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Staying off FB


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I'll be your no FB buddy if you want one! I haven't been on much in the last month because the political posts were stressing me out. I would pop in and out a couple times a week though to check in on my groups. I'm imposing a no social media (except here - does WTM count as social media?) for at least a week on myself. 

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I'm so thankful that I have not seen any hateful messages on my Facebook feed today. I saw a few excited messages and a lot of shocked messages but nothing that made me feel disgusted to be a friend of that person.


My sister, 2 sils, and myself spent the picture posting cute pictures of our kids though so as to flood people's walls with happiness. Friend followed suit. I know a good chunk of people who really appreciate the kids pictures today

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I deactivated last night. I found (for myself) the only way I could continue to respect people I see in real life was to not be subjected to their political views boiled down to a meme at 2 am. 

Haven't missed it at all!


Since you need it for a group, maybe uninstall the app from any portable devices and log out instead of deactivate? That way you can log in when you "need" to, but otherwise the temptation isn't quite as strong? 

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My FB has been taken over by angry, spewing folks. Sad, really. I'm about to start culling. 


Yes!  I was hoping it would end with the election, but it's worse now.  I think it's really just a vocal few, but it's really upsetting me.  I should just unfollow them.  

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For group activities my friends use the Facebook messenger group chat. So we don't need to see anybody's Facebook feed.


My Facebook feed is only horrid during presidential election campaign season from the vitriol of a girlfriend. She is "normal" except for campaign season.


So my Facebook feed is now nice and calm until the next presidential election primaries.

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You can be my friend. I posted cute pictures of my 7 month old. No one can be mad at a smiling baby.

But I get it. I've stayed off FB other than to add some pictures. Although most people on my page have been respectful. I'm guessing I hid the crazy people during the election process so I'm not seeing their posts about the aftermath - which is totally fine by me.

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I deactivated last night. I found (for myself) the only way I could continue to respect people I see in real life was to not be subjected to their political views boiled down to a meme at 2 am. 

Haven't missed it at all!


Since you need it for a group, maybe uninstall the app from any portable devices and log out instead of deactivate? That way you can log in when you "need" to, but otherwise the temptation isn't quite as strong? 


I have unfollowed everyone except my family members and two friends who have announcements for meeting times of meetings I attend.  It's not so much my friends as it is "their" friends and what they post.  I have pulled Facebook from my phone so the temptation isn't as strong also.  


I too have unfollowed my sil who I do like because her political views are so different than mine.  She constantly posts political stuff because that is her job right now and she enjoys it.  I know that if we were next door neighbors, we would be friends, but I can't read her posts because I do like her and want to continue to like her.  Maybe now that this whole election is over, I can read her stuff again.

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I'm watching one of my son's former teachers, who is gay, be bullied by someone who is gloating over the election results. The teacher is clearly shocked and upset, because the bully is someone he has known for some time but who now apparently feels empowed to male snide comments about her true colors not being rainbow and to tell the teacher he is going to hell.


I can't choose to sray off FB, because I wouldn't be around to bear witness and speak up.

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I unfollowed just about everyone except sweet friends, remote family and my kids. When people ask me if I saw this or that I just say, "I have very little coming into my news feed anymore." That has not seemed to offend anyone! I rarely post except in groups. My kids and I have a group where we can post for just our family.

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Yes, I find it very upsetting what I see in my fb feed. Some posts make me feel ill to my stomach. But if I stayed off, I would not hear about and could not support those friends whose kids are upset about the black doll hung in a noose at their college or about the swastika painted in the gym, or who are afraid to wear their hijab because they know women who have been assaulted for it, or who are worried about their gay children. 


Yes, it would be a lot easier if I could pretend those sickening things were not happening. Or just look at pictures of cute kittens.


Instead, I choose to be there and support them in their pain, knowing that it is my privilege of being a white straight cis gendered woman that keeps these things from happening to me. At least for now.

Edited by regentrude
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Yes, I find it very upsetting what I see in my fb feed. Some posts make me feel ill to my stomach. But if I stayed off, I would not hear about and could not support those friends whose kids are upset about the black doll hung in a noose at their college or about the swastika painted in the gym, or who are afraid to wear their hijab because they know women who have been assaulted for it, or who are worried about their gay children. 


Yes, it would be a lot easier if I could pretend those sickening things were not happening. Or just look at pictures of cute kittens.


Instead, I choose to be there and support them in their pain, knowing that it is my privilege of being a white straight cis gendered woman that keeps these things from happening to me. At least for now.


This.  Facebook is not a very happy place right now, but it has been such an important place the last few days.

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I accidentally logged in today out of habit. Didn't see anything horrible and logged out. I'm still active on my groups.

There might really be a Facebook "filter bubble".

"Facebook's algorithm knows what you like based on the videos you watch, people you talk to, and content you interact with. It then shows you more of the same. This creates something called "filter bubbles." You begin to see only the content you like and agree with, while Facebook (FB, Tech30) hides dissenting points of view."



I have ABC7news on my Facebook newsfeed but have to go to my local newspapers website to read where the protests are. I use ABC7news on Facebook for weather and traffic jams mainly. My friends lean independent.

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I unfollowed a few people before the election because I just couldn't take it anymore (at least one on each side of things). I checked their pages today to see if it was safe to follow them again. It's not. :) I'll check back in again on them in a few weeks.

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