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What are things we read besides words?


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I often hear mention of IKEA instructions on this board. I don't get it, are IKEA directions notoriously difficult to understand?

They are wordless, like Lego instructions.


It is not always easy to interpret the meaning of the diagrams; I prefer instructions with both words and pictures, though I understand the international appeal of pictures only.

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What does reading trans women mean?


Personally, I don't think it's only trans *women*, but they do get 'read' more often. If someone reads you as trans(gender), it means you didn't pass, i.e. they noticed you're trans and not cis (cis meaning you're the gender assigned at birth, from Latin "on this side of", as opposed to trans, which means "across").


For examples of being read, try googling "read as trans" (with the quotes).

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