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Vent about out of control dogs - JAWM


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Or don't agree, don't care, lol 


If you have a big powerful dog, of any breed, you MUST have it under control. Or don't take it in public. Period. You do not get to bring a solid 80 pound mass of muscle to the dog park and let him jump all over everyone, hump the other dogs constantly, and start fights. I don't care that he's a "puppy" at not quite a year old. Either train it, or stay home. 


Furthermore, don't tell your girlfriend, who is mortified, that she can't hire a trainer! Of course, girlfriend was clueless as well, and asking about padded body harnesses so the dog could be more comfortable dragging her down the street. 


I prefer positive, fun dog training, but if it comes down to a prong collar or someone ending up in the hospital (including possibly the dog), get the freaking prong collar. If you have to cause momentary discomfort to get the dog to stop jumping, and the payout is a lifetime of the dog getting to be around people versus you ending up sued when it knocks a bunch of people down, do it! The dog would RATHER you told it "no" and meant it and it got to live out its life than you coddle it and it end up being put down because too many people called animal control. 


And if your dog has such poor manners that it ends up in a scuffle several times with several different dogs in one hour you again may want to consider that this is a PROBLEM and address it before it goes from trash talking and snarling to full on biting. 



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I hope this isn't a dog you'll be seeing all the time, because the owner and his girlfriend sound completely clueless.


I hate irresponsible pet owners. So many people get angry with the dogs for their bad behavior instead of getting angry with the owners for not having trained the dogs properly.


It's especially worrisome because you have a baby and that dog is so big and powerful that you couldn't stop it if it lunged toward you. :(

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Preach it!!   We had one bad experience at the dog park with our dog and an out of control big "puppy".  Owner made it sound like I was over reacting ... No your dog is harassing MY dog, and my normally docile, half-asleep doggy is hiding under the picnic table and growling to send your dog a message (he wasn't getting).  And - the owner was way too far away and not controlling or training his puppy.  It was like he expected me and my dog to do his job.   My dog was so stressed out after that experience.   We've never gone back.  My dog doesn't really enjoy running around and socializing anyway, but that was over the top. 

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I will add - even if you have a small lap dog, you should still learn how to control it.  Don't put it on a retractable lead and then scream while the dog rushes around PetCo wrapping the lead around people's legs.  This is from yesterday and I'm still a bit steamed.  It's not as scary as your situation but those retractable leashes can cause falls etc.

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I will add - even if you have a small lap dog, you should still learn how to control it. Don't put it on a retractable lead and then scream while the dog rushes around PetCo wrapping the lead around people's legs. This is from yesterday and I'm still a bit steamed. It's not as scary as your situation but those retractable leashes can cause falls etc.

That's so annoying! And people seem to think that no one would ever be afraid of their precious petite little pooch, but some people are afraid of dogs -- even tiny ones, and even at Petco! I like pretty much every well-behaved dog I meet, but I don't like the ones who are out of control or whose owners never seem to get around to retracting those retractable leashes inside the store. I agree that a leash wrapped around someone's legs can cause a bad fall!

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On a related note - I'm glad to hear that your dog is not an issue. My dog kind of IS. Please do not let your big hulking dog go near my little dog. She doesn't like it, and it's not helping her behavior issues for you to let this behemoth get right in her face. She doesn't understand English, so she doesn't understand that you are saying your dog is friendly. (She's probably scared of you too.)


Like, I can't just not walk my dog until she learns to stop yapping her fool head off at strangers and other dogs. This is why I put her on a leash, and hold that leash close when strangers and other dogs are unavoidable. If I'm crossing the street to get away from you, don't cross with me!

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I will add - even if you have a small lap dog, you should still learn how to control it.  Don't put it on a retractable lead and then scream while the dog rushes around PetCo wrapping the lead around people's legs.  This is from yesterday and I'm still a bit steamed.  It's not as scary as your situation but those retractable leashes can cause falls etc.


