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2017--2018 --8th Grade Planning

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I've went back and forth on what grade to call my son but the current plan is to consider next year 8th. I believe I've about got my booklists finalized, just a bit of tweaking to do. He loves reading but I'm to make sure I don't overload him.  We might use the guide with Story of Science but I'm undecided if it is worthwhile or too much busy work. I've got to decide on output, the reading list are the easy part! Maybe we can look at changing some of the topics in LAoW to fit what we are already studying? I need to read it all of the way through. I plan to pull in the Lit we are reading for assignments when we do WttW


Math- Finish 2nd half of AoPS pre-A; Arbor School- Chuckles the Rocket Dog



Spelling(still really needs this) MegaWords 1&2

Grammar- Grammar Revolution 

Vocab-- Finish CE1 & CE2; ( I meant to do this last year but just started this semester & he loves it- he will make it through L12 by the end of this year)

Composition -- Finish Lively Art of Writing (assuming this goes well- fingers crossed we are scheduled to get half done) & Windows to the World w/ Pike Syllabus(minus TTC as we did it this year);

Lit- 1 book per month- w /discussion, short stories for more in-depth analysis(monthly)


History- Story of Science Newton w/ Mom made booklists-bios--and other Non-Fic; It will be a science slanted history but that was his request.


Science-Dr. Art's Guide to Science; McHenry's Carbon Chemistry & McHenry's Brain for spines- mom-made booklists :) Our brain study will also include a general study of psych per his request. Might add in some info from Science Matters.


Extras-- PE w/ Mom, Family Nature & MP Poetry study, Philosophy-- his request- will start out with Philosophy for Children just for discussion and go from there; Figuratively Speaking--- discussion w/ sister





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Mine will likely be doing:


TT Pre-Algebra, unless he somehow tests into Algebra 1

LLATL Gray, CLE Reading 8

WTM writing across curriculum

The Fallacy Detective + Thinking Toolbox

Apologia Physical

Medieval history with the rest of us

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Algebra I  -  AOPS with WTMA

Geometry  -  AOPS or Saxon with WTMA

Spanish I  -  ????

Earth/Space Science  -  with FLVS and BYL 8 & 9

Grammar & Composition  -  WWS 3 with WTMA, Megawords, Grammar Voyage, Figuratively Speaking

Literature  -  BYL 8 & 9

History of Science  -  BYL 8

Prehistory/Evolution (.5)  -  BYL 9

Art (.5)  -  BYL 8 & 9



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This kid....He is a "just hand me a workbook and let me get it done" kind of guy.  


Math:  Algebra TBD


History:  Going to do a geography year.  He loves geography.  I have MP Geography III for World and Trail Guide for US.  


Science:  Considering Bookshark Science 7 (Robotics).  Also looking at PAC Integrated Physics and Chem.  May save that for 9th.  


English:  Daily Grams, Vocabu-lit, MP Greek Myths, lit to be combined with older brother (read alouds that we discuss).  No idea what I am doing for writing.  


Foreign Language:  ???


PE:  Competitive tennis training-he plays about a zillion hours a week. 

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French-Up in the air--I'm leaning toward something like CAP Primer B or MP First Start French and library resources. Basically, we are having fun with French before we have to count it as Foreign Language. We will probably watch a lot of movies in French if I can dig them up.

Latin- Finish MP Third Form over the summer and move into Fourth Form by fall.

Math-CLE 800 series, Key to Measurement

Grammar and Composition-We ought to finish WWS, and then we will see. KISS grammar. Continue informal spelling.Creative Writer 3, and lots of books to read.

History-OUP, library resources

Science-There is a series on physics that I'll probably borrow from the library and see if I want to use it as a spine. We might possibly end up with an engineering project later this year that they could help with.


Geography-probably MP again.

PE-running, walking, playing, boating and floating our local rivers, hiking to various waterfalls and getting to know the best places in the state to explore.

Art-continue watercolor painting, sketching.


The summer we hope to start driving practice in the pasture using my truck. I suspect they will both get tutored in the skills of changing oil and changing tires this year. They need to learn how to use the tractor. In home ec the goal is to have both boys comfortable with all the housekeeping tasks and also to have both of them take over one evening per week to plan and cook a meal for everyone. I like to cross-train. :D


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We school year round, but I have a pretty good idea of where we'll be for most subjects next year: 


Math (twins with different needs in programs)--CLE Algebra (starting in April or May I believe); Jacobs and Crocodiles and Coconuts (currently started) followed by Chuckles the Rocket Dog 


History--Journey Across Time (Glencoe) mixed with Discovery Social Studies Techbook. I'm hoping to move one child particularly to more independence in history this year. 


