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I need "man" help. (no bashing involved--and any male input is welcome)

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This will sound unbelievable (as in I wouldn't believe it) but I was actually thinking of a soft aqua sweater. Honestly!


Flats, perfect. Skirt, right choice too (go with the softer one).


No need, Distraction.


No we don't actually. Actually counterproductive (especially the body spray). Your body will be pumping out so many intoxicating pheromones nothing should get in their way. Trust me :D


With the make-up, if you feel confident about it, you could put a small spin on the "regular face", a subtle (I said "subtle" right?) shift towards a nighttime look. Something he can't put his finger on. Hmm?


Bill (who's giving out make-up advice? :D)



If you aren't already, have you considered a second career writing romance novels? :D


ETA: Not sleazy ones, of course!!!!

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This will sound unbelievable (as in I wouldn't believe it) but I was actually thinking of a soft aqua sweater. Honestly!


Flats, perfect. Skirt, right choice too (go with the softer one).


No need, Distraction.


No we don't actually. Actually counterproductive (especially the body spray). Your body will be pumping out so many intoxicating pheromones nothing should get in their way. Trust me :D


With the make-up, if you feel confident about it, you could put a small spin on the "regular face", a subtle (I said "subtle" right?) shift towards a nighttime look. Something he can't put his finger on. Hmm?


Bill (who's giving out make-up advice? :D)


Bill is on the right track here and a great addition to the thread I might add. I would rep you again if I could. :)

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This will sound unbelievable (as in I wouldn't believe it) but I was actually thinking of a soft aqua sweater. Honestly!




Flats, perfect. Skirt, right choice too (go with the softer one).




No need, Distraction.




No we don't actually. Actually counterproductive (especially the body spray). Your body will be pumping out so many intoxicating pheromones nothing should get in their way. Trust me :D




With the make-up, if you feel confident about it, you could put a small spin on the "regular face", a subtle (I said "subtle" right?) shift towards a nighttime look. Something he can't put his finger on. Hmm?


Bill (who's giving out make-up advice? :D)



This last comment...:smilielol5:


I love it... you're just like my dh's friend. Spot on - sometimes I think- wow this guy has really got a clue about women. BTW I completely agree with the whole look. I am a girlie girl so to speak and I think it all sounds just perfect.


Oh, I just can't wait for our date!

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This is my favorite by far but changing your screen name is a big deal here. I mean, she will have to start her post count over!! I think she should wait and change it once he has asked her to marry him. ;)


I believe if she emails the mods they can change her screen name on the current account.


But you're right, it probably is too soon. Then again it is way too soon to talk about teA also :lol:

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This is my favorite by far but changing your screen name is a big deal here. I mean, she will have to start her post count over!! I think she should wait and change it once he has asked her to marry him. ;)


Start her post count over?!


Whoa, now. How great IS this guy, really...?


:D Kidding, of course. :001_huh: Sort of.

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This thread has been a blast!!!:D:D:D


Can you see how happy we all are for you Michelle :001_smile:


Thanks for all the kind words directed my way ladies, you're making me blush.

I may not know the first think about homeschooling, but i'm glad I finally proved to be good for something :tongue_smilie:



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Ok, I'm worried. Haven't heard anything about a day yet. I'll see him tomorrow at church. Should I say something? Call him? Email? Just wait?


I was with a friend today who knows him well (she's the one who said she thought we should date) and she said he is most definitely NOT the kind to say yes then blow me off. His yes is yes and his no is no, and he definitely said yes.


So, what do you think? Bill?

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Ok, I'm worried. Haven't heard anything about a day yet. I'll see him tomorrow at church. Should I say something? Call him? Email? Just wait?


I was with a friend today who knows him well (she's the one who said she thought we should date) and she said he is most definitely NOT the kind to say yes then blow me off. His yes is yes and his no is no, and he definitely said yes.


So, what do you think? Bill?


Have no fear. Keep you heart light. It is (more than clear) he likes you. He's probably more scared than you are about the "next move".


See him tomorrow. Tell us what kind of shirt he's wearing :D



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Have no fear. Keep you heart light. It is (more than clear) he likes you. He's probably more scared than you are about the "next move".


See him tomorrow. Tell us what kind of shirt he's wearing :D




Ok, I won't worry about it.


You really think he's scared? Gosh, to me he's like a superhero, so I can't imagine him feeling scared!

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Ok, I won't worry about it.


You really think he's scared? Gosh, to me he's like a superhero, so I can't imagine him feeling scared!


He's terrified. Be charmingly disarming.


When he acts a bit "confused" when you first see him take it as a "good sign" (not a worrisome one) and adopt a breezy ice-breaking attitude. He'll take the signal, and things will be A.O.K.



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Ok, I'll believe you.


What's he afraid OF?




He likes you. This does funny things to men (even big dreamy blue-eyed pilots). Truth is we are very emotional (even if it seems buried sometimes). And guys can be afraid of getting hurt (when they really care).


Say, can you do that thing where you laugh at something he might say (even if it's not that funny) and kind of do that "it's so cute I'm impelled to brush your arm with my hand while I'm laughing and it's all over before you (we) even noticed (almost) that we just touched" maneuver?


If you can, this would be a good time to break this one out :D



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He likes you. This does funny things to men (even big dreamy blue-eyed pilots). Truth is we are very emotional (even if it seems buried sometimes). And guys can be afraid of getting hurt (when they really care).


Say, can you do that thing where you laugh at something he might say (even if it's not that funny) and kind of do that "it's so cute I'm impelled to brush your arm with my hand while I'm laughing and it's all over before you (we) even noticed (almost) that we just touched" maneuver?


