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Am I on your ignore list?

Am I on your ignore list?  

  1. 1. Am I on your ignore list?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Hang on a sec while I add you
    • I can't decide
    • Other (because I want to vote and skew the poll)

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Nope... I don't have a single soul on mine. :grouphug:


Me neither! And I don't think I'd ever put anybody on ignore because you never know what you might have in common. I've been surprised sometimes to find myself nodding with someone I thought was my complete opposite in every way.

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If you were on someone's ignore list, would they be able to read your post and answer the poll?


Just wondering. :tongue_smilie:



Way to make someone paranoid. "Oh, So-and-So and Whatsherface didn't respond to my poll. They must not be able to see it so I'm on their ignore lists."



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You are on my friend list. :)


Why would someone have you on ignore? Did I miss something today?


I don't know. I've read so many people saying they use their ignore and wondered if I'd said anything to offend anybody. I am a "loquacious troublemaker" according to Mr. Nobody, you know.

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How does the ignore list work? Does it mean that you can't see any posts by the person you've added?


Yes, that's exactly how it works. You do have the option to read individual posts by that person if you want to. And I'll confess...I have 3 people on my ignore post...or I did. Two of them were banned from the board. When the election is over, I'll probably remove the other person from my ignore list...but at the moment, there's a limit to the nasty, snark comments that I can read or those that I think are SOOOOOO out of line and not have a stroke from high blood pressure. :toetap05:


and no, the OP is not on my list!

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Not yet, but John McEnroe in that headband deeply affends my aesthetic sensibilities, so I have been considering it.








Of course not, you are a friend! :D Although, everytime I see your avatar, ugly bugglies come to mind, which is a bit put offing (good term, don't'cha think? I'm really homeschooling to start my own language--mom-monics!! I'll keep you updated!).


I don't have anyone on my ignore list--I like to see what everyone has to say, no matter how much I disagree. How else can I know when I have to correct them? ;)


And, as for the poll, it is true--the two people who answered yes should not have been able to see the post, if you are on their ignore list. And, if you are, think of what they are missing!!


I think we should put our fave quotes about ignorance here, for all those who are ignored (I've been told I'm on "ignore" by a few, and I'm proud of it!!! They are exactly the type I'd like to be ignored by! ;))


Here are some of my faves:


"The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: Be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge." Elbert Hubbard


"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and a conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King


"The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about."


and, of course,


"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." Derek Bok (not Bo Derek, as someone once asked me :D)

Edited by Mom to Aly
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I don't have an ignore list. But you're not even on the "People I Will Put On My Ignore List If I Ever Get Around To Making One".


But I answered that I was adding you just to skew this poll.




Poll skewer! Poll skewer! I'm gonna report you and you're gonna get it!

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Yes, that's exactly how it works. You do have the option to read individual posts by that person if you want to. And I'll confess...I have 3 people on my ignore post...or I did. Two of them were banned from the board. When the election is over, I'll probably remove the other person from my ignore list...but at the moment, there's a limit to the nasty, snark comments that I can read or those that I think are SOOOOOO out of line and not have a stroke from high blood pressure. :toetap05:


and no, the OP is not on my list!


Well, thank you.


And now I'm curious about how this ignore feature works. How can you see individual posts?


Anybody feel like trying the ignore feature just to see what happens? Feel free to ignore me to test it. But promise you'll cancel it when you find out how it feels, k? ;)

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