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Need to lose 8 pounds (but can't deal with being hungry)

Squawky Acres

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Have you tried any of those clothes on?

I can be at a higher weight and wear some of the clothes that I did pre-pregnancy.

Yep. I'm 5'6" and 130 and wear a 2/4. As for weight loss. Everyone will give you what works for them which tells YOU nothing. It might take some tweaking. I eat 3 reasonable meals/day (No S). I lost and have kept off 40 pounds. Snacking is where I ate most of my calories. I know I won't do a diet. Just won't. I am perfectly able to cut back. If I get hungry for some reason I have lots of water and tea. I eat a good meal though, not a snack or a small " I want to lose weight" meal. I also run, do yoga and generally move around a lot. Try a video, there are even walking in place videos or do something after dh gets home. Sometimes it's not the weight, it's the muscle tone. Edited by joyofsix
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I'm 5'5 and my prebaby weight was 122. I felt great at that weight and even though I gained 50+ with each of my 5 pgs I managed to lose it all afterward (was even down to 118 for a couple of years). but now, at 43, I'm up at 129 and I feel really not great. clothes dont fit (went from a 2 to a 6). I tried my fitness pal and due to my age and level of activity, I would need to consume less than 1600 cal/day to lose weight. I did it and it worked but my hair fell out and my skin was a wreck, my mood was scary and I was freezing cold all the time. I really just needed more food. I typically do eat a pretty wholesome diet, no junk, no snacks other than fruit or nuts, etc. bread only once a week.

no matter what I try I cannot get those numbers to drop unless I am eating very very little, which works but I get sick. so now I'm focusing on the exercise so at least my larger body has a nicer shape. I have very little time so I like hasfit.com because they have lots of short videos (and they are free) which I can do here and there. also I'm drinking more water and have recently started to keep my 'eating hours' between 10am-7pm. I read some things about studies with mice, some ate all day long, some ate the same amount but limited eating hours and lost weight. so we'll see. I typically am not a breakfast person but I do like my late night snack.

I miss my old body (or I should say, my young body)

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I love THM but am Christian and don't mind the references. It is similar as mentioned to the old Suzanne sommers program but for some reason I find it a lot easier to follow. Nothing else has worked for me. Not even weight watchers when I followed it perfectly and was starving ALL the time. It was miserable. So I hear you there.


The problem with the low cal thing is it can turn in to a cycle of having to eat less and less calorie to maintain and that can be really hard on your health.


One other option that is secular is the power foods lifestyle. It is similar to THM I think. There really is something to the separating of fat and carbs. I basically eat the exact same foods but in different combinations and the weight falls off. Even crazier is that I lose inches way faster than pounds. I just shrink.

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I love THM but am Christian and don't mind the references. It is similar as mentioned to the old Suzanne sommers program but for some reason I find it a lot easier to follow. Nothing else has worked for me. Not even weight watchers when I followed it perfectly and was starving ALL the time. It was miserable. So I hear you there.


The problem with the low cal thing is it can turn in to a cycle of having to eat less and less calorie to maintain and that can be really hard on your health.


One other option that is secular is the power foods lifestyle. It is similar to THM I think. There really is something to the separating of fat and carbs. I basically eat the exact same foods but in different combinations and the weight falls off. Even crazier is that I lose inches way faster than pounds. I just shrink.



this exactly!

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112 should be about right, and would allow me to wear my 2/4 clothes that are currently in storage.   I hope that is realistic?  I do have a very different life now.  Pre-kids, when I was 110/112, I lived in NY, walked everywhere, and had a personal trainer.  I did drink a lot more, and ate a lot of take-out, so in some ways I have healthier habits now.  The problem is that I do not exercise at all, and tend to eat all day as I am home with the kids and constantly near the kitchen.


A diet is very unlikely to work for you long term given what  you say here. Figuring out a realistic way to get in exercising with kids and rearranging your environment so that it doesn't beckon you to eat all day would be the first steps I would suggest. My guess is the 8 lbs will be gone in fairly short order and will stay off because you will have changed your cues, routines, etc. Good luck!


Try googling "change your environment to lose weight."


ETA: also gp to youtube and type in "mom exercising with kids"  You will find some fun ideas

Edited by Laurie4b
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A diet is very unlikely to work for you long term given what you say here. Figuring out a realistic way to get in exercising with kids and rearranging your environment so that it doesn't beckon you to eat all day would be the first steps I would suggest. My guess is the 8 lbs will be gone in fairly short order and will stay off because you will have changed your cues, routines, etc. Good luck!


Try googling "change your environment to lose weight."


ETA: also gp to youtube and type in "mom exercising with kids" You will find some fun ideas

I read a book called Mindless Eating. It had actual science to back up the environmental changes. No junk or junk out of sight, fruits and veg where you see them, smaller plates and cups, no eating from the bag, no TV while eating....we've all heard it but doing all the tips does help. I don't watch network tv at night because pizza ads kill me.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

Edited by joyofsix
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For working out try Tracy Anderson or Kayla itsnes.


