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Sad commentary on voters

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From 20/20




IMO you should be able to answer the most basic of questions. What do you think? Registering people just to vote because they can or should they be held to a standard? You can't drive a vehicle without taking a test, the same should be true for voting. At the very least you should be able to pass a citizenship test.:rant:


Editing to add, I passed the citizenship test.

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History has taught us that testing potential voters led to abuse by those who wish to keep certain people away from the polls. You remember Jim Crow.


How do we test whether a voter is informed on the candidates' positions? There are hundreds of pages of position papers that have been written from both camps. You could easily ask me five esoteric questions from each. Just who is writing these tests?


No--I do not believe in denying the franchise. Too many have fought too hard for this right.

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No--I do not believe in denying the franchise. Too many have fought too hard for this right.





It frustrates me that so many people vote on issues about which they've refused to educate themselves, but I wouldn't dream denying them their right to vote because their priorities are different from mine.

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Stupid people have rights too.


On the Iowa ballot is a public measure up for vote.


Shall the following amendmentto the Constitution be adopted.

Summary: Changes the language that describes a person who cannot legally vote from "idiot or insane person" to "a person adjudged mentally incompetent to vote".


I asked my dh if the wording really needed to be changed. I don't walk around calling mentally ill people idiots but I really can't see a reason to spend money to change the wording (I'm not a mean or uncaring person just a bit cheap).


Anyway, my dh said "idiot can include a lot of people". To which I responded, "then we shouldn't change the wording as long as I get to decide who the idiots are".



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Woo-Hoo! I got them all right. But I did guess on a few of them. It's been a long time since high school Government class.


My husband had told me about the interviews yesterday and it's just plain sad. I'm not sure anything can be done about it. Perhaps those who DO know what's going on (and by that I mean being able to state the running mate of a presidential candidate and being able to name 2 policies of that candidate) should get 2 votes.....


But I kid, of course!

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On the Iowa ballot is a public measure up for vote.


Shall the following amendmentto the Constitution be adopted.

Summary: Changes the language that describes a person who cannot legally vote from "idiot or insane person" to "a person adjudged mentally incompetent to vote".


I asked my dh if the wording really needed to be changed. I don't walk around calling mentally ill people idiots but I really can't see a reason to spend money to change the wording (I'm not a mean or uncaring person just a bit cheap).


Anyway, my dh said "idiot can include a lot of people". To which I responded, "then we shouldn't change the wording as long as I get to decide who the idiots are".




Idiot actually used to be used as a "technical" term for people with an IQ below 20. Moron and imbecile were other technical terms used to denote people of certain IQ ranges. But these terms eventually developed a generic use in society to mean "stupid." Thus, the wording used to correlate IQ levels was changed to "mild, moderate, severe, and profound" mental retardation.


Insanity is one form of mental illness which logically would preclude someone from voting. I'd be wary of a proposed law to determine who is mentally healthy enough to vote.

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Idiot actually used to be used as a "technical" term for people with an IQ below 20. Moron and imbecile were other technical terms used to denote people of certain IQ ranges. But these terms eventually developed a generic use in society to mean "stupid." Thus, the wording used to correlate IQ levels was changed to "mild, moderate, severe, and profound" mental retardation.


Insanity is one form of mental illness which logically would preclude someone from voting. I'd be wary of a proposed law to determine who is mentally healthy enough to vote.


I think they are trying to change the wording so it doesn't say idiot. I know there are other conditions other than mentally ill but I wasn't sure what pc wording to use so I ended up with mentally ill.


It doesn't actually say what people wouldn't be able to vote except for "those persons adudged mentally imcompentent". I have no clue how they decide on it. It is the same law as before with different wording. I guess they don't think idiot is very nice.



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I don't want to erect barriers to voting. I'm sure my father would score very low on an IQ test since his stroke...he might not pass a citizenship test without the help of a proctor to explain it to him which would end up being required for people with varying abilities (cha-ching...tax dollars at work). But before his stroke he was a labor lawyer and a city council member and he still has a grasp of the political situation even if he can't articulate it.

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Frankly (and sadly), I got six questions wrong on the citizenship test. I shudder to think how many I would have gotten wrong if it hadn't been multiple choice, which is how the site says candidates for citizenship must take it. Yet, I hold a position as a senior editor, have an IQ of 138, am homeschooling my children, and can tell you why I'm voting for the candidate I'm voting for. I'm pretty sure that my vote is still valuable to my country.

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Yes, I am neglecting my hs'ing duties today. I've had a bad day so here I am.


I was thinking about 7th grade after reading this post. Our social studies teacher had us take the citizenship test. He had a few of the girls in our class crying because he told us beforehand that we would be deported if we failed it. :lol:


I still remember Mr. Purcell. Funny guy.



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As I said, this is my opinion.


I think it's irresponsible to vote for anyone, Republican or Democrat when you know absolutely nothing about them or what they believe. Not only irresponsible, but stupid.


Yes. Perhaps we could invite them to tea and then we could get to know them.

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Yes! Seems Ms. Palin is still unsure about what the VP actual does and what the Constitution says, so it's a good thing that those who are less educated still have an equal chance to be heard. ;)


And Obama's not sure how many states there are in the Union! Wow! What's the world coming to now?

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I would be seriously angry should any state try to deny functional and semifunctional mentally ill and mentally handicapped people the right to vote. As one of the most vulnerable groups in society and one of the most dependent upon government-provided services, their voice needs to be heard. My mentally retarded brother in law votes in certain elections.

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Elaine, I agree with you on almost everything, but I have to disagree with you here. :boxing_smiley: :001_smile:


I think all US citizens should have the right to vote, regardless of intelligence level, mental capacity, etc. It would be great if all voters placed importance on being informed about the issues, but we know that is not the case with many, I'm sad to say. But, be that as it may, this freedom is what makes our country great. :001_smile:

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I think as long as you are a living American citizen and not a cartoon character, then you should have the right to vote.