Science--Science Techbook (Discovery)


Spelling--a combo of methods using Spelling Power for my word lists


Other LA--Fix It (IEW) and CLE LA for grammar; CLE Reading; I am considering trying EIW Literature. What I'm doing now is taking too much time.


Composition--Completing the already started Empowering Writers Comprehensive Argument Writing Guide with Lively Art of Writing mixed. I 'm not sure where we're headed after those--maybe BraveWriter's Help for High School. We haven't hit a good grove in composition instruction yet. 


Latin--Galore Park Latin Prep


Logic--Fallacy Detective (started currently), followed by Art of Argument. 


Other: I want to do some type of targeted study skills work. I would like to do some formal drawing instruction this summer. My special needs kiddo is doing some targeted work on executive skills. 







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Math: Jurgensen Geometry

English/Literature: American literature (still working on this list) & continued work on essay writing

History: K12 American Odyssey

Science: Great Courses Oceanography supplemented with books, documentaries, & (hopefully) some classes at the aquarium

Latin: Latin Alive 3

French: Aim Academy French 2

Linguistics: Great Courses Linguistics & The Story of Human Language & maybe a few other resources (still working on this one)

Creative Writing: No curriculum - just a daily writing time and maybe a few new references for inspiration

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My current 7th grader plans his own stuff for most subjects but still want me to give suggestions


History - world history not sure what we will use yet

English - 2017-FALL-SRH Socratic Discussion for the Rhetoric Stage

Mathematics - intermediate number theory (summer), statistics, WOOT

Science - physics (???), chemistry (PAH)

Language other than English - continue with German class and Chinese with a tutor

Visual and performing arts - piano (year round) and music theory exam of some kind because this kid like tangible targets

Elective - economics

PE - undecided

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Right now all I know is...


Mushroom will need to finish up Jacob's Algebra. I'm hoping he'll be halfway done by the time we start "8th" grade. BalletBoy will probably do Dolciani's Algebra I. He's been doing really well with Dolciani Pre-Algebra so I think he'll probably finish it up easily this year.


I'm toying with doing BYL for BalletBoy. But I'm not sure. Probably I'll chicken out on that and DIY things again. I know that I want him to have a good booklist to read again. Definitely To Kill a Mockingbird. And some meatier, longer nonfiction. Not sure what else though. He'll keep doing Spanish, I assume. Most of the topics will be up to him though.


I'm not sure about Mushroom at all. I'll probably have him do some more of the Evan-Moor stuff to practice grammar and spelling type skills. Those have been good for him. Not sure what else though.


It's too far away, you guys!


Honestly, my mind has been a little more on 9th grade and whether things will change significantly for us at that point and if so, what I want to change in 8th grade to prepare ourselves.

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Math- MUS Algebra 1


Grammar- Jensen's Punctuation, Editor in Chief level 2 (She is almost done with grammar. 8th will be just staying on top of some weak points. )


Spelling- LOE Essentials Vol. 2-level C (when it comes out)


Writing- IEW SICC-B


Bible- Tru U dvd program


World Geography- of my making


Science- Apologia Physical Science


Literature- (still making the list)



Extras outside the home are-

Cooking classes

Guitar lessons

Art Classes


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I'm toying with doing BYL for BalletBoy.


Honestly, my mind has been a little more on 9th grade and whether things will change significantly for us at that point and if so, what I want to change in 8th grade to prepare ourselves.

Fwiw we are using BYL this year and although I likethe Booklist fairly well (that is why I picked it) the amount of tweaking to make it work for us has been crazy. I hate the way she schedules books, some just a few pages a day. I hate the way it is a 5 day schedule. I disliked most for of the assignments. And lastly the layout of the schedule was the opposite of what I would do, so much wasted space and crap to wade through. I would have been ok with it had it been an editable PDF but alas it is not. So I had to scroll through 300 pgs just to get to the schedule so I could then retype and reschedule them on my own sheet in a way that worked for us. This year we are doing history of science but I am scheduling it my own way. I think it will be much less work on my part in the end.


Your last comment is exactly why I am spazzing about planning early, I actually started in November. I have been researching about High school and am trying to map things out.

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I can't believe Ds12 is going to be in 8th grade next year. It really doesn't seem possible.

