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Flu like illness


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Ugh.  Temperature running between 100-103.  Pounding headache.  Scratchy throat.  Utter exhaustion.   Every square inch of skin, muscles, joints hurts.  Occasional coughing. Dizzy when I try to get up. Did I mention the exhaustion?   My eyeballs hurt and are hot.  Not much appetite and occasional nausea.

I do not seem to be the only person at all with this crud.  Urgent care says neither flu nor strep. Said flu like virus.   Any idea how to feel better?   Be more functional?   At this point even getting out of bed to go to the bathroom is a harrowers and exhausting task.  

My oldest seems to have this too, but she also is not liking school.  Just not sure what to do.  

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That doesn't sound like flu like illness, it sounds like the actual flu, but whatever. There are lots of nasty viruses out there. Try to keep your fluid levels up. Take some pain meds as allowed and required. Maybe some cold packs, if they make your head or certain joints feel better. And REST. 

Hope you're feeling better soon. 

Edited by wintermom
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I am on day 6 of a similar bug. I did everything I could to help—elderberry, eating raw garlic, herbal tea, vitamin C, cough drops, slippery elm drops, Sudafed, mucinex, nasal spray, ibuprofen, albuterol..... I have gone through six large boxes of Kleenex and pretty much haven’t made it off the couch/bed. The dizziness part hasn’t let up, but the nausea has.

Rest. Drink water. Eat well (no sugar).

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My sister-in-law’s elderly parents both had something that totally resembled the flu. They each went to the doctor a couple of times, were tested and told it was flu-like but not actually the flu, and that it was something going around in this area (NC). Her father in particular was very sick, and ended up needing antibiotics for a secondary infection. 

I hope you feel better soon. 

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Eh, same thing happened with neighbor kids. Half tested positive for influenza B in a family, half didn’t. Same symptoms for everybody. Didn’t correlate with vaccination status. I suspect maybe they were squirmy with the swan or early enough they didn’t have enough viral particles.

This spring, three of us went in for swabs. One kid tested positive for A and B. Other tested positive for A. Doctor looked at me and told me she’d save the money for the swab...we’d clearly all been exposed to A and B and were symptomatic. 

Rumor has it Influenza B has mutated again in our area. 


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11 minutes ago, Terabith said:

I don’t even feel up to watching tv or listening to a book.  How long does it take to be able simple diversion?


No way of knowing.  Could be anywhere from a couple days to 10.

Elderberry, alcohol, salt, and vitamin D all shorten duration.  I can't remember where you live. If you're not responsible for any children for the day and it's someplace warm, lie out in the sun.  Drink hard liquor.  Eat something salty like chips to cut the crud. Take elderberry if you can stand it.  That usually shortens it to 2-3 days for me. 4 without the sun.


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My 16 year old is home sick too but I think it’s just depression.  Well, not just.  But, you know.  I have a weird genetic thing that I don’t make vitamin d from sun.  Taking a crap ton though.  I can put elderberry in tea and try to choke down something salty and alcoholic.  Stomach isn’t really hungry.  Not sure I feel well enough to get dressed and sit upright outside though.  

I just started a new job and I don’t think I’m going to make it in this week.  Sigh.  It’s working with delayed kids 0-3, so they were very nice and adamant but I can’t help think I am not making a good impression.

ETA:  It’s 60 degrees.  

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7 minutes ago, Katy said:


No way of knowing.  Could be anywhere from a couple days to 10.

Elderberry, alcohol, salt, and vitamin D all shorten duration.  I can't remember where you live. If you're not responsible for any children for the day and it's someplace warm, lie out in the sun.  Drink hard liquor.  Eat something salty like chips to cut the crud. Take elderberry if you can stand it.  That usually shortens it to 2-3 days for me. 4 without the sun.


Thank you for sharing the bit about hard liquor. I don't drink at all, but my great-grandmother said that in her family growing up they all took shots of whiskey or the like when they had the flu. I was wondering if they were disinfecting their throats (this was pre-antibiotic era) or what....but it's fascinating to know that there's some real evidence behind this.  

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19 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Thank you for sharing the bit about hard liquor. I don't drink at all, but my great-grandmother said that in her family growing up they all took shots of whiskey or the like when they had the flu. I was wondering if they were disinfecting their throats (this was pre-antibiotic era) or what....but it's fascinating to know that there's some real evidence behind this.  


Yeah, alcoholics rarely get sick.  Of course eventually they pickle their livers and die from that, but they have far less viruses than most people.  I rarely drink either, but I will when sick IF DH is home to watch the little kids.

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I am pretty aware of my meds and how they interact with alcohol and each other.  The rule of thumb has been one drink is fine for what I am taking.  And I’m paranoid about things like multiple meds containing Tylenol for instance.  

Does occur to me that I probably should reschedule my therapist appointment for tomorrow.  Odds are low that I won’t be contagious by tomorrow morning, right?


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Wow, you’re sick again??? I’m so sorry!!! 

Have you had bloodwork to see if you are deficient in other vitamins and minerals? It seems like there must be something you can do to increase your resistance, because you seem to pick up everything that’s going around. 

I feel so sad for you. You just get over one thing and you catch something else.  😞

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Viruses and bacteria are adapting to our medicines. They've learned to adapt faster than new medicine can keep up. Because of this, people are going to find that colds and such are stronger and harder to get over. Simply taking medicine and continuing to work (be it in or out of the home) as we have grown used to isn't going to continue to happen. It's also going to mean a return to times when people must take very proactive and prolonged steps to recovery.

