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I'm wearing the colander. They won't hear me thinking now.

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Over the past couple of years I've been reading some interesting articles, blogs, message boards, etc., that are pretty convincing if you look at things through a slightly skewed angle. I'm talking about the conspiracy theorists.


Some of the stuff that has been going on in the economy now has me wondering. Maybe the price of gas is part of the plan. Maybe there isn't really anything wrong. "They" just want us to think there is and "they" have control of the media and are purposely frightening us into thinking things are horrible. "They" have also fixed the stock market. The numbers aren't real.


It is all a horrible plot to get the American people, and the rest of the world, to go for the new world order. Including combining of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico into one country. (That is why nothing is being done about illegal immigration. The illegals will soon be part of Mexusda.) "they" will soon introduce the Amero as our new currency.


I've come to the conclusion that I really don't believe there is a big plot, but at the same time I don't think I'd be surprised if it did happen. What do you all think?

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I don't think it's a big plot.

I think it would take a greater organization than most power hungry people are willing to wait for.


I do think that a few things have been put into play that will naturally lead into a Unified Global Society [NWO just isn't as catchy anymore, lol].


But ask me again when I'm 80 :D

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I think wearing a colander is absolutely silly. :glare:




I prefer foil hats, myself. :D



You know, I'm a skeptic. But dang if it's just all too... *convenient* sometimes, you know?


Pam always was my favorite! And really, the foil hat doesn't leave all of those big holes ...


I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling a little crazy about all of this.

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I have been hearing the same thing from him for at least two weeks now and he is normally quite sane. I am not exactly sure how he got on this track but he is convinced that the Bilderberg Group is behind it all.




This is a link to a wiki article on a conspiracy theory so obviously you need to take for what you think it is worth. I am not personally quoting this as a reliable news source and as you guys already know I really am crazy. I have had a foil hat for years now, ever since the dentist implanted one of them chips in my filling. :biggrinjester: I've always wanted to use this smiley but never really had the need before.

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English language and learning


Now, that English language thing's not going to help you in the Unified Global Society, m'dear. Maybe something like Esperanto?


And to Parrothead: How does the parrot fit under the colander? :001_huh:


And to Pam: Do you get cable with that foil hat? Cuz times are tough, and I want my money to multi-task, KWIM?


You gals totally slay me. :lol:

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I have been hearing the same thing from him for at least two weeks now and he is normally quite sane. I am not exactly sure how he got on this track but he is convinced that the Bilderberg Group is behind it all.




This is a link to a wiki article on a conspiracy theory so obviously you need to take for what you think it is worth. I am not personally quoting this as a reliable news source and as you guys already know I really am crazy. I have had a foil hat for years now, ever since the dentist implanted one of them chips in my filling. :biggrinjester: I've always wanted to use this smiley but never really had the need before.

There's a video on youtube (yes, I know, extremely reliable;)) called Endgame that deals with the Bilderbergers. It is interesting to see high level politicians, banking officers, media moguls, world leaders, all gathered together in one place. Could it be true? I don't know. ( I especially like the part in the video where the narrator is shouting to the passing limos "We are not your slaves!") I do think we are headed to one world government because I believe God warns us of that in His Word. I would not be at all surprised that one day we would be called the North American Union and use the Amero as currency. I am not thrilled about it as I love my country and the freedom we have here.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

My dad used to be what they call an "information analyst" in the military, and he is very conspiracy oriented.


He says he knows how to read between the lines of what's happening day to day in the news.


You don't need an analyst to start wondering about this $700 billion thing.


About this Unified World Organization. The degree of force necessary to bring such a thing about, and keep it under control, is mind boggling. If somebody can pull that off, I will eat my foil hat.

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Over the past couple of years I've been reading some interesting articles, blogs, message boards, etc., that are pretty convincing if you look at things through a slightly skewed angle. I'm talking about the conspiracy theorists.


Some of the stuff that has been going on in the economy now has me wondering. Maybe the price of gas is part of the plan. Maybe there isn't really anything wrong. "They" just want us to think there is and "they" have control of the media and are purposely frightening us into thinking things are horrible. "They" have also fixed the stock market. The numbers aren't real.


