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s/o Favorite Family Quotes from Children's Books


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Ours is probably from Richard Scarry's Cars and Trucks and Things That Go:


"Homer drove his tractor into the pond. That wasn't very smart, Homer!"


Now my italics won't go off, but the last sentence is quoted quite often around here, especially when out driving.

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"I'm in the depths of despair." ~Anne of Green Gables


"Owp." [the sound of eating all the sandwiches on the plate in one big mouthful] ~The Tiger Who Came to Tea


"All's well that ends well." ~Little House on the Prairie (and Shakespeare  ;) )


References to "second breakfast" ~The Hobbit


ETA: Forgot my favorite: "It was not a pretty sight." ~Our Animal Friends at Maple Hill Farm

Edited by MercyA
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From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere! ʉۥ Dr. Seuss, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish


Don't let the pigeon drive the bus! - Mo Willems - dead useful in the face of ill-advised decision making...


Bounce with the bunny; strut with the duck.  Spin with the chickens now, CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK - Sandra Boynton, Barnyard Dance (There maybe are family dance moves that go with this one, which is usually trundled out to get somebody acting truculent to lighten up)


Always the tone of surprise -- JKR, Deathly Hallows.  Multi-purpose, lol.

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From the previous thread:


The Frog and Toad books. We all quote them constantly.



"What we need is Willpower!"

"Hello, lunch!"

"Maybe it is, and maybe it isn't."

"Wake me up at half past May."

"Now my day is all crossed out."

"Give up. That kite will never fly." (As a form of ironic encouragement.)


From other Lobel books:

"We are zipping and zooming!"

"Faster, faster, faster! ... but he could not be in two places at once."

"What did you say? You want 'more music'? I will find a friend."

"What a good, round friend you are."

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From the Seven Silly Eaters: "Pink Lemonade, not from a can, oh no, homemade"- Said dramatically when someone is being picky

"Stop! You must NOT hop on pop"- said when things are getting too wound up

"Dad is sad, very, very sad, he had a bad day! What a day dad had" - said in a silly voice when dh comes home tired or grumpy from work. I guess we quote from Dr. Suess a lot


I could go on and on. I never thought about it before, but we quote quite a bit

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We also quote the, "Do you like my hat?" from Go Dog Go


"You're a snort!"    Are You My Mother?


"A one hump camel has a one hump poop and a two hump camel has a two hump poop"   Everybody Poops


"Does it taste like chicken?"  The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog


"She went boneless"  Knuffle Bunny




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"Ne meither." My Father's Dragon



"Keep it up, Chief! Keep it up!" The Voyage of the Dawn Treader


*First time to be quoted was by dd after we'd finally moved into the house we'd built and I mentioned how long it had been since we'd been to Lowe's or Home Depot.



Edited by Angie in VA
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Pooh is extra quotable...we love "he must have a piece of fluff in his ear" when someone isn't listening.


We also use "He's some (fill in the blank)" i.e He's some kid, or dog, or whatever...from Charlotte's Web which is usually followed up with "He's magnificent"


We have so many but they are escaping me right now.

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Love all the Pooh quotes. When my dd kinda-sorta asks a question that might require an answer but I'm not sure, I respond with, "Knock if an arnswr is requid." That's probably not exactly right but it's close.


Other favorites: "Tut, tut, it looks like rain!" (Christopher Robin) and "A huge big--well, like a--I don't know--like an enormous big nothing. Like a jar." (Piglet)


"Oh, my leg!" -- Drover from Hank the Cowdog -- when someone tries to walk but their leg has gone numb.


We also used to quote random bits of Sandra Boynton books: "Three singing pigs say, 'La, la, la!'" and "I want to be your personal penguin."



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I don't recall the specific titles but ...



"Hello, Beautiful!" from one of Rosemary Wells' Max books


"Happy Thursday!" from one of Russell Hoban's Frances books


We also talk about things coming out even as they did for Albert in Russell Hoban's Bread and Jam for Frances.


Oh, and "My leg hurts." from many of the Hank the Cowdog books by John Erickson.





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"Do you like my hat?" "I like your party hat!" Go Dog, Go


"Oh, my leg!" Hank the Cowdog

"I spank you, Ping." Not technically from Ping but we have been saying it for years. 


"Second breakfast, elevenzies" The Hobbit



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"Tut, tut looks like rain."  Winnie-the-pooh


"Someone pasted Piglet to my window!  Pooh, too!"



"If you were a number you would be zero.  If you were a food you'd be a raisin.  Zero is nothing and raisins taste like dirt."  Julius, Baby of the World


"Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum..." 



So many things from the Frances books


"Things are not very good around here anymore."  This is what is said when someone asks me for something that they didn't tell me we were out of.


"What I am is tired of jam!"


From Tikki-tikki-tembo...

"My beloved son, heir to all I posess."


Entire Sandra Boynton books like Moo, Baa, La La La 


Or Skippy-John Jones 


My kids had a Winnie the Pook book that had a row of buttons on the side that made sound effects one of them was Eeyore who would say in a doleful voice,  "This is fun."


Amber in SJ

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I'm going to quote, but I won't name the quotes just yet. I'll edit later :)


"It takes skill. It takes practice. It takes skill AND practice."

"Super $NAME is really neat! Super $NAME cannot be beat!"


(That series was the one exception to my "Don't read easy readers aloud" rule.)


"Why not kill everybody and invade Poland?"


(So it's not a kid's book, so sue me.)

"...and scare the tuna salad out of him!"

(Gee, can you guess my very favorite picture book author?)


"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Squeak!"


(I say that at least once a week, to the annoyance of all.)


Let's "save the penny and walk".


(Or often I say "save the fare", but I think of the book all the time when I do.)


(Actually, the girls have never read that book. I can't imagine why not!)

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"Idjwit foo!", from Half Magic. And other words/sayings from the cat.


"The sooner we're ready, the sooner we'll leave," from Madeline's Rescue.


"A person's a person, no matter how small," from Horton Hears a Who.


"God's Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love," from The Jesus Storybook Bible.


"You must do something to make the world more beautiful, " said her grandfather. "All right," said Alice. But she did not know yet what that could be. From Miss Rumphius.


Lots of the ones already mentioned from Pooh, Frog and Toad, LOTR, and Frances.

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