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I did not use one with dd.

I hate the idea of using one and weaning a child from it later.

And we don't know what's really in it....if Chinese manufacturing can give us melamine in our milk, what are these kids sucking on that we can't even begin to imagine.


BUT - sometimes I do consider using one with this baby.

What would be a safe choice? I'm thinking one made in Switzerland. Out of silicone?

Edited by Karen sn
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Well, if they don't use a pacifier, almost always they will use something else instead... their thumb (think of the host of germs they pick up from that one!), a blanket (that has has no doubt been dragged around over creation), or some other such thing that is unclean! The pacifier seems pretty safe to me considering the alternatives.


Also, taking the paci away was never a big deal for us. At a certain point they could only have their paci in the car and at sleep times. So by the time they turned two, we just simply explained they were big kids now and gave them a stuffed animal instead and took the paci away. Really, not a big deal for us.

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I didn't do pacifiers--figured they'd gain immunity from using their thumbs, which were always present and didn't need to be reinserted by Mommy!

PP is exactly right tho--the need to suck is so strong in some kids, and it's probably easier to take away a pacifier than a thumb. Mine actually used me--I think a lot of my breastfeeding them was acting as a pacifier.


There are probably alternatives not made in China that are safe--if you feel so inclined, I'd go with what you said in your post. Or, give Baby something else to suck on, made of organic material. Not as satisfying, perhaps, because of shape, but perhaps better for Baby.

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I never used a paci with any of my three kids, and none of them sucked their thumbs either. I did breastfeed all of them, maybe that made a difference?


Maybe, but I breastfed all three of mine (on demand, and believe me it was ON demand! My first born weighed almost 9 pounds at birth and at 6 weeks he weighed 16 pounds!! I was shocked that I could produce that much milk but the doctor said some kids are big kids, my son was 110% at all three (head, weight, height) so his graph was right on...he's now 13 and hasn't gone below the 110% for all three yet! We think he'll be 6'5 if you doubled his height at 2! :001_smile: My last one was my heaviest at birth (9.7 pounds) but she ate half as much milk and she's my gymnast...9 years old and barely 50 pounds..so go figure.


My first born sucked his thumb..stopped at about a year...then my other two used the pacifier...it was hard to get my them to stop because they're only 13 months apart and if you see your infant sister sucking one, well, you know where that will end up..but, actually the older one stopped at 2 and the younger one stopped at 1...


We used the old 'yucky' trick on the pacifiers...we didn't buy new ones after the youngest was about 6 months..they can last a long time and we had about 8 of them...so as they began to get cracks and many washings in the sink (hot water) they just start to fill up with water and yucky!! So, when they were all gone they realized it...they had no idea we could just buy more..so there was no issue! :)


Check out this site for more help..





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I was the paci for my first two babies. Neither would accept substitues of any sort for the real thing. My third baby was very refluxy and did not like to comfort nurse. I did buy pacis for him. When he was around 6 months old, his reflux improved. He began refusing the paci in favor of comfort nursing, just like the other two. So, for him weaning was a non-issue.


The rubber pacifiers do tend to break down, but my ds preferred them. I also was not as worried about Chinese products as I am now. I think the silicone is probably a safer option.

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None of my kids used pacifiers. For the most part, they wouldn't take them. My oldest had a very strong sucking need and he used one for maybe a month. He then found two fingers and that was the end. That habit lasted until he was maybe 2. The other two didn't have a substitute. The middle one nursed all the time, but we later found out about his sensory issues. My youngest nursed often, but not like my middle son. I would have loved for dd to have taken a paci in the car. She was a screamer in the car (for her first year of life!)

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Count me as another breastfeeding mom who never used pacifiers. None of my 4 children ever bit nails, sucked thumbs or fingers or blankies.


I don't think there is anything wrong with people who want to use pacifiers. I just wanted to say that not using one does not mean every child will turn to thumbs and blankies.

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Put me on the paci side! All four of my kids were 100percent breastfed and all 4 were paci kids too. Having had the first 2 C-Sections, nursing was not as comfortable in the beginning, so we used pacifiers. I had the last two 19 months apart and they each had a different brand/style of pacifiers to keep them separate. After a while they only got them in the car and at bedtime. I pretty much let them have them until they were old enough to have a discussion about throwing them out.

My brother is a Prosthetician who has done considerable research on latex allergies and would only allow silicone for his kids. I think they are way too hard and babies are not easily taken with them. LLL recommended the NUK brand way back when I was starting down this path over 30 years ago and that was what I stuck with for all 4 kids.

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We had every intention not to use a pacifer but from day one my dd's need to suck was so strong that the nurse brought us one! Out of the blue, at 8 1/2 months, she threw it away and never asked for another one. FWIW, I breastfed her for over 3 years though I also intended to do that for only one year.

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Let me just say that I really hate pacifiers!


My first two were exclusively breastfed on demand, and never used a pacifier. Bud tried with Luke when I went back to work for a brief period, but he just wasn't interested.


Number three was also breastfed on demand, exclusively (never had a bottle). She nursed so much I couldn't believe it. She was still waking up in the night to nurse at a year old. I did cave around 6 months and give her the pacifier for sleeping. It made a world of difference. I just weaned her at 14 months, and she did fine, but still likes her pacifier for sleeping. It doesn't come out of the bed though.


Like you, I didn't see the point of starting something, just to break the habit later, but it really has made our life much more peaceful. She's still using it for sleep, so I don't know how bad that will be. I do have a niece who sucked her thumb until 5, and I can't imagine it will be harder than breaking that habit!


Good luck. I know it's a hard thing to do.

