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Will I always be tired?

Desert Strawberry

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It's entirely possible I'm catastrophizing just a touch. That can happen when one is overly fatigued.


I'm 39. I have a baby who doesn't sleep at normal adult hours. We have had an incredibly stressful year. It's not even over yet. D works long hours, and our schedules don't match. I don't get a break. Ever.


I am so worn out. Just never-ending tiredness. It wasn't like this with my other babies. I was tired sometimes, but not consistently. 


Is this just my age catching up with me? I've heard that energy lags after 40. Am I getting an early dose of that? 


I will be seeing my hcp soon. I need to get the kids in, and then it will be my turn. So if there's something medical, I'll know soon enough.

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When your baby gets to sleeping more it will help. I have 10 years between my oldest and youngest and those first 2 years were terribly draining.


You are going to be tireder, because you have MORE kids and with dad being gone so much, you aren't getting any breaks. That is wearing.


Also, having had a 12 yo and a 2 yo at the same time, I found that dealing with the toddlerness was harder because my oldest needed me so much at that time in her life.


So I vote, yes you could be physically worn down, but also emotionally worn down. I doubt though, that you will be this physically tired long term.


Emotionally drained though...that could go on for quite awhile, because I found that my older kids, while they didn't need my physical assistance as much, still needed me emotionally much much more from the ages of 10-11 and up. And I found that just as draining as the wiping bottoms and noses.

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Are you taking a good multi? I NEEDED one to make me feel somewhat normal after my fifth child was born.  Pregnancy and breastfeeding take a lot from you. You get depleted if you're not nourishing yourself physically really, really well. 


It doesn't sound like your getting the rest for yourself (assisted by or directly from DH since his schedule conflicts) necessary. Try to do something that nurtures and refreshes you somehow. I know easier said than done. 


:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Strawberry, when I felt that way - completed of of my mind exhausted with depression to boot - it turned out my adrenals were toast and they threw off my thyroid with them. With babies and busyness and little sleep it may be something to consider. Your age probably isn't helping, but I wouldn't say that's everything, either!

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Thanks for the reassurance. Phwew! I was feeling hopeless.


I am taking a slew of vitamins. They do help, when I remember, but they just keep me from being a zombie. 

I don't eat as well as I should. I'm trying.

I am doing a crazy amount of stuff. It feels like nothing, but I washed and hung 4 loads of laundry, cooked the meals-really cooked, not just heated,- washed a dog, mopped the floor, taught my kids a little, supervised my tots, bathed the baby, hung and folded said laundry, finally matched the socks, made two beds, took a long bath, wrestle a baby to sleep, washed a lot of dishes, and knit a kitchen cloth. I'm glad I'm getting some things done, but I'm pooped. I want to draw, and paint, and play games and make play dough with my kids, and knit a doggie sweater. 


I guess I need to adjust my expectations a little bit.

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Strawberry, when I felt that way - completed of of my mind exhausted with depression to boot - it turned out my adrenals were toast and they threw off my thyroid with them. With babies and busyness and little sleep it may be something to consider. Your age probably isn't helping, but I wouldn't say that's everything, either!

Do only have half a thyroid. It failed after Gem. It could be that, but it doesn't feel like that. Not desperately exhausted. Just chronically tired. It's time to have it checked, though, and I will do that.

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If you're not sleeping that can definitely throw it off. Extra iodine and zinc along with doubling my Armour helped. Chronic tiredness is just that until it isn't, you know?


Hopefully it is just Luna's crazy sleep issues, be was eventually those WILL pass!

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Thanks for the reassurance. Phwew! I was feeling hopeless.


I am taking a slew of vitamins. They do help, when I remember, but they just keep me from being a zombie. 

I don't eat as well as I should. I'm trying.

I am doing a crazy amount of stuff. It feels like nothing, but I washed and hung 4 loads of laundry, cooked the meals-really cooked, not just heated,- washed a dog, mopped the floor, taught my kids a little, supervised my tots, bathed the baby, hung and folded said laundry, finally matched the socks, made two beds, took a long bath, wrestle a baby to sleep, washed a lot of dishes, and knit a kitchen cloth. I'm glad I'm getting some things done, but I'm pooped. I want to draw, and paint, and play games and make play dough with my kids, and knit a doggie sweater. 