LOL, if you think I'm angry about the situation today, you should hear my rant about retractable leashes, lol! It's pretty epic. Those things are for out in big fields, period. NOT around lots of people. 

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On a related note - I'm glad to hear that your dog is not an issue. My dog kind of IS. Please do not let your big hulking dog go near my little dog. She doesn't like it, and it's not helping her behavior issues for you to let this behemoth get right in her face. She doesn't understand English, so she doesn't understand that you are saying your dog is friendly. (She's probably scared of you too.)


Like, I can't just not walk my dog until she learns to stop yapping her fool head off at strangers and other dogs. This is why I put her on a leash, and hold that leash close when strangers and other dogs are unavoidable. If I'm crossing the street to get away from you, don't cross with me!

I had similar happen with my big dog. He was attacked twice by the same off leash Chow (in a leash law city). After that he adopted the "attack first, sniff later" policy. Of course I couldn't allow that so I was constantly having to be the "hysterical " (from their point of view) law abiding citizen with my leashed dog in sit-stay who was yelling at them to leash their "friendly" dog who wasn't supposed to be off the leash in the first place.

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LOL, if you think I'm angry about the situation today, you should hear my rant about retractable leashes, lol! It's pretty epic. Those things are for out in big fields, period. NOT around lots of people. 


And not suitable for a multi use path.  I have come up behind people and used my bell to alert people I'm a few hundred feet away. Then I announce I'm passing on their left. And several times that's when their dog runs all the way across the trail. I have to try to maneuver an emergency stop or face tangling up in the retractable leash. That I didn't even know was retractable until I was right up on them and the dog bolted.  Every single time the dog owners have gotten mad at me. 

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We have this problem in our neighborhood.  It means our poor dog doesn't get to go on as many walks as would be ideal because we never know when we are going to run into one of these out of control dogs.   We also have a bunch of fairly large dogs that the owners regularly have outside without a leash.  The dogs are semi-well behaved in that they stay close to the owners most of the time.  But not when another dog walks by and they scare the crap out of my poor dog.  I definitely can't let the kids walk the dog in these circumstances, even though they should be old enough.  


Thankfully we do have a large yard for the dog to run around in but I would like to be able to go on more walks.  There are problem dogs in both directions leaving our house.

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I totally agree.  I have to be very careful walking my dog due to off-leash, uncontrolled dogs. He's always on-least and polite, but he's also an intact male which seems to really bring out some sudden aggressiveness in some dogs.  We always walking on-leash areas, but people don't always obey the signage. 

Edited by wintermom
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Also, don't call my dog to you when I'm trying to be a good citizen and keep him under control. He's seven months old and LOVES people, but I'm trying to teach him manners. If I'm walking on a path and obviously trying to keep him from smothering you with jumps and hugs and kisses, don't make kissy noises and say, "here puppy!"

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And not suitable for a multi use path.  I have come up behind people and used my bell to alert people I'm a few hundred feet away. Then I announce I'm passing on their left. And several times that's when their dog runs all the way across the trail. I have to try to maneuver an emergency stop or face tangling up in the retractable leash. That I didn't even know was retractable until I was right up on them and the dog bolted.  Every single time the dog owners have gotten mad at me. 


Ugh.  Yes!  


I cross country ski all winter and our trails allow dogs on leash.  I have HIT many off leash dogs over the years.  People seem to think the rule does not apply to them. I can be going 20 miles per hour on an icy downhill trail.  There is no avoiding a collision with a dog that just wants to come up to people.  The owners are almost always slower, recreational skiers who just cannot seem to grasp that people who are training are going fast.  So far, I have not injured a dog or myself in an unleashed situation and the owners cannot even get mad because they are not following the rules.  Dh hit (ran over is probably more accurate) a tiny puppy a few years ago and the puppy was injured.  He felt terrible but the puppy was all over the place and dh couldn't find the right path to avoid collision.  Dh ripped into the owners.  Yes, puppies are cute and "harmless" but still need to be on a leash!


