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What do you think about soy products?


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reading about this on the internet is frustrating - lots of contradictory info and hard to tell the truth from various interest groups

We don't consume dairy, and I have been drinking a lot of soymilk.  (the kids not so much if any at all).  Like, maybe 5 cups a day? The plain unsweetened just soybeans+water variety.

Then I stopped, because I ran out and the local store didn't have my preferred kind. That was about a week or two ago and I've been irritable since; it almost feels like a mild depression, which I've had before as post-partum and ante-partum, so I know what it feels like.  I wonder if there is something in the soy that was causing elevated mood?

On the other hand, I'm also probably lowish on vitamin D as I don't get outside much and it's getting later in the year, and I did also just start my period again after being pregnant +the first 6 months of breastfeeding.  

I dunno, just wondering if anyone has any info or a reputable source to read about whether soy has hormonal or mood effects.

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I do get the soy free earth balance, because DH doesn't want the boys to have soy and that makes some sense to me.  I also cook with either coconut or oat milk.  Unfortunately pretty much all the fake milks except soy taste weird to me.  Rice milk is kind of okay, and some of the nut-based creamers are good, but I just really like soy for some reason.  Same with ice cream (although coconut milk ice cream, if you are okay with coconut flavor in all your ice cream flavors, is really tasty).



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Like with many things I believe soy is best consumed in moderation. With more and more alternative "milks" and vegetarian/vegan meat replacement products it seems to me it would be very easy to go overboard w/o realizing it. However, I'm also very leery of attributing mood/health changes to consumption/lack of consumption of one food or food group. It's all too easy to fall for correlation=causation. If we wanted to we could correlate all sorts of things with other things.

Edited by Pawz4me
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Google says that there's 130 calories in a cup of soy milk, so at 5 cups a day that's 650 calories you're suddenly missing out on, unless you're drinking a different type of milk. It's possible you're feeling off just from a sudden change in calorie intake. I know I've accidentally suddenly restricted my calories before, which lead to me just laying on the couch unable to care about anything.

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I did the same thing with soy milk, it was like I became dependent on it.  It took me a while to get over the feeling and I don't think I realized while on it that it messed with my hormones.  I switched to almond milk and have used it for years.  I actually prefer it.  I don't think that all soy is evil.  I try to avoid processed soy.  I am vegan so I could eat tons of soy in all different forms if I wanted but I choose not to go that route.  I might eat edamame occasional and I rarely eat a fermented soy product. I avoid soy milk products, etc.

Edited by Attolia
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2 hours ago, moonflower said:

On the other hand, I'm also probably lowish on vitamin D as I don't get outside much and it's getting later in the year, and I did also just start my period again after being pregnant +the first 6 months of breastfeeding.  

This is probably the reason for your mood change.

That said, we love soy here.  Of course, my dd has been allergic to dairy and peanuts her entire life, so soy milk is the only kind of milk she drinks.  She loves it, and has about 2 cups a day.  It didn't do anything weird hormonally to her.  In fact, she was a late bloomer, so to speak.

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thank you for that, texasmom ?

lavender, I hadn't considered the calories angle!  I didn't replace it with another caloric drink but I also haven't noticed feeling hungry exactly.  Maybe I'll track my calories for a couple of weeks and see where I am.  I think that as I have started to feed the baby more calories (she's 6 months, so it's not like a huge number or anything) maybe I need fewer too?  I am not sure.  



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I think they're over hyped as "beneficial".

I've had some things recommended for me by providers.  they are available as soy based, or much more expensive from other sources.  I react badly to the boy based, am fine on the other.   so, I don't eat it.

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I avoid soy as much as possible. I am high risk for breast cancer and don't want to risk it. When I have soy my periods are more painful. I noticed a difference almost right away with removing soy. 


But the internet is full of articles saying it is good and healthy. So I think you just need to pick what you want and stick to it. And pray it all works out. 

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I’m not a huge fan of soy. I eat miso soup occasionally, consume some edamame here and there, and eat tofu every now and again, but I’ve never been able to stomach soy milk.

I’m not vegan, but I do avoid most dairy due to intolerance. I make a lot of homemade nut milks. Just finished a yummy batch of cashew creamer for my coffee as a matter of fact!

I think the jury is still out on it in relation to how much it affects us, but feel that is the case with a lot of things lately.

I think moderation would be key, and I’d avoid GMO soy for sure.

