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Sherlock Lying Detective WOW

Amy in NH

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I'll be honest, I thought she was going to pull a wig off and be Moriarety (sp). Which is super silly given the giant foreshadowing they did with Mycroft talking to John on the phone.

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I must be dense but I don't get how the therapist and Culverton Smith got connected. Why would he give the letter to her and then they concoct this plot?


I guess Moriarty had something to do with it but I don't get it.


Yes, I have to watch it again, but I'm confused as to how Euros(sp?) got the letter.

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The sister also anticipated the therapist John would use, killed her, and assumed her persona. Same person who Culverton gave the paper he took from his daughter. Same person who was John's bus woman.


She is also the one who used Moriarty's image along with the "miss me?" notes. It wasn't a threat from Moriarty at all.


Perhaps she was in league with him? Maybe he was her pawn? Maybe they have nothing to do with each other, but they just have similar tactics?

Edited by Amy in NH
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The sister also anticipated the therapist John would use, killed her, and assumed her persona. Same person who Culverton gave the paper he took from his daughter. Same person who was John's bus woman.


She is also the one who used Moriarty's image along with the "miss me?" notes. It wasn't a threat from Moriarty at all.


Perhaps she was in league with him? Maybe he was her pawn? Maybe they have nothing to do with each other, but they just have similar tactics?


Mary's cd also had Miss Me? written on it. 


I feel like Mycrofts's foreshadowing about a another one going rogue was in reference to a brother. I can't remember the exact words.


I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to watch this show. It's not all that fun when the viewer has absolutely no chance of even following. Sherlock become deus ex machina - no thanks.

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The sister also anticipated the therapist John would use, killed her, and assumed her persona. Same person who Culverton gave the paper he took from his daughter. Same person who was John's bus woman.


She is also the one who used Moriarty's image along with the "miss me?" notes. It wasn't a threat from Moriarty at all.


Perhaps she was in league with him? Maybe he was her pawn? Maybe they have nothing to do with each other, but they just have similar tactics?

Ok, I get that they are the same woman but I'm still unclear as to why Culverson gave her the note? And why did Mary's CD say "miss me"??

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Ok, I get that they are the same woman but I'm still unclear as to why Culverson gave her the note? And why did Mary's CD say "miss me"??

I don't know the answer to the first part but Mary said in her video that she thought the "miss me?" would get his attention.


ETA : the first part. Yeah, how/why did they hook up?

Edited by Miss Peregrine
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Mary's cd also had Miss Me? written on it. 


I feel like Mycrofts's foreshadowing about a another one going rogue was in reference to a brother. I can't remember the exact words.


I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to watch this show. It's not all that fun when the viewer has absolutely no chance of even following. Sherlock become deus ex machina - no thanks.


I agree. I've really enjoyed the show in the past but over the last season and now these 2 episodes it seems as if the show is all about the personalities involved and there isn't much mystery-solving. It's frustrating to watch.


I did really like the Christmas/Victorian episode. It was much more straight-forward and had a beginning, middle, and end. :)


Watson's hair was looking super fabulous and yeah, Mrs. Hudson was awesome!

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When we got to see why sherlock arranged this whole thing - Mary telling him to go to hell and let Watson save him - I was pretty disappointed. I thought, really? This is how it always plays out between these two (sherlock and watson), its always about sherlock and he is so selfish.

Then they redeemed it when we could hear watson's inner voice, sherlock getting texts from Irene, sherlock ACTUALLY HUGGING watson, sherlock having real insight into watson "being human".

The writers are so clever with all this, bringing me to the brink of hating them and the show, then bringing so much character development that I must keep watching!


But really, if the mystery gets too abstract and unknowable, it'll jump the shark. We can't have too much lovey dovey stuff.

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Something that a US audience might miss is the reference to a horrible man named Jimmy Savile, who used his fame as a DJ and philanthropist to abuse countless children during the 70s and 80s.


He had the free run of hospitals and access to vulnerable children because he was a celebrity volunteering as a hospital porter and raising money.

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Something that a US audience might miss is the reference to a horrible man named Jimmy Savile, who used his fame as a DJ and philanthropist to abuse countless children during the 70s and 80s.


