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Important doctor appointment today...

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At 1:30 today I'll be having a diagnostic mamogram for a very large lump I found a month or so ago.


My doctor thinks it is probably a cyst...due to the fact that I had a much smaller one in the same spot years ago that went away either during the pregnancy of my 1st dc or shortly thereafter.


But still...I've already had my kidney removed 8 years ago due to a malignant kidney tumor (they only found it because it showerd up as a spot on a special kind of ultrasound I had during the pregnancy of my 2nd dc. Stupid me didn't even think it could be cancer and did not check up on it for 4 years. By then it was a mass. It was a true miracle that it had not spread).


So...I'm a little nervous.


Once I have this mamogram how long does it take to discover what I am dealing with? Will I have to wait and go back to my doctor to get results do you think?



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Rhonda, I found a lump under my arm last year that turned out to be a enlarged adnoid due to a sinus infaction. My mamogram reader guy (don't know the medical term) told me immediately what he thought it was. My regular doctor called me the next day and confirmed. I went to see her 3 days later just so she could re-examine. Usually, when there's any concern of cancer, they contact you ASAP. When you go for your mamogram ask them how long for results.

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When I went back for a problem area....they read them right there with me.




Gosh, that seems like the kindest possible thing they could do. I can't imagine what it must be like to wait for that news.


Rhonda, I'll be thinking about you today and checking back for an update. :grouphug:

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Thanks everyone for responding and for offering to pray. I'm really trying not to get worked up about all of it today. I've been restless this month, knowing it was coming, but not nervous, just trying not to think about it. I'll be glad when it is over. I hope I do find something out today.


Thanks again, and I'll update as soon as I hear something.

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At 1:30 today I'll be having a diagnostic mamogram for a very large lump I found a month or so ago.


My doctor thinks it is probably a cyst...due to the fact that I had a much smaller one in the same spot years ago that went away either during the pregnancy of my 1st dc or shortly thereafter.


But still...I've already had my kidney removed 8 years ago due to a malignant kidney tumor (they only found it because it showerd up as a spot on a special kind of ultrasound I had during the pregnancy of my 2nd dc. Stupid me didn't even think it could be cancer and did not check up on it for 4 years. By then it was a mass. It was a true miracle that it had not spread).


So...I'm a little nervous.


Once I have this mamogram how long does it take to discover what I am dealing with? Will I have to wait and go back to my doctor to get results do you think?




Praying for a simple benign cyst that will go away on it's own, never to return! :grouphug:

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Had the mamagram...and an ultrasound...

It isn't a cyst. It isn't just a nothing fibroid.

Rather I got a "I'm sorry, but this might be cancer... or it might be benign."


Then they did a biopsy.


So anyway...

I'll know something Tuesday.

I'm really trying not to be a big baby about this...but all I can think is that my kidney tumor was malignant so of course this will be too.


Not at all the right attitude I guess.

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Had the mamagram...and an ultrasound...

It isn't a cyst. It isn't just a nothing fibroid.

Rather I got a "I'm sorry, but this might be cancer... or it might be benign."


Then they did a biopsy.


So anyway...

I'll know something Tuesday.

I'm really trying not to be a big baby about this...but all I can think is that my kidney tumor was malignant so of course this will be too.


Not at all the right attitude I guess.


Ah, shoot. I'm sorry. Try to be very, very good to yourself this weekend. :grouphug:

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Rhonda, I'll be praying for you! I've been down this road and know how scary it can be. 5 yrs ago, I had microcalcifications which the radiologist classified as 5/6 (which means "cancerous unless proven otherwise"). I had a biopsy and it was negative. Then I had to get mammograms every 6 months for 2yrs. I was afraid each time and would be stressed for a couple weeks beforehand. I still think something will come up every time I get one. That fear does stay with you, but please know that most, even the most suspicious classifications, come up negative. With a classification of 5/6, I only had a 20-30% chance of it being cancerous.

Many blessings to you,

Michelle in AL

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