If you can, this would be a good time to break this one out :D




Bill, you really do rock. I bet you picked up at least 3 green squares these past few days, and they're well deserved!

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He likes you. This does funny things to men (even big dreamy blue-eyed pilots). Truth is we are very emotional (even if it seems buried sometimes). And guys can be afraid of getting hurt (when they really care).


Say, can you do that thing where you laugh at something he might say (even if it's not that funny) and kind of do that "it's so cute I'm impelled to brush your arm with my hand while I'm laughing and it's all over before you (we) even noticed (almost) that we just touched" maneuver?


If you can, this would be a good time to break this one out :D




Ok. I don't think we've ever touched except the one time at a mutual friend's birthday dinner where we all held hands to pray. He sat next to me. :)


I'll whip out that maneuver and see what happens.

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Ok. I don't think we've ever touched except the one time at a mutual friend's birthday dinner where we all held hands to pray. He sat next to me. :)


I'll whip out that maneuver and see what happens.


Of course he sat next to you. I'm feeling giddy just reading this thread.


Bill, I'm loving your input. :D

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Oh DARN! CRAP!!! I did all this reading and STILL haven't found out about the DATE yet? I'm SO disappointed! I felt that SURELY with all those replies, SURELY the date has taken place and I'd know all about it by the time I got to the end of my reading! I'm SO disappointed! How will I EVER survive tomorrow as I'll be away all day? Can someone text me? :D


My 16 year old son came over to the computer and asked, "What are you reading, mom?" To which I replied, "I'm on my homeschooling webpage...."



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Wow, the first time I see this thread and it already has 241 replies. That's 7 pages (not sure how some of you seem to always have more pages than I do). You've been given the advice I would have with your info--invite him as a thank you. I'm mainly posting to say


Go for it!:lurk5::party:

and to be subscribed to this thread to see what happens. DO tell us on this thread since when some of us get busy IRL we miss some of the most interesting things.

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He is terrified that he is going to mess this up with you and second guessing wether he was really getting the vibe he thought he was getting when you asked him to dinner. He is totally planning on confirming the date tonight at church. I would put money on that. He doesn't want to call and end up saying "ummm" 15 times.


If he is on some pilot message board they are all telling him not to jump the gun, play it casual and see how things are with you tonight. So who thinks there is a pilot message board out there who has been there each step of the way with Michella's Fella? Every time he went over to fix her car or something and especially when he posted about making the doll bed they were encouraging him. Telling him to bide his time and all would be well..... Interesting to think about isn't it?


If that ended up being true, I'd laugh and laugh.

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Make sure to use a lot of fresh garlic (no garlic powder or garlic salt) in the lasagna. Don't ask why, just trust me :001_smile:


Red wine, and do you have any Sinatra? Candles!


What fun!




Whoa there, kids. Whoa. Let's back up just a darned minute here.


Garlic. I totally get where Bill was going with this, and yes, good idea... if, and I speak from experience here, IF Michella our Bella does not have any digestive issues with garlic. And we hope Fly Boy doesn't have any digestive issues with it either. Because a significant portion of the population can suffer severe... pains after eating garlic. And trust me on this one (and I wish I had a more polite term here), gas can really put a damper on the romance.


I don't know that there is any way to test the waters here, but I think we can take "I can do lasagne" as a sign that our mustachioed, blue eyed pilot is okay with it. We won't ask Michella for a report on her status with garlic, for obvious reasons. But in the event that we're ever handing out dinner advice to single guys or gals on the board, please let's remember the flatulance factor.


Nicole (whose hubby, who married her anyway, puts Beano in her Christmas stocking every year)

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Hmmm good point about the garlic. He did have gall bladder surgery last year. Would that have any effect on the garlic issue?


You're going to have a room filled with candles...what's the worst thing that could happen? :D


Bill (who married a lovely Northern Italian-American woman :tongue_smilie:)

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Wow, the first time I see this thread and it already has 241 replies. That's 7 pages (not sure how some of you seem to always have more pages than I do). You've been given the advice I would have with your info--invite him as a thank you. I'm mainly posting to say


Go for it!:lurk5::party:

and to be subscribed to this thread to see what happens. DO tell us on this thread since when some of us get busy IRL we miss some of the most interesting things.


You can change how many posts you see per page. I see 50 but I don't remember how I changed it.:confused:

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Whoa there, kids. Whoa. Let's back up just a darned minute here.


Garlic. I totally get where Bill was going with this, and yes, good idea... if, and I speak from experience here, IF Michella our Bella does not have any digestive issues with garlic.

Nicole (whose hubby, who married her anyway, puts Beano in her Christmas stocking every year)


You can make fabulous dishes with tomato sauce with no garlic. I cannot eat garlic, and cannot stand to be very close to my dh if he eats garlic (and the smell lasts all night long). So I buy garlic free salad dressings and make all tomato sauces without garlic. Often without onions. The good thing is that dh doesn't really care for garlic.

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Oh DARN! CRAP!!! I did all this reading and STILL haven't found out about the DATE yet? I'm SO disappointed! I felt that SURELY with all those replies, SURELY the date has taken place and I'd know all about it by the time I got to the end of my reading! I'm SO disappointed! How will I EVER survive tomorrow as I'll be away all day? Can someone text me? :D


My 16 year old son came over to the computer and asked, "What are you reading, mom?" To which I replied, "I'm on my homeschooling webpage...."




I think we should all sign up for the text message as soon as we have a time and a day arranged!! :lol:

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