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4 hours ago, moonflower said:

On the other hand, I'm also probably lowish on vitamin D as I don't get outside much and it's getting later in the year, and I did also just start my period again after being pregnant +the first 6 months of breastfeeding.  

That would be a perfectly obvious explanation for the mood change. 

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4 hours ago, Pawz4me said:

Like with many things I believe soy is best consumed in moderation. With more and more alternative "milks" and vegetarian/vegan meat replacement products it seems to me it would be very easy to go overboard w/o realizing it. However, I'm also very leery of attributing mood/health changes to consumption/lack of consumption of one food or food group. It's all too easy to fall for correlation=causation. If we wanted to we could correlate all sorts of things with other things.


This.  I think looking at mood and minor health changes in relation to eating/not eating foods is worse than useless - most of the time it is positively misleading.  As for soy, I don't eat a lot of it and I also don't especially avoid it.  I don't generally drink fake milks as I don't think they are really a better alternative environmentally where I live.  Soy milk in particular I don't like, I find it unpalatable.  I occasionally eat tofu or soybeans, and probably soy in things I buy.

I don't think there is any real evidence that it is dangerous for health (outside of doing known things like eating it raw) but OTOH a diet very heavy in any one thing may be associated with problems.  Some people who cut out food groups end up doing this in order to make up for the nutrient sources they have lost, so it would be something to consider.

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45 minutes ago, moonflower said:

I know, but I never had serious mood issues with periods back when I had a lot of periods (I've been pregnant or breastfeeding or both for something like 8 years, so I've had very few periods in the last decade).  But it does make sense, I guess.


Periods and hormones will really change for a lot of women in those years.  Plus, just the hormone shift after pregnancy can affect mood.  I think that looking at soy as the culprit when you have massive hormonal change going on is kind of like trying to find a grain of sand in your shoe while ignoring the giant chunk of granite stuck in the toe.?

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I mostly avoid soy products because so many of them are high fodmap which give me stomach issues.  I also tend not to like the way they taste.  I've generally not found any milk alternatives that taste pleasant which is annoying since I'm also lactose intolerant. 

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All of the research I've seen has been polarized.  It does have an effect...it doesn't.  It does...it doesn't.

Soy milk falls into my "too processed to be shelf stable" food category and I try to avoid it.  Homemade soy milk is soy beans blended with water, cooked, and then strained.  Shelf stable often has thickeners and other things added to make the nutrient content comparable to dairy and have a constant consistency.  It is hard to say what is having an effect on you if you aren't making it yourself, you know?

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I consume soy on a daily basis, but being Asian, I use it in only asian applications.  Asians have been using soy in so many different ways for thousands of years, but I do believe that the western world uses it in ways that aren't beneficial.  Interestingly, most of the Asian women that I know that have gone through menopause have not told me that they have had any symptoms.  No mood swings or hot flashes at all.  

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Dh and the girls are vegetarian, and fond of TVP vegi-meat, but it gives me abdominal cramps if I eat more than a small amount. Wee Girl was having recurring abdominal pains so we recently cut the soy for her to a minimum and she feels much better. I can't think it's an allergy as she and I eat small amounts with no trouble; nor a hormonal issue as she's pre-pubescent. I think some people just don't digest soy very well.

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When I was going through "the change" I started using a cup of soymilk a day. I found that it really helped with my hot flashes. My doctor suggested that, but that told me that it does have hormonal effects.

When we moved to much smaller house with a tiny refrigerator, there really wasn't room for three kinds of milk, so I just went to almond milk like my DD uses. And still no hot flashes. We also use the soy-free vegan margarine. DD avoids soy because it messes with her period.

I think in general, it is good to avoid it although being soy-free is difficult. 

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10 hours ago, Violet Crown said:

Dh and the girls are vegetarian, and fond of TVP vegi-meat, but it gives me abdominal cramps if I eat more than a small amount. Wee Girl was having recurring abdominal pains so we recently cut the soy for her to a minimum and she feels much better. I can't think it's an allergy as she and I eat small amounts with no trouble; nor a hormonal issue as she's pre-pubescent. I think some people just don't digest soy very well.


I think this might be true.  Some foods where traditionally you see them processed in some way, often I think it is because people seem to find it easier to eat. Even things like cabbage and such, lots of people can't eat them raw or even cooked without getting gassy, but it is ok if it is fermented or pickled.

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