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Dr. Hive, what would cause (possible TMI warning)

Hikin' Mama

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Diarrhea to last over a week and a half? At first I thought I had a bug, but it is still here. I've had it every day. I already don't eat gluten, because I had 15 years of diarrhea before I discovered I had celiac disease. I am religious about not eating gluten, so that's not it. It just hit all of the sudden and won't go away. Up 'til now, I went 5 years without any problems of this sort. I should probably go to the doc, but I did that when I first started having problems, and he did all the testing (including the wonderful colonoscopy), and didn't know what was wrong. I figured it out 15 years later by reading on the internet. To his credit, I hadn't ever heard of gluten or being gluten free way back then, so he may not have either.


If you have any ideas, I'm all ears.

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Could it be something else you are eating?  Dairy or eggs?  I went on to have those sensitivities after I found out about gluten.  Are you eating any "gluten free" mixes or foods?  I just read this article about General Mills:




Some may be getting glutened with these amounts.


Or if I am off base just ignore!  Maybe you are not eating anything like that especially if you have been sick for a while. Just a thought...

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Well, I had this weird thing where it lasted a *year* (yes, way TMI).  It started right before we went on a 5-week European junket, suddenly, like from one day to the next.  I ended up going to urgent care in London (a few weeks after it started and a week and a half into the trip).  They did all kinds of tests.  Nothing.  Tried elimination diets, adding fiber, taking away fiber, probiotics, nothing helped. Came back home, saw primary, then a gastroenterologist. More tests. Nothing.  Finally they did a colonoscopy.  Also found nothing.  But shortly after that, it started to get better.  If this ever happens again and lasts past a couple of weeks, I think I'll go right for the full-on cleanse (I have a suspicion it's the colonoscopy prep that reset things...)

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Thanks for the replies! I will give it a little more time in case it is just a bug and then look into some of the other things. I didn't know stomach bugs lasted so long because I don't even know if I've ever had one. Before I went gluten free, diarrhea became a (incredibly frustrating) way of life, so if I ever had a bug in there, I wouldn't have known. And I certainly haven't had one since. If I get sick it is usually body aches, fatigue, and lung congestion.

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Have you been eating food which might be questionable (e.g., street carts or restaurants)?  Or have you been drinking bottled water which has been sitting for a bit (e.g., you went out of town for two weeks, and drank the bottled water on the bubbler)?  


Could parasites be a possibility?

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Last August, I was in the hospital with Shigellosis, which is apparently common this time of year. DS (then 1yo) also had it, but other than three weeks of diarrhea he felt fine. Didn't even treat him with antibiotics. My immune and digestive systems, however, both have a 1-star rating, and I had other complications.


I could have filmed a Clorox commercial in my house after that ordeal.

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Our family had a bad case of flu -- over in a week for everybody else but I had persistent diarrhea. I delayed all summer seeing the dr., trying OTC meds that didn't work. When I saw my gp, she tried several different antibiotics with no help; even had me go off my metformin to see if that was causing the problem. No joy. Finally had a colonoscopy, which ruled out lots of bad stuff but didn't give a confirmed diagnosis, so they called in spontaneous collitis. Basically, my body just never got back to regularity out of that bad bout of diarrhea. I now take a daily medication that controls this...budesonide. It is, however, hideously expensive; less so at the maintenance dosage, but still $$$. It is also a god-send....I literally couldn't leave the house without it.

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