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Spring semester start

Night Elf

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My dd is leaving on the 9th.  Hers starts on the 11th.  What is new for me is that my older daughter has now graduated.  But it may be sometime soon that my oldest child goes back to school to get a new degree (he has enough credits most likely to graduate or maybe only lacks one class but he would rather go back and study something else like geology where he can make a better living.)

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Being on a quarter system, ds has a shorter break than many. Typically three weeks, though it can be longer if he finishes exams earlier during exam week. We were a bit "cheated" this year as he will be abroad winter quarter which means he left today! He was home twenty days. The study abroad has some orientation on-site, which starts tomorrow with classes commencing Monday. That's when on-campus starts as well, but he could have stayed here three more nights were he going back there. Very excited for him, though!!!!

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DD is on a quarter system and started yesterday.

She had three weeks of break, spent one week with friends and was home for two.


We are on a  semester system and start on the 17th; they changed that a few years ago, it used to be the week before MLK.

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All of my college students (1 grad student, 1 freshman, 1 DE student, 3 different schools) all start classes on January 17th. I'm going crazy, because trying to get a 14-year-old to conjugate French verbs is hard enough when his three older brothers aren't having a Nerf gun war in the backyard. 

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One of mine had that schedule last year. He was all smiles when May arrived and he realized he could travel with his engineering team after finals rather than the week before!

He is a week later this year and really didn't like the way it turns Dec into a holiday rush. Welcome to the real world kid, and appreciate what your high school classmates who are serving in the middle east are doing with just thirty days off while you get your summer job apps in and enjoy your addl twelve days off.

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Mine starts back on Monday.


If I let her get on the plane and fly away from me, that is. 😢


(I will, of course... but I'm sad. Not telling HER that because she's starting to get melancholy as it gets closer... so I'm saying it here so I can keep a big, encouraging smile on my face over the next couple of days!)

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My kids both officially start back the 17th. Ds doesn't have Tuesday classes though, so he doesn't actually start until the 18th. Dd is leaving the 16th because that is as long as she can stand to go without seeing her boyfriend, who has been here twice during break  :lol:.  


We really enjoyed the break and I loved that it was long enough to really feel like they were home, not just visiting. We're all ready for the next semester though.

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Dd finished her first week of classes.


She is a transfer student (starting her fourth semester at the school with only one more year until graduation), and she finally had a meeting with her advisor to discuss her transfer credits. Over the past three semesters he kept on telling her that she was fine, but I kept reminding her that she only has his verbal commitment, so if anything happened to him she could be in a bad way. Thankfully she met with him and now at least has an email from him confirming the status of her credits. He says he'll work on the paperwork part of her credits over the summer......


So very thankful mama here! (It's a tiny school and he's a musician who apparently doesn't like red tape, so.........)

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I am waiting to hear about ds's new classes. I may have to wait a long time.  I spoke with him on Sunday when he arrived on campus after being in Spain since the New Year.  He was thrilled to learn that one of our senator's office had called home and informed us that they had a ticket for ds for the inauguration. After I read all the cautions in the parent newsletter regarding what students should expect in DC during the inaugural activities, I am a bit anxious and hope everyone stays safe.


ETA:  He also informed me that in addition to heading the sailing team while the seniors are abroad, he is participating in an exchange program with a group of Panamanian teachers where he will help a teacher with English and then they will help him with Spanish.  It's so hard for this mom not to remind him that while all of that is good, classes are still the number one priority. I wish I had more faith in his organizational skills.

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Our local uni was supposed to start on the 9th. However, 7 feet of snow put paid to that. They finally opened on the 11th. The ps skipped the 9th, did a late start on the 10th. However, they still had swim practice! Unfortunately, the team is now in Durango and will probably not make it home tonight--the passes are closed. Again. 


Oh my, how I had forgotten that swim practice goes on no matter what - ice, snow, and power failures.  My kids' favorite "terrifying practice" was in the 50m when the lights went out and the back up lights (only in the water) came on.  They kept swimming.


Hoping everyone stays safe your way.


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