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S/O The Birth Control Thread

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This is something I've wanted to ask for awhile and the recent thread on birth control prompted me to finally do so. For those who dh have had a V, have they experienced any long term effects. Dh and I were all set to go this route, had even made the appointment, and then talked to a few friends who admitted that they have experienced long term effects. One man it is quite severe pain, years later. The other said it is dull aching that comes and goes, again, years after the procedure. We started doing a little more research (admittedly,internet research so take that for what it is worth) and found that these types of problems are really quite common, just not talked about much (what guy wants to talk about this with other guys???;)). When we talked to the doctor to set up our appt. he made no mention of any things of this sort. He basically said no big deal, don't worry about it, easy as pie operation and recovery(we were looking at the VasClip). So, since I know you are all so willing to help others, I thought I'd ask what your experiences have been.



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It's been 7 years since my husband's vasectomy. I asked him if had any long term effects---his answer was "the inability to procreate" <G>. I have not had any of my close friends mention any effects their husbands have had with vasectomies (and yes, it is likely with at least some of them I would have heard--we have those kinds of conversations).


I will add that it has been incredibly worth it for us to take the concern about possible pregnancy (with the attendant potentially lethal effects that could have on me and the baby) away, not having to deal with the definite side effects I was experiencing on the pill and not having to deal with more mechanical forms of birth control (condoms, etc).

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After dh had his V he had an ache that would come and go. He would end up having to take Advil for it and was told by his dr. to only wear briefs, no boxers. That has all since been taken care of since he had a reversal almost two years ago and we are expecting our first reversal baby in November :)

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Aside from the initial discomfort my dh has not had any pain.

He wears boxers.

He had a No-scalpel Vasectomy . In our area the cost was exactly the same as the traditional scalpel procedure.


I know someone who had the scalpel procedure and the doctor was PULLING and pulling on the vas deferens on one side because it was... short... and didn't rise to the surface. So he had some discomfort for awhile... a couple months post procedure... but now he is fine.

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No problems at all for my hubby, well besides the initial embarrassment of having a doctor see him naked lol.

Off topic I had a hysterectomy on Wednesday and my hubby commented on having to have a vasectomy for no reason now that I had to have the surgery.

LOL poor hubby.

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This is something I've wanted to ask for awhile and the recent thread on birth control prompted me to finally do so. For those who dh have had a V, have they experienced any long term affects. Dh and I were all set to go this route, had even made the appointment, and then talked to a few friends who admitted that they have experienced long term affects. One man it is quite severe pain, years later. The other said it is dull aching that comes and goes, again, years after the procedure. We started doing a little more reserach (admittedly,internet research so take that for what it is worth) and found that these types of problems are really quite common, just not talked about much (what guy wants to talk about this with other guys???;)). When we talked to the doctor to set up our appt. he made no mention of any things of this sort. He basically said no big deal, don't worry about it, easy as pie operation and recovery(we were looking at the VasClip). So, since I know you are all so willing to help others, I thought I'd ask what your experiences have been.




With what other surgery or procedure would you be satisfied if this were the answer? For example: you were having your tonsils removed and the doc said no big deal, don't worry about it, easy as pie operation and recovery. What kind of surgeon doesn't explain the risks at all to a patient?

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Amy, Lawana, Kerri, Mommaduck, and FarmgirlinWV,

Thanks for sharing the problems that you have encountered. These are the types of issues that we are very concerned about and, like I mentioned in my op, we had never really heard of until we really started digging. Your stories have validated some of our fears and the internet stories we have read about.:sad:


Christina, Karen, Cat, Cheryl, Elaine, Pamela, and Jackie,

Thanks for chiming in on this and sharing your experiences. I really appreciate the time you took to share. These are the kinds of experiences we would be hoping for if we decide to go through with it.:confused:


Thank you everyone and I'd still love to hear from others in order to get a bigger sample size:D.

