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How long do you take off for the holidays?

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We are starting, this week, to do school 'light'. We are doing reading, math, & history every day. We will finish the last chapter in the grammar book. Logic/thinking skills will be done if we have time, and December is Master Your Latin & Word Roots Month. I'm making up a couple of lapbooks for her to study the first quarter's stuff. We'll test near Christmas and then start the 2nd half in January.


If we are not busy with other stuff, we'll do more schoolwork, but that's the general plan. One of the reasons we homeshool is so that we can enjoy life. Christmas is an important part of that life, so in December, schoolwork takes the back seat.

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Schools here have two months off over Christmas but we are just taking our holiday from the 16th of Dec (when I have major surgery) till the 12 Jan (when my husband goes back to work). Then I plan to get straight back into lessons. We'll need the structure and routine so I can cope while still recuperating.

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As it is "winter" here, and the weather is decent, we will take almost all of December off, all January off and part of Feb off.


We school through the summer here as its too hot to do anything else.


We are still following the southern hemispheres year- so kids finish school year in Dec anyway.

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Any school that gets done during that time is cause for celebration, LOL.


I make calendars as gifts for dh's family each year, and we send out lots of Christmas cards and letters too. Add on Christmas shopping and decorating, and life gets even nuttier than usual.


Plus, this will be the second year in a row we'll have a new baby during the holidays. I'll need time to recover.

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Schools here have two months off over Christmas but we are just taking our holiday from the 16th of Dec (when I have major surgery) till the 12 Jan (when my husband goes back to work). Then I plan to get straight back into lessons. We'll need the structure and routine so I can cope while still recuperating.


I hope your surgery goes well and you are able to recuperate fully. I am sure it will be difficult to take it easy with little ones around. :001_smile:

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I am more eclectic than some so I consider lots of things educational and count it as school. For example, this coming week, MTW are regular school days, Thursday is a day off (parade watching, dinner and games). Friday we are taking off for a two day mini-vacation to western Florida. WE will go to either Crystal River or Homossassa Springs and then Weeki Watchi. Both of those days I consider educational. SUnday will be another day off. Then we have one more week of school, then we are in moving stage. The packers are here on Dec. 8th. My older dd still has a college class and so I will drive her to that. I haven't decided yet what exactly to do with my sixth grader. She does have music day on Dec. 10th so that day will be taken care. On Dec. 11th, the movers will load up and everyone will be needed to watch very carefully. Then on Dec. 12th, I will have them at the library probably doing some work. They both need to do some work throughut our moving time to not fall behind but it will be sporadic. We have a pickup truck so we will be taking their books with them.

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We're taking two days off next week from basic schoolwork for Thanksgiving but are trying something different M-W. We'll spend those three days only studying my daughter's favorite subjects. On Monday, we'll spend the whole day on history, Tuesday will be science, and Wed. will be art and baking.


We'll take two weeks off for Christmas. If she enjoys our modified schedule next week I may incorporate a few days of history, science, and art over Christmas vacation as well.



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We're taking off Wednesday through Friday for Thanksgiving, and then I'm thinking that we'll continue school through the 17th. That will give us 2 weeks off for Christmas, until Jan. 2nd.


I'm not sure why, but I don't want to make Christmas-time a huge deal this year. I'm looking forward to the holiday season, the fun and time spent with loved ones, but I feel like keeping things more in perspective this year. We will celebrate, but I don't want it to become *our lives* for the whole month of December, as it has in the past.



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Every year is different - this year I think we are going to do a special term from this week until Epiphany, focusing on music and art (with a little math thrown in and "school-lite" on everything else). We haven't done enough in the arts this year and I think the holiday season lends itself nicely to that.:)

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We are taking two days for Thanksgiving and 2 weeks for Christmas. I have a friend who takes the whole month of December off.


...rather than Christmas, so we're taking off the whole week of Thanksgiving (we're also hosting an open house party the Sunday after Thanksgiving), and probably just Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, if they fall on weekdays this year (haven't looked).


We have a ton of activities going in December, but they're mostly on weekends, and I'll have decorated and finished most of my shopping/gift crafting, so...not that much to do besides watch Elf and make cookies. :-)

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We have traditionally taken off from Thanksgiving til after the New Year... but this year is a bit different. We are going to be moving hopefully between Christmas and New Year's. Couple that with my DH being away, and I need the daily routine to keep us all sane. So we are taking Thurs and Fri for Thanksgiving, then will work til 12/23, and be off from 12/24 until we get settled in a new place. We will probably take most of Jan off to get settled in and to explore our new location!

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We will take Thanksgiving Day off, but be back to the books on Friday. :)


For December, we will do school the first week or two. The rest of December, we'll spend finishing our Prairie Primer stuff for the book we're reading right now. Other than that - we will be doing some FUN stuff we never have time for! Crafts, reading several books out loud, etc.


It's the first year we've been "ahead" enough to do this and I'm over the moon excited. We school year-round, though, so that we can take a couple weeks here - or there. :D

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Major dance competition this week, so we started "finishing" stuff last week. Younger dd has been off since last Thursday. Well, off of school -- you wouldn't believe the number of dance rehearsals they've done since Friday afternoon, plus they had a choir concert yesterday. So lots of work is getting done, but not math or grammar or such. (I cannot imagine what it's like for the kids in their dance school who attend public or private school -- yeesh, they must be exhausted.)


We'll (theoretically) start back up sometime during the week after Thanksgiving once we've gotten some sleep and recovered a bit.


As others have said, that's one reason we homeschool -- so we can be flexible.

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