I think we'll be doing something like:


Foerster's Algebra I   He is currently doing Jacobs, but I always intended doing a second year with him.
TOG Year 3
Apologia's Physical Science
finish SYRWTL Spanish

Still up in the air a bit:
something with Latin
continue Chinese with Mike
Mapping the World with Art

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Fwiw we are using BYL this year and although I likethe Booklist fairly well (that is why I picked it) the amount of tweaking to make it work for us has been crazy. I hate the way she schedules books, some just a few pages a day. I hate the way it is a 5 day schedule. I disliked most for of the assignments. And lastly the layout of the schedule was the opposite of what I would do, so much wasted space and crap to wade through. I would have been ok with it had it been an editable PDF but alas it is not. So I had to scroll through 300 pgs just to get to the schedule so I could then retype and reschedule them on my own sheet in a way that worked for us. This year we are doing history of science but I am scheduling it my own way. I think it will be much less work on my part in the end.


Your last comment is exactly why I am spazzing about planning early, I actually started in November. I have been researching about High school and am trying to map things out.


You're reaffirming my desire not to do it and just steal half the book list, which we did last year actually because we were doing evolution and dinosaurs and extinct animals and I got lots of good ideas from their list. But Fahrenheit 451, Midsummer Night's Dream, To Kill a Mockingbird, Frankenstein, The Disappearing Spoon, Animal Farm, Carry on Mr Bowditch, Code Talker... That could be a great 8th grade book list for BalletBoy. But when I look at the samples... yeah, I'm not as psyched about the layout of the work. And he did a year of topics in physics that he was interested in this year - did a Great Courses and practiced taking notes, read a Michio Kaku book, made comics about different particles, an ad for impossible products... he's had fun with it. It feels like it would overlap a lot with the BYL stuff.


I have also been lurking on the high school board and thinking about the future. Right now, other than math and a few little things - like BalletBoy's Spanish work and Mushroom's remedial spelling and writing mechanics stuff, pretty much everything we do is integrated around topics the boys want to study. I know we'll continue that next year... but I'm not sure if we can do it beyond that. And right now I assign very few fiction books to Mushroom - he reads a decent amount and he chooses books that are pretty good (like, he adored The War that Saved My Life, and The Seventh Most Important Thing last year, both of which he chose for himself which were good, meaty upper middle grades books), but he's a beast when he didn't pick the books. But, again, I don't know if that will work for high school at all and I'm torn about how much to prep him for it next year. 


Right now, I feel like we're just going along in the moment... we'll see what happens...

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My DS1 will be doing the following:


SPELLING -Apples and Pears (finished series)

WRITING-finish IEW -SICC, work on essays

SCIENCE- Ellen McHenry -cells, botany (finished elements and brain this year)

HISTORY/GEO -homemade Canadian study plus Mapping the World with Art.

GRAMMAR -not sure. I think we are done CLE which we have used for the last 5 years. Looking for something new...

PE- he plays on a competitive basketball team plus karate.

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We are, hopefully, starting on some round the world travels January of 8th grade, so I will be looking for semester-long classes only. Probably two DE classes but not sure in what, another online G3 class, and some sort of Foerster Algebra 2 class though again, not sure what class we can do for a semester.

We will use thinkwell for geometry while wandering around, keep beloved French tutor (and maybe pop in to see her in the flesh?). same forArabic tutor who is a displaced Syrian Ă¢Â¤Ă¯Â¸

My main prep is coming up with book lists by country/region. I'm taking notes these days.

Eta that we will do the first semester of CLRC Great Books II class, which should cover the Aeneid. This class has been really great for us.

Of course, I feel totally indulgent making plans that far ahead of time because I could well get hit by a bus, DH might lose the job that finances my nonsense, etc etc

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Math:  finish Jacobs Elementary Algebra

Language: Irish (Rosetta Stone, conversation with local native speaker)

English:  Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings (she's doing The Hobbit now with the Memoria Press guide); not sure if it will take all year though so we will wing it with other books

History:  complete Modern with Oak Meadow's World History (7th) and History Odyssey and SOTW as needed per subject, including extra novels

Civics:  Oak Meadow Civics 8th

Science:  toying with Earth Science and Astronomy from Elemental Science


Art, PE, nature:  community classes.  She'll continue volunteering at the Nature Center and this year that might involve helping teach the younger homeschool group


Also toying with doing formal testing, like SSAT.  Any testing we'd ever done was pretty informal, but showed her aptitude for science and language.  This year though she's decided she likes math (!) so maybe that will be reflected in the tests too.


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My 8th grade DD will be doing:


Video Text Algebra

Reading list to go with history and doing an IEW style story sequence chart for them

Lit guide on The Yearling and The Giver

Figuratively Speaking

Analytical Grammar season 3

Vocab from Classical Roots

Finish IEW SICC B, then moving on to Elegant Essay

Art of Argument

some career research stuff



Artistic Pursuits

Apologia Physical Science

Human Odyssey III and 2nd half of MOH IV - doing an outline/summary each week & keeping a timeline

Trail Guide to US Geography

Whatever Happened to Penny Candy


ETA: Speech class once a week for 1st semester



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Yay! I saw all of those. 