For eating I'd do the Whole 30 or something similar. I just try to eat mostly vegetables and no sugar. It's working so far.


I am 5'4" and at 114 was my happy place but it's hard to maintain. I now weigh more but I'm distance running and need the muscle mass. It took a while to get over the stupid number, but now I don't mind.

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I read a book called Mindless Eating. It had actual science to back up the environmental changes. No junk or junk out of sight, fruits and veg where you see them, smaller plates and cups, no eating from the bag, no TV while eating....we've all heard it but doing all the tips does help.i don't watch network tv at night because pizza ads kill me.


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I just read a study not that long ag that just looked at the weight of people and what they had on their counters and those with fruit and veggies weighed less than those with cereal. 


I'm not generally a big nighttime eater- I ate popcorn the other night with a movie and that was the first time in many months. Of course the next thing I knew I'd ate way too much, it is really easy to just keep putting it in your mouth once you start. I sometimes have a morning snack- although not if I eat a regular breakfast(which is usually my biggest meal) and often do an afternoon snack-always if I'm doing a bigger workout. But I don't just randomly munch on stuff all the time.


I remember reading another thing talking about people that tend to stay at a normal weight vs those that are overweight/gaining weight and one of the other things it talks about is stuffing yourself vs just eating to the point of fullness (or a little less). I rarely eat until I feel stuffed- I usually leave a smidge of room- which I think is more normal in other cultures but here in the US it is normal to eat until absolutely stuffed. (especially with a culture of clean your plate moms!)

I am 5'4" and at 114 was my happy place but it's hard to maintain. I now weigh more but I'm distance running and need the muscle mass. It took a while to get over the stupid number, but now I don't mind.

I know the stupid scale. Have you looked at gokaleo.com she is my go to inspiration for weight=/= health. She has a BMI that is technically overweight but it is due to a higher muscle mass. I keep an eye on my strength, flexibility, and stamina increases as well as my measurements to try and keep focused.

Edited by soror
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Yup. THM is by far the easiest and yummiest way to lose weight!



I just don't think it is yummy.  Either I am doing something wrong or I just don't like the recipes.


The muffins and "treats" seem so gritty to me with the almond flour, and I really don't like stevia.  I thought of trying their baking/blend mix, would that be finer than just reg. almond flour.

And the "chocolate" with coconut oil, yuck!  All I taste is coconut.  I am not a big coconut eater.


I want to like THM, and when I say I don't like stuff, people say, "oh, well, then just eat the vegetables and meat"  but that is just a basic low carb diet, and I WANT something a bit more that I can enjoy.  I don't stick to low carb because I do have a sweet tooth and enjoy the muffins and such.

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I read a book called Mindless Eating. It had actual science to back up the environmental changes. No junk or junk out of sight, fruits and veg where you see them, smaller plates and cups, no eating from the bag, no TV while eating....we've all heard it but doing all the tips does help. I don't watch network tv at night because pizza ads kill me.


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You know, I do all this as a matter of course. Problem is, and I suspect it is the same for OP, I just love food. Good, real food that I (or local farm to table restaurant cooks) too much. I'm not eating junk, I never have soda,'I'm eating amazing stuff, just lots of it. ;)
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Are the girls who wrote it scientists or nutritionists? I've not read the book and I'm curious how the daughters of the Above Rubies gal hit upon a diet that so many people say is the only thing that works for them. If it is so revolutionary, how is there not a secular version?

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I use THM and I am not religious in any way.  I just skip over verses and any talk of religion.  I am a person who rolls their eyes at a lot of God told me/my prayers were answered and I have read both of their plan books and their cookbook and was ok with it.  The Facebook pages have lots of good info and just an occasional "pray for me" post.

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Are the girls who wrote it scientists or nutritionists? I've not read the book and I'm curious how the daughters of the Above Rubies gal hit upon a diet that so many people say is the only thing that works for them. If it is so revolutionary, how is there not a secular version?

They say that they just researched a lot and found what worked for them and in the beginning were just sharing with friends and it took off.


They give credit (in the original book) to where they found info/recipes.  It is Suzanne Somers stuff and lots of low carb.  They were very open in the book sharing (and they asked permission and gave credit to the people whose recipes and ideas they used).


You could easily find the info online.  I like their cookbook because I like to have a book in front of me.


I have no idea who their mother is or what Above Rubies is.  I am diabetic and had been eating low carb for many years and their plan gave me more options and I enjoy all the recipes on the FB pages.  



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One thing that has been helping me a lot with hunger is the 12-hour fast, which was discussed on the boards just a while ago. 


