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Where would you cut government spending?

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I can think of 3 places off the top of my head: NASA, the NEA, and the IRS. Simplify the tax code.


Of course, cutting or reducing spending in any area is probably going to lead to job loss. I would feel sorry for those people.


Let's apply Obama's scalpel for him!

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OK, what are the basics of the federal government?


Defense and what else?


Highway system (but I think this budget comes from the federal fuel taxes)

Veteran's health system (there would be cuts there as well, but it is a necessity)

Post Office (this is self-supporting as well)


What else?

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A better question for me is "Where wouldn't I cut government spending?"


I'd cut across the board and I would eliminate lots of spending.




No foreign aid for 4 years. All entitlement programs, phased out or at least cut way back, over 4 years.

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Let's just start w/ defense. No more policing the world. We protect ourselves from outside invaders, but no more. We can't continue to be a wet nurse to the world. We simply can't afford it. Doesn't matter whether or not it's a good idea. We simply cannot afford it. We have 700 bases around the world. That's insane. Look at how much of our budget, if you can call it that, goes to military. We can't just keep printing up money. We pay 1.4 billion PER DAY on interest on our national debt. That was before this HUGE rescue plan. Who know what it'll be after Obama does the 1 TRILLION more when/if he gets in office.


Let's look at the NEA. They got something like 120 million for 2006. BUT they received 2.5 BILLION for that year PRIVATELY. We don't need tax money in this.

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This is where I think Palin would be a bonus to the next administration. You know the article about how she "cut" the education budget, but funding increased per student? How I would love to see this done across the board. We tend to think throwing money at a problem will fix it and IT NEVER DOES. There needs to be less administration in all of the big government programs. Even on a local level, the administrations makes bookoo bucks while the teachers are making so little as to be laughable. Look at Medicare, medicaid, welfare, the EPA, etc. Cut down the administration in any of those and the benefits would increase down the line while spending overall could be cut. I have to be smart with my money, they ought to have to be smart with my money.

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um, shyly raising my hand...what does the gov't actually spend money on that we can see?


i was trying to think about cuts when i was going to sleep last night and i honestly don't know what they spend money on accept the really obvious ones like defense, the irs, financial aid for college, federal housing, soc. sec. and welfare programs, aid to other countries, rescue plans for hurricane-hit areas.


in a nice way, can you tell me what it is the gov't and taxpayers are actually spending all this money on?


if i knew more, i'd know more about what i think should be cut. i wish they'd all be more specific in the debates.


i think i'd cut nasa. not a big fan of the space programs, but then, maybe i'm naive and not knowlegeable enough to know better....


and um, what are earmarks?



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Everything except Defense, for starters. With a serious review of defense spending as well. My problem with defense spending (including VA benefits) is less about amount than allocation.


Privatize the post office. Eliminate the Federal Reserve and the Treasury.

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medicare/medicaid- I believe this is our largest chunk of the budget.


Raise the age for Soc sec- my Dad has been gainfully employed for ten years since receiving Soc.sec. There would have to be some health exceptions worked in to this reform.


Foreign aid freeze. And put together a panel to review and recommend to the president lots of other slashing ala BRAC commission (Base Realignment and Closure). They are bipartisan and brutal and generally effective when the politicians stay out of the way.

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Well, I can tell you one place they waste money. My dh works in a federal building. They completely strip and remodel every floor of the building every three years (alternating, of course). And not only do they do that, but they order the most expensive wood, fixtures, etc., from England and different places, instead of just using something that is good quality. AND when they do remodel, they throw the perfectly good "old" stuff in the trash, if some of the workers don't get hold of it before it gets hauled off. Dh just brought home 3 perfectly good sets of computer speakers the other day that were in the trash. Not just little basic things, but big, fancy ones. He has also brought home a few nice chairs, one leather covered, that were in the trash to be hauled off there.


If they do this in one building, you know they do it everywhere.

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What burns me about government spending is if you DON'T increase it across the board it is considered a tax CUT. I agree with McCain about this, there should be a freeze on any increase of spending. If I know dh isn't getting a raise this year I certainly don't increase my spending across the board!! I may have to spend more on food and gas (as they keep rising), but I'm cutting somewhere else.


