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2018 Bible Reading.....what Plan, Method, Version, etc. are you doing?


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I have done the Daily Bible several times now and really enjoyed it.  I liked the chronological order and sectioned daily readings.


This year though I am hoping to combine a Bible reading program with my desire to continue to learn Spanish.  I have decided to do a Reading of the entire New Testament (260 chapters).  I have a Bilingual Bible so my plan is to read the chapter in English and then listen to the same chapter in Spanish as I follow along in the Bible  Then I plan on "journaling"......basically writing down the date, chapter read, and then a key/favorite verse in both English and Spanish.

If it goes well and I can keep up.  I will likely try to add Psalms or Proverbs at the end since there aren't 365 chapters in the NT.

What plans do you have the new year?

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I’ve done the Daily bible and chronologically in the past in the NIV. In 2016 I read the entire NLT straight through and in 2017 I read the ESV straight through. This year I’m doing the CSB. I’m leaning toward chronological but I’ve also seen a list that has you read mostly chronological but you also read part of a Psalm each day. I haven’t decided which I’ll do yet.

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The Horner system is my absolutely favorite, but for the time challenged (ahem!) the M’Cheyne is similar but less sections.






Both of these are selectable automatic reading plans if you have an Olive Tree bible from the App Store, and I’m almost positive they have a good android version too (I’ve had olive tree since I had a palm pilot!).


For me, it’s continuing the M’Cheyne. I’ll go back to the Horner system some day though!

Oh now something else to think about I like that Homer list!
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I've been contemplating the Horner plan, but I think it'll be too much. I've been perusing different plans the past few days but I'm not settled on one yet.


FWIW, Christian Book Distributors has some good deals on bibles right now. I just ordered a new one for me and my DD. (Large print! I'm getting old!)

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Does reading the Horner plan (or M'Cheyne, for that matter) give too many readings from different books each day in anyone's opinion?  I like the claim that it helps you get knowledgeable about where things are in the Bible.  I WANT that.  But if I'm reading from 10 different books every day, I feel like it won't gel in my mind, you know?  I get torn over Bible reading plans every year.  LOL

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I bought this book last year and got bogged down and gave it up. I joined a different SS class that has a good book to use during the week, so I relied on that. I started to going to a weekly bible study that has homework, too. It doesn't meet all year, though. I'd really like to start that book again and do it this year, too. 



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We follow a Bible reading plan as a family. For the past two years, we've done the One Story plan from ownit365.com (through the YouVersion Bible app). This year we're doing the NT+ plan from the same place, and also adding in Solid Joys devotionals.


We have a family Facebook messenger group and each of us posts a thought or question daily from our readings.

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This is weird, but it's what worked for me this last year.  I put cheap paperback scriptures in my bathroom, and I committed not to pick up my phone while I'm in there.  I'm in there a couple of times a day, and without my phone, I have nothing else to do....


I've never read more consistently!  :thumbup:

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This is weird, but it's what worked for me this last year. I put cheap paperback scriptures in my bathroom, and I committed not to pick up my phone while I'm in there. I'm in there a couple of times a day, and without my phone, I have nothing else to do....


I've never read more consistently! :thumbup:

I think you are really onto something here.

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I use that app at home, too! I hadn't even thought about using it in church, though! Duh!



I wanted a parallel Bible this year, but they're too expensive. I already have KJV (which is what we use), NLJV, NIV, and a couple others at home. So I think I am going to just open up each one a few times a week, and start with the New Testament.

I think the Bible Gateway app allows parallel versions on the iPad or computer. I know it’s a little different on the iPad than on a phone.
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I've been contemplating the Horner plan, but I think it'll be too much. I've been perusing different plans the past few days but I'm not settled on one yet.


FWIW, Christian Book Distributors has some good deals on bibles right now. I just ordered a new one for me and my DD. (Large print! I'm getting old!)


I've started the Homer plan several times but never been able to keep up.


I am using Book by Book in the Youversion Bible app at the moment.

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We do a plan as a family that has readings five days a week - about a chapter per day. It gives a general overview of the whole Bible (but obviously it doesn't include every word!). On Saturday we read the sermon text for Sunday morning, and on Sunday afternoons we read the sermon text for Sunday evening.


I can't find it online to link to it - one site that looks like it would have it, my computer is convinced is an unsafe site. And the website that's actually listed in the document (bibleplan.org) has other plans, but not this one. But if anyone is interested, I can upload the pdf for the plan to Google Drive and then share it.



Anyway, so that's our family reading. For myself, I am currently reading a commentary on Romans and a commentary with Scripture proofs on the Westminster Larger Catechism. So not a "plan," just...reading stuff.

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Both of these are selectable automatic reading plans if you have an Olive Tree bible from the App Store, and I’m almost positive they have a good android version too (I’ve had olive tree since I had a palm pilot!).


For me, it’s continuing the M’Cheyne. I’ll go back to the Horner system some day though!


I have Olive Tree on my android.  I like it but sometimes it just stops and I have to restart it.  But I still like it.


Someone gave me a women's devotional Bible (link is to Westminster Bookstore) so I might go through that this year. I don't typically love women's devotionals but I'll see how it goes. I am not going to try to read the Bible in a year right now.  I end up feeling rushed and like I'm reading to check off a to-do list item.  I'm aiming for a chapter or two a day, maybe even less.  


I've begun Sing a New Song: A Woman's Guide to the Psalms and will continue; it's helpful to me.  Plus the book cover is so beautiful.  :-)

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Oh, I wanted to share that for those who are considering the M'Cheyne reading plan, D.A. Carson has 2 devotional/commentary books based upon it available either in daily blog format or as a download (PDF of the entire book!) to accompany it!  I really like it, just some additional thoughts to ponder from a great teacher as you go through the Bible.  This page has the links to the blog and both volumes of the book (For the Love of God): https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/carsons-for-the-love-of-god-blog3/

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