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What gifts/talents/positive qualities did you learn from your father? I'll start: 1) He taught me to be independent, self-reliant, and to stand on my own two feet, 2) He taught me, by example, what to seek in a quality husband and father, and 3) I hope I got at least 1/4 of his brain power. We'll do moms later.😊

Edited by reefgazer
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I learned how to stick my pinky in my mouth, inflate my cheek, and make a pop noise.


How to make it look like I am splitting my thumb.


How to make an outlet sing. (plug in a radio)


I learned a lot of corny dad jokes.


I learned to stand up for myself.

I learned to take pride in myself and my ancestry.

I learned how to put myself first when I really don't want to do something.

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My dad taught himself how to fish, hunt, cook, crochet, knit, sew, archery (he won trophies shooting left-handed, though he was right-handed, because his right eye was bad), work on vehicles, fix anything you can think of that was broken, building of all kinds, electrical work. He was the one everybody called if something needed fixed, whatever it was. He taught me that if you want to do something, you can work hard and learn how to do it.


He also taught me to be a smart-aleck, which I am quite good at. ;-)

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My dad is awesome. He taught me how to make great breakfasts! Not something I always appreciated as a teen. He also taught me how to make real fudge and caramels. He taught me to get up early and shovel the snow before anyone steps or drives on it. He taught me that hard work is rewarding and can be fun with the right attitude. He taught me that you can follow your dream, but it's going to take hard work to make that dream into reality. He taught me how to apologize and get over it. He showed me what a great marriage is and what to expect from a good man. I love that guy!

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Dad's taught me a lot and I appreciate him more the older I get. 


-how to make an ear piercing whistle with my fingers in my mouth


-how to live within and below my means


-he was on board very early with technology. We had home Internet by 1993 and I remember rolling my eyes at my dad as he was telling me about all the great things it could do. :-)  He taught me BASIC programming when I was a little kid and he's always been on top of the latest tech. My first jobs were working at a local ISP and later, cell phone companies and I credit him with helping me get those. 


-my love of weather! We text frequently, but when there is any kind of interesting weather going on in either my area or his, we are text buddies through whatever event is going on. Lots of fun to share that with him.


-taught me how to drive standard cars and I still drive one now.

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