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Ok - this was strange. . .

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I just got a knock on the door. An elderly lady was there holding a huge bouquet of my cut hydrangeas! She said, "I love your hydrangeas!" (We have 8 bushes lining the road and they are very prolific this year). "I hope you don't mind that I cut some. I'd love to pay for them with some sweet peas or some silver dollars." I looked at her while she smiled cheerfully at me. I told her, "Well, I would have preferred you ask me before you cut them. But ok, we can trade." We'll see if she comes back with her payment. But isn't that just weird?!

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I just got a knock on the door. An elderly lady was there holding a huge bouquet of my cut hydrangeas! She said, "I love your hydrangeas!" (We have 8 bushes lining the road and they are very prolific this year). "I hope you don't mind that I cut some. I'd love to pay for them with some sweet peas or some silver dollars." I looked at her while she smiled cheerfully at me. I told her, "Well, I would have preferred you ask me before you cut them. But ok, we can trade." We'll see if she comes back with her payment. But isn't that just weird?!


A joke b/t (JOKE PEOPLE) between hubby and I is it is easier to ask for forgiveness then permission....

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That is REALLY weird. I suppose she's of the "ask forgiveness, not permission" genre. I would have been pretty irritated, myself. Did you pick the sweet peas or the silver dollars? I'm assuming she meant the silver dollar plants? Those are pretty.


Oh - there are silver dollar plants?! I'm glad you mentioned this. I would have been mystified at having a plant on my doorstep! I was wondering how she could afford to give away silver dollars (she didn't seem well off). She said she'd bring both sweet peas and silver dollars.


I was a bit miffed at first but we do have plenty and dh is allergic so I can't bring the cut blooms inside.

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Maybe she was "overcome" by the beauty, and realized after she picked that she'd done the wrong thing? :001_huh: Is your house visible from the row of bushes? Maybe she didn't immediately realize that the bushes were part of someone's actual landscape? (Just trying to give the benefit of the doubt...:001_smile:)

Thanks (on her behalf) for sharing the beauty though! Flowers just make my day! (Though no, I'd never do what she did to get them :tongue_smilie:)

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I just got a knock on the door. An elderly lady was there holding a huge bouquet of my cut hydrangeas! She said, "I love your hydrangeas!" (We have 8 bushes lining the road and they are very prolific this year). "I hope you don't mind that I cut some. I'd love to pay for them with some sweet peas or some silver dollars." I looked at her while she smiled cheerfully at me. I told her, "Well, I would have preferred you ask me before you cut them. But ok, we can trade." We'll see if she comes back with her payment. But isn't that just weird?!


Um -- yeah -- that would go in my "weird" box. Nice that she loves your flowers -- too bad you had no say about whether she was taking them home or not! :confused:


Was she okay?

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She just came back! She gave me seeds for Silver Dollars, Columbine, Sweet William, and Sweet Peas. She was very nice - she gave me her phone number and told me where she lives (about a block away). I will ignore the fact that the alcohol on her breath almost knocked me over!!!:smilielol5::blink:


AH! I didn't see this "update." :lol:

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I just got a knock on the door. An elderly lady was there holding a huge bouquet of my cut hydrangeas! She said, "I love your hydrangeas!" (We have 8 bushes lining the road and they are very prolific this year). "I hope you don't mind that I cut some. I'd love to pay for them with some sweet peas or some silver dollars." I looked at her while she smiled cheerfully at me. I told her, "Well, I would have preferred you ask me before you cut them. But ok, we can trade." We'll see if she comes back with her payment. But isn't that just weird?!


Aww! Yeah, it's weird, but that's just sweet. I have a soft spot for crazy old women. (I think maybe because I see my future in them. :D)

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How old does one have to be to get away with stuff? :D I *need* to know!


Age isn't a factor -- you just have to *look* old enough to get away with it! And have one of those "sweet granny" smiles -- leaves me out. :D


If you take your dog with you, you probably don't even have to look that old! :lol:

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Hmmm--you ever hear of the book "The Beach House" by Jane Green? I think she must have read it, and fashioned herself after the main character, but at least she wanted to pay for them. That, or she is a bit looney.


Either way, it is weird! And nervey!!! I don't like the forgiveness thing--I am very into permission first!

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Jean, you just brought back a TOUGH memory for me!! When I was in 2nd grade I would have to walk by this man's perfectly tended rose garden that grew along his picket fence next to the sidewalk...they were champion prize roses...one day I just could not help myself and picked one of the largest blooms...I was so proud to take it home and give it to my mother. My mother was telling me how important it was that I ask before taking anything just because I liked it...I was CRUSHED..she made me go back to the gentleman and tell him what I had done...it really broke my heart to do that...I couldn't stand him being upset with me...and I had really hoped my mom would be so happy with the rose I had picked for her instead of making a lesson out of it for me..I know she was right, but I still cringe to this day thinking of the looong walk back to his house to tell him what I had done. OUCH!! :) I sure wish I'd had some rum on that walk back! :) Just kidding, I'm a teetotaler anywhoo!!! :)


Thanks for the story! And send me some of those blooms!!! :)


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