So, I am always thinking about what's next. Here is what I know so far. Most will be just moving up a level. 


Math: She will be in Rod and Staff 7 next year. 

English: She will be in Rod and Staff 6 next year. 

Spelling: We will continue with Dyslexia Games and word loading methods we got from her teacher at Vision Therapy. I would like to incorporate the section D parts of Rod and Staff Spelling at some point. The 6th grade book starts with the history of language. We may do those as reading comprehension. 

History/Lit: WTM logic stage Middle Ages using the KHE, timelines, map books, and CHOLL book selections and some of their lesson plans that I still have printed from the old blog. 

Latin: Third Form 

Spanish: ? maybe continue a bit with EasyPeasy and readers. Maybe take the year off, and pick it back up after Latin studies are complete. I plan for this child to get through a high school credit of Latin I, then switch and do 2 years of high school Spanish.  

Science: I don't know. Her co-op usually has a class. I usually just purchase what they are doing, as she is very motivated to keep up with the reading and assignments for them. I can add nature study or another science topic into our journal time or summer school or scouts work if there is something I want to cover.  The only thing I hate is that I always have to buy some expensive new text for the class when I have shelves full of stuff that her sister used. 

Art: no particular plan yet. But this child plans on art school. So we try to incorporate it wherever we can. I plan on reading up on a high school plan for this over the summer once I learn about PSATs and and all of that for the current high schooler.   I need some teacher/planning days to sit and digest a lot of WTM threads on testing and such. :) 


Journal time: this will cover a lot of extras.  I got us each the same Funschool Journal that we will do for about an hour or so every morning together. It will cover Bible. I am working on which resources we will use for this. I really like a book I saw on the Hebrew alphabet and the Psalms. But it is $40. I have enough resources around that we could use and save that for another year. We will do poetry at this time. We will do our read alouds, nature study,creative writing, geography, math games, etc. We will just rotate through these each morning. My ideas include the Tree Book for Children and their Adults for the nature study. Our Geography Coloring books that we already have plus the internet for the geography days, Kahn academy for the math days plus math games, spelling games and vocabulary from our lit readings for the spelling days, etc. I downloaded the Tutor free Charlotte Mason magazine and may print those out. There are some stories in there that I would never read aloud to my kids, but there is a good collection of poetry readings around the nature themes and original source speeches and other useful things. It would be easy to print those for Bible, poetry, some nature and read alouds.  This will be our morning time/basket time. I have always done this in the afternoons, but we are trying out some in the mornings this semester and I really like the results I am getting from starting the day off together.


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Your last comment is exactly why I am spazzing about planning early, I actually started in November. I have been researching about High school and am trying to map things out.

I am working backwards too for this kid as we could count math and world languages from 7th grade for state universities. My kid is not interested in the state universities at the moment so we are looking at what other universities require so as not to close doors.


E.g. from one of the private universities that we might look at and similar to many private US universities requirement. The overseas universities are looking at AP exams so we are looking into that as well.

4 years of math (including calculus)

1 year of physics

1 year of chemistry

3 years of English (4 years recommended)

1 year of U.S. history/government

SAT with Optional Essay or ACT with Writing (official scores from testing agency)

SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 2 (official scores from testing agency)

1 SAT science subject test: biology (ecological), biology (molecular), chemistry, or physics (official scores from testing agency)

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You're reaffirming my desire not to do it and just steal half the book list, which we did last year actually because we were doing evolution and dinosaurs and extinct animals and I got lots of good ideas from their list. But Fahrenheit 451, Midsummer Night's Dream, To Kill a Mockingbird, Frankenstein, The Disappearing Spoon, Animal Farm, Carry on Mr Bowditch, Code Talker... That could be a great 8th grade book list for BalletBoy. But when I look at the samples... yeah, I'm not as psyched about the layout of the work. And he did a year of topics in physics that he was interested in this year - did a Great Courses and practiced taking notes, read a Michio Kaku book, made comics about different particles, an ad for impossible products... he's had fun with it. It feels like it would overlap a lot with the BYL stuff.


I have also been lurking on the high school board and thinking about the future. Right now, other than math and a few little things - like BalletBoy's Spanish work and Mushroom's remedial spelling and writing mechanics stuff, pretty much everything we do is integrated around topics the boys want to study. I know we'll continue that next year... but I'm not sure if we can do it beyond that. And right now I assign very few fiction books to Mushroom - he reads a decent amount and he chooses books that are pretty good (like, he adored The War that Saved My Life, and The Seventh Most Important Thing last year, both of which he chose for himself which were good, meaty upper middle grades books), but he's a beast when he didn't pick the books. But, again, I don't know if that will work for high school at all and I'm torn about how much to prep him for it next year.