It is all a horrible plot to get the American people, and the rest of the world, to go for the new world order. Including combining of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico into one country. (That is why nothing is being done about illegal immigration. The illegals will soon be part of Mexusda.) "they" will soon introduce the Amero as our new currency.


I've come to the conclusion that I really don't believe there is a big plot, but at the same time I don't think I'd be surprised if it did happen. What do you all think?


:lurk5: I shall reserve judgment until proven one way or the other. Neither would surprise me. :)

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I think how much sense you make is sort of scary.




I'm going for the foil hat. Wonder if I can talk the dc into using them. We have a tin roof, do you think that might help? I haven't worn earrings for years. Dodged that bullet at least!



Lolly, I wanted to rep you for this, but I guess I've loved on you too recently. Just know that this was AWESOME. :001_smile:

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Hey, I remember reading a conspiracy-theory newspaper when I was very young, and my older brother going on and on about the Bilderbergers. I think he was running around the house with a foil hat on at the time.


This was back in the early 1970s. And now, a mere 35-plus years later, y'all are saying these people are starting to make their move, just as predicted way back then. Possibly they need to finally get around to finishing up their plan because they're all going to drop dead of old age soon?

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*anj* I've removed the earrings as part of my two part plan. I do hope this will be enough. Goodness, I had no idea.:001_huh:


PS...I'm having a hard time finding foil made in the USA.


Especially because if your ears are pierced "they've" already planted their listening device in your head. :glare:
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Ohmygoodness...y'all are TOTALLY speaking my language.


Huh. Maybe *that's* my problem?


Anyway, I'm headed over to the bank. Gonna apply for a loan for my new business.


Selling foil hats. :D





You can't go into the bank...that's where they live! And don't ask for money, they will take your information and recruit you. You'll become one of them.


And we can't help you anymore because you can't hear us. The foil hats will keep us safe, but you'll be on your own...


Run, girl. :banghead:

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You can't go into the bank...that's where they live! And don't ask for money, they will take your information and recruit you. You'll become one of them.


And we can't help you anymore because you can't hear us. The foil hats will keep us safe, but you'll be on your own...


Run, girl. :banghead:


Stacie, this was so funny that a little smiley just doesn't express my enjoyment of it. Just know that I actually laughed out loud. And for that, given the current economic situation our country's in, I thank you.


But seriously now, you seem to know an awful lot about their recruiting tactics....:001_huh:



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won't we all end up with Alzheimer's from having that aluminum foil so close to our brains all day?

Oh my, oh my.


Oh, and Tammyla, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...

secret.gifIt's not the earrings themselves. That little hole puncher they used implanted the device in your actual ear. And now it's bonded with your skin and well....uh oh.

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won't we all end up with Alzheimer's from having that aluminum foil so close to our brains all day?

Oh my, oh my.



That's why we must line them with mercury and lead. It's much more secure.


I'm going to the radiologist office and swipe some of those lead lined drapes they use. Anyone want one?



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Here is an interesting article about the current economic crisis that you may find relevent in this discussion:






Hubby to Kidshappen

Father to 24dd 19dd 16dd 15dd 12dd 9dd (wow seems like a lot when I say it like that)


Conspiracy or no, I think that this is pretty much dead on. And remember that I have NO HOLES in my ears. So I'm demonstrably unbrainwashed. :D

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won't we all end up with Alzheimer's from having that aluminum foil so close to our brains all day?

Oh my, oh my.




TIN foil, honey, that's why we're saying TIN foil


And who's to say that the so-called "Alzheimer" patients aren't the only sane ones left.

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That's why we must line them with mercury and lead. It's much more secure.


I'm going to the radiologist office and swipe some of those lead lined drapes they use. Anyone want one?



OK, I have bronchitis and your humor has me in respiratory distress!!:lol:

Those lead lined drapes are great (I can get some at work) but they weigh a ton....should make for great marketing: "Wear these security blankets and lose weight just by moving slowly around in them all day!!

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OK, I have bronchitis and your humor has me in respiratory distress!!:lol:

Those lead lined drapes are great (I can get some at work) but they weigh a ton....should make for great marketing: "Wear these security blankets and lose weight just by moving slowly around in them all day!!