One of the commentors I heard last night said something like (paraphasing here) "other presidents have tried to take a scalple to the budget and it works more like a rubber knife and never does anything." I agree with him. Yes, there are a few things that are going to have to go up, but really only a very, very few (in terms of how big the budget is). In my opinion, we need a jackhammer to truely CUT spending!


Obama's plans like the World Poverty Act http://obama.senate.gov/press/080213-obama_hagel_can_1/ Tell me he's not going to cut spending.


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First I would cut the defense budget. I agree with the PP who stated that we have too large of a military presence around the world. I think we should have a defensive military only.


Next I would cut the IRS. We need an easier tax code and a smaller bureaucracy to collect taxes (YAY! That's the first time I have ever spelled bureaucracy correctly without looking it up!).


After that, I would get rid of the Department of Education. Return control of schools to the states. We are too large to have a nationalized education system like many European countries do. Funding for schools could be taken care of without an entire government department.


Those are my top three. After these, I would go through the budget "line by line" (as Obama says) and cut out funding for any programs that are location-specific (earmarks, if you will). I don't want the federal government funding local concerns.



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OK, what are the basics of the federal government?


Defense and what else?


To protect each individual's life, liberty and property. All the other stuff (including roads and schools) is NOT the place of the federal government. So I'd cut A LOT. :)

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Well, I can tell you one place they waste money. My dh works in a federal building. They completely strip and remodel every floor of the building every three years (alternating, of course). And not only do they do that, but they order the most expensive wood, fixtures, etc., from England and different places, instead of just using something that is good quality. AND when they do remodel, they throw the perfectly good "old" stuff in the trash, if some of the workers don't get hold of it before it gets hauled off. Dh just brought home 3 perfectly good sets of computer speakers the other day that were in the trash. Not just little basic things, but big, fancy ones. He has also brought home a few nice chairs, one leather covered, that were in the trash to be hauled off there.


If they do this in one building, you know they do it everywhere.


Exactly. My mom also works for the gov't as a secretary. She gets so much a year to spend. She HAS to spend it whether she needs it or not. So she'll get it next year. She bought all new office furniture which she did not need. You know these types of things are wasting HUGE amounts of money.


Walt Whitman.."no man's benefit (be) achieved at the expense of his neighbors..While mere politicians, in their narrow minds, are sweating and fuming with their complicated statutes, this one single rule...is enough to form the starting point of all that is neccessary in gov't; to make no more laws than those useful for preventing a man or body of men from infringing on the rights of other men." AMEN.

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Leave education to the states, if they want to take that on. Pull out gradually, supervise during the process, so schools can function independently on a capitalist model.


More reasonable tax cuts to big businesses. Fewer business surf-and-turf-and-champaigne dinners paid by the state.


State self-improvement should be handled by the state, as interstates currently are. If we could only eliminate the pork, we'd save a lot of money. State congressmen should take care of their state. National congressmen should take care of the nation, representing the state only when that state's liberties or safety is at stake.


Privatize the post office and social security.


Moratorium on NASA until our debt is paid. NASA is a program of a rich nation. We are not a rich nation, anymore than if I was called a millionaire because I had a million dollar loan. NASA should be thinking of ways to make money to offset its costs. If they're so smart at NASA, this shouldn't be difficult.


Why is Health and Human Services so high? Does it have anything to do with illegal immigrants?


This may sound harsh, but I'd seriously reduce the funding for higher education until the national debt is paid. It would put more pressure on k-12 to teach more thoroughly. It would encourage more people to learn trades and a wider variety of jobs, so that the U.S. can become more self-sufficient.


We need a cheerleader in the White House, not a check-writer. We need the freedom to exploit our natural resources, and we need to deregulate. We need to mind the environment, but we need to be smart about using it.


We need to isolate ourselves a little more from the world. Allies are great, but if our economy totally tanks, we will be bringing our allies down with us. We are most responsible to our friends when we are taking care of ourselves. This debt is serious business.


Funding for the arts should be privatized completely, and that goes for all media. Art should be buoyed up by its own greatness, and not because of political reasons.

Edited by Laura K (NC)
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Actually procurement, especially defense procurement, is a prime area for cost cutting in my book. And let me give credit to Sen McCain for bringing it up as an issue.


No one wants to weaken the military, but there is nothing gained (in fact we lose) if procurement contracts lead to waste.