Right now, I feel like we're just going along in the moment... we'll see what happens...

What is BYL, please?
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What is BYL, please?

Build Your Library


I probably made it sound worse than I meant, I mean there is a lot that is good. I like the booklists for the most part. The schedule and assignments are just not in line with what works for us, which ended up being WAY more work than I had thought to the point that I might as well schedule it myself.

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Build Your Library


I probably made it sound worse than I meant, I mean there is a lot that is good. I like the booklists for the most part. The schedule and assignments are just not in line with what works for us, which ended up being WAY more work than I had thought to the point that I might as well schedule it myself.

Thank you! I am intrigued by your conversation, will look into it.
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I am working backwards too for this kid as we could count math and world languages from 7th grade for state universities. My kid is not interested in the state universities at the moment so we are looking at what other universities require so as not to close doors.


E.g. from one of the private universities that we might look at and similar to many private US universities requirement. The overseas universities are looking at AP exams so we are looking into that as well.

4 years of math (including calculus)

1 year of physics

1 year of chemistry

3 years of English (4 years recommended)

1 year of U.S. history/government

SAT with Optional Essay or ACT with Writing (official scores from testing agency)

SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 2 (official scores from testing agency)

1 SAT science subject test: biology (ecological), biology (molecular), chemistry, or physics (official scores from testing agency)

I've been looking at college requirements too, which was a great help to get sorted as to what he needs to do.

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We're enjoying BYL 8. :) We skip all the writing and poetry and read and discuss the rest. DS (the rising 9th grader) frequently "accidentally" reads ahead of schedule and finishes a good book early. Then we just go through the schedule without it. I ditched the lit questions; they were just comprehension variety.

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Algebra I - AOPS with WTMA


Geometry - AOPS or Saxon with WTMA


Spanish I - ????


Earth/Space Science - with FLVS and BYL 8 & 9


Grammar & Composition - WWS 3 with WTMA, Megawords, Grammar Voyage, Figuratively Speaking


Literature - BYL 8 & 9


History of Science - BYL 8


Prehistory/Evolution (.5) - BYL 9


Art (.5) - BYL 8 & 9

Talk to me about doing Algebra and Geometry at same time...
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We're enjoying BYL 8. :) We skip all the writing and poetry and read and discuss the rest. DS (the rising 9th grader) frequently "accidentally" reads ahead of schedule and finishes a good book early. Then we just go through the schedule without it. I ditched the lit questions; they were just comprehension variety.

 I wish I could just use it as is but there was just soooo much tweaking here. At some point it becomes more effort than it is worth. After trying this or that what I finally did was go through and print out all the schedules so I get the big picture of the order of books and then scheduled it to suite us in Scholaric, whch then automatically counts my hrs as I have to do that for my state. So, stripping away all the assignements and then having to schedule them myself just left me with a booklist, at which point I might as well make my own. I really wanted it to work as it is my ideal, a secular lit-based curriculum but the format is wrong for us and I don't think I got enough out of it to make it worthwhile to do it again.

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So far 8th grade looks like this..


Algebra 2- Saxon with DIVE


Physical Science- Apologia


American History- Notgrass


Grammar - this is where we have struggled. 6th grade with Rod and Staff went well. Tried it this year for 7th but it seemed dull. Tried Giggly Guide to Grammar- was not a fit. Gave up and just let him use MobyMax for grammar and vocabulary.


Composition- Writing is hard for him. He just goes blank. Nothing has clicked. I will admit I have not tried tons of different programs but I don't want to spend the $ only to have it fail again. We are doing a BraveWriter class now. If this is successful we will try another class next year.


Literature- This year he has read books on the Notgrass list for Civics and books he has picked. For 8th he will have his list from history. He will also have an additional list I need to figure out. He will also do a Shakespeare play each semester. TBD


He will continue with coding he is involved in 4H Robotics

PE is swimming when warm, treadmill, walking, outdoor play


Of course this all may change after we attend the homeschool conference.

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 I wish I could just use it as is but there was just soooo much tweaking here. At some point it becomes more effort than it is worth. After trying this or that what I finally did was go through and print out all the schedules so I get the big picture of the order of books and then scheduled it to suite us in Scholaric, whch then automatically counts my hrs as I have to do that for my state. So, stripping away all the assignements and then having to schedule them myself just left me with a booklist, at which point I might as well make my own. I really wanted it to work as it is my ideal, a secular lit-based curriculum but the format is wrong for us and I don't think I got enough out of it to make it worthwhile to do it again.


