. The message that chronically ill and disabled people don’t matter to the general public has been loud and clear and bitterly felt by my own high-risk family member.  The “just stay home” so the rest of us don’t have to be aware there’s still a disabling illness widely circulating ignores that disabled people are as human as anyone else. They have as much right to participate in peaceful assembly as anyone else. As I said above, are we really telling disabled people they can’t gather to fight for visibility and rights? Because that’s what this does. It makes it illegal for them to do so safely. Masks allow them to live more fully as members of society.

If there’s a kind of protesting people think should be illegal, campaign against that kind of protest, but this taking away the rights of people to protect themselves is abominable. Even if for some it’s an unintended consequence of wanting to unmask protestors, the ends doesn’t justify the means in this case. 

I am the Totobobo lady. So you know I am serious about masks. I truly feel for people who need to wear masks to be comfortable and safe in public spaces. 

But I'm tired of people donning masks only to protest when they do not wear them in class or cafeterias  or stadiums or other crowded spaces. Honestly you didn't see a lot of masks in public anymore except you people of color (who believe they have to take care of their health because society won't) and pro-Palestinian protests.

I don't want to be ableist but I also want to be able to confront those who actively rise up to terrorize Jews. 


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7 minutes ago, YaelAldrich said:

But I'm tired of people donning masks only to protest when they do not wear them in class or cafeterias  or stadiums or other crowded spaces.

I find that frustrating as well because if they don’t mind wearing a mask it would be awful nice if they could be wearing them in all those situations to be protecting other people (not to mention themself, as everyone is potentially one infection away from being disabled themself and seeing what it’s like on the other side of all this). But what is the practical solution? Because currently people are deciding that the people who are wearing them to protect themselves are less important than being able to identify those who are only wearing them during protest. Being tired of people doing that doesn’t make it at all fair or right to take away the right of other people to protect themselves from illness and disability. I’d like to see people standing up for a fairer approach. 

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6 minutes ago, YaelAldrich said:

I am the Totobobo lady. So you know I am serious about masks. I truly feel for people who need to wear masks to be comfortable and safe in public spaces. 

But I'm tired of people donning masks only to protest when they do not wear them in class or cafeterias  or stadiums or other crowded spaces. Honestly you didn't see a lot of masks in public anymore except you people of color (who believe they have to take care of their health because society won't) and pro-Palestinian protests.

I don't want to be ableist but I also want to be able to confront those who actively rise up to terrorize Jews. 


Me. I am white as the driven snow, and I only mask indoors.  Haven't been to a protest since I went to a pro-choice march over 30 years ago. If you want to ban masks at outdoor protests, then advocate for that. Let me live my boring life, please.  Masking for those trying to protect their own health is easily differentiated from masked folks committing violence.   It's the latter that's the problem.  (Amd as someone else said, sunglasses are more effective at masking identity if that's the real issue)

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1 hour ago, Matryoshka said:

Me. I am white as the driven snow, and I only mask indoors.  Haven't been to a protest since I went to a pro-choice march over 30 years ago. If you want to ban masks at outdoor protests, then advocate for that. Let me live my boring life, please.  Masking for those trying to protect their own health is easily differentiated from masked folks committing violence.   It's the latter that's the problem.  (Amd as someone else said, sunglasses are more effective at masking identity if that's the real issue)

Yes thank you. So frustrating… it just feels like attitudes and laws to anyone still masking are aimed at punishing the cautious for inconveniencing everyone else briefly. I’m finding it too hard to keep facing up to the social stigma 

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14 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

I’m finding it too hard to keep facing up to the social stigma 

I agree the stigma sucks. The whole thing makes me think of the man who discovered handwashing as the key to reducing maternal mortality in hospitals. He was horribly ridiculed and no one would listen to him—even as women kept dying from infections. 


Voltaire once said, “It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong.” Semmelweis paid dearly for his “heretical” handwashing ideas. In 1849, he was unable to renew his position in the maternity ward and was blocked from obtaining similar positions in Vienna. A frustrated and demoralized Semmelweis moved back to Budapest. He watched his theory be openly attacked in medical lecture halls and medical publications throughout Europe. He wrote increasingly angry letters to prominent European obstetricians denouncing them as irresponsible murderers and ignoramuses. The rejection of his lifesaving insights affected him so greatly that he eventually had some kind of mental breakdown, and he was committed to a mental institution in 1865. Two weeks later he was dead at the age of 47—succumbing to an infected wound inflicted by the asylum’s guards.


Source: https://archive.ph/Fex0I

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I have had no problems wearing a mask in Illinois thankfully and will wear one wherever I feel it’s necessary. It is pretty awful that states are even considering legislating against wearing them. That’s alarming.

Covid is just way too capable of doing tremendous damage. The initial symptoms might be similar to a very bad cold or lung infection but the damage it can do throughout the body is a huge Yikes! for me. No thanks.


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35 minutes ago, BeachGal said:

I have had no problems wearing a mask in Illinois thankfully

Same here in my corner of Maine, I'm truly shocked by the stories relayed here. I see them commonly not just in my community, but in Portland and Boston and on a recent trip to NYC. It's just such not a big deal. Who are all these crazies making fuss? (no answer needed, already know)

It's awful and unimaginable to me that so many of you have to deal with this hostility. Utterly baffling 😞 

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Here in semi-rural Ohio people are mocked and shamed for wearing masks.  Strangers will take photos of you and put the pics on social media for everyone to make fun of.  I don't get it.  It's not like you're harming anyone by wearing a mask.

