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bathrooms in a public building....question


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I am the library director of a very small public library. Currently we have 2 bathrooms, but they both need updating.  I was wondering if anybody here would know if it's allowable to have just one family bathroom instead of 2 bathrooms.  Unless there is some sort of programming in the library (summer reading for example) we usually have less than 6 people at the library at the same time and there is hardly ever a line for the bathroom.  The cost to remodel one bathroom would be so much cheaper and we could turn the other room into a much needed storage room.


But I have been trying to see if that is legal for a public building...especially for a small public building (if that mattered).


we need to update because we aren't handicap accessible and the bathrooms are just plain awful!!!!



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You mean a unisex one-seater?  I have nothing against unisex one-seaters, but if you have only one, you might find yourself in a situation where one person is hogging it and another person can't wait.  I would rather have 2 in a public building for that reason.

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I think that, if you're hosting things like story time, 2 toilets is a good idea.  Could you make 1 bathroom a fancy family bathroom, and then have a backup bathroom that is not renovated but that people can ask for in an emergency?  Or would expanding one bathroom to be accessible mean you'd have to cut into the space of the other bathroom.

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not really sure HOW we would do it....I just wanted to know if there was some legal policy that would dictate the need for a male and female bathroom and it would be illegal to have only one family bathroom.


The only legal issue I can see offhand is if one bathroom would meet local building ordinances which sometimes can dictate how many bathrooms public buildings need based on approved occupancy.

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can you just do two bathrooms?  what's the set up?


I've been in any number of establishments that have one or even two "gender neutral" "family-style" bathroom set-ups because it requires much less space (and that was long before the demand for them)

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You would have to check with the laws in your city and state. What is legal in one area, may not be legal across a town/county/state border.   Quite often you can do some minor updating and be fine, but if you make any major changes you have to bring it up to full compliance with current laws. Make sure you find out what these are and what permits/licenses you will need before the job starts. 

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Can you renovate one now and just keep the other as is if needed? Maybe take off the sign so it is not regularly used?


You would have to check your locality's ordinances about whether or not it is legal to have bathroom.


A lot of places here do.

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it's funny you should say that...because the ladies bathroom is the first one down the hall...and many times that is the one the little kids use (boys and girls)...and it is super rare a man is in our library....much less a man in our library who would use a bathroom.  It is mostly moms and children.  


I do wonder if more people would use our bathroom if they were nicer.  they seriously are awful.  they are clean...but the floor is old and stained, there are fixtures on the wall that are not used (soap and paper towel dispensers), an old, stained sink.  Just icky. 


I will be checking with the city ordinances... hoping to find out what we would be required to have.



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I think it's a good idea to plan for the future. What if the community grows? Would be better to get the second bathroom now rather than realize it's a problem when a field trip consisting of 20 Kindergartners arrives.


Also, I personally hate feeling like someone is waiting on me. If I'm changing my toddler's diaper and someone is knocking on the door it's not ideal for either party. Nevermind if I also wanted to use the restroom after I was done helping her.

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I'm a tiny rural library director.


We have one bathroom. It works great. Most people are fine waiting. We've never had am issue in my 10 years.


The last thing we needed to update, Io called our insurance and they verified what we were allowed to dh.


I also live in a rural area with one bathroom. I don't imagine it's usually an issue. During the summer reading program they had the fire dept. come out and spray the kids with a fire hose like it was a giant sprinkler (I'm not kidding lol) and we were not prepared for that. No where in the itinerary did it say that water activities would be involved. So I lugged my drenched kid to the bathroom to change her clothes (had spare clothes in the diaper bag) and another child was knocking on the door to use the bathroom. I was worried he wouldn't be able to hold it. Story hours and such invite young children to the library. One bathroom when there are a lot of young children seems like a problem at some point down the line.


*Eta: yes, I could have left the library before she got wet, but dd really wanted to join in the fun so I just went along with it.

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not really sure HOW we would do it....I just wanted to know if there was some legal policy that would dictate the need for a male and female bathroom and it would be illegal to have only one family bathroom.


Call a local architect. S/he should be able to tell you about building codes in public buildings.


I also would prefer 2 over 1 and definitely make sure it has the kind of lock that is used in deadbolts and not just a button to depress or some little thingy to turn.

I work in public buildings (various ones) over town and I have seen kids open those turn thingies from the outside. Also since you are talking about a library where there will be children, I'd ask that the dividing wall be rather low - again one little guy I know crawls through the bottom space and leaves the door locked with nobody inside.


Who knew I had such strong opinions about public bathrooms?

Edited by Liz CA
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If the library is owned and operated by a government (town, city, county or state) I suspect that you may be subject to laws in addition to what a private business would be subject to.  You need to check the regulations for both private facilities and publicly owned facilities.


OT: Are you happy with the Motorola Moto phone that you bought?  I hope so!

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