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With what other surgery or procedure would you be satisfied if this were the answer? For example: you were having your tonsils removed and the doc said no big deal, don't worry about it, easy as pie operation and recovery. What kind of surgeon doesn't explain the risks at all to a patient?



Well, he did tell us that there was a *very* small possibility of a more major side effect. However, he really seemed to downplay it and say that if by a rare chance this happened it could be cleared up with another minor surgery (to clear out a granuloma). I think he was really trying to play up the fact that this a routine surgery and nothing to be concerned about. Honestly, it hadn't sounded like he had every really encountered a long term problem. He cited the numbers of side effects he had encountered in his practice and they were all minor (a month or so at most of "discomfort") with only 1 that was more major but was able to be corrected. The information he gave us is similar to what you will find on a quick google search of V side effects. It isn't until we really started digging and "looking" (prompted by our friends' experiences) for evidence of more serious problems did we find it. However, the information we did find was enough to make us hold off for awhile.

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My dh has had no side effects or long term pain. BUT......


He did have severe pain DURING the procedure, which I think was because he had a really crappy doctor. The doc novocained him, but then gave him a tongue depressor to bite on and told him there was no way to completely numb him. I wasn't in the room and he was so high on the pre procedure valium that he just bit down and took it. He said it was the worse pain he's ever felt. That messed with him mentally for quite awhile.


His recovery was not as easy as some of our friend's. He took a solid week to go back to work. As far as any regrets, I have none, but I think he does. He would just keep having more and more kids, the man loves babies. But I am really done.


I love the fact that we are free to enjoy each other without having to worry about birth control. It's been a good thing.

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DH is at year 6 post V and has no side effects whatsoever. He scheduled it during the NFL draft and followed doctor's orders to lay very low and snuggle up to frozen peas while enjoying the draft. We have two friends who had some side effects and in both of their cases they did not take it easy as long as directed by the doc. No idea if that is WHY they had side effects, I'm just reporting that as a possibility.

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Dh works with 160 other men and, man, do they love to talk about their vasectomies! :001_huh: He got many, many stories ranging from "Best thing I ever did," to "Most incredible pain of my life," to "My wife's pregnant with our 6th."


But he was also able to get the names of the doctors who performed the operations and made note of the comments about them. He chose a urologist against whom no one had many complaints and few or no side effects, and he's had none either.


So far (5 years, I think?) it's been a great thing for us. :blush: So I would recommend checking out your doctor's reputation with this surgery.

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A little late, but...Chris had his done almost 4 years ago. The recovery was not quite as quick and painless as we were led to believe.:glare: But, other than that, it's not caused us any problems other than regret. And we cannot afford to reverse it.:sad:





You're not late, I'm still very eager to hear everyone's experiences. Thanks for weighing in! Sorry to hear that you are regretting no more kids and are unable to change the situtation.:grouphug:

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I brought it up yesterday (the complications) and he blew it off. But, I just cancelled his appt. He said what if something happened to you or the kids and I wanted a family again? I'm only 33.


What really gets me (and I am very upset about this, crying as I type) is that he says that I was pressuring him into the V. While I was pg with DS we had friends stop by and they had it done. He talked to his friend and made the decision that he wanted to do it. He made an appt. He canceled the appt once because it was an inconvenient time, (during this time I started talking about Essure, and he said no, it is more expensive and there's more risk of complications) rescheduled it and then canceled again because he felt we did not have the money. Anyway, he scheduled this one and now we have canceled again. I am very hurt that he says I pressured him into it. I don't see it that way at all. Now, after he had made the decision to have the V and kept postponing it, I did pressure him to have it sooner. My pregnancy and PPD were so bad, I would rather die than go through that again. I reminded him of this fact pretty often, because we really don't have any good BC in place, we were just waiting on the V and using temporary, not as reliable as I would like, measures. This probably doesn't make much sense, but I am holding back tears because of his accusations that my mom and myself were pressuring him into the V. :sad: To make me feel even worse... We have been married for 14 years and he has always said that my mom pressured us (him) into marriage. It was the same scenario. He was saying "we will be married by October... etc, then it would be postponed... My mom is a wedding planner and said that we needed a date if we were going to have a nice wedding. I am sorry I am all over the place. I am really hurting. :confused:


So I am looking into options for myself: The IUD (the doctor says it's bot abortive; I am trying to confirm that, or not) and Essure. We might go with a cervical cap or a diaphram. I am scared to death of another pPregnancy, but at the same time, sterilization doesn't sound like what I really want. I may not have any choice. I have to think about how miserable and devastating pregnancy and PPD really is... for the whole family.


So, I think resentment in a marriage could end up being a very real and horrible side effect. :crying: Thanks for listening.

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So, I think resentment in a marriage could end up being a very real and horrible side effect. :crying: Thanks for listening.


I am very sorry that you are going through this. I thank you for sharing, even though I'm sure it was hard. I hope you can find a method of bc that is right for you and your family. :grouphug:

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So, I think resentment in a marriage could end up being a very real and horrible side effect. :crying: Thanks for listening.


Oh no Carmen! I am so sorry! Please be sure you guys talk honestly and gently through this together. In my opinion, if he felt pressured but you feel sure you didn't pressure him, please don't invalidate his feelings. This comes from my personal experience in the far past but an apology for him feeling this way with a personal defense of you never intended for it to be that way can often smooth many feelings. Does that make any sense at all? :)


At this point *I* would tell him the decision of a V is up to him. If he wants it, you guys can schedule it and it'll be his decision. (It's his body) If he doesn't, let's find an alternative for you guys. :) Maybe something non-invasive but has to be used every single time.


Based on your experience after childbirth I can see how something permanent would be your preference. I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time with this. Not only do you have the physical concerns but you have a bunch of emotional issues with it too. So sorry and so many hugs!

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But he was also able to get the names of the doctors who performed the operations and made note of the comments about them. He chose a urologist against whom no one had many complaints and few or no side effects, and he's had none either.


This is what we did. We went with a urologist that does V and V-reversals primarily. I think when you have a doctor that is regularly working on that region it is a big bonus! We were also pleased to discover that his price was the same as other doctors.


The doc we went with is SO geared toward men that his nurses are male too! My husband felt very comfortable with him and the staff. My dh had it done on Dec 21st last year which was a Friday and the following week was Christmas so he wasn't due back to work until the 27th which was a Thursday. He had the no-scalpel V. We were a little concerned because my dh works in construction and we didn't know if the hard physical labor would be too much. His Urologist was ADAMANT about bed rest for several days. Part of the key with bed rest is laying down so that swelling in minimal. He.stayed.horizontal. for 3 days before he even moved around and then he took it easy. Also he was told to wait a while before having an O. I can't remember how long but I do know that we waited almost twice as long just to be on the safe side. Having an O too soon encourages leakage and the granules that cause so much pain.


The one friend of ours who experienced pain was definitely up and around before he should have been according to what our urologist said. Though he went with a different doc and had the regular scalpel procedure.

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Thanks for your support.:grouphug: He would not talk to me about it earlier, and I was hurting. I needed to "talk" it out with someone. All has been explained and apologized on both sides. I am so glad he did not get the V and then resent it. He said that part of the pressure wasn't really any action on my part, but just knowing that I would be happy if he went through with it. We are going to get insurance ASAP and then look into options for myself.

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After dh had his V he had an ache that would come and go. He would end up having to take Advil for it and was told by his dr. to only wear briefs, no boxers. That has all since been taken care of since he had a reversal almost two years ago and we are expecting our first reversal baby in November :)


Congratulations! It is especially sweet when you get that second chance. We have had two precious children post-reversal (for my earlier tubal).


Many blessings ~


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