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Josh Duggar in the news yet again


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I'll just say this as a PSA: I have had my credit card information stolen four times in the past year and then used in various places and on various websites and I've never lost or had my card physically stolen. My situation is not rare.


I think JD probably did this, and I'm not defending him, but my credit card statements showed some pretty shady stuff at different times and I've never had my card physically stolen or out of my possession. Everything anyone needs to use it is encoded on the mag strip and that info is relatively easy to obtain without stealing anyone's card physically.


Just a PSA so people don't think it couldn't happen to them unless someone physically steals their card.


I've had them steal my info (we don't' know where)  - and go open their own card.  I only learned about it because they were a very organized group (who did this A. LOT.) and were being tracked by the FBI. The FBI gave us information of whom to call at our bank (which we verified) and what needed to be done.  contacting credit tracking agencies - and how to put a stop to cards being opened in our name without our consent. etc.  and because we'd been victims of ID theft - credit reports were free for a period of time.  some of the other safeguards were also free.

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I certainly don't delight in anyone's failings, even ones as hypocritical as Josh's.  I think it's sad all the way around. 


I do wonder what the statistics are like for the relationships of people on reality TV or otherwise "in the spotlight."  It seems to me that having that much attention thrown at you would make it easy to forget your priorities.  Your marriage and personal commitments should come first no matter what. But when your income depends on how many groupies you have and what the general public thinks of you, it would be harder to keep focused on what your family and God thinks of you instead. It seems like it would be easy to get caught up in thinking you're a special snowflake exempt from the consequences of your actions. .


The introvert in me would rather die than be on national TV.  But I would never, ever, EVER want to be on any kind of reality TV show because I think it would be too easy to lose sight of who you are and what your values and priorities really are. Yes, even when your show centers around an ultra-conservative message.


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True...I thought that Michelle claimed she had them trained to stare at the floor when going through the check out so they won't look at the tabloid covers. (Not that the kids wouldn't look up when she's not looking...) Knowing them though, as soon as this came out, they've kept the kids at home and isolated because that is the way it is done in ATI.



you know - I teach my kids to swim (figurative and literal) so they aren't 100% dependent upon a life jacket in the ocean. 


their mindset is just inconceivable to me.  and my grandmother was a control freak!

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Maybe he set that up for his own reading pleasure-- not to actually hook up with someone. How does someone as notorious /famous hope to stay incognito in DC? Even if he has a secret love lair, his face is on People frequently enough. Anyone who has ever had their teeth cleaned, been waxed, had nails done etc., has seen People.

Well, it would maybe be slightly better if this turned out to be true. But he paid for the $250.00 money back guarantee that he'd have an affair/hook up within three months or get a refund. He was a member for more than a year which doesn't look good in this regard.

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I certainly don't delight in anyone's failings, even ones as hypocritical as Josh's.  I think it's sad all the way around. 


I do wonder what the statistics are like for the relationships of people on reality TV or otherwise "in the spotlight."  It seems to me that having that much attention thrown at you would make it easy to forget your priorities.  Your marriage and personal commitments should come first no matter what. But when your income depends on how many groupies you have and what the general public thinks of you, it would be harder to keep focused on what your family and God thinks of you instead. It seems like it would be easy to get caught up in thinking you're a special snowflake exempt from the consequences of your actions. .


The introvert in me would rather die than be on national TV.  But I would never, ever, EVER want to be on any kind of reality TV show because I think it would be too easy to lose sight of who you are and what your values and priorities really are. Yes, even when your show centers around an ultra-conservative message.


Yes.  But I think the red flag comes even earlier than that.  I can't quite imagine what kind of person/family would even want to be involved in a reality TV show!  To me, that alone is a sign that something is a little "off," no matter how stable they appear. 


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The problem for Anna is, if her family won't take her back, where does she go with all those kids and no money, no real education, and no job skills?


Anna has family that have left the ATI lifestyle I believe. She has options. And she could talk to the media, sell interviews. Yeah, it sucks to have to do that when you probably really don't want to talk but she was willing to be on tv in the first place.


OR - the evils of the checkout lines.  the tabloids with josh caught using adultery site . . . complete with pix.  they'll probably keep the littles out of walmart for awhile.


And this is why it's such a bad idea to throw your family into the spotlight.

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Yes.  But I think the red flag comes even earlier than that.  I can't quite imagine what kind of person/family would even want to be involved in a reality TV show!  To me, that alone is a sign that something is a little "off," no matter how stable they appear. 



And I wholeheartedly agree with that. But I would bet that a lot of people go into it thinking their show will simply be a realistic representation of their lives. They may not realize just how much their lives are going to be twisted in order to boost ratings. I don't even watch TV, but it's my understanding that a lot of those shows are "scripted" in the sense that the producers know what kind of end result they want, so they are manipulated into saying or doing things that will look good on the show. 


And that's just creepy to me.

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Not quite. They have no knowledge of history or what happens when we don't learn from it. We have discussed this at length. Independent thinkers they are not. Zero desire to research candidates and what they stand for...but oh how they love the exciting social media videos they watch that promise them the moon. It all reminds me of the end result of "Experiment House" that C.S. Lewis spoke of...men without chests and all that.

If she's in college with literally zero other independent thinkers, she might do better finding another school. She's really missing out on discussion and debate in that case.

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I'm so happy to hear that Anna has family not in the cult! I just googled and yes, she does. She even has a sister that rebelled and got pregnant out of wedlock, wears shorts, etc. I feel a lot better knowing SOMEONE is on her side in this and that she has somewhere to go for support. 

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Well, it would maybe be slightly better if this turned out to be true. But he paid for the $250.00 money back guarantee that he'd have an affair/hook up within three months or get a refund. He was a member for more than a year which doesn't look good in this regard.


Am I the only one who has no trouble believing that not applying for a refund does not equate to "he must have actually had an affair"? Wow -- so many negatives in that question. Let's try it again:


I do not believe that just because he didn't apply for a refund doesn't mean that he had an affair.


Sigh ... not much better, is it?


Anyway ..... Not a Duggar supporter, not an ATI supporter, not a Gothard supporter, but I can totally see me not remembering or taking the time to apply for a refund in a situation such as this. Not that I would ever be in *this* particular situation.... 

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Yes, but this assumes Anna would WANT contact with that sister.  Even given her circumstances, I could see Anna NOT turning to that sister who has "fallen into sin".  In her mind, that would probably just make things worse.  She will probably want to seek out "biblical counsel", ie, fellow Gothardites.


Well, she also has another sister that is still Christian, but less strict. And I guess the family tolerates it because she's following her husband's lead on that. 

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And I wholeheartedly agree with that. But I would bet that a lot of people go into it thinking their show will simply be a realistic representation of their lives. They may not realize just how much their lives are going to be twisted in order to boost ratings. I don't even watch TV, but it's my understanding that a lot of those shows are "scripted" in the sense that the producers know what kind of end result they want, so they are manipulated into saying or doing things that will look good on the show. 


And that's just creepy to me.


Yes, the whole concept of reality TV seems creepy to me too.  I've never watched a reality TV show in my life. 

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The adult kids yes, the younger kids probably haven't been told. Michelle made it clear both in her book and when asked on the show, that internet access is restricted. They have the computer set up so the kids can only access pre-approved by Gothard websites, and must have a buddy with them at