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Your favorite dreamy coffee drink (made at home)


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I've ordered my superautomatic espresso maker, but in the meantime I'm grinding beans and making coffee with my French press. Yesterday I realized I had a little battery powered frother wand from Ikea, so I made a little fresh whipped cream with my grass-fed heavy cream.


This morning I have a fresh brewed cup of coffee with a little sugar and cream topped with some fresh whipped cream and it is quite delightful.


What's your coffee splurge? Do you do it daily? I know this isn't good for me since I rarely have sugar and don't do much dairy at all, but I figure if it's my one splurge - gosh it's yummy!

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That sounds so good!


Sometimes in the winter I make creamer with cream, cinnamon, vanilla, and a tiny bit of black pepper.  Sometimes I'll add cocoa.  This winter I'll add some turmeric 'cause I keep reading about how healthful that is.  Sometimes now I sprinkle in a little, along with my typical half-and-half or cream.  It adds a warm taste that I like but feels too wintry on a hot day. 


I tend to be more indulgent with iced coffee:  a little ice cream, and/or some chocolate syrup. 



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Iced coffee the German way. Which means not diluted by watery ice:


Brew strong coffee, chill in fridge until cold

Serve in tall glass with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and top with whipped cream (I leave off the whipped cream because I don't like it)

Edited by regentrude
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Iced coffee the German way. Which means not diluted by watery ice:


Brew strong coffee, chill in fridge until cold

Serve in tall glass with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and top with whipped cream (I leave off the whipped cream because I don't like it)

Wow! I think I'll have to try that with some decaf and have it after dinner!


A friend of mine does homemade frappucinos with chilled, strong coffee, ice cream, and a little cinnamon or cocoa - very yummy!!


ETA - not sure if you're a beer drinker, and I know this may sound disgusting to many, but if you like dark beer, get a mocha or coffee based stout or porter (Young's double chocolate stout is a good one, but I love the coffee ones too), get it really cold and drop in some vanilla ice cream. VERY delicious!

Edited by StaceyinLA
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The Nespresso pods are good for affogatos (shot of espresso over a scoop of ice cream or gelato), though I haven't had one of those in a while. Darn low carb.


My near-daily home afternoon "treat" is iced coffee with a splash of half and half or HWC. Wheeeee. I go crazy. ;)

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Right now in this heat it's cold brew cafe bustlelo diluted, 1 part coffee 1 part whole milk, with sweetener of choice (I do splenda) and ice, topped with whipped cream. Often I add a sprinkle of cinnamon when I'm stirring it up too. 

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Mine is pretty simple, but excellent.   I put a little bit of water (maybe 2 oz) in the bottom of a tall coffee cup (about the same as Vendi).   I put in a scoop of cocoa and stir (I started out with the packets, but I switched to the canister when I started to do this often).  This I top off with dark roast coffee that is more dilute than I'd normally like.   I don't add anything else.  No sugar or cream.   

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When I worked in the city I had my favorite coffee carts. I hadn't made my own coffee in many years so I was panicked about the change :) I stumbled upon the lightest blends of Stumptown (caught a whiff as I was buying something else at a vendor) and life has been great since. I make it a million times a day, use the 2 dollar funnel for pour over. We buy raw milk from the farm, and i take a spoon coating of the cream and whirl it in. I grind it fresh each time, obv.

Now DH does not like the taste of coffee so for him I make "dirty chai", so loose chai tea steeped in warm milk and coffee.

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1 heapingTbsp cocoa, 1 tsp sugar (or to taste), equal amounts of hot coffee & heated non dairy milk.


Soy froths nicely. 

for soy, Pacific Barista is the one usually used in cafes because it will work to make latte art with it. 

I just use Silk Unsweetened because I don't care about latte art that much LOL 

For a treat, either sub the soy completely with  some almond or cashew milk or just mix a bit of it in. I find the nut milks to be so super rich that I can only use a bit...


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Well, I haven't had it in years, and it's a major treat, but when I was in Spain they would serve espresso over vanilla ice cream.  I loved that!


For me a big at home treat would be something like an Americano with a dash of heavy cream.  That only happens when I have a little extra cream left over from baking.  But, sometimes, whoops, I buy too much cream. And I can't let it go to waste, can I? 

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Hot brew with pumpkin pie spice in filter.


Idk if it will work with the cold brew.


OMG!!!!! I sprinkle that on my coffee (well, on top of the canned whipped cream ontop of my coffee) all the time. Never thought to put it IN the filter! I use a reusable k-cup, bet that would work!

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OMG!!!!! I sprinkle that on my coffee (well, on top of the canned whipped cream ontop of my coffee) all the time. Never thought to put it IN the filter! I use a reusable k-cup, bet that would work!