I guess I need to adjust my expectations a little bit.


In the vein of all mentioned above, may I recommend two things:


1. For at least a week, write down EVERYTHING that you do.  If you need to, set a timer for every 30 minutes to remind you to write down what you've done in the last 30 minutes.  This isn't to become some sort of time management thing, it's just to show you that you are probably doing a lot more than you think are, you just don't realize it.  It can really be helpful (emotionally) to know where all that energy is going.


2. Institute quiet time every. single. day.  You must have this or you will lose your mind.  Those who need naps (mom included) get them, those who don't must go outside or to their rooms and be silent until quiet time is over.  We have always had this and even my 17 year old is not allowed out of quiet time. 

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Give yourself some credit!!! You got so much done!! Another votr vote for baby exhaustion...I am also 39, have a 1 yr old. Our next oldest is almost 8 so we don't have any toddlers. A few mins ago older brother rescued baby from falling downstairs.. I literally left the gate open for a minute or two. We all have to chase him and keep on our toes to take care of him, and I have 2 dd and 1 ds who help a lot. He's our sweet baby, but he's EXHAUSTING. I also wondered for a while if there was something wrong with me, but dh is also exhausted. We just don't have the energy needed for baby anymore :(

ETA: as soon as I posted the above he started smothering me with kisses, and cuddling until he fell asleep. I almost cried. It stinks to feel exhausted all the time, and I often feel I just don't have energy for him. But...it's OK. Energy might be lacking, but not love. They know we adore them, and that's all that matters :).

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Honey, you're busy.


The busy-ness of having a baby is magnified because you also have littles, bigs, and teens.  My kids are of a similar age range--youngest just weaned this summer and started sleeping.  Uninterrupted sleep is so important to feeling human. Your body needs it to heal, repair, and renew.  Your sleep has been interrupted for a long time and you have a lot of life chaos and stress on your plate besides normal life.


It will get better!!!

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It was about that age that I had both thyroid problems for the first time, and anemia.  Going on heavy doses of iron for a few months really made all the difference!  But even then, I still notice from time to time that sometimes I am just really off and then tired and then gloomy.  When I get more rest (maybe impossible for you right now, but that will change...), and get my vitamin D, I move out of that feeling fairly quickly.  I also have realized that seasonal allergies make me feel that way.  Winter and summer I am usually good, but fall and spring -- allergy season -- I fight fatigue more.  I figure my body is working doubly hard.

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Do only have half a thyroid. It failed after Gem. It could be that, but it doesn't feel like that. Not desperately exhausted. Just chronically tired. It's time to have it checked, though, and I will do that.


I was that way from the beginning of my last pregnancy until she was 1.5 yrs or so I think. I got so damn tired of everyone telling me that it was just because I had 4 kids and that is how it is. Part of it was certainly because she didn't sleep well- I nightweaned her at 1.5 due to that as I couldn't physically take it anymore but a good chunk was also that my thyroid was off. Please call today and have it checked along with all your vitamin levels, with crazy schedules, hard babies and hs'ing kids you need all the help you can get!

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I am generally a very high-energy person. I expect to get a lot done. Even when I am busy like I have been, if doesn't feel like enough. 

I spent at least 1-1.5 hours just cuddling and snuggling Luna. That was time well spent :)

How much are your 12, 9, and 6 year olds helping with laundry, cleaning, and cooking? When I read your list of everything you did, my first thought was that your older kids should be sharing some of that responsibility.

I also second the recommendation to get your thyroid levels checked.

They are helping a lot. They have carried a lot of weight for a long time. I'm trying to lighten their load a bit.

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2. Institute quiet time every. single. day.  You must have this or you will lose your mind.  Those who need naps (mom included) get them, those who don't must go outside or to their rooms and be silent until quiet time is over.  We have always had this and even my 17 year old is not allowed out of quiet time. 


My goodness, you found the energy to do all that? You don't have a problem, you're my hero lol


:iagree: I'm a little in awe of all you get done, and yes, quiet time every day saved my sanity.


You will feel better when you're able to sleep more.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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