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Christmas Break Shenanigans


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My younger son's last final was last night, 7-10 pm (ugh); then he headed out to see Star Wars :)


He was going to go on a mini-retreat this weekend at his fellowship's cabin in the Sierras, but that was canceled because there will be a big snowstorm this weekend (yay for us -- we need the water). He has a summer job lined up already (another yay), and will attend a "missions hackathon" at Urbana between Christmas and New Year's. And lots of R&R in the meantime.


Older son went cross-country skiing yesterday with his dad and now they are at Star Wars. They will fly home tomorrow. He just started a job at a lab affiliated with his college, so he will head back soon after New Year's to work some more before classes start in early January. Over break we plan to do some sightseeing in SF, hike, and work out at the gym together. And watch Christmas movies and bake cookies :) Yay break!


ETA: oh yeah, dentist, allergy clinic, chiro, Tdap, show younger son how to change a tire ... :D

Edited by Laura in CA
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Dd21b started her break off having a couple of wisdom teeth removed. Happy to say that she has finally recovered. Now, she has begun her winter break class online...She is going to have a busy break. Dd21a has been making cookies and watching tv. Dd23 has been sleeping and going to doctors. So far she has a new prescription for glasses and has clean teeth. Allergist is set for after Christmas. So, for the most part, she will sleep. Ds doesn't start break until after Monday.

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She'll be coming home tomorrow!!!!!!!


She is giving a concert on January 2nd, so she will be doing lots of practicing for that. Also, she has a competition in March so she will be practicing for that as well. (I see a theme here!)


But since ALL of her siblings plus significant others are arriving on Tuesday (from a wide variety of far-away states), she plans to spend the week doing some longed-for hanging out with the sibs.

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Mine finished last week. He's been working, working out, and spending time with us and some of his friends he doesn't get to see when he's at school. Right now he's in NY for a four day work related trip and on Sunday will fly to meet us in CA for our winter family vacation. When we return to the PNW in a week, he hopes to get in at least one day of skiing (after almost drought like conditions the last two years, we've had lots of precipitation this winter). We also need to hit the after Christmas sales together, as he recently won a fellowship to go to a conference/workshops in England during spring break and has very few appropriate clothes for the trip.

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So far, just sleeping, but our finals were only over yesterday. Star Wars is next week, hanging out with my mom and ds will spend some time with his dad. We're hoping to move over the summer, so we may be doing some preliminary decluttering, at least I hope he'll get started on that. 

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We started the break by flying ds into the town where my in-laws live, so we spent last weekend there and did the family "Christmas." They live a little over three hours from us. Since he has been home at our house, he has enjoyed sleeping in! Most of his friends didn't finish until a week after he did, so we didn't have to share him *too* much in the beginning. Now that they have all gotten home, he is out with them more. He gigged (piano) at a Christmas party last night and was contacted earlier in the week by someone who knows someone who knew him and got hired to fill in at a church service this morning. Nice that he's earning a little cash while he's home!


This evening he is having his fourth annual White Elephant Christmas party. I'm so glad we started this tradition when he was a junior in high school, because it lets ME see a lot of his friends, too! The gifts that they bring are hysterical. He bought a snow globe that holds photos and inserted a non-flattering picture of Donald Trump.


His classes start back on January 4th (quarter system), BUT he is returning on December 31st so he can attend the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on New Year's Day!! Worked out so well, as he got a student ticket for only $75 and his roommate lives in LA and takes a car to school. So, he can stay with the roommate's family and then drive back up to school with the roommate. We are just flying him into LA instead of SF. Sad that this cuts into our time with him a bit, but I am excited he has the opportunity to attend.

Edited by Hoggirl
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Lots of sleeping. Lots of computer time. Lots of time spent recording videos for his YouTube channel which was neglected the last couple weeks of the semester.


A little time hanging with family, watching movies, and enjoying pets. 


Not exciting, but very relaxed and happy.

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His classes start back on January 4th (quarter system), BUT he is returning on January 31st so he can attend the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on New Year's Day!! Worked out so well, as he got a student ticket for only $75 and his roommate lives in LA and takes a car to school. So, he can stay with the roommate's family and then drive back up to school with the roommate. We are just flying him into LA instead of SF. Sad that this cuts into our time with him a bit, but I am excited he has the opportunity to attend.


How fun! Go Cardinal! :D


ETA: I assume you mean 12/31, not 1/31 :)

Edited by Laura in CA
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Ds is staying up too late hanging out with friends. The other day they went to Goodwill to buy things. Ds came back with a bag of wine and shot glasses. Hmm. had a talk with him about the danger of binge drinking. Tonight he is going to see Star Wars for the second time but with a different group of buddies. I think one of them might be a new girlfriend, a theater major, who lives about an hour away. Not sure.


Tomorrow he meets with a career advisor to discuss internships and research opportunities.


Later this week, he's planning to meet with someone to discuss if he can get credit if he goes to the Budapest math program in summer. It looks like he can knock off a few credits but he wants to make sure. The start date for that is the end date for ds's final exams, so we wouldn't see much of him this summer. The university might help to pay for part of it but he'll have to see yet another person about that, too.