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21 minutes ago, Kassia said:

Here in semi-rural Ohio people are mocked and shamed for wearing masks.  Strangers will take photos of you and put the pics on social media for everyone to make fun of.  I don't get it.  It's not like you're harming anyone by wearing a mask.

Omg. You need to come out here! 💕

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1 hour ago, Kassia said:

Here in semi-rural Ohio people are mocked and shamed for wearing masks.  Strangers will take photos of you and put the pics on social media for everyone to make fun of.  I don't get it.  It's not like you're harming anyone by wearing a mask.

People in my part of Ohio are moving on—I get fewer questions than ever. Sadly the few I get are now coming from people who thought masks were reasonable up to a point, but their magical random tolerance timer for people bucking social trends has gone off. 

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2 hours ago, Kassia said:

Here in semi-rural Ohio people are mocked and shamed for wearing masks.  Strangers will take photos of you and put the pics on social media for everyone to make fun of.  I don't get it.  It's not like you're harming anyone by wearing a mask.


I don’t actually know if that’s happening here, as I really don’t do much SM. Here, if this counts, and Next Door. But that seems extreme.

We get the dagger eyes, and some intimidating posturing, and the very once-in-awhile verbal confrontation (I mentioned my DD and the old man with no filter already). 

We mask selectively now, so not everywhere we go as we did before, but will increase as levels do, as best we can tell what levels are doing. Also, if we must stand in a long line with the same people for any length of time, or in poorly ventilated spaces, if it’s not a quick dash in and out. Medical facilities, if we are able (with my asthma situation, I can’t always tolerate a mask right now, aaaagh).

Anti-masking laws are problematic for us, we just have too many people with fragile health in our household. We have to be able to use our judgment and mask when it’s appropriate for us to do so — which is more often than most people, but probably less than some here. Infringing on the right to mask will have serious ramifications for our little unit. I can also see how masking inappropriately, for nefarious reasons, is a problem. But I really don’t want to be a hermit and confined to the house, or for my kid with issues to be confined, so I hope there’s a compromise that can be found to straight anti masking laws.

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17 hours ago, YaelAldrich said:

But when masks aren't used to protect oneself or others and instead to cover the face to elude cameras and the ability for protestors "protesting"... against other people (let's be real, we're talking about Jews) to not allow the people you are protesting to know your identity you don't need a mask. You need to show your face so we know who you are. 

People — including immunocompromised and disabled people — have a right to protest against policies they disagree with. Do you not see how easily the same anti-mask laws can be turned around and used by the government to suppress opposition? People protesting against government policies "need to show their face, so [the government] knows who they are" — and can dox, harass, and arrest them? 

If you think that won't happen here, google Project 2025 and Agenda 47 — depending on the result of the next election, the entire Department of Justice and FBI could come under the personal control of a presidential candidate who has vowed to "go after" political opponents.

If people are using masks to hide their identities while committing a crime, then make it illegal to conceal your identity while committing a crime. Protesting is not a crime. The idea that the government can force people to risk their health and well-being in order to exercise their constitutional rights is pretty freaking scary to me.


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Cross posting with the other Covid thread in case anyone finds this useful:

A friend of mine has been suffering since first getting Covid in the very very early days of 2020 (Navy guy, lots of exposure). He has subsequently had it two more times. He's had various heart and breathing issues since then and finally had an appointment with a long Covid specialist in Boston, where it was determined that his veins aren't dilating effectively so he's not getting the usual blood flow back to the heart. Essentially the signaling for the dilation has been damaged, apparently consistent with long Covid.

Throwing out this reputable diagnosis in case it provides a helpful path for someone else to follow. No word yet on treatment. 

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17 hours ago, MEmama said:

No word yet on treatment. 

He may want to try the Esselstyn protocol, which is specifically for heart patients to increase their nitrous oxide for blood vessel dilation and to reduce endothelial inflammation.

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20 days since I tested positive for Covid. Still have a productive cough - I have asthma so am using my preventer which is definitely helping. It's school holidays for the next few weeks thank goodness so I don't need to wake up as early as usual. This winter feels like it's gone on forever and it's not even July yet. So many people coughing and unwell! They say 'apparently it's a bad season' - as though it hasn't been a bad season ever since Covid was let loose in Australia (late 2021). Human beings are incredibly adaptive to bad circumstances, interesting that that ability can also be our downfall. 

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5 hours ago, bookbard said:

So many people coughing and unwell! They say 'apparently it's a bad season' - as though it hasn't been a bad season ever since Covid was let loose in Australia (late 2021). Human beings are incredibly adaptive to bad circumstances, interesting that that ability can also be our downfall. 

This is all so, so true. I’m sorry you’re still dealing with symptoms and hope they will resolve fully very soon. 

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32 minutes ago, Amoret said:

Super interesting only 15% are having fevers?  My husband and I just had it and really it would have been super easy not to even test.  Very much like ramped up allergies for me and a typical summer cold for him.  We both rapid tested negative by day 7.  Would have been very easy to miss for us.  We have both been fully vaxxed though not since last fall (6 times?)

Also it is odd to me Minnesota is shown as not having sufficient data when they are still publishing data weekly.  I still go look at waste water and hospital levels.  Hospitlization is very low here right now, it looks we we're coming down over a small wave.  (ETA correction based on data from yesterday is we're pretty flat the last 3 weeks in our metro but low).  

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