Basically, it is making sure you go at least 12 hours a day in a row without eating. Some do 15 but 12 is the minimum for your body to enter a certain state that improves metabolism. 


Rat research (or mice?) shows that restricting eating to a certain window helps with weight loss, even if eating the same number of calories. I have found that to be true, and my hunger is much more under control when I do this. We've just had a series of special occasions and trips that had me eating too much junk, but I stuck to the window and didn't gain. Now I'll try to get back to healthier foods at the same time. 


I can't find the thread, but I'll come back and link it if I do. You can also just google 12-hour fast for lots of info. 


My teens like the Sworkit app for exercise. I haven't tried it yet, but basically you tell it what you want to work on and I think how much time you have, and it gives you exercises to follow right on your phone. So that can be done in short bursts of time even with kids underfoot. 

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For those who do THM I just ordered and received a THM compatable cookbook put out by a Mennonite lady.  The recipes are incredible.  I have been using it for about a week and have enjoyed every recipe so far.


Food For Life by Margaret Raber @ By Grace Ministries.  The book was a bit pricey ($33 with shipping) for a cookbook but has over 300 recipes.


I cook THM for my whole family and they have also enjoyed all the food.

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In addition to what everyone has shared, can I recommend mindful eating? I don't know what else it would be called as it's something I've practiced over the years.


When I sit down to eat a meal (I always sit down - no eating while walking, driving, or standing), I mentally ask myself, "Am I really hungry?" And I check in with my body. If it's boredom (food's here, nothing else to do), I have a cup of unsweetened tea, hot or cold depending on the season.


Once I've determined that I am hungry, after every bite, I mentally ask myself, "Am I still hungry?" Lack of hunger means I'm done. Growing up, everyone in my family ate until stuffed. If I've eaten until I'm full, I've eaten too much. Now, I stop eating when I am no longer hungry. To stop myself from nibbling, I remove the plate to the kitchen, push away the bowl, or place my utensils at the top of the plate.


Food is parceled out on a plate or bowl. I really try not to eat directly out of a bag or communal serving dish. I use the visual guides readily available on the Internet to determine serving sizes. For example, two tablespoons peanut butter is about the size of a ping pong ball.


Finally, I try to eat regular meals and restrict myself to eating at certain times. Late night eating, in particular, can really rack up the calories for me so I have a cup of herbal tea and it seems to calm the cravings. I no longer strictly track calories, but I keep myself aware of everything I've eaten through the day by running through it at each meal.


I don't eat this way 100%, but it has helped me keep 20 pounds off for 20 years.

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I just don't think it is yummy.  Either I am doing something wrong or I just don't like the recipes.


The muffins and "treats" seem so gritty to me with the almond flour, and I really don't like stevia.  I thought of trying their baking/blend mix, would that be finer than just reg. almond flour.

And the "chocolate" with coconut oil, yuck!  All I taste is coconut.  I am not a big coconut eater.


I want to like THM, and when I say I don't like stuff, people say, "oh, well, then just eat the vegetables and meat"  but that is just a basic low carb diet, and I WANT something a bit more that I can enjoy.  I don't stick to low carb because I do have a sweet tooth and enjoy the muffins and such.


For me the biggest problem is that the book is like alphabet soup. I haven't been able to get through it. It just seems overly complicated, as if all the acronyms add validity to what they are trying to say. I know a lot of people swear by it, but it seems gimmicky to me. 

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I read a book called Mindless Eating. It had actual science to back up the environmental changes. No junk or junk out of sight, fruits and veg where you see them, smaller plates and cups, no eating from the bag, no TV while eating....we've all heard it but doing all the tips does help. I don't watch network tv at night because pizza ads kill me.


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Yes, that is the concept. There are several quickie articles online that give ways to approach this and given that the OP says that kitchen proximity is an eating cue, I thought that approach would be helpful. 

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For low carb, for me anyway, I really need to replace energy from carbs with energy from fats or I will be hungry.  It takes time to switch over to using the fats efficiently.  If you go to a LCHF way of eating, my advice includes making sure to have electrolytes (broth or supplement), especially in the first weeks.  Also, I would suggest keeping LCHF snacks on hand so there is something to reach for.  My downfall is stress eating, where I automatically grab whatever is near, and I live in the House of Carbs, not good.  I need to plan.  The other thing that helps me is tracking on MyFitnessPal.

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Because of a small hiatel hernia and having to stop taking pantoprazole for my GERD , I was encouraged to follow a natural approach to control acid reflux. I have done three things and without exercising much this whole winter..have lost 7 lbs.  First, every morning I drink water with two teaspoons Bragg's apple cider vinegar. Second, I do not eat at all after dinner, no water and no snacks. That is by doctor's orders and it has made a difference in my reflux. Third, I do not have any alcohol (not that I drank a lot) except for a glass or two on the weekend. I eat oatmeal most mornings but didn't really change the rest of my diet. I snack  during the day but am mindful. I grab a fuji apple (good for GERD) and some nuts even chips here and there. My intent wasn't to lose weight but to get my GERD under control naturally. Now I am motivated to try and lose another 5 lbs over the summer by exercising and less carbs. 