Yes it works :). Or just cinnamon. Or vanilla extract - I think. But for spices I tend to add a lot to get enough flavor for me so it's not overpowered by my vanilla artificial creamer. :). A benefit is no spice grit since it stays in the filter.


I have to say thanks to your blog I have the cold filter coffee maker. I may get another one because I love it so much!

Edited by displace
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Yes it works :). Or just cinnamon. Or vanilla extract - I think. But for spices I tend to add a lot to get enough flavor for me so it's not overpowered by my vanilla artificial creamer. :)


I have to say thanks to your blog I have the cold filter coffee maker. I may get another one because I love it so much!


That's awesome! I love it too, especially now that it is a million degrees outside! I have two as well, one for regular coffee and one for decaf. 


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This summer I am all about the coffee soda: Cold brew coffee concentrate over ice, good splash of milk, a few drops of stevia, and fill rest of cup with seltzer.

I'll have to try it with seltzer! I've had a similar nitrogenated version, and an Ameri-cola (2 shots espresso over ice + bottled Mexican Coca Cola).

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Iced coffee the German way. Which means not diluted by watery ice:


Brew strong coffee, chill in fridge until cold

Serve in tall glass with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and top with whipped cream (I leave off the whipped cream because I don't like it)


To make it extra nice, add a shot of kahlua! 

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Lots of awesome ideas!! I'm definitely gonna have to limit myself to the one yummy cappucino daily since I am putting sugar AND whipping cream in it (plus I can't have more than one caffeinated beverage or I bounce off the walls). I figure if it's my one splurge daily, it should be okay (I don't normally do sugar).


I'll have to keep my cold press decaf on hand for my "healthier" coffee; I do homemade almond milk and a little honey (maybe a teaspoon and a half) in a quart, and it lasts two days.

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I think it does work in cold brew too. I ran out of pumpkin pie spice so there was only a little but I can taste it a bit in the coffee.


I might try "blooming" the spices first in some hot water, then letting that cool before running through the filter with the coffee grounds and rest of the cool water. 

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I like to taste my coffee so I like a simple latte with maybe a little sugar.  I don't care for the syrups for the most part.  I can put in chocolate, carmel, or vanilla on occasion at home, but I don't like pumpkin or cinnamon or some of the other flavors they offer.

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Omg my coffee has to be FAST like lightning fast. So jealous ^^^^! Right now my coffee dream would be just being able to pull out, use, clean, & put away the French press!. With my life that's too many steps / too much time so I'm on a strict diet of 1) heat water 2) drop in instant coffee and milk !! Ugh!

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Omg my coffee has to be FAST like lightning fast. So jealous ^^^^! Right now my coffee dream would be just being able to pull out, use, clean, & put away the French press!. With my life that's too many steps / too much time so I'm on a strict diet of 1) heat water 2) drop in instant coffee and milk !! Ugh!



Oh gracious, too much work.


I have a coffee area of my countertop.  The French Press is there.  I pick it up, dump grounds in the bottom, pour in hot water (I have an auto hot water thing in my sink) and do something else for 5 minute, come back and pour.  


If I am heading out the door, I don't even rinse or clean before I go.  I can do that when I get back.


It takes me a minute AT MOST to put my coffee on.


We have one of these (only ours was about $180 at most from Amazon)




I asked for one for Mother's Day about 8 years ago and we now would have a hard time going without.  DH uses it for tea, I use it for coffee, kids make hot cocoa.  We use it for pre-boiled pasta so that it heats quicker on the stovetop, etc......

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I make ordinary cappuccinos with good Italian coffee when I'm indulging. During the fall though I will make a very decadent pumpkin spice coffee drink that is better than anything I've ever had in a cafe, it even has real pumpkin in it. But I'm pretty plain Jane when it comes to my daily coffee, good coffee, drip or French press, and half and half. I don't generally like sweetened coffee, so no sugar or syrups, except in the pumpkin one.

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I've made some pretty great coffee in my French press this week; so good that I've wondered if buying the superautomatic was just stupid. I guess I will know after I get it tomorrow. Of course if I don't keep the superautomatic, I'll have to go back and get another grinder, and that adds one more step. I just hope I love this thing!

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Oh gracious, too much work.


I have a coffee area of my countertop. The French Press is there. I pick it up, dump grounds in the bottom, pour in hot water (I have an auto hot water thing in my sink) and do something else for 5 minute, come back and pour.


If I am heading out the door, I don't even rinse or clean before I go. I can do that when I get back.


It takes me a minute AT MOST to put my coffee on.


We have one of these (only ours was about $180 at most from Amazon)




I asked for one for Mother's Day about 8 years ago and we now would have a hard time going without. DH uses it for tea, I use it for coffee, kids make hot cocoa. We use it for pre-boiled pasta so that it heats quicker on the stovetop, etc......

wow that's pretty cool! :)
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