I will admit to having become very complacent in recent years. '16-'17 was rough for everyone, and '17-18 started out rough. We've got our comfortable groove worn in again and we're mostly smooth sailing now. The rough patches made me very glad to pay someone else to do all that scheduling work though. Whatever BYL scheduled we're stuck with. LOL I'll tweak on the fly for him if needed, but he rarely complains. He's gone head over heels for some of those book choices that I probably wouldn't have brought home otherwise.


Neither of us were nearly as interested in BYL 9's description though. I've no idea where DS is going for history next year. It's not really his thing, but he's LOVED premade unit study type history courses built around science. I think those options run out by high school though.

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My oldest will be in 8th.  This year it's a lot of continuing what we're already doing.


Foreign Language: Japanese (Irasshai) - continued from this year


Grammar: I'm thinking Hake right now.


Reading list from TWTM + additional books from the reading suggestions


Logic: Discovery of Deduction


Math: finish pre-algebra and start Algebra 1.  I'm still on the fence on which Algebra he'll be doing.


Civics: Uncle Sam and You (Notgrass)


History: WTM 8th grade history


Science: Apologia Physical Science


Vocabulary: Vocabulary from Classical Roots C&D


Writing: WWS 2


Bible: The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study, Book 4



When he turns 14 (about a year from now lol), he'll be old enough to do some of the classes at the clay shop here, which I think he'll enjoy.  He'll have 4 extracurriculars at co-op, too - this year the 8th graders had Woodworking, Current Events, Art, and P.E..  I'm assuming it will be similar.  

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I'm toying with doing BYL for BalletBoy. But I'm not sure. Probably I'll chicken out on that and DIY things again. I know that I want him to have a good booklist to read again. Definitely To Kill a Mockingbird.

I found this website has lesson plans suggestions for To Kill a Mockingbird https://edsitement.neh.gov/common-core-text-exemplars-summer-reading-teachers/common-core-text-exemplars-summer-reading-teachers-grades-9-10


My DS12 reads so much that I am looking at lists of what I want him to read for him to pick.

I'm looking at the common core exemplars list and thinking I would ask him to pick from these, some he has already read for leisure:

Homer. The Odyssey

Ovid. Metamorphoses

Gogol, Nikolai. Ă¢â‚¬Å“The Nose.Ă¢â‚¬

De Voltaire, F. A. M. Candide, Or The Optimist

Turgenev, Ivan. Fathers and Sons

Henry, O. Ă¢â‚¬Å“The Gift of the Magi.Ă¢â‚¬

Kafka, Franz. The Metamorphosis

Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath

Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451

lsen, Tillie. Ă¢â‚¬Å“I Stand Here Ironing.Ă¢â‚¬

Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart

Lee, Harper. To Kill A Mockingbird

Shaara, Michael. The Killer Angels

Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club

Ăƒlvarez, Julia. In the Time of the Butterflies

Zusak, Marcus. The Book Thief

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales

de Cervantes, Miguel. Don Quixote

Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice

Poe, Edgar Allan. Ă¢â‚¬Å“The Cask of Amontillado.Ă¢â‚¬

BrontĂƒÂ«, Charlotte. Jane Eyre

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter

Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Crime and Punishment

Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby



Sophocles. Oedipus Rex

Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth

Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet

Wilde, Oscar. The Importance of Being Earnest

Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman



My husband can handle the poetry selections and discussions :)

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I found this website has lesson plans suggestions for To Kill a Mockingbird https://edsitement.neh.gov/common-core-text-exemplars-summer-reading-teachers/common-core-text-exemplars-summer-reading-teachers-grades-9-10


My DS12 reads so much that I am looking at lists of what I want him to read for him to pick.

I'm looking at the common core exemplars list and thinking I would ask him to pick from these, some he has already read for leisure:

Homer. The Odyssey

Ovid. Metamorphoses

Gogol, Nikolai. Ă¢â‚¬Å“The Nose.Ă¢â‚¬

De Voltaire, F. A. M. Candide, Or The Optimist

Turgenev, Ivan. Fathers and Sons

Henry, O. Ă¢â‚¬Å“The Gift of the Magi.Ă¢â‚¬

Kafka, Franz. The Metamorphosis

Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath

Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451

lsen, Tillie. Ă¢â‚¬Å“I Stand Here Ironing.Ă¢â‚¬

Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart

Lee, Harper. To Kill A Mockingbird

Shaara, Michael. The Killer Angels

Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club

Ăƒlvarez, Julia. In the Time of the Butterflies

Zusak, Marcus. The Book Thief

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales

de Cervantes, Miguel. Don Quixote

Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice

Poe, Edgar Allan. Ă¢â‚¬Å“The Cask of Amontillado.Ă¢â‚¬

BrontĂƒÂ«, Charlotte. Jane Eyre

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter

Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Crime and Punishment

Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby



Sophocles. Oedipus Rex

Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth

Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet

Wilde, Oscar. The Importance of Being Earnest

Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman



My husband can handle the poetry selections and discussions :)

These are showing up on the 9-10 and 10-12th exemplar lists for the ones I looked at.