This is going to be a tough quarter so I'm hoping he'll be well-rested when he goes back in January.

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DS18 came home Thursday, but still had 2 finals to finish. The last final exam, essay form, was released online on Friday at noon Eastern time, and he had until Saturday at midnight Eastern time to email the essays back to the prof. So he came home, slept in, then walked to a nearby coffee shop to write, then moved to the library when the coffee shop closed. He finished his finals on Saturday in time for all of us to go to Star Wars.

He has also cleaned up the kids' bathroom (I don't even look in that direction), done some laundry, eaten all the fruit, and talked to his brother alot. He is glad he came home to finish his exams, he thinks the essays are better for it. His college is far away, and we saw him only at Thanksgiving, but that visit was cut short because of a death in the family. By the end of the semester he said he really needed to come home and re-energize. After a trip to our cabin after Christmas, he will be updating his resume,  uploading it to the college alumni site, then filling out forms for summer internships. And sleeping and eating.

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Today is the first day he doesn't work.  He slept in and then took our youngest two shopping.  Over break he will be working, cleaning his room, getting paperwork in order, looking at upcoming scholarship opportunities, spending time with family, and getting together with friends.

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And ds2, the boat building sailor guy, got engaged! (He would still be a college student if he hadn't dropped out, and his fiancee is a senior in college, so I can still list thtis under Christmas break shenanigans, right?)


On Christmas morning they sat persusing a book Santa gave them called "Top Cruising Destinations." They have promised that their honeymoon will be less than two years!

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... his roommate lives in LA and takes a car to school. So, he can stay with the roommate's family and then drive back up to school with the roommate. We are just flying him into LA instead of SF. ...


Just an FYI in case anyone might find it useful ... that's great that his roommate can drive them both up from LA to the SF Bay Area. But if that wasn't the case, another good option is the Bolt Bus (and I know there are other similar lines), a cheap, clean express bus (with WiFi!) that goes between three locations in LA to major train/bus stations in the Bay Area -- San Jose, SF, and Oakland. My son took the Bolt Bus from LA to the Bay Area last Christmas and loved feeling so independent (he was 17). :) And much cheaper and less hassle than a one-way plane ticket. Takes a bit longer, of course, but no hassle with security, baggage, etc.


ETA: A friend of my son's is attending college in the PNW and regularly takes the Bolt Bus between the airport and his college.

And ... Go Cardinal! :D

Edited by Laura in CA
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What are your college kids doing during Christmas break? 


So far mine has spent a lot of time on the couch - sleeping and with his computer. Boring for this mama! 


Mine spent the first several days home working on gift-related projects. He built a case for his girlfriend's ukelele and a bed to put on the patio for my dog. He poured scented candles for his sister. 


He's also hung out with local friends (theme parks, movies, the mall, etc.) and has spent a good number of hours with his girlfriend "working on the script" for the movie they want to film this summer.


Yesterday, he did a five-hour dance intensive, and he had a private lesson with the same teachers today. This week, he plans to attend some drop-in classes at a local dance studio and take care of some projects he promised to do for us around the house (yard work, cleaning and organizing the garage and such).

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My dd20 just decided to make a quilt with the remaining 2 weeks she has home. She raided my fabric stash and found some things she likes.


I think the project will be good for her; she's been unusually crabby with her db14, in part because she is bored. We moved here when she was a junior and she didn't make good friends, so she really doesn't have anyone outside of the family to hang out with. Even church hasn't been an outlet; she's had numerous people come up to her, tell her they're glad she's back, and than ask her her name!

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Anyone else ready to send your kid back to college? I'm only kidding. I love having ds home but this going out late stuff is exasperating me. This does not work well for me because I wake up early.


My second gripe is getting him to find out about internships. This is his job so we told him it's the pool or do the internship research now. Gah. I need an electric cattle prod.


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Two significant others spent Christmas week with us. Result -- one engagement and one break-up. Since we just helped dd2 through a breakup three weeks ago, I'm feeling rather emotionally drained.


Toilet-training was SIMPLE compared with this relationship stuff! And teaching them to read was a walk in the park compared with the reflective listening required when they are mulling over whether or not to break up!


I intend to spend next Christmas on a deserted island that is NOT accessible by cell phone, landline, or internet. (My dh is welcome to come, as are any friends over 50 who are in stable relationships.....)

Edited by Gwen in VA
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Two significant others spent Christmas week with us. Result -- one engagement and one break-up. Since we just helped dd2 through a breakup three weeks ago, I'm feeling rather emotionally drained.


Toilet-training was SIMPLE compared with this relationship stuff! And teaching them to read was a walk in the park compared with the reflective listening required when they are mulling over whether or not to break up!


I intend to spend next Christmas on a deserted island that is NOT accessible by cell phone, landline, or internet. (My dh is welcome to come, as are any friends over 50 who are in stable relationships.....)


So true about the draining break-up drama! I will be joining you on that island next year.

Edited by MBM
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