I agree.


Sadly, there are many states where people are excluded from voting. Some states do not allow people with certain mental challenges to vote. Some disallow people who are imprisoned to vote.


I don't AT ALL agree with having to test. There are people who cannot read well or at all, but who are nevertheless INTELLIGENT, functioning, capable people who should have NO FEWER rights than anyone else.


In fact, NO citizen should be held above or beneath any other. That goes for voting rights and any other rights.


I think that suggesting a test in order to be able to vote is a bigoted, elistist and shameful suggestion, even if it is cloaked in "concern."


If you can recall a bit of history, poll tests (and poll taxes, while we're at it) were routinely used to disenfranchise non-whites. To even off-handedly suggest going down that road again is beyond sickening.

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I think all US citizens should have the right to vote, regardless of intelligence level, mental capacity, etc. It would be great if all voters placed importance on being informed about the issues, but we know that is not the case with many, I'm sad to say. But, be that as it may, this freedom is what makes our country great. :001_smile:


I am not saying that they should not have the right to vote. :001_smile: And I am not talking about people with Down Syndrome or that have had strokes. Gosh, do you guys think that I am really that heartless?:confused:


I am talking about the people in those interviews. College kids that are completely unaware how many senators each state has. People like them make up a huge portion of the voting majority.


My point in posting the citizenship test was to show what people who want to come to this country to be a citizen must know. Should we citizens of this country not have to know those things as well? In taking the citizenship test they are demonstrating that they cared to learn about this country. I take the right to vote very seriously and would not dream of taking anyone's right to vote away. I am saying that voting is a serious thing and is taken lightly by so many.

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I am saying that voting is a serious thing and is taken lightly by so many.


I do totally agree with you here. Have you seen the Craig Ferguson rant about voting in this country? I don't really like him, but his monologue on this issue (he recently became a US citizen himself) was spot on. One of his key points was how upsetting it is that, as a citizenry, we've become so complacent that we have to be "sold" our own right to vote with all the Rock the Vote-type campaigns.

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I am not saying that they should not have the right to vote. :001_smile: And I am not talking about people with Down Syndrome or that have had strokes. Gosh, do you guys think that I am really that heartless?:confused:


I am talking about the people in those interviews. College kids that are completely unaware how many senators each state has. People like them make up a huge portion of the voting majority.


My point in posting the citizenship test was to show what people who want to come to this country to be a citizen must know. Should we citizens of this country not have to know those things as well? In taking the citizenship test they are demonstrating that they cared to learn about this country. I take the right to vote very seriously and would not dream of taking anyone's right to vote away. I am saying that voting is a serious thing and is taken lightly by so many.


I don't think you're heartless at all. :001_smile: I also don't think requiring the citizenship test as a condition of voting would produce the desired result and would have some very negative unintended consequences.

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I am not saying that they should not have the right to vote. :001_smile: And I am not talking about people with Down Syndrome or that have had strokes. Gosh, do you guys think that I am really that heartless?:confused:


I am talking about the people in those interviews. College kids that are completely unaware how many senators each state has. People like them make up a huge portion of the voting majority.


My point in posting the citizenship test was to show what people who want to come to this country to be a citizen must know. Should we citizens of this country not have to know those things as well? In taking the citizenship test they are demonstrating that they cared to learn about this country. I take the right to vote very seriously and would not dream of taking anyone's right to vote away. I am saying that voting is a serious thing and is taken lightly by so many.


(((Elaine))) I never thought you were heartless. :001_smile: Yes, voting is a very serious thing, and should not be taken lightly at all. It sickens me that there are groups out there that bribe people with cigarettes so that they register to vote. (and this goes for both parties) People are regarded as a bunch of votes, and not people. It would be much better for groups to aim to *educate* people on the issues first, and then *encourage* them to vote, not bribe them.

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It frustrates me that so many people vote on issues about which they've refused to educate themselves, but I wouldn't dream denying them their right to vote because their priorities are different from mine.


I share Crissy's frustration...but I also believe that rights are rights. I was born an American citizen, and don't have to earn the rights that I have, already. No matter what my I.Q. or knowledge level is, lol.


I will say, though, that I don't support the message of "Just Vote! No matter what you know or understand!" that seems to be so prevalent. I'd rather back a message like "Just Educate Yourself on the Issues!" Someone not voting because they don't know who to vote for, or weren't aware of the issue being decided, doesn't bother me...because I'd rather use my vote as part of the solution, not just because I can. Voting in ignorance is a dangerous thing, IMO. Just as dangerous as not exercising the right, at all.


(All that said, I do plan to make sure my kids leave home knowing at least the bare minimums of American government. Which to me would be represented, at least in part, by some of what's on the citizenship test).

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IMO you should be able to answer the most basic of questions. What do you think?


What do I think? I think it'd be nice if we were all more informed about our nation's history and our rights as citizens....Such as the right to vote without first passing a test.:)

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Yes! Seems Ms. Palin is still unsure about what the VP actual does and what the Constitution says, so it's a good thing that those who are less educated still have an equal chance to be heard. ;)


Yes! And I think Obama has finally figured out how many states there are right? 57 I think was the number? But I still think he should be allowed to vote.


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I have to agree with him. My ds is 14 years old. He has educated himself of the issues that face our nation today and he is totally disgusted with the "I want it now" generation for blowing it and causing this "economic disaster". He believes this attitude has jeopardized his future. He believes that his generation has more at stake than do the adults and it frustrates him that he is being denied a voice in determining his own future because the "adults" are not allowing US citizens of his age to vote.


Interesting perspective...I totally agree. :iagree:


Claire in NM

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