All throughout Federal procurement (non-military and military) the way tax-payer dollars are spent is a scandal. If you know anyone who contracts with the Federal government for goods or services (as I do) you may have heard stories about just how wastefully money is spent. This has to stop.


For a "liberal" I tend to be in the deficit-hawk/fiscally-responsible/pay-as-you-go wing of the Democratic party.


That said, I think we will need to monitor how the economy is doing in the next Administration. Cutting (non-wasteful) spending may not be an option if we head towards a serious recession with wide-spread unemployment.


If that is the case, we may need additional government spending and investment in infrastructure that will make the country stronger in the long run and help keep people working (productively).


This will not be an easy economy to manage. Whoever wins will have a job on their hands.



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OK, what are the basics of the federal government?


Defense and what else?


Well here's what they said our gov't was established to do in the beginning!:)


We the people of the United States, in order


to form a more perfect union

establish justice

insure domestic tranquility

provide for the common defense

promote general welfare


secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity


do ordain and establish this constitution fo rthe United States of America.


Notice they didn't say they were going to pay for general welfare - simply promote it. I would think that if the FDA actually worked the way it's supposed to to that would come under promoting general welfare - by promoting healthy medical practices and materials to the general population for example. So I'd be fine with cutting paying for a nat'l health plan, but I'd not be fine with cutting regulation of it.


Insure (again not pay for!) domestic tranquility - interstate commerce for example it important. The federal gov't is often needed to mediate between states on issues of commerce, agriculture, and travel. Or even flat out insist that some things are federally mandated for the sake of state unity and domestic tranquility. For example, one of the first argument the federal court heard was about states charging tolls and or high tariffs on their neighboring states. I think this is also valid.


Esablish justice - I do think a federal court system is neccessary. Always room for improvement, but I wouldn't want to do without it!


common defense - common in this regard refer's directly to our turf from outsiders, not our own citizens. I think a war on drugs is a war on our own citizens for example. I'm not for drugs, I just think that's a stupid way to deal with the problem. So I'd cut what does not pertain to genuine defense from outside aggression.


Okay I have to go clean puke again, but this is a start on where I'd begin to decide what is and isn't proper gov't expense.

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Privatize the post office.


Oh gods no! :eek: Trust me. You don't want that! They kind of did that here in Canada and the postal rates are HORRENDOUS compared to yours. Not to mention that I could strap a letter to my 16 year old arthritic half-blind farmdog, pat him on the butt, let him wander aimlessly and he'd STILL probably beat the regular post to the nearest city, and have a higher chance of getting it to the right address.

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Oh gods no! :eek: Trust me. You don't want that! They kind of did that here in Canada and the postal rates are HORRENDOUS compared to yours. Not to mention that I could strap a letter to my 16 year old arthritic half-blind farmdog, pat him on the butt, let him wander aimlessly and he'd STILL probably beat the regular post to the nearest city, and have a higher chance of getting it to the right address.




The Post Office is self-supporting anyway!

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I have wondered if accountants would become like lawyers and insurance companies if we tried to simplify the tax code. They need to protect their income and keeping us confused keeps them in business. Sorry if any accountants or wives of accountants are among us. They are not bad guys, but I have just thought that they silently benefit from the way the country is run.

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It's a catch 22 for me.


I hear the words "spending freeze" or "cut government spending" and I think YAY!


And then I think about how long dh has been without a raise while insurance premiums keep climbing and cost of living keeps climbing and I think "Don't freeze us, don't cut us, please!"


I would definitely make cuts in education and not just budget cuts but oversight cuts as well. Let the funding and the control of the schools be handed back to the communities.


I don't know that I would immediately cut all entitlements because there are real human beings behind those numbers. I would restructure it so that we are constantly weaning people off of the system.


And a flat tax would be easier, would it not? Wouldn't an easier tax system mean less IRS employees needed?


Do we need farm subsidies?


I would want to change the priorities of the defense budget.


I do think, as an American, that a spending freeze is probably good for our country. As a mom who rations milk out and has said the words "Oops, we are out of dish liquid, someone bring me the hand soap from the bathroom...2 more days until payday" I don't want a spending freeze. But I try to rise above what my family needs and think of what my country needs.

