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Has anyone heard from Catwoman? Update from Catwoman inside :-)


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Hi, it's me! :). It's so sweet of you to ask about me -- I just happened to pop in tonight and your thread was right on top so I wanted to be sure to respond while I have a few minutes.


I'm sorry I haven't posted any updates in such a long time, but things have been crazy for us and I didn't want to bore everyone with a million little things.


Quick update -- dh is doing pretty well, although his most recent bloodwork is a little wonky again so we have to ask the doctor about it when we go there on Tuesday. I hope it's nothing serious. There always seems to be something to worry about! Dh has had a few health scares over the past several months, but thankfully things have worked out. We have been traveling back and forth between homes at least once a month and it's pretty draining on all of us because it's a 12 hour drive from one house to another, and flying is too much of a nuisance. We really like the house we bought near the transplant hospital, but we still have our other houses as well, so it's a lot of worry about maintenance and stuff, and the expenses are very high. At some point we know we will sell at least one house, but right now I don't think dh is really up to it, and I honestly don't need the stress of trying to sell a house now, either. There are just too many other things to think about, and between getting this new house all set up and trying to run the business remotely from multiple locations, we are kind of exhausted.


Ds16 is doing well -- thank goodness for homeschooling or I don't know how we would have ever managed this insane travel schedule! He sees his friends a lot when we are in the NYC area and when we are out here by the hospital, he and his friends are online most days doing stuff together on the computer, so that seems to be fine. His friends are homeschooled, too, so that helps a lot when it comes to getting the kids together often while we're home.


So anyway, that's a quick update -- I'll try to post more I need the next day or so. We just got out here last night and I have a ton of stuff to do, so I won't ramble on any longer tonight.


Thanks again for asking about me! :grouphug: I have to catch up on the forum and see what everyone has been doing. I hope I haven't missed anything sad and that the only news I've missed has been good and happy.

Thanks so much for checking in. We have all worried so mch about you all.

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Hi, it's me! :). It's so sweet of you to ask about me -- I just happened to pop in tonight and your thread was right on top so I wanted to be sure to respond while I have a few minutes.


I'm sorry I haven't posted any updates in such a long time, but things have been crazy for us and I didn't want to bore everyone with a million little things.


Quick update -- dh is doing pretty well, although his most recent bloodwork is a little wonky again so we have to ask the doctor about it when we go there on Tuesday. I hope it's nothing serious. There always seems to be something to worry about! Dh has had a few health scares over the past several months, but thankfully things have worked out. We have been traveling back and forth between homes at least once a month and it's pretty draining on all of us because it's a 12 hour drive from one house to another, and flying is too much of a nuisance. We really like the house we bought near the transplant hospital, but we still have our other houses as well, so it's a lot of worry about maintenance and stuff, and the expenses are very high. At some point we know we will sell at least one house, but right now I don't think dh is really up to it, and I honestly don't need the stress of trying to sell a house now, either. There are just too many other things to think about, and between getting this new house all set up and trying to run the business remotely from multiple locations, we are kind of exhausted.


Ds16 is doing well -- thank goodness for homeschooling or I don't know how we would have ever managed this insane travel schedule! He sees his friends a lot when we are in the NYC area and when we are out here by the hospital, he and his friends are online most days doing stuff together on the computer, so that seems to be fine. His friends are homeschooled, too, so that helps a lot when it comes to getting the kids together often while we're home.


So anyway, that's a quick update -- I'll try to post more I need the next day or so. We just got out here last night and I have a ton of stuff to do, so I won't ramble on any longer tonight.


Thanks again for asking about me! :grouphug: I have to catch up on the forum and see what everyone has been doing. I hope I haven't missed anything sad and that the only news I've missed has been good and happy.

Oh my goodness!! It is you!!! SO GLAD to hear from you!!! It all sounds busy and stressful in many ways, but I am glad to hear everything is going somewhat ok. Thanks for the update and for checking in!
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It's SO good to hear from you! And I'm glad things are going basically okay.


I swear this is true -- I was sweeping my kitchen floor a couple of days ago and the thought just popped in my head "I wonder how Catwoman and her family are doing?" And that's not unusual. I think about you often.

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I am so glad to hear from you too!  I literally think about you often and was wondering how y'all were doing - wishing I lived close enough IRL to help out in some way or another (either house).


Thanks for the quick update!!!  May things work out ok at the dr appt later this week.

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It's good to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to update us.


Light, Love, and good thoughts for good news about your DH's bloodwork. And that the stress of travel, home maintenance, and running the business all works itself out for smooth sailing.


You are all in my thoughts often. :grouphug: :grouphug:

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