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Almost makes me want to (gulp!) give up ice cream!


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Oh my gosh - you just can't make this stuff up. What immediately popped into my mind when reading the article was all of the NOW marches that will take place to protest the abuse of nursing mothers being reduced to ice cream producers. Can you just imagine the news articles?


"Scores of Nursing Mothers are Being Randomly Kidnapped in Broad Daylight and Stripped of Their Breastmilk." ..."Our developing story continues as NOW is planning a march on Washington demanding legislation to protect nursing mothers from being exploited for their breastmilk..."

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that is sooooooo gross!


There is no end to PETA's great ideas.


When we lived in N. CA they sent a letter to a local pastor asking him if for the church's annual Community Thanksgiving dinner if he would consider serving Tofurky (sp?) instead. PETA offered to provide the tofu turkies. The pastor graciously declined.

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since PETA is also very pro humans not having kids at all or more than 1 kid to save the planet/animals (who the heck for if not our kids is beyond me:confused:)


I find their suggestion rather ignorant.


If they don't think people should have kids, where do they think BM would come from?


Maybe they are reversing their opinion on people having children? Yes! Everyone go get pregnant so you can donate bm to B&J. Free tub of ice cream for every third donation! I can see the campaign now.:tongue_smilie:


Ug. I can't stand PETA. They are their own worst enemy, imnsho.:glare:

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:lol: Can't you just picture THIS farm?! Do the women get to go home at night? Who is feeding their babies while they are hooked up to the B&J pumping machines? What are they proposing to feed the human babies whose mothers' milk is going into the ice cream? Would the flavor with the chocolate cow shapes now have chocolate booKs?

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Can you imagine trying to regulate that? All the nursing mothers would have to eat the same exact diet to ensure quality control. And, what happens when the mother stops nursing? Does she then receive hormones to keep up her milk production? Does she get hooked up to pumps?


You know, PETA would be more credible if they'd come up with something less asinine and more realistic. Now they just look foolish.


OH, and off topic a bit: I saw a T shirt worn by a man selling BBQ, "PETA: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals." LOL

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Oh good grief! Do the people who come up with these "great ideas" actually *believe* this stuff??!!


I'm an animal lover, too -- and have been accused of treating my animals better than I treat my people. I'd *love* to support PETA! But they waste too much brain power and money on stupidity. It's impossible to take them seriously.

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Proof that the PETA folks have lost their friggin' minds. As if we didn't have enough already. I'm an animal lover and I support the ethical treatment of animals, but these folks are bonkers.


Yeah, PETA's pronouncements are typically tongue-in-cheek (to say the least), but did you all see this part of the article!!!???

PETA's request comes in the wake of news reports that a Swiss restaurant owner will begin purchasing breast milk from nursing mothers and substituting breast milk for 75 percent of the cow's milk in the food he serves," the statement says.
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OH, and off topic a bit: I saw a T shirt worn by a man selling BBQ, "PETA: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals." LOL


Proof that the PETA folks have lost their friggin' minds. As if we didn't have enough already. I'm an animal lover and I support the ethical treatment of animals, but these folks are bonkers.




I don't think breastmilk is any grosser than milk from COWS though.

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Well....I'll be the oddball :)


PETA's reasonings aren't all sound, imo, and I certainly am no peta fan, but....


I would *love* it if some company paid, say some SAHMs, a good price for their milk after they were done nursing their babies. If I drank milk, I wouldn't have a problem with buying human milk products and I sure would let my dc drink human milk before cow's milk.


As far as health benefits, it surely would be healthier than cow's milk, right? And I think quite a few people would be surprised to see the conditions of *some* of the dairies that sell milk. Some are pristine and some are absolutely beyond filthy. Talk about never wanting to eat ice cream again. They aren't all bad, but I could tell you some stories...





ps...I never pumped, so I have *no* idea how long it would take to get a gallon of milk. Perhaps it would be too expensive to consider? Would no one here contemplate making some extra money? Guess I need to do some research, eh? :)


seriously thinking about deleting this instead of posting! :)

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Well....I'll be the oddball :)


PETA's reasonings aren't all sound, imo, and I certainly am no peta fan, but....


I would *love* it if some company paid, say some SAHMs, a good price for their milk after they were done nursing their babies. If I drank milk, I wouldn't have a problem with buying human milk products and I sure would let my dc drink human milk before cow's milk.


As far as health benefits, it surely would be healthier than cow's milk, right? And I think quite a few people would be surprised to see the conditions of *some* of the dairies that sell milk. Some are pristine and some are absolutely beyond filthy. Talk about never wanting to eat ice cream again. They aren't all bad, but I could tell you some stories...





ps...I never pumped, so I have *no* idea how long it would take to get a gallon of milk. Perhaps it would be too expensive to consider? Would no one here contemplate making some extra money? Guess I need to do some research, eh? :)


seriously thinking about deleting this instead of posting! :)

Don't delete! I love this post!

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I doubt this is a real suggestion. It's just PETA's way of calling attention to the idea that we all seem thinking consuming milk made by a cow is hunky dory but that human milk is disgusting. I wonder why that is?


I think this statement from Ben and Jerry's is very telling:


In a statement Ben and Jerry's said, "We applaud PETA's novel approach to bringing attention to an issue, but we believe a mother's milk is best used for her child."
Does that apply only to human children?



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I doubt this is a real suggestion. It's just PETA's way of calling attention to the idea that we all seem thinking consuming milk made by a cow is hunky dory but that human milk is disgusting. I wonder why that is?