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Let's just start w/ defense. No more policing the world. We protect ourselves from outside invaders, but no more. We can't continue to be a wet nurse to the world. We simply can't afford it. Doesn't matter whether or not it's a good idea. We simply cannot afford it. We have 700 bases around the world. That's insane. Look at how much of our budget, if you can call it that, goes to military. We can't just keep printing up money. We pay 1.4 billion PER DAY on interest on our national debt. That was before this HUGE rescue plan. Who know what it'll be after Obama does the 1 TRILLION more when/if he gets in office.


Let's look at the NEA. They got something like 120 million for 2006. BUT they received 2.5 BILLION for that year PRIVATELY. We don't need tax money in this.



I may be totally off base but your post reminded of a thing I seen at tax time, This article divided a dollar as in out of every dollar what goes where and I guess they stated that 72 cents of every tax dollar went to the Military??? Did you by chance or anyone else read this???

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I'd go line by line to see what was working and what was not. Make assessments accordingly. I'd definately redo the welfare/medicaid so people who were struggling could get the little bit they need to make it each month instead of the all or nothing approach. i.e. electric bill paid, insurance paid, gas etc.


And many of the things other have said.

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Do politicians truly need 2,000 Armani suits?? Would America think less if they wore jeans and a polo?? I love clothes but sometimes these politicians with their clothes and their wives clothes blow me away. I have never been into polotics but you guys are slowly interesting me


I don't think it should be financially profitable to serve in government. I want to say to all but the president and VP, "hey, keep your day job, kiddo, don't get too comfortable in Washington!" I think what my husband makes would be sufficient for the esteemed senators!!! My husband works year round for his yearly salary, those clowns get a lot more time off than he does.


And I want to hear something like "The first lady, seen here, is wearing a gown she picked up from the clearance rack at Kohls!"

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Why does it suck? I have never had a problem with the post office. I find it amazing that I can send a letter across the country for 40 cents, and it gets to their front door in a few days. Maybe I've just been lucky, but I don't have anything to complain about.

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Is it a rural thing, Elaine? I'm rural, too and our (Cdn) post service is just.. well, words don't accurately describe its suckiness. Folks in The City don't seem to complain as much about the service (but we all complain about the prices!).

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I can think of 3 places off the top of my head: NASA, the NEA, and the IRS. Simplify the tax code.


Of course, cutting or reducing spending in any area is probably going to lead to job loss. I would feel sorry for those people.


Let's apply Obama's scalpel for him!


As insanely pro-space exploration as I am, I agree with you on all counts. NASA is a lost bit of bureaucracy. We could save money and get further, faster, by incentivizing private sector advancements.


And certainly, the NEA and the IRS.


ETA: and government contracts - and I say that as the spouse of a man who works for a company that contracts to the government. The amount of waste in government contracting is staggering.

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I agree with most cuts y'all have made so far. How about Congress' salaries and benefits? I'm not sure I agree with the amount they make for the hours they work. They have liberal amounts of down time (not in session) and some fly around in Lear jets (Pelosi, et. al) or whatever kind of plane that was. They should all travel as economically as possible unless it is some kind of emergency. And what is the latest per diem? Some ridiculous amount instead of bringing a bag lunch!:D


How about no spending on special interests? If they're so "special" there will be a private sector that can pick them up.


I would basically cut anything the government is doing that cannot be supported by the Constitution.

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For a "liberal" I tend to be in the deficit-hawk/fiscally-responsible/pay-as-you-go wing of the Democratic party.





First, I didn't know that wing existed! :lol: How many do you suppose are in it with you? 2? 3? It seems to be a very small group, from what I gather. :)


Glad to know there are some fiscally responsible Dems! :001_smile:

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I agree with those that said to stop economic aid to other countries immediately. If our goal has been to help the 3rd world countries then I don't think are money has been very effective. Their standard of living has not improved so what exactly is our money getting used for? Many of the countries in Africa, at least, that receive aid are run by dictators that keep all the aid for himself. All the other ideas out there sound really good too.

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I agree with those that said to stop economic aid to other countries immediately. If our goal has been to help the 3rd world countries then I don't think are money has been very effective. Their standard of living has not improved so what exactly is our money getting used for? Many of the countries in Africa, at least, that receive aid are run by dictators that keep all the aid for himself. All the other ideas out there sound really good too.



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