But those retractable leashes are terrible.  Same situation.  I'm going fast and sometimes at night with only my head lamp for light.  I got tangled up with an angry and scared dog because I skied right into the nearly-invisible retractable leash.  I saw the owner on one side of the trail and the dog on the other, but couldn't see the thin part of the leash.  I assumed it was off leash as I was trying my best to slow down before approaching the situation.  I skied through the line, fell hard, and was completely tangled up with a terrified dog.  The owner really helped the situation by screaming at ME.  I think the dog was OK but I was very bruised and sore for weeks.  I felt that the dog was ready to bite at any moment.  I am still just so mad.  The owner never conceded that she was at fault.  She insisted that she was "following the rules" with the leash but failed to comprehend that she did not clear the trail for an oncoming skier and had in fact left a nearly invisible obstacle.  

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Retractable leashes are just bad.


Owners that don't control dogs are bad.


I have a not so well behaved dog. He's small. I walk him not around so many people. If we have a problem I pick him up (the ease of being small). Mostly he's just annoying because he thinks every other animal is his friend. But I am pretty conscious of not letting him annoy anyone.

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Also, if I'm walking my dog and you're walking yours, and I'm clearly moving away my dog away from you, please don't release your retractable leash because your dog "just wants to say 'HI'"  Instead, assume I have a good reason why and follow my cues.

In the case of my dog, who loves other dogs, that reason might be "My dog needs a fair bit of exercise before he poops, and if I keep stopping to socialize we'll never get there, and I'll be late for work".  But that's a perfectly valid reason.

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I totally agree.  I know that there are times a dog might suddenly get a bit out of control or unexpectedly jump on someone, but I would expect the owners would immediately control the dog or take the dog home if that wasn't possible.  Dogs obviously can't be perfect all the time but when they are ruining the park for everyone else the owners need to keep them at home until they can learn to handle them.  I sorta feel the same way about kids though too.  

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My pet peeve is people who completely ignore direct instructions. “Please don’t pat puppy until he has all 4 paws on the ground,†should not receive the response of “oh, I don’t mind!â€


I do mind! Jumping dogs are annoying and dangerous. I don’t want my dog to put his paws on people. Please don’t sabotage the poor 6 month old. He doesn’t have manners yet, but you are old enough to know better!


PS - I’m on team leash-your-dog-if-he-can’t-heel-with-100%-success


PPS - I’m also a proud member of the anti-flexi-lead coalition

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My pet peeve is people who completely ignore direct instructions. “Please don’t pat puppy until he has all 4 paws on the ground,†should not receive the response of “oh, I don’t mind!â€


I do mind! Jumping dogs are annoying and dangerous. I don’t want my dog to put his paws on people. Please don’t sabotage the poor 6 month old. He doesn’t have manners yet, but you are old enough to know better!


PS - I’m on team leash-your-dog-if-he-can’t-heel-with-100%-success


PPS - I’m also a proud member of the anti-flexi-lead coalition

Oh yes!!!! My dog is way too big to be jumping on people! I have kids in my house, and older people in my family, and it is just NOT okay! And yet my dog WILL sometimes do it at the dog park, but only with mean that start trying to roughhouse with him. I stop them, and they apologize, but it means that the next trip to the park I have to be doubly observant to make sure he doesn't try it with anyone else, and stop him before he gets his paws up if he does try it. Ugh! 


"oh, I don't mind" is not helpful, because other people DO mind if a dog that can reach his paws onto their shoulders jumps on them, me included!

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Those things are for out in big fields, period. NOT around lots of people. 


Thanks for recognising that there is a place for retractables. I use mine so that my dog is not shot by a farmer as I walk legally through fields; the lead still gives her a chance to sniff about.

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Thanks for recognising that there is a place for retractables. I use mine so that my dog is not shot by a farmer as I walk legally through fields; the lead still gives her a chance to sniff about.


I've used them when walking on the beach, where I used to live. But only if it wasn't crowded and I always retracted if someone walked by. 


But most people have them on sidewalks, in stores, etc. Ugh. One woman used one in the vet office and was not paying attention. her dog walked right out the front door into the parking area as she chatted with someone!

