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Brock Turner Wants a New Trial


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I am speechless.  The Stanford guy convicted of assault, who only got 6 months and only served 3, wants a new trial to hopefully overturn his conviction.  The judge took a fall because of only giving him 6 months.  I hope he gets a new trial and gets the maximum sentence.





Wiki about the original case, warning, graphic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_v._Turner


Edited by goldberry
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Presumably it is his dad who is bankrolling all the legal stuff. He made it quite clear in his letter to the court that he considers sexual assault no big deal.


Yeah, his letter to the court:


The elder Turner also wrote, “His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve. That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life.â€

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What an ass. This seems extra weird in light of all the sexual assault allegations that are coming out.


I would be devastated if one of my kids did something that destroyed their lives, but I’d like to think I’d encourage them to take responsibility for their actions. Clearly Mr. Turner does not see it my way.

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Yeah, his letter to the court:


The elder Turner also wrote, “His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve. That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life.â€

This quote has me on the edge of screaming. What an entitled ass. That young woman’s life will never be the same.

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Apparently the fact that he raped a woman beside a dumpster, not behind it, means it wasn't a crime. And the judge should have allowed his friends and family to testify to what a nice wholesome kid he was, since nice boys totally deserve a pass when they accidentally rape unconscious women.


"In his appeal, Turner argued that contrary to what Deputy District Attorney Alaleh Kianerci repeatedly told jurors, the sexual assault happened near a three-sided trash bin, but not behind it, according to the Mercury News. Saying the assault happened behind the dumpster is “prejudicial†and implied that Turner was trying to hide what he was doing.


He also argued that Persky deprived him of a fair trial when he did not instruct jurors to consider lesser criminal charges before they began deliberating and excluded testimony from character witnesses."


:cursing:  :cursing:  :cursing:

Edited by Corraleno
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What an ass. This seems extra weird in light of all the sexual assault allegations that are coming out.


I would be devastated if one of my kids did something that destroyed their lives, but I’d like to think I’d encourage them to take responsibility for their actions. Clearly Mr. Turner does not see it my way.


If it weren't for what it will put his victim through, I would say that I welcome him having a new trial and a new sentence. It couldn't be a worse for him, better for humanity, time to ask for fresh eyes on this case

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*I'm thinking words I cannot type here* What an absolute horrible person. His family should be ashamed. What about his victim's life and family? Aren't they the ones with the "ruined lives." 


Honestly though, with the current climate it might be interesting (as in welcome to see people protest) a new trial. It's hard to believe someone could be that self-centered - and I've lived with a very self-centered person. 




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I hope this absurd legal move has two effects:


(1) Bankrupting the Turner family


(2) Renewing interest in the petition to recall Judge Persky, which is being led by a Stanford law professor. So far they have collected 76,000 of the 90,000 signatures required to get it on the June ballot.

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Does he feel like what he did wasn't a crime (or shouldn't be a crime?)  - but acknowledges that he did rape an unconscious woman who could not consent - or is he saying that he didn't have sex with an unconscious woman and thus is not guilty because he didn't do the thing he was convicted of doing?  


I am sort of unclear based on his comments and his dad's comments whether they admit he raped a woman or not, honestly.

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According to his lawyer: "What we are saying that what happened is not a crime," Turner's legal adviser John Tompkins told KNTV. "It happened, but it was not anywhere close to a crime."

Turner argued in the original trial that the sex was consensual, she was conscious and responding enthusiastically, and if she passed out (at the last minute, just when the witnesses came by) he wasn't aware of it.

Her BAC was three times the legal limit and the medical report said she didn't wake up until three hours after the assault, but he claims she was conscious and consenting right up until the moment those pesky Swedish cyclists came by and ruined his life. 

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I see, and he thinks the judge prejudiced the jury into believing she was passed out the whole time by saying that she was behind the dumpster (instead of behind it), because being behind the dumpster suggests premeditation re: hiding the act.


Well, let him try again, I guess.  I didn't follow the case the first time but I'm not sure if just setting the scene beside a dumpster instead of behind one is going to change the minds of a whole jury of people, especially in this climate, given the rest of the evidence.  

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Presumably it is his dad who is bankrolling all the legal stuff. He made it quite clear in his letter to the court that he considers sexual assault no big deal.


Yeah, I immediately thought of his Dad.


If kid was smart, he'd just drop it.  The public had forgotten (to some extent) about him....but now he's all top of mind.  And with the "me too" phenomenon, it might not go as well for him this time.  (And I hope it doesn't!)

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Incredible scum.


He wants to over turn the conviction and get off the sex offender registry.


The witnesses were grad students from Sweden. Have they left the country. How hard would it be to get them to another trial?


I know many people who would crowd fund their tickets. I would!

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He also argued that Persky deprived him of a fair trial when he did not instruct jurors to consider lesser criminal charges before they began deliberating and excluded testimony from character witnesses."


He got 6 freaking months.  For rape.


There are people on the sex offender list for far less than what he did.

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He also argued that Persky deprived him of a fair trial when he did not instruct jurors to consider lesser criminal charges before they began deliberating and excluded testimony from character witnesses."


He got 6 freaking months.  For rape.  He raped her.  An unconscious drunk woman who could do nothing to stop him.  And they should've considered lesser criminal charges?  Really?


There are people on the sex offender list for far less than what he did.



Edited by Butter
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This story only came to light when the woman he raped wrote that very powerful letter that went viral. 

I wonder how she feels about this.  

I'd angry at the sentence he got and am hungering for another chance to do better.  But she might want to put this behind her.

Every defendant has a right to a fair trial but there is an element of re-victimizing here that makes it extra foul.


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Yeah, his letter to the court:


The elder Turner also wrote, “His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve. That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life.â€

I have never heard anything so entitled and heartless in my life. How long does it take to murder ten people with an automatic weapon? How many seconds to poison a kettle of soup in a restaurant? No society has ever measured crime against others by how long it took. Unbelievable.

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Hhhhmmmm...not sure what California law says regarding sentencing after a new trial if he is again found guilty.  I know in my state the sentence can generally only be increased if new information comes out at trial that would justify a harsher sentence.  Increasing the sentence just because there is an opportunity to do so after a new trial can be construed as vindictive and a means to discourage appeals.  I am guessing California must have some restrictions otherwise this is a huge gamble by his attorney.

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Um . . . If a girl was conscious and up for this activity, wouldn’t she be more likely to want her dumpster sex to be hidden behind the dumpster and not next to it? I don’t think clearing up this particular detail helps him at all.

Or, maybe someone conscience might not want her sex anywhere near a dumpster...,...

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The two Swedish students were able to tell from however far away they were that the woman was unconscious and yelled at him immediately.  As the woman pointed out in her letter, he was on top of her but couldn't tell?  And regarding the "hiding" behind the dumpster vs beside it... he ran like hell from the Swedish students.  What does that say?


He's an idiot.  This was not even a borderline case.  

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I don't think there's a chance in hell he's going to get a new trial considering the huge backlash about the first one. What judge is going to voluntarily subject himself to public excoriation — and a likely recall campaign — in order to grant this little weasel a new trial?


I suspect this is a case of a rich daddy who refuses to accept the fact that his son ruined his own damn life, and a lawyer who is happy to continue to file ridiculous appeals as long as daddy keeps writing the checks.

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