I think this statement from Ben and Jerry's is very telling:


Does that apply only to human children?



Yes, very telling....only for HER child? (I've donated breastmilk and encourage donating)

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My husband calls them "people eating tasty animals". :tongue_smilie:


I saw a man at a travel stop on the way to Michigan wearing a t-shirt that said "PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals." The back said "Vegetarian: Ancient Tribal Slang for the Village Idiot Who Can't Hunt, Fish, or Ride." :lol: I wanted to get one for my dad, the carnivorous hunter/fisherman.


(This message was not meant to portray any real life people. No vegetarians were harmed in the production of this message. The poster does not think being a vegetarian means a person is stupid.)

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Separate PETA, FDA, and the logistical issues (ice cream would be come rare and expensive) that would arise from this and all I have to say is.....











COOL! :thumbup1:


But then, I'm practically a hippy anyhow :D


This means most of us could no longer eat ice cream. Do you think it is right for PETA to force their ethics on the rest of us?

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Dh says it fine, rather sweet.


Okay that is way TMI!!! :lol:


Most kids around the world live on it for the first year of their life. It certainly is healthier than cow's milk. Why is the idea just ... so ... icky?


Well, I don't know that it is any ickier than cow's milk, just against our cultural norm. However, I think there would be some serious logistical problems to this as some have mentioned. Women are just not built to produce milk in the same quantities as cows. Would the fat content and consistency of the ice cream be different? I've got a really strange picture in my mind of a human dairy barn right now:lol: I've got to get back to more productive pursuits, though not of the milk producing variety:lol:


One serioius question before I go, though. For those who are saying human milk is better for humans, do you not consume any dairy products (which originate from other mammals) at all? I know many people do not. I'm just wondering if that has something to do with how you've answered. If you don't eat ice cream or don't even like it, you would naturally have a different perspective.

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Women are just not built to produce milk in the same quantities as cows.


Ah, but it's my understanding that cows "need work" to produce in those quantities, too, though I don't know exactly what's involved? Probably some kind of breeding program . . .



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This means most of us could no longer eat ice cream. Do you think it is right for PETA to force their ethics on the rest of us?


They aren't forcing it; they made a request of ONE manufacturer (quite tame for PETA...believe me, I'm no fan of PETA). And yes, I love my ice-cream...particularly the locally made ice cream :) Most store bought ice cream doesn't taste like ice cream anymore after you've had Yoder's or The Brown Cow ;)

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Women are just not built to produce milk in the same quantities as cows.


You're right, but neither are cows. The quantities cows produce nowadays are the result of human tampering.


I am vegan and I don't consume dairy products for both ethical and health reasons.



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Hormones...not just the ones that the cows already have. More like putting the cow on steroids.


What about all the organic milk producers who say they're "hormone free"? Like, say, Oberweiss.


I ask in earnest, out of curiosity. However, I happily consume cow's milk daily, without any moral or other obligations. Just thought I should be up front.

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I saw a man at a travel stop on the way to Michigan wearing a t-shirt that said "PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals." The back said "Vegetarian: Ancient Tribal Slang for the Village Idiot Who Can't Hunt, Fish, or Ride." :lol: I wanted to get one for my dad, the carnivorous hunter/fisherman.


(This message was not meant to portray any real life people. No vegetarians were harmed in the production of this message. The poster does not think being a vegetarian means a person is stupid.)



Very clever and funny disclaimer!! :D

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I don't think breastmilk is any grosser than milk from COWS though.


I totally agree. We don't consider cow's milk gross simply because it's the norm for our culture. It's all about cultural norms.




PETA's reasonings aren't all sound, imo, and I certainly am no peta fan, but....


I would *love* it if some company paid, say some SAHMs, a good price for their milk after they were done nursing their babies. If I drank milk, I wouldn't have a problem with buying human milk products and I sure would let my dc drink human milk before cow's milk.


As far as health benefits, it surely would be healthier than cow's milk, right? And I think quite a few people would be surprised to see the conditions of *some* of the dairies that sell milk. Some are pristine and some are absolutely beyond filthy. Talk about never wanting to eat ice cream again. They aren't all bad, but I could tell you some stories...





ps...I never pumped, so I have *no* idea how long it would take to get a gallon of milk. Perhaps it would be too expensive to consider? Would no one here contemplate making some extra money? Guess I need to do some research, eh? :)


seriously thinking about deleting this instead of posting! :)


Good post



Well, I don't know that it is any ickier than cow's milk, just against our cultural norm. However, I think there would be some serious logistical problems to this as some have mentioned. Women are just not built to produce milk in the same quantities as cows. Would the fat content and consistency of the ice cream be different? I've got a really strange picture in my mind of a human dairy barn right now:lol: I've got to get back to more productive pursuits, though not of the milk producing variety:lol:


One serioius question before I go, though. For those who are saying human milk is better for humans, do you not consume any dairy products (which originate from other mammals) at all? I know many people do not. I'm just wondering if that has something to do with how you've answered. If you don't eat ice cream or don't even like it, you would naturally have a different perspective.


Yeah, there are way too many logistical and legal issues to even consider using breast milk for wide spread human consumption. The basic idea is that breast milk is healthier for humans than cow's milk is. This is true. Yes, I eat ice cream and other diary products, yet I do realize that diary has health limitations.



I do know people who use breast milk to cook, bake, and make other dishes. Breast milk soap is pretty good for the skin.


Yet, commercial use of breast milk has too many issues.

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