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I always use a retractable when walking my Lab, but then I am in suburbia on walkies when few folks are out.  Captain can trot up ahead, stop to pee/sniff/stare at something, I pass him and keep walking, he trots ahead before the leash runs out - usually - and we both are happy.  If someone else is out I can easily shorten the lease.  I have  a set route on which I know all the dogs who might be out in their fenced yard or leashed on a porch or loose running around like little banshees (Chihuahuas).  The only dogs I try to avoid are the Chihuahuas - they tend to swarm and nip at Captain.  His fur is too thick for them to do any harm, and he just stands there,  But I am so tempted to kick them across the yard - better to avoid in the first place.  Other dogs on walkies, block by block we each stay on our own side of the street unless we know each other-then one or the other may cross so the dogs can say Hi. 


We use the shorter chain lease when going to vet or dog park.  But I hate using it for walkies since Captain likes to stop so much to sniff etc., plus he rolls on the grass by the street, and I don't like being dragging off the side walk.  I am not fighting an 80-lb Lab on walkies. 

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To digress slightly, but still JAWM!! 


I'd like to thank all y'all for being responsible, non-dog-obsessed dog owners who don't feel the need to bring a dog everywhere. 


I am super, super allergic to dogs (and back when I was only "regular" allergic, I didn't like them anyway). My allergy has gotten worse and less predictable since I've gotten older, and now it takes less exposure to react in a bad way.


So I don't go to petco. I step away when I see a service dog or move myself, since we're both allowed to be there and neither of us takes precedence.


But so much stuff is All! Dogs! All! The! Time! and it just stinks when I don't get to do things because the dogs are there, especially if I don't know beforehand-- if I know, I won't get excited and go. 



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To digress slightly, but still JAWM!! 


I'd like to thank all y'all for being responsible, non-dog-obsessed dog owners who don't feel the need to bring a dog everywhere. 


I am super, super allergic to dogs (and back when I was only "regular" allergic, I didn't like them anyway). My allergy has gotten worse and less predictable since I've gotten older, and now it takes less exposure to react in a bad way.


So I don't go to petco. I step away when I see a service dog or move myself, since we're both allowed to be there and neither of us takes precedence.


But so much stuff is All! Dogs! All! The! Time! and it just stinks when I don't get to do things because the dogs are there, especially if I don't know beforehand-- if I know, I won't get excited and go. 




I've seen a lot more "Service Animals only.  Service animals are not pets" signs out front of local businesses. 


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I've seen a lot more "Service Animals only.  Service animals are not pets" signs out front of local businesses. 




I wish more people would heed those signs honestly.  We were at a large indoor event recently and there was a dog wearing a service vest on a fully extended flexi-lead barking and nudging at anyone carrying food.  I have a hard time believing that the dog was working at the moment.  :(  

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We are having a problem with that in our huge rural subdivision. A neighbor in the HOA (I think his house is far from our street) has 2 dogs that have gotten out at least twice that I know of (including this morning) and been very aggressive towards people and animals.  He claimed the first time that the neighbors fence was down and they got out. I think it is maybe a very weak fence, Chicken Wire or something flimsy.  It is HIS responsibility to have HIS fence strong enough to keep his dogs on his property... His dogs were on our street this morning, according to neighbors in the WhatsApp Chat Group.


Several months ago, we had an official meeting of the HOA and voted to change the HOA regulations regarding behavior and what actions can be taken against residents who violate those rules. Apparently, that requires that an Amendment be made to the Deeds or something, in the Registrars office and they have an Attorney working on that. In the interim, they cannot apply the new regulations to the person with those 2 dogs.  Only the old regulations, which are much weaker.


And, recently, the Colombian government changed/tightened all kinds of laws. I'm not sure what that entails. I am wondering about whether this would fall under the Animal Control section of the National Police. I will ask my wife about that.


Common problems, wherever one might be and hopefully resolved before there is a tragedy.  

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