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When you are just feeling run down


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what helps?


I have just finished week 2 of full time work after not working for 10 years.


I am exhausted.   


Today I woke up with just a little congestion and a bit of a cough.   I cannot get sick!  UGH!


Normally I just up my Vitamin C and rest and I get better.  I haven't had a cold or sickness in over a year!  


Anything besides Vitamin C that you take for making sure you don't get sick?


Anything for helping with that run down, exhaustion feeling, when you know you need to just push through?


I am taking it easy as best I can.  I knew this would be a difficult first couple of months as I adjust.  My family is being very helpful with meal prep, cleaning, all the home stuff.





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For any hint of an oncoming cold, we use Cold Eeze and it almost always works.  Don't use it with Vitamin C though.  The two counteract each other.  When I'm at work and think I might be getting something I take one right before bed as that seems to do the best for me vs when I'm up and moving around.  One big warning though is that it will affect taste for breakfast (or any meal eaten afterward).  If you do get something, the original Sudafed (or its Wally World generic equivalent - pseudoephedrine) in the 12 hour capsule does wonders for helping me get through school (or any day). Not many places carry them anymore and you need ID to buy it now.  We get ours at Wally World.  I can't take them at night or they keep me awake.  It's common to pick up the "local plague" when starting school each year.  The body gets worn out and there are oodles of germs being spread around.


Otherwise, when I'm bummed I either give myself a day to sit and do next to nothing (or just relaxing fun stuff like playing games, going on a walk, or watching a movie), or we travel somewhere.  Either one gives my brain a break from routine and helps it get back to "normal."  If taking a day "off" I am sure to keep it to one day mentally.  I know the day after I resume "life."  That seems to help too.


Best wishes to you - glad your family is helping out!

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Zinc lozenges, sucked under the tongue, every two hours for about 2-3 days at the beginning of a throat-based cold, always helps me not to really get sick.  


Extra sleep is good, and the real Sudafed (behind the counter) during the day is extremely helpful.


In general, I up my iron intake as well.  More red meat, maybe even vitamins with iron.

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I'm fairly convinced elderberry helps - we take Sambucol Family Immunity. I'm usually very sceptical about anything without a good chemical sounding ingredient and a long list of warnings, but we turned to this when ds spent about 12 weeks just rolling from one cold into the next and it seemed to break the cycle. If we all take it when one of us gets a cold we seem to avoid passing it around between us as well.

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Is it an active job or a sedentary job?  It sounds counter-intuitive, but exercise will help you feel less tired in the long run if the job has you sitting most of the day, like mine does!  I'd also focus on eating as well as you can and getting plenty of sleep. If the exhaustion persists, consider a check up and blood test to see if you are anemic or have any deficiencies (vit D is a common one).


I'm so sorry you are feeling so tired and hope you adjust to your new routine very soon.

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For any hint of an oncoming cold, we use Cold Eeze and it almost always works. Don't use it with Vitamin C though. The two counteract each other.

Creekland, could you provide a source for this, please? I'm curious because zinc plus vitamin C is a common combination, one that's even been studied and found statistically significant:






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I'm fairly convinced elderberry helps - we take Sambucol Family Immunity. I'm usually very sceptical about anything without a good chemical sounding ingredient and a long list of warnings, but we turned to this when ds spent about 12 weeks just rolling from one cold into the next and it seemed to break the cycle. If we all take it when one of us gets a cold we seem to avoid passing it around between us as well.


Ditto. There's some pretty good science to support Sambucol. Besides that -- a mental health day can do wonders. And I've found that often when I give myself permission to do nothing I actually end up being quite productive (and enjoying it).

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Is it an active job or a sedentary job?  It sounds counter-intuitive, but exercise will help you feel less tired in the long run if the job has you sitting most of the day, like mine does!  I'd also focus on eating as well as you can and getting plenty of sleep. If the exhaustion persists, consider a check up and blood test to see if you are anemic or have any deficiencies (vit D is a common one).


I'm so sorry you are feeling so tired and hope you adjust to your new routine very soon.



I had a physical a month ago.  My levels are all fine.

I am just older and haven't worked full time in 10 years.  I also haven't gotten up this early on a regular basis in 10 years!  I am SLOWLY adjusting to getting to bed earlier and getting up earlier.


Now I have to get up around 5:20am to get out the door by 6am.  


I don't sit most of the day.  I walk around a lot.

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I think in a few weeks you'll be fine. I was the same way when I started back to work after years of being a SAHM.  

When we start feeling run down and maybe a cold coming on, we take Emergen-C.  It probably is useless but it's what we do. 


Hope you adjust to your new routine soon!

Edited by Annie G
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I had a physical a month ago.  My levels are all fine.

I am just older and haven't worked full time in 10 years.  I also haven't gotten up this early on a regular basis in 10 years!  I am SLOWLY adjusting to getting to bed earlier and getting up earlier.


Now I have to get up around 5:20am to get out the door by 6am.  


I don't sit most of the day.  I walk around a lot.