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I will admit to having become very complacent in recent years. '16-'17 was rough for everyone, and '17-18 started out rough. We've got our comfortable groove worn in again and we're mostly smooth sailing now. The rough patches made me very glad to pay someone else to do all that scheduling work though. Whatever BYL scheduled we're stuck with. LOL I'll tweak on the fly for him if needed, but he rarely complains. He's gone head over heels for some of those book choices that I probably wouldn't have brought home otherwise.


Neither of us were nearly as interested in BYL 9's description though. I've no idea where DS is going for history next year. It's not really his thing, but he's LOVED premade unit study type history courses built around science. I think those options run out by high school though.

More power to you if it worked for you! I don't think it is "bad" as is the style just didn't work for us. I am certainly on the lookout for programs I can find that I can use as is and have figured out that I can't do it all exactly my way and have it get done educating 3, soon to be 4 kids, some can pull it off but not me, perhaps with more experience but not yet. Must not let the perfect be the enemy of the good! Edited by soror
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Talk to me about doing Algebra and Geometry at same time...


Honestly, I think doing Algebra II and Geometry is a better match up if one wants to do two maths in one year. However, my daughter wants to keep open the option to go into a magnet program in 9th grade and the program she wants requires a student to have completed Algebra I and Geometry by 8th grade. Most of the kids will have taken Algebra I in 7th and Geometry in 8th. I thought about doing it that way, however, the magnet program is only one option and I preferred she do a more rigorous pre-algebra for 7th (AOPS) rather than jumping straight into Algebra I as it would be more beneficial to her if she chooses any other route. She is a strong math student and I do think that her specific pre algebra program is enough to prepare her for Geometry (especially Saxon geometry.)

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These are showing up on the 9-10 and 10-12th exemplar lists for the ones I looked at.

Most of novels in the list, I did as a young 12 year old in 7th grade. My older is a strong reader and has read more than half that list for leisure.


The plays I did for literature in 7th/8th grade in public school. Except for Death of a salesman which I didn't do. I had 12 angry men by Reginald Rose instead and I'll probably let my boy study that play too. He did the Romeo & Juliet class last semester.

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Neither of us were nearly as interested in BYL 9's description though. I've no idea where DS is going for history next year. It's not really his thing, but he's LOVED premade unit study type history courses built around science. I think those options run out by high school though.


I cannot for the life of me figure out BYL's 9th grade booklist and focus. It's downright bizarre. And I say that as someone who really thinks they have chosen the best books for their other years. All I can think is that it must have been designed with a specific kid in mind. It's just weird.

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I cannot for the life of me figure out BYL's 9th grade booklist and focus. It's downright bizarre. And I say that as someone who really thinks they have chosen the best books for their other years. All I can think is that it must have been designed with a specific kid in mind. It's just weird.


Good to know I'm not the only one. We have really, really enjoyed the books for BYL 8, and I'll probably use some of the 7 titles for my rising 8th's geography. 9 seems off in left field in comparison.

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I cannot for the life of me figure out BYL's 9th grade booklist and focus. It's downright bizarre. And I say that as someone who really thinks they have chosen the best books for their other years. All I can think is that it must have been designed with a specific kid in mind. It's just weird.


Well, she does design it and use it for her kids, so maybe that played into this year more so than others.

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8th ACH!


This is what I'm thinking:


Science: Conceptual Chem

Math: Finish AOPS Intro to Algebra and move on to AOPS intro to Geometry

Writing: W&R

Spelling/Grammar: R&S

History/Geography/Lit: TOG year 4

Logic: CAP

Languages: Latin for Children finish B and start C, Spanish for Children B, Getting Started with French

Bible: Telling God's story with Younger sibs

Music: Viola and composer study

Art: picture study portfolios and making art

Dance: Tap

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DD would be in 7th grade by age for PS, but has been doing "8th grade" this year. However, I'm concerned she won't be ready for high school in the fall, so I'm considering doing another semester or year of "8th grade" to get her ready. Tentatively, I'm planning on a semester.