He had the free run of hospitals and access to vulnerable children because he was a celebrity volunteering as a hospital porter and raising money.


How horrible! but thanks for pointing that out - I had no idea.

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Oh, and loved the possible romance for Mycroft.  


My dds say that it was because Sherlock was high at the time, but I'm bothered by the fact he did not recognize Euros after spending such a long time with her that day.

Recognize her as his sister the day he spent with her? Or recognize her later as the "therapist"? I assumed for the first they may have parted ways when he was quite young and he doesn't have enough memories of her to recognize her. But he should have recognized her at the therapist's. Well he did do the thing properly and was on a fair bit of drugs. But then again, that didn't stop him from staying on top of the rest of it.


I need to re-watch it, too.  How close did he ever get to her when she was the therapist? Did she stay *just* out of his sight? 

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Recognize her as his sister the day he spent with her? Or recognize her later as the "therapist"? I assumed for the first they may have parted ways when he was quite young and he doesn't have enough memories of her to recognize her. But he should have recognized her at the therapist's. Well he did do the thing properly and was on a fair bit of drugs. But then again, that didn't stop him from staying on top of the rest of it.


I need to re-watch it, too.  How close did he ever get to her when she was the therapist? Did she stay *just* out of his sight? 


OK, I watched it again, and observed that Sherlock didn't really get that close to Watson's therapist.  When she got close to him, he had his eyes closed.  Later, Euros made the comment to John about how men sometimes don't look carefully at women's faces, so I guess that was why he didn't recognize her as his sister during the time she disguised herself as Culverton's daughter (in addition to the drugs).


Also, Euros said she got the letter from Culverton, and a "mutual friend" put them in contact with each other.  I assume that might be Moriarty?  Or??

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OK, I watched it again, and observed that Sherlock didn't really get that close to Watson's therapist.  When she got close to him, he had his eyes closed.  Later, Euros made the comment to John about how men sometimes don't look carefully at women's faces, so I guess that was why he didn't recognize her as his sister during the time she disguised herself as Culverton's daughter (in addition to the drugs).


Also, Euros said she got the letter from Cuverton and a "mutual friend" put them in contact with each other.  I assume that might be Moriarty?  Or??


That makes more sense then if he never had a chance to see her close. It will be interesting to find out why he didn't recognize her at the first meeting. I'm not sure the lack of paying attention to faces would be enough to fool Sherlock unless he never knew his sister beyond childhood. Or thinks her dead. We really have no idea what her story is, though I'm quite sure Mycroft does. 


That's what I'm thinking! Hoping, actually, I would love to see some Andrew Scott!! And it was too teased at the end of last season for them to end up going nowhere with the Moriarty thread. I think it will be flashbacks and videos as I'm fairly certain he's really dead, but then again it is Moffat and Gatiss so who knows what they have up their sleeves. 

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What is funny is when Euros visited Sherlock I thought she looked different than Culverton's daughter, but then dismissed it as she was likely wearing less makeup and obviously distressed.  Her clothing choice also seemed odd to me.  Color me surprised when the big reveal happened.

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Ok, I get that they are the same woman but I'm still unclear as to why Culverson gave her the note? And why did Mary's CD say "miss me"??



Interesting!  I didn't catch that the CD and note said the same thing.  


My bet is still on Moriarty, though I don't know how.  He is my favorite villain!  I loved the pool episode where he asks if he can take a phone call.   Moriarty is unhinged, terrifying, and likable all at the same time!

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Mary's cd also had Miss Me? written on it. 


I feel like Mycrofts's foreshadowing about a another one going rogue was in reference to a brother. I can't remember the exact words.


I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to watch this show. It's not all that fun when the viewer has absolutely no chance of even following. Sherlock become deus ex machina - no thanks.


I kind of feel the same way, and was sort of unhappy with the episode until about halfway through. I did get pulled back in and ended up loving the ending, though.


About the CD--Were John and Mary aware of the Miss Me taunt to Sherlock at the end of last season? I can't remember if he ever told anyone. On the disc, Mary did say that she thought that would get Sherlock's attention, so maybe she was just using the phrase to make him think it was "Moriarty" and ensure that he watched it? 


