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I can't believe it is Sept 1st!!


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I can't believe it either! Glad your first day back went well. We school year round but went camping all last week for a small vacation. I expected yesterday to be a harder than normal Monday , but it went great!


I've schooled year round for years, but this is the first time we mostly took the summer off.  We did some math and a bit of reading, but that's about it. 


I prefer to go year round, but I just really needed a break.

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I've schooled year round for years, but this is the first time we mostly took the summer off.  We did some math and a bit of reading, but that's about it. 


I prefer to go year round, but I just really needed a break.

We did the same. I needed a break. We normally carry on year round but I just couldn't this year, I'd had enough.

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We've been "back to school" for a couple of weeks and it's going really well. Both DS and I are glad to be back on our normal routine and he's excited about all of his subjects. Yesterday was the first day of ps in our area and we spent it camping, so today will probably be a recovery day.


It's been wicked hot here for over a month and is not cooling down the way it ought. I'm soooo over the heat (in these parts, that means high 70's-low 80's---I know, go ahead and laugh but I'm exhausted from it).

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We won't start till next Tuesday, but we have an international move between now and then which makes things exciting, especially with no car on either end.  Youngest ds will be in public school and I've tried to make sure he'll be ready to go on the first day, but it'll be tricky. I'm more prepared for homeschooling the others.  The next week is going to be busy.


I can't believe that it's September either.

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Just dropped dd14 off for her first day of high school. Just freshmen today; dd17 has her first day tomorrow.   Other dd17 (homeschooled) is starting in slower; she has a Wilson Hill orientation class this morning, but classes (both online and DE) don't start till next week on the 8th.


Where does the time go?  Can't believe I have two seniors and even the youngest in high school!

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It's been wicked hot here for over a month and is not cooling down the way it ought. I'm soooo over the heat (in these parts, that means high 70's-low 80's---I know, go ahead and laugh but I'm exhausted from it).


LOL.  If it were in the 70s here, everybody would run and put on jackets.   :tongue_smilie:

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It feels like a sneak attack. I was happily enjoying summer break, and then, without warning, it is September. We started yesterday. One girl had her school orientation, and it went well. I thinks it's going to take several weeks to find our routine since everyone has different schedules this year.

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We won't start for at least a couple more weeks. This was our first summer off, also, plus an international move that I am taking quite a while to settle from. Definitely not hitting the ground running. Still have books to order. Grammar books arrived yesterday and instead of the pleasure of the past over new school books (even grammar), I cried. It's okay. I know I will find my feet again. Everything is just still so out of order. No doubt trash service and livingroom furniture will make a ton of difference. Practicing patience with myself and the universe.

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We did very light school stuff over the summer. My sons did Khan Academy for math review and practice, had some summer reading fun, kept up with their musical instruments and my older son did a three week FT robotics class and worked on spelling bee prep. We are starting more intently this week. My younger son with HWOT, Oak Meadow and miscellany and my older son with Literature, US History, Algebra, Geography and Science. Spelling but that's not a homeschool class so much as my son's hobby-slash-obsession. PTheir outsourced classes all have start dates between the 11th and early October. My younger son will be doing art, a PE/swimming/rec time for homeschoolers 1x a week and a nature science group 1x a week. My older son will be doing Art, Robotics, Guitar, Parkour, Philosophy and either Astronomy or Writing 1x a week. And of course they will keep their 1x a week music lessons (piano and violin).


I actually enforced a summer reading block which my sons went along with so that my niece and nephew would do the same when they were here. My sons read more than that on their own, but it was a nice way to get them all reading.

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About the same as you, Wendy. I told ds he was a second grader yesterday and we started a week long unit study on nutrition, which he knows isn't going to be all we do every day all year, but it went well.


We didn't really take summer off, just the last two weeks, but we were heavily geeking out on Language Arts and I don't think I can use both the LA program I want and the math program I want at the same time without some tweaking because I don't have the money, extended family support, paid housekeeeping staff, and youthful idealism a person would need to do that much teacher prep without turning into a raging lunatic, lol.


I'm really proud of how far ds has come this year, both academically and as a person. We'll figure out a sustainable balance together. He doesn't hate workbooks as much as I do.

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Since I live in a very hot area (summers are F100 and up), I always look forward to fall. Today's temp was "only" F93. It's (hopefully) moving in the right direction = downward.

But, yes, the years go by faster and faster.

103-104 over here. Very hard to think of Fall and hot apple cider
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