Currently we're doing:

MUS Algebra I (just started this semester)

Spelling You See

Winter Promise 7th Grade LA

Shmoop Five Paragraph Essay

Build Your Library 8th Grade (history of science)

Ecoutez! Parlez! book 1

Drawing Textbook


Next semester would be:

MUS Algebra I

Spelling You See

Adventures in Fantasy

mom-assembled reading list

Shmoop Study Skills & Critical Thinking

still looking for something for English (comp (essays) & grammar)

maybe Civics and Environmental Science - something out of the standard high school path

something more formal for French, or maybe moving to ASL

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I'll play, too.


Math: Lial's pre algebra with a bunch of other resources, too numerous to name...


Writing: homegrown. Lit essays once a week, creative writing twice a week and a TBD semester project once a week with a variety of writing styles. We might try for a long creative writing project at some point.


Easy Grammar as necessary, but probably not daily. We also use Warriner's. Plan is to remediate with study and worksheets relating to mistakes that happen during writing.


Literature: one Shakespeare play, TBD; poetry; plenty of books. Thinking To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, Night, plus a few more goodies that are floating in my head. And whatever reader's choice books come up.


US History: Hakim's condensed, C & D.


World History: Human Odyssey, etc. Renaissance to modern. We usually do Minecraft projects for history.


Science: undecided, probably some intro physics and intro chemistry


Spanish: Duolingo and maybe Breaking the Barrier. Possibly a four-week immersion course somewhere. Undecided


We also do several extra curricular activities per week.


That's it for now!





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Math: Finish AOPS Intro to Algebra, then Geometry (not sure if we'll do AOPS or something else)

Literature: EIL Introduction to Literature

Grammar: ??

Writing: I have several books on the self.  Not sure which ones we'll be using next year.

History: Modern History with Light to the Nations volume 2

Government: Uncle Sam and You, part 2

Science: finish chemistry, then ?? (probably conceptual physics/physical science or biology)

Logic: The Discovery of Deduction

German: She's been studying German with dh using library resources this year.  Hopefully she'll do something a little more serious next year.  I haven't found much for German, though.

Religion: continue church history and Chief Truths of the Faith, plus other sources

Edited by Lisa in the UP of MI
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I know the subjects but have yet to decide if/which online courses we will utilize for some of them:


Math: continue working through Algebra 2 and Geometry

Science: Conceptual Chemistry

English: continue to work on Literary Analysis skills, annotating, essay writing....

History: Reformation onward with a focus on US History

Latin: Latin 2

Chinese: Chinese 2

Programming: Introductory course


I don't think we will make it through WWS3. I may purchase the book and go over portions of it with her, but her other courses are beginning to require more of her time at this point, and doubling up on the writing is not as feasible as it was in the past. She is a good writer and has gotten a lot out of the program so far.

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Uh, I don't know...

  • History--make it to the modern world finally. Mix of Human Odyssey 3, Hakim US History, and Prufrock's materials
  • Math--finish algebra (Foerster's) if we haven't this year and then switch to geometry (Jacob's)
  • Spanish--EspaĂƒÂ±ol Santillana. We're finishing 1B this year so we'll start high school level 1 next year. I'm hoping to encourage her to use Homeschool Spanish Academy for conversation practice, plus they're Guatemala-based, and she's Guatemalan-born! My accent is castellano so it would be good for her to have some diversity.

Latest updates (2/12)

  • Story of Science--Einstein
  • Oak Meadow 8th Grade English (lit of the Giver, Hitchhiker's Guide, The Hobbit, Call of the Wild, Lord of the Flies, Wrinkle in Time, Tom Sawyer) (it has a lot of writing and grammar too so will try not to add more...)
  • Oak Meadow High School Geography
  • Study skills, note taking, etc. (Great Course and book)
  • Anatomy & Physiology -- continue with Hole's (started this year but we won't finish)



  • Aerial dance, a billion hours a week, more or less, private tumbling, maybe floor dance
  • 1 full day outdoor school
  • pottery
  • volunteering (preschool and aerial studio)
  • chorus, maybe
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I just deleted my entire post...


What a lot of changes this past 5 months have been!!!


Right now...the only thing set in stone for my dd is Mathnasium.  Thank God SOMETHING is set.



Starting POints at the Friday Homeschool Academy- The teacher adds extra Writing teaching and assignments so this covers:






I will need to do a lot of follow up on grading and maybe read a few of the books with/alongside my dd for her to get hte most out of it. :)


Apologia Physical Science at the Friday Academy 


American Sign Language using Signing Naturally at the Friday Academy


Mathnasium for Math


That is it :)






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