The whole Smith/Euros connection didn't even occur to me. I need more info on that now. DH says she explained it but he can't remember how. We need to watch it again.

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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I kind of feel the same way, and was sort of unhappy with the episode until about halfway through. I did get pulled back in and ended up loving the ending, though.


About the CD--Were John and Mary aware of the Miss Me taunt to Sherlock at the end of last season? I can't remember if he ever told anyone. On the disc, Mary did say that she thought that would get Sherlock's attention, so maybe she was just using the phrase to make him think it was "Moriarty" and ensure that he watched it? 


The whole Smith/Euros connection didn't even occur to me. I need more info on that now. DH says she explained it but he can't remember how. We need to watch it again.


Yes, John and Mary were aware of the "Miss Me" taunt.  When Mycroft calls back Sherlock's plane, at the end of the Victorian episode, they all could see the "Miss Me" taunt.


Euros said she got Faith's note from Culverton and that a "mutual friend" was responsible for introducing them.

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Recognize her as his sister the day he spent with her?




I assumed for the first they may have parted ways when he was quite young and he doesn't have enough memories of her to recognize her. But he should have recognized her at the therapist's. Well he did do the thing properly and was on a fair bit of drugs. But then again, that didn't stop him from staying on top of the rest of it.



I was confused by this part as well. I remember Mycroft saying something about the "other brother". To me, the writers would not make an obvious mistake like writing "brother" for "sister" and Sherlock would never be allowed to make such a big error as to not know his own sister by the writers :) - so, while watching, I speculated that the current sister could have been a brother (trans?) when Sherlock knew him (before parting ways) and that is why Sherlock could not recognize her when he spent the day with her? No other explanation makes sense to me given how many observations and deductions that Sherlock makes which others around him miss completely.

Edited by mathnerd
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I read an article saying in other episodes Sherlock mentions the "east wind" that will come and destroy or something like that.


He was talking about a story that Mycroft used to tell him about the east wind that would come to destroy.


i wonder if Euros is actually the same person as Sherrinford (supposedly the name of the other brother).... that she was unrecognizable because Euros was a brother but has transitioned to a sister. Kind of far fetched but not out of the realm of these writers.


I think there were some plot holes, hope next week ties some things together.

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My oldest DD and I are currently reading/listening to the Enola Holmes mysteries by Nancy Springer.  As I was watching the episode several things kept reminding me of things I had read in these stories.  Not exactly, but more just triggered my memories.  Granted Enola isn't evil and a teenager, but I wasn't surprised at all that Mycroft and Sherlock's sister arrived on the scene.  I was surprised that she was evil (or appeared to be) though.

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He was talking about a story that Mycroft used to tell him about the east wind that would come to destroy.


i wonder if Euros is actually the same person as Sherrinford (supposedly the name of the other brother).... that she was unrecognizable because Euros was a brother but has transitioned to a sister. Kind of far fetched but not out of the realm of these writers.


I think there were some plot holes, hope next week ties some things together.

I think Sherrinford is a facility.

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I think there may be another sibling. Mycroft, Euros, Sherlock..... "People always stop looking after three"


I think Mycroft knows about Euros and her back story (though maybe he's 'lost' her now?) and told that story to Sherlock intentionally. Maybe Mycroft means something when he says the East wind will come and destroy but Sherlock is just repeating a story. He can't recognize a sister he doesn't remember so maybe whatever happened, happened when Sherlock was very young or was traumatic enough to cause him to repress it. 


The references to a sibling weren't gender specific, they were vague enough to make you think "Did I really just hear what I think I did? Does that mean what I think it does?!" If he'd said brother, that's very direct and obvious. 

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Also wondering why there are numerous scenes all over the episodes of psychologists listening to one or the other characters. It seems that the storywriters are depending on that format to bring out what the main characters are thinking. Just an observation, because I have never watched any TV series with that many psychologists (female too) as this one.

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Wouldn't that be amazing? Three leaving off in a cliffhanger and everyone is just left going ?????? and after the credits theres an episode title with a date a week away. That would be a huge feat, though, to keep that under wraps so well. 


I was thinking the 4th episode might be saved for Jan. 2018.

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