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Please pray/UPDATE


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My son with special needs is not doing well right now. He is very upset. I am not sure if it is tummy trouble from too much oils or if he swallowed a small object. It's too much on the whole family. Everyone needs tosleep at night. The same thing keeps happening and I keep posting for prayers.

UPDATE:  He did fall asleep. I pray again that he does better tonight because nighttime is his bad time.  His behavior scared DS15 and kept waking him up and now we have a return of DS15's medical problems that landed him in the hospital last month for a week.  Huge crisis and I can hardly breathe.

It never ends.  DS17 got sick when he was two in 2003 and I kept hoping things would get better (not just hoping but doing things to get him better too but that's a long story) but it has been crisis after crisis all these years.  I want us to be happy.  I want us to be able to embrace all life has to offer.  I want happiness, health and freedom for my children.  They are so good and deserve it so much!

So I guess I need even more prayers!




Edited by Teaching3bears
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