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Santa photos


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In our town they are going ahead with santa photos with these changes: you will be 6 feet away from Santa and seperated by plexiglass. You will also keep your mask on during the photo and Santa will too. We have always taken an annual Santa picture. I understand that these precautions are necessary and I do feel safe with them, so that's not the issue. I'm just trying to decide if I even want this photo. I'm sure 30 years from now it will be a relic from Covid Christmas, but now I just hate it and don't want that photo in my house. If you regularily take Santa photos, are you going to do a Covid friendly one this year?

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No Santa photo for us this year.  Though if I were inclined to stand in line, etc, we’d probably do it because ... it kind of sums up the year, and not completely in a bad way.  We’re making the best of things, but still want that sliver of normalcy.  

As it is, I’m going to do extra special Elf antics, and maybe some Santa PNP stuff.  Oh!  And we are mailing a letter to Santa in the local Santa box, and he’s going to write a letter back.  So that’s fun.


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Our small town parks and rec does a Santa/Mrs. Claus event each year. The morning is 1-on-1 appointments for preschoolers and special needs, then an afternoon holiday event for older kids (Santa, craft, movie, etc). The couple that play the Claus’s each year are WONDERFUL.

We just got an email last week that they’ll be doing a Santa Zoom event instead - sign up for a time, they mail a little present to the kid ahead of time so they can open it while they Zoom with Santa. 

I plan to screen record it and grab a screenshot to use as our Christmas card. Can’t get more 2020 than that! 😂

Our little town is kinda backwards in a lot of ways, but our parks and rec is pure gold!

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2 hours ago, Calizzy said:

In our town they are going ahead with santa photos with these changes: you will be 6 feet away from Santa and seperated by plexiglass. You will also keep your mask on during the photo and Santa will too. We have always taken an annual Santa picture. I understand that these precautions are necessary and I do feel safe with them, so that's not the issue. I'm just trying to decide if I even want this photo. I'm sure 30 years from now it will be a relic from Covid Christmas, but now I just hate it and don't want that photo in my house. If you regularily take Santa photos, are you going to do a Covid friendly one this year?

I would be concerned that children who are already leery of santa, will be even more frightened.  

I grew up with santa pictures, and did them with my children - but if I had a little one and was still doing pictures - I'd probably skip this year.  

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Gah. I have Santa pics displayed from every year since 2006. I was planning on continuing the tradition until they graduate.  Maybe I can photoshop a Santa pic for this year. Idk. The Santa places we go are by time reservations and with plexiglass and masks (no lines). We might still go, though I did tell DH that I'd be loathe to take one of the limited time slots from a small child (mine are big). 

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Glad I'm past that stage, because this sucks.

I think I'd try to find some family friend or relative who would don a red shirt & Santa hat for a quick photo.  I would tell my kids this was Santa's helper - which I had to tell them anyway, because my kid at 3 or 4yo noticed the Santas she'd sat with were clearly not the same person.

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This is the year to get your own Santa costume and go od school ...

I have pics from my childhood of the year my Uncle Larry dressed as Santa... crack me up now. 

and a very vivid and specific memory of the year my Dad wore the Darth Vader costume at our school carnival. I didnt speak to him for weeks because I was terrified of him lol 

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Oh, I never even thought about Santa pictures. My mom always made a HUGE deal about Santa and encouraged me to do the same, but I wanted our Christmases to be less about that. We did Santa stuff, but we only did Santa pictures the first couple of years after my oldest children were born. Now my youngest is too old anyway, but I might do it for the historical picture unless I thought it would scare a young child. Zoom Santa visits seem very 2020 though and I would consider that with a child who was worried about missing a visit with Santa.

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I have a photographer friend doing some socially distanced santa photos, so we signed up this year.  She has several outdoor set ups: a bench in front of a tree with Santa peeking out from behind the tree, Santa driving a truck and the kids in the back, and Santa pulling a toboggan with kids on it.  For all the sessions, the kids bring a letter for Santa and drop it in the mailbox.  Santa is going to send a postcard back 🙂 

I’m participating largely to support a friend and because my kids are little (7 and under).  We’ve already talked about how we need to keep Santa safe from COVID just like we help keep our community safe, so we’ll wear masks and so will Santa.

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13 hours ago, busymama7 said:

Wow. Meeting with Santa over zoom.  I feel like I need to find a place offering that.  I mean, yeah, how more representative of this year could that be? 

A twist on the cookie agreement:

"By using NorthPoleZoom.com you agree to our terms and conditions, including cookies.*

*Minimum 2 cookies, preferably chocolate chip, via 2-day delivery. Milk requirements waived for the 2020 holiday season."


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2 hours ago, theelfqueen said:

This is the year to get your own Santa costume and go od school ...

I have pics from my childhood of the year my Uncle Larry dressed as Santa... crack me up now. 

and a very vivid and specific memory of the year my Dad wore the Darth Vader costume at our school carnival. I didnt speak to him for weeks because I was terrified of him lol 

I vote for this, plus face masks, because that will be the perfect representation of what this Christmas will be like. So, Dad/Mom in a Santa costume, but still very obviously Dad/Mom, kids on "Santa's" lap, everyone in a mask. Happy 2020 Christmas. 

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19 minutes ago, medawyn said:

I have a photographer friend doing some socially distanced santa photos, so we signed up this year.  She has several outdoor set ups: a bench in front of a tree with Santa peeking out from behind the tree, Santa driving a truck and the kids in the back, and Santa pulling a toboggan with kids on it.  For all the sessions, the kids bring a letter for Santa and drop it in the mailbox.  Santa is going to send a postcard back 🙂 

I’m participating largely to support a friend and because my kids are little (7 and under).  We’ve already talked about how we need to keep Santa safe from COVID just like we help keep our community safe, so we’ll wear masks and so will Santa.

Those are cute ideas! I love when people put their creativity on the problem. 

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My youngest is seven, so this has been bumming me out a bit since it's likely his last year being into Santa. The town next to ours always does a really nice Santa visit (a local photographer stages it all and takes photos and gives everyone one digital file for free) and tree lighting thing; I haven't heard what the plans are for this year, but we'll be skipping it if it even happens (although I might have a hard time turning down a masked, plexiglass Santa photo to remember this wacky year).

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I absolutely would, if my kids weren't young adults. Heck, I might even bribe them to do it, if it's available around here, lol. 

You can always tuck the photo away until you're ready to display it, but this is the chance to take it. If your kids are fine with it, I'd go. 

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Ok so I've seen some Bass Pro pics from this year and they're actually pretty well done. They have the kids sit on a bench with santa in his chair six feet behind. There is a plexi shield between and Santa is wearing a face shield. Friend said they sanitized the bench between...  I've only seen pics of kids, no adults but the kids I've seen are unmasked. 

Heres a friend's pic. 


Edited by theelfqueen
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