Just wanted to let you know I was in a very similar place a couple of years ago. Had not worked outside the home for almost 10 years when our lives totally changed. Suddenly we were getting up at 4:30am, M-F. I was starting work at 6am three days a week; after sitting most of the day in various places around the house, supervising kids' school work, suddenly I was on my feet, standing and moving around a lot. Such an exhausting change of pace!


One thing that helps me physically when feeling rundown is an afternoon nap. I'm sure you know you can do this, it's just getting through the adjustment. I hope you avoid the plague!! :-)

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Creekland, could you provide a source for this, please? I'm curious because zinc plus vitamin C is a common combination, one that's even been studied and found statistically significant:




Interesting.  Apparently, my info is outdated.  ;)


My original source was the writing on the box when it first came out.  One wasn't supposed to have Vit C within 30 minutes before or after using one.  I just checked a box.  That information is no longer there, nor does it show up online.  I'm not sure when they changed it (shows how often I read boxes once I use a product!), but it's good to know that it has changed for those of us who have been using it for a long time, so thank for the info.


I believe this checks off my "Learn something new every day" box.  Thanks Hive!

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Interesting. Apparently, my info is outdated. ;)


My original source was the writing on the box when it first came out. One wasn't supposed to have Vit C within 30 minutes before or after using one. I just checked a box. That information is no longer there, nor does it show up online. I'm not sure when they changed it (shows how often I read boxes once I use a product!), but it's good to know that it has changed for those of us who have been using it for a long time, so thank for the info.


I believe this checks off my "Learn something new every day" box. Thanks Hive!

Thanks, Creekland! I've always been skeptical of the zinc/vit. C connection, so I'm glad to have some evidence that supports it. I think I'll up my intake during cold season while making sure I'm taking a low dose - around 10 mg. Many of the supplements have at least twice this, and I think you generally want to avoid supplementing zinc at high levels (over 40 mg.) long-term.


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Thanks, Creekland! I've always been skeptical of the zinc/vit. C connection, so I'm glad to have some evidence that supports it. I think I'll up my intake during cold season while making sure I'm taking a low dose - around 10 mg. Many of the supplements have at least twice this, and I think you generally want to avoid supplementing zinc at high levels (over 40 mg.) long-term.


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Nutrition Action (magazine) occasionally reports on the "cold medicines" (of all sorts herbal and otherwise) with how effective they are during actual studies.  This is one that continues to "pass inspection," so I don't mind continuing to use it when I feel the need. It truly seems to work.  I don't use it all time time "just because."  In general, I'm very conservative with what meds I will put into my body.


The pseudoephedrine also passes the test for me when I need it for colds or scuba diving.  (It's not technically recommended for diving, but it sure helps ears to clear, so many divers use it if needed.)

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When I'm stressed, I find that actually getting to sleep can be difficult.  Like you know you're exhausted and  supposed to be sleeping but you just can't fall asleep.  This i where find a magnesium citrate supplement helps (mag oxide form not too effective).  In about 20 minutes, I feel really relaxed sleepy.  Hope you feel better!

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Is that a good price?  Or is it less in the store?


I always buy it online. I checked the current price at my three favorite online stores for supplements. iHerb is more expensive than Amazon right now. Vitacost's price is about the same, but they also have a coupon for 20% off immunity supplements (the code is IMMUNE20). Vitacost has free shipping on orders over $49.


Of course, if you need it now and can find it locally, I'd go for it and then buy some online later to have on hand.

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I've been where you are. It's tough, but it does get better fairly quickly.


Rest when you can--I went to bed much earlier for a long time. Eating healthy pays off, too.


I use zinc at the first signs of a cold and every day there after until i'm passed the worst. It works surprisingly well for me.

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A high dose of vitamins d and K, and hot toddies with lots of ginger.


And gargle with salt water early and often.


And go to bed and stay there as long as possible.


I also take lots of vinegar, but that suggestion is often met with disdain lol, so I hesitate to mention it. Jic....


(((())) I hope you don't get full-blown sick!

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I'd up Vitamin D3. You can find a fairly good brand in health food stores, like Bluebonnet. It's very inexpensive and I'd start with about 3-4 drops a day in a little oil since it's fat soluble.


Good homemade chicken broth - but if you are working full time you probably don't have time for this.

Raw beets, julienned or shredded have great antioxidant power.

Do you have time to do something that you enjoy, other than work at the job and housework?

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Elderberry syrup.  Oh, I love the taste of it.  I think I'll go eat a spoonful right now, just because it's tasty.


Another vote for elderberry syrup.  But regarding the taste, DD has hate-hate-hated it since she was small.  So frustrating, because that stuff works like magic.


Once I put a teaspoon into some fresh squeezed orange juice - a full glass - to hide it.  DD took one swallow and said, "you put elderberry in this!!"  *sigh*

Edited by goldberry
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A high dose of vitamins d and K, and hot toddies with lots of ginger.


And gargle with salt water early and often.


And go to bed and stay there as long as possible.


I also take lots of vinegar, but that suggestion is often met with disdain lol, so I hesitate to mention it. Jic....


(((())) I hope you don't get full-blown sick!


Yup, Bragg's apple cider vinegar with the beets... :)

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