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Each child is different. We had two thumb suckers, one paci baby, and two who didn't need any sucking device. I chose to use a pacifier b/c it was very difficult to stop sucking my thumb. Thought it was make life easier for DS. It didn't. When a child wants to suck on something, they will find another item to suck. DS hit sibs pacifiers about the house and used them until we moved--when he was 6y/o! Found them in the most bizarre locations.

Thumb sucking is tough to give up b/c it's easy access and always there. It can be hard to stop sucking when the child isn't ready, especially in times that he wants to be comforted.

I would probably prefer pacifiers to thumb b/c you can take away the paci, but the thumb is always waiting to be used!

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I've also used pacifiers for all 4. The first 2 threw them away at about 18 months - when I was trying to get them to take the stupid thing and they got a little angry at me. Threw that darn thing across the room and never took one again. DD3 was harder, and I was much lazier about taking it from her. DS is still using one, but only when he's sleeping or in the car (I use it to keep him quiet, I know, evil mama).


I didn't have a preference for or against pacifiers, but the second they started sucking their thumbs, I got pacis instead. I have a 16 yo niece that still will be caught sucking her thumb unconciously sometimes. I have 2 nieces who are 9 and still suck their thumbs at bedtime. I know lots of people have no problem stopping thumb sucking, but it freaks me out to see that. I much prefer to have the Paci Fairy come and take away the pacis and for that to be then end of it (weaning method with dd3).

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Count me as another breastfeeding mom who never used pacifiers. None of my 4 children ever bit nails, sucked thumbs or fingers or blankies.


Edited because I misread your post.


Chewing is generally a sensory issue, and not related to paci use or non-use. My oldest dd is the only one who chews things, and she did refuse to accept a paci. Among her younger brothers, one would not accept a paci, and the other only until he was 6 months old. Neither have chewing issues.

Edited by beansprouts
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All mine were breastfed and I would never do a paci again. I don't buy into the "can't get rid of the thumb" argument. When a child doesn't NEED to suck, they won't. My 2 thumbsuckers gave up thumbs just fine by 3yo. My dd is still a chewer at 15 (she chewed my debit card the other day). My son - no problems ever. Some kids just have a stronger need for that.


I hated always losing pacifiers, and I can't stand those clip things that keep them attached to the child either. I just think that babies will suck a thumb or finger if they have the need - why introduce something foreign if they don't?


And my niece's kids - not a photo of them in sight without a noonie present. It's terrible - you can't even see their faces in most of their photographs. Did I mention pacifiers drive me nuts?!?! :tongue_smilie:


I've also seen a lot of failed breastfeeding attempts due to pacifiers/nipple confusion and failure to thrive. Babies are complacent with those pacifiers and oftentimes don't nurse enough because their sucking is being fulfilled from the paci.


IDK - I just wouldn't go there if I were doing it all over again.

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I nursed, they had pacifiers, they slept at night! It is a pain to get rid of them at 4 but everyone survived.


Do what works for your family. They are little for such a short time. Maybe you need a research trip to Switzerland to find the perfect pacifier. :)

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I've had one thumbsucker, one paci-addict, and one utterly non orally fixated child. I honestly couldn't tell you what my preference is. My thumbsucker is 7, and still sucks it occasionally, but not much (he's got some anxiety stuff going on, so I don't begrudge him his thumb). We took the pacifier away during the day from my now 5 year old when he turned 2, but he STILL uses it to go to sleep at night. We went on vacation and forgot it a couple of weeks ago, and he was in bed, not able to fall asleep for HOURS before DH finally gave in and ran out to buy one. Sigh. Dentist says his teeth are fine, so I don't have it in me to fight him about it.


And I would have done anything to get youngest to take a pacifier during his infancy when he SCREAMED every time he rode in the car, but he wanted nothing to do with it. He's the only one who's ever really nursed to sleep and had trouble learning to fall asleep on his own. He still, at almost 3, needs a lot of help to settle in and fall asleep, whereas the others have always dropped right off with the help of a thumb or paci.


So...I dunno?

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mine were both nursed on demand, and both used binkies for a couple of months. it helped soothe them and made them happy. they just wanted to suck, but not nurse all .the. time. when they starting being more alert and active in the day, the binky went bye-bye. i don't like the idea of thumbs and i guess my dc didn't either. they'd get really mad when i offered them their own little fists.:001_smile:

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I started a reply but it turned into a :rant:


Let's just say my dear wife and I feel very good about our decision not to use a pacifier. One child, nursed on demand (DEMANDING), no thumb-sucking ever. Happy, healthily, physically and intellectually advanced, and of a very loving disposition.




Bill (who has a lot more to say, but is going to keep his yap shut :tongue_smilie:)

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We didn't use one with dd4. Dd2 was adopted internationally and she came home with us using a pacifier. When she was about 10 months old she decided she didn't want to use it anymore and just spit it out every time I tried to give it to her. She did get very attached to her bottle, however, and weaning her off of it was quite a process. Once we did (she was almost 2), she started chewing on anything she could get her hands on. Her therapist gave us these flexible rubber tube-type things that she can tie around her wrist and chew on when she needs to. It has helped. I think some kids just need more oral input than others, and if you don't give them a pacifier they will figure out some other way to get it.


Here is a link to an all-natural pacifier. They are coming out with more and more of these types in response to the concern about synthetic materials.

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My baby uses a silicone one~I don't like the latex ones.

He is to the point where he takes the paci out of his mouth, gets mad then he will pops his thumb in.

The other 2 kids didn't suck their thumb so this is new to me.

My oldest had a paci when he was a baby, my daughter didn't have anything.

All kids are different.


I just know if I took my babies paci away, he would freak out~he likes it too much right now.

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