Are you kidding me?! That's JUST what we've all been looking for all these years: Lose weight while you protect yourself from implanted listening and brainwashing devices!


Girl, market that thang!

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Oh...my...gosh....I'm part of it or at least I was...Years ago, I used to pierce ears with those little... well, we called them guns.


My ears were done with a big fat needle no little ear punch. I'm so glad my dh wouldn't let me pierce my dd's ears. Funny....most of the men are safe??? Wait till I tell my nephew, Mr. body piercings.:lol:




won't we all end up with Alzheimer's from having that aluminum foil so close to our brains all day?

Oh my, oh my.


Oh, and Tammyla, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...

secret.gifIt's not the earrings themselves. That little hole puncher they used implanted the device in your actual ear. And now it's bonded with your skin and well....uh oh.

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That's why we must line them with mercury and lead. It's much more secure.


I'm going to the radiologist office and swipe some of those lead lined drapes they use. Anyone want one?




:lol: Gives a whole new meaning to the expression "pick your poison", doesn't it?


I knew there was a perfectly good answer why I never got my ears pearced! ;)

I should've listened to my father, but noooooo!!! And then I went out and got a second set of holes without permission when I was in high school, yikes!


Part of the conspiracy...you know, the one thing that would've saved you...:lol:


:lol::lol:Okay, that was really hysterically funny!


TIN foil, honey, that's why we're saying TIN foil


And who's to say that the so-called "Alzheimer" patients aren't the only sane ones left.

Aha!!! You know, I use those terms interchangeably even though they aren't the same thing. Do you think that might be part of the brain control? They want us to wear aluminum foil hats that cannot help us because we've forgotten that what we really need is tin. Brilliant!

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Oh my goodness! I didn't read this until this morning and I am literally and truly laughing out loud. My husband asked what I was reading. When I told him he said, "Didn't you know that's why I joined the Masons years ago? So I could learn the secrets to taking over the world and get my secret decoder ring." LOL!! Goof! It must not have been a very interesting plan of world domination because his Mason stint didn't even last a year. He said it was too boring. :)

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*anj* I've removed the earrings as part of my two part plan. I do hope this will be enough. Goodness, I had no idea.:001_huh:


PS...I'm having a hard time finding foil made in the USA.


And have your seen the PRICE of FOIL lately???? I was in total shock when I bought a new roll two weeks ago. So, don't go with foil...it appears to be part of the conspiracy too.

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And have your seen the PRICE of FOIL lately???? I was in total shock when I bought a new roll two weeks ago. So, don't go with foil...it appears to be part of the conspiracy too.


No, you have to go ahead and buy it. The increase in foil prices is part of it all. If they make the prices higher, less people will buy them and more people will remain vulnerable. :lol:

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Oh my goodness! I didn't read this until this morning and I am literally and truly laughing out loud. My husband asked what I was reading. When I told him he said, "Didn't you know that's why I joined the Masons years ago? So I could learn the secrets to taking over the world and get my secret decoder ring." LOL!! Goof! It must not have been a very interesting plan of world domination because his Mason stint didn't even last a year. He said it was too boring. :)


*sigh* The World Domination stuff isn't discussed with the new guys! That's a second year thing! He needs to get back over there and get the skinny on their nefarious plans!

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This whole conversation is moot. A foil hat won't save you, a tin roof won't save you. It's all on computer these days, don't ya know. ;) You've seen it when they video a computer monitor how it rolls. That is how they get you. It's going into your brain via the internet. There is subliminal messages behind the rolling screen that your eyes can't see, but your brain can.


Ironically while typing this message my internet has gone wonky, my blue circle has disappeared.


The only way to be safe is to not get on the internet. :001_huh: Sadly for a lot of us here it is too late to reverse the damage already done. :lol:

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The only way to be safe is to not get on the internet. :001_huh: Sadly for a lot of us here it is too late to reverse the damage already done. :lol:


Oh no!!!! It's too late for me, but save yourselves, run for the hills!!!!! Even so, just in case there's a slight chance I am going to remove myself from the computer right now. Maybe I can distract myself by teaching history and grammar and spelling and math. Maybe if we fill our heads with all kinds of facts we can trick them, yeah, maybe so....

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