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Anyone else having trouble finding canned pumpkin?


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We managed to grab two 15-oz cans of Great Value pumpkin (no Libby’s in stock) a few weeks ago and now I’m wishing I’d picked up a more of the few cans that were left, because I can’t find it anywhere local. I’ve checked several stores. Costco usually has a 3-pack of the 29-oz cans by now, but not this year. Amazon and Walmart are charging absurd prices to buy it online. 

And yeah, I know I could buy some actual pumpkins and break them down, but all I’ve seen so far are Jack-o-lantern pumpkins. Plus I’ve done it before and it’s a lot of work and mess. 

Edited by Forget-Me-Not
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I thought it was just me!

When I went grocery shopping two weeks ago, I was hoping to grab a few cans so I could do some fall baking, but they didn't have a single can in any size or brand! There wasn't even any pumpkin pie filling (which I wouldn't have bought anyway, but adds to my concern about finding it before Thanksgiving). I'm going to look again when I shop tomorrow, and now I know that if I find it, I should grab a few extra cans to get me through fall and the holidays.

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1 hour ago, Katy said:

I remember this last year too.  It was in stock everywhere in the 2nd week of October.

OTOH, there might be a shortage because of the fires out west?  Where are Libby's farms?

Illinois is the top pumpkin growing state and I heard there is a bumper crop this year. The growing conditions were good for pumpkins here this summer - a wet start and then dry for several weeks. I think the shortage is because of increased demand due to more people cooking and baking at home.

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Several years ago there was a bad pie pumpkin crop and I remember it was impossible to find either cans or whole pie pumpkins. This year my nearest regular grocery store has tons of whole pie pumpkins and was out of canned! I'm really hoping Aldi has some when I go this weekend. Usually I have no trouble buying it in September for making pumpkin bread and muffins! 

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I don't normally buy a lot of canned pumpkin.  I can get sweet potatoes in bulk for super cheap most years.  Boil, peel, mash, and I have "pumpkin" for all my needs ( you can also sub just about any kind of orange squash but since they have seeds I find them a bit more work).  Last year I didn't get to process any sweet potatoes because we were plagued with critical house repairs and I simply didn't have time.  Last week, I stopped at Aldi's and happened to think about grabbing a couple of cans of pumpkin to tied me over till the sweet potatoes are ready.  They must have just got them in because there wasn't any on the shelf but there were 6 cases on the pallet.  But I guess I will have to pay attention to the supply.  Canned is my fallback, but if that's not an option, I will have to make sure to get my supply set up.

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9 hours ago, Selkie said:

Illinois is the top pumpkin growing state and I heard there is a bumper crop this year. The growing conditions were good for pumpkins here this summer - a wet start and then dry for several weeks. I think the shortage is because of increased demand due to more people cooking and baking at home.

Oh good!  Maybe I’m just looking too early then. I am in CA and other than the shortage a few years ago, I usually don’t have trouble finding it any time of the year. But of course with pandemic and fires, supply chains are disrupted everywhere.  Fingers crossed. 

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