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Which newspapers do you read?


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Other than your local or community papers which are your favorite newspapers for both news and in-depth articles?  Which big national or international papers or even small ones most of us might not have heard of but that you find interesting?  Why do you like the newspapers you choose to read?  ( Online as well as print)

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I only read online and I don’t pay.  When we can afford to I might because I want better quality journalism.  I read from these 

for mostly non sensationalised fact checked

Australian ABC

for local news Adelaide Now and channel 7 or 9 Adelaide Facebook pages.  All with a pinch of salt because they sensationalise and have been less than accurate with news stories we’ve had behind the scenes knowledge of.

For World news BBC and Reuters.  

For US News whatever comes past my feed, CNN, WAPO, NyTimes even fox occasionally ... 

have been following Global Times and CGTN during the Covid epidemic.  They are propaganda but there’s some info in there.

south China morning post. (Thanks Arcadia)

for working on my Italian I try to read at least one article from la repubblica each day with varying levels of success.  Surprisingly useful through the Covid thing although that wasn’t on the horizon when I started.

i will also sometimes check Al Jazeera or Jerusalem post to see what local perspective is on some issues although I have trouble interpreting where the biases etc might be.

for local ag news occasionally the stock journal. 

Basically abc and bbc are more trusted resources for me but I will read from all over and compare and check when I have time to try to make sense of stuff.  DH reckons abc is too left wing but we disagree on that.  I just say it’s good to have at least one news outlet that’s not owned by anyone with a commercial interest.

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I have digital subscriptions to the Washington Post and the New York Times and read them at least once daily. I read but don't subscribe to our state's two largest newspapers (neither of which are my local paper). I also read widely from various online news sites. I'm particularly fond of AP and Reuters. The Atlantic, The New Yorker and Politico are some of my other favorite online news sources.

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I don't get any print newspapers but these are my go-to places for news:

The Guardian

BBC - actually I listen more- I like their "News of the World" program

Christian Science Monitor - they have excellent in-depth articles

NPR - although not regularly in a while but I do get their feed on my FB page so I'll click through to an article that interests me. 


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No print newspapers. I have digital subscription for our local newspaper, Florida Today, which was started by Al Neuharth and was the inspiration for USA Today. I used to get The Atlantic but it went mostly unread so now I just read it online. Also online I read The Guardian and the Washington Post. Sometimes the New York Times. I've sometimes considered a digital subscription the The Boston Globe but haven't done it yet. I had a digital subscription the NYT for a while but I let it go. As an audible member I get a free news roundup from both WaPo and NYT, which I listen to weeky.

While I don't read physical newspapers I think newspapers and other paid-for news sources, which most people I know read online now, are still important for several reasons. We still need in depth reporting. We still need investigative journalism. While small, online news blogs can and have been the ones to uncover newsworthy items, the large staff and resources of a newspaper are still one of the best ways to get deeper stories. We all want our news for free these days but we all want it to be the same as has been for years - hard hitting, in depth, and (mostly) unbiased. Because I feel strongly about it, I alternate digital subscriptions to big papers, though I do sometimes take a break from all paid subscription except my local paper.



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The Wall Street Journal and the N.Y. Times, both online, every day. If you are looking for in-depth articles, you can download the Longform app for free. It collects in-depth articles from all over and features some every day. It also has historical archives. It’s where I was exposed to some new sources I now enjoy periodically, such as Texas Monthly.

Non-newspaper national/international sources include The Economist and occasionally NPR and the BBC print articles. I don’t watch any news, national or local, and rarely listen. 

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No print papers here either.

I have maintained some sense of connection with online versions of papers I used to read as actual papers when I lived in Los Angeles, New York and London.  (Though lately I have been disappointed with NY Times, which used to be my top American paper go to.) 

English language tends to be important to me though occasionally I will struggle my way through online papers in another language (most often French, Portuguese or Spanish) and with some online translation assistance.)

I also look at a variety of sources from other places or as might come up in web searches (Reuters, Al Jazeera, Jerusalem Post, AP news wire ...).  

Not a paper but I like BBC, CBC (Canada), and ABC (Australia), coverage, and have been especially pleased with all 3 during the current situation.

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Adding: if you are particularly asking with regard to current CV19 situation, I have been using WaPo more than usual since they aren’t paywalling me out, Business Insider, Economist, Forbes, and (not papers but helpful) open access to:  the Lancet and its Elsevier group, British Medical Journal, New England Medical Journal, and a lot of google scholar use — often NIH National Institute of Health open access articles.   

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