This means that all of the wonderful advice above is something that people need to learn to do immediately when they're starting to feel bad and continue to do until they're all better... and it still could take several days to recover!

So when someone suggests something, it's not a one-time thing. It's could easily mean continue to do that every few hours for several days.

I don't mean to sound all gloomy, but it helps me to know--and I hope that it helps you, too--that I can't expect to just take some medicine/remedy and move on... I've got give myself time, and that means days not hours. My body's fighting off an army with a vast network of intelligence and advanced weaponry. It needs a little extra time and care. 

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36 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

Wow, you’re sick again??? I’m so sorry!!! 

Have you had bloodwork to see if you are deficient in other vitamins and minerals? It seems like there must be something you can do to increase your resistance, because you seem to pick up everything that’s going around. 

I feel so sad for you. You just get over one thing and you catch something else.  😞

The chronic vitamin D deficiency comes with some immune deficiency.  (Also apparently is correlated with slightly lower levels of certain cancers.)  I also had a hysterectomy with a 13 inch vertical incision this summer which probably didn’t help immune wise.  There’s also been a LOT going around.  I really have missed several viruses that went around.  But yeah, I am more susceptible to upper respiratory stuff than most people.  

ETA:  On the plus side, I seem to have good resistance against stomach bugs (knock on wood), and viruses don’t tend to morph into bronchitis or pneumonia.  I fight stuff off in normal periods.  I just catch the first iteration, in general.  

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1 hour ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

I think hysterectomies just really take it out of you (no pun intended). I know all of my friends that have had them do seem to be more run down and prone to things well past that imaginary six weeks the surgeons tout. More like 6-12 months. Plus, you're working at a school, so heavens knows what all you come in contact with with kids all the time. Kids are gross. I love them, but they're pretty gross. 

Yeah.  Not a school but early intervention.  Kids under three with developmental delays.  Also germ factories.  

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I’m exhausted but I feel too sick to sleep.  Has this ever happened to anyone?  I took ibuprofen and Sudafed but I just feel terrible.  Achy and dizzy and queasy.  Can’t get comfortable enough to fall asleep.  I feel utterly miserable and awful.  

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Sending hugs..........I also think you have the flu.  I have only had the real flu once.   I may have thought I had the flu before but there was no comparison when I had the confirmed case.  I couldn’t do anything beyond be miserable.  I couldn’t concentrate,  my head pounded, I was a lump of misery who couldn’t sleep either.  Everything was a huge effort.  

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8 hours ago, Terabith said:

On the other hand, I feel very whiny about the fact that everything hurts.  Eyes, muscles, joints, skin.  Unpleasant and just ugh. 

Do you have a very sensitive sensory system anyway? Then yes it would feel worse. Do you have a weighted blanket? Fold it in half and double and see if it helps.

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I am inconsistent in my sensory system.  Over reactive in some senses and under in others.  Will try folding over weighted blanket.  Thanks.  I’ve had a lot of bugs, especially in the time right before/ after surgery (which I have been told is fairly normal), but this is by far the worst I’ve felt.  Have a lot more sympathy for kid who claimed she was dying now. 

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10 minutes ago, mumto2 said:

Sending hugs..........I also think you have the flu.  I have only had the real flu once.   I may have thought I had the flu before but there was no comparison when I had the confirmed case.  I couldn’t do anything beyond be miserable.  I couldn’t concentrate,  my head pounded, I was a lump of misery who couldn’t sleep either.  Everything was a huge effort.  

Yes.  This describes it almost perfectly.  I’m really kind of afraid to be home alone, I feel so bad.  

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19 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Yes.  This describes it almost perfectly.  I’m really kind of afraid to be home alone, I feel so bad.  

I understand.  Can your husband leave you a cooler beside the bed with some basic supplies so you don’t have to walk to the kitchen?  Crackers, some cool water............a flask of soup?

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2 minutes ago, mumto2 said:

I understand.  Can your husband leave you a cooler beside the bed with some basic supplies so you don’t have to walk to the kitchen?  Crackers, some cool water............a flask of soup?

I think he’s going to work from home today.  He is pretty awesome, and my oldest is starting Spanish tutoring today and he’s the only one who knows tutor.  

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38 minutes ago, Terabith said:

I am inconsistent in my sensory system.  Over reactive in some senses and under in others.  Will try folding over weighted blanket.  Thanks.  I’ve had a lot of bugs, especially in the time right before/ after surgery (which I have been told is fairly normal), but this is by far the worst I’ve felt.  Have a lot more sympathy for kid who claimed she was dying now. 

Mixed is normal or at least common. Your body doesn’t lie. Whatever it is for you is what it is. 

Wheres your dragon doc in this? Would he call in the xoufluza anyway? Maybe when you recover find a new doc.

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Honestly, I have concerns about Tamiflu anyway.  I’ve never taken it, and it has a pretty high record of psychiatric side effects, which I am prone to anyway.  But I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t call it anyway without a positive test.   Might see if I could convince someone to call me in some phenergan.

Sigh.  I need to sleep.  Been a long time since I felt this sick.  I mean, surgery pain was worse.  But still.  

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6 minutes ago, PeterPan said:

Someone said the other med might not have the same side effects.

So in reality my repeated illnesses were stress. Maybe that’s your next and, removing donkeys from your life.

Oh yeah.  There’s lots of stress.  The minor stress involves upending our daily life, my in laws moving into a retirement community, and us buying their house.  The bigger stress involves my oldest.  Trying to figure out how to articulate that to create a thread about her.  

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