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Are the girls who wrote it scientists or nutritionists? I've not read the book and I'm curious how the daughters of the Above Rubies gal hit upon a diet that so many people say is the only thing that works for them. If it is so revolutionary, how is there not a secular version?

Well there is, Suzzane Sommers has been taking about food combing for a long time. Her plan never worked for me I think because there was no option other than don't eat treats. THM allows for a sweet tooth and enjoying some treats within boundaries and with some trial and error.


I understand the skepticism I really do. I have actually fought myself over THM for 3 years. I don't want to follow it all the time. I want bread. And milk chocolate. And to be able to eat what "everyone" else eats. But it truly is the only thing that works for me. I am morbidly obese. I was finally diagnosed as hypothyroid and with some hormones deficiencies and began treatment 6-7 months ago. My dr was very hopeful that I would lose weight finally. I didn't worry about THM and just ate way ways less. Not a single pound in 6 month. Restarted THM a month ago and am down 10 lbs.


I do like the food but I miss other stuff. I honestly feel like I have no choice.


I think for many (like the OP) who aren't severely into metabolic syndrome for whom other things work fine for. But if what you are doing isn't working, it doesn't hurt to try does it? Even if they don't have letters after their name. (Those who do aren't fixing our obesity or diabetes problems, you know?)

Edited by busymama7
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One more thing, the thing I do like about THM is simply the knowledge it gave me about how foods and combinations affect my weight loss goals. But it isn't an all or nothing deal. I can choose to eat pizza when nothing else is available or easy and then get right back on plan in 3 hours. It is actually very freeing to be able to say well that was good but it won't help me lose weight so the next meal I need to eat this and this. And just move on. No other plan or diet has given me this kind of mental freedom.

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I have had a chance to look at everything, and think I will read up on Whole 30, and start that in a few days once I have had a chance to go grocery shopping.  I will need to look up the April Whole30 thread.


For exercise, I began the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred program today, and noticed an enormous boost in my mood and energy levels this evening even after just a 20-minute exercise DVD.  I did have to put all of the kids in front of Netflix in order to have 20 minutes to myself.

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For natural exercise, take the kids to a park, play tag with them, running up and down the slide, etc. It is more of a workout than you think!! You can do it while keeping your youngest from doing anything crazy, you can't enjoy a book or magazine with those ages at the park anyway. People might look at you strange, but so what. Or, pick a time when it is less full. If you walk to and from or slow jog, that is another workout. Youngest one in a stroller or youngest two in double stroller, older kids on bikes.

Edited by ElizabethB
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That weight doesn't sound too low to me. I'd probably look/feel good around that weight and I'm 5'5." I was a hair under that weight pre-kids and have a small frame. I was considered underweight pre-kids but I think it was due to lack of muscle, not lack of fat.


I see the charts online vary a good bit, but this one shows the OP's ideal weight to be in normal range. https://www.rush.edu/health-wellness/quick-guides/what-is-a-healthy-weight

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Does anyone know what I need to get to begin a Whole 30?  I ordered the book, "It Starts With Food," and located the website.  Do I need the cookbook or any other reading materials, or can I figure it all out from the website?

Get the book Whole 30 from the library for recipes.


My big Whole 30 mistakes:

Not doubling meals and not preparing meals in advance.

Thinking I had to eat as much as they said I did.

Not buying the stupid bars they mentioned in the book because we were always running out somewhere.

Overcomplicating breakfast and lunch.




I loved my whole 30. We still eat whole 30 as much as possible but we can't always afford it. I will do one every January for the rest of my life.

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Yup - tried them on.  Jackets won't button.  Pants won't go past my hips.  Very depressing, as I had a very nice, classic, designer wardrobe that I can't begin to replace now that I have different priorities.


Did your hips expand? Then they might never go back (very common). And that might explain the pants issue. My shape is different now. Like wider hips and more tush. Definitely affects clothing fit. You might need a different style of pants now.

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I'm thinking maybe researching Whole 30, maybe taking up jogging, or at least doing some exercise DVDs once in a while.




Consider weight training - every pound of muscle you build will burn more calories even if you're just sitting around than fat does. Plus, it's good for the bones :)

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I have had a chance to look at everything, and think I will read up on Whole 30, and start that in a few days once I have had a chance to go grocery shopping.  I will need to look up the April Whole30 thread.


For exercise, I began the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred program today, and noticed an enormous boost in my mood and energy levels this evening even after just a 20-minute exercise DVD.  I did have to put all of the kids in front of Netflix in order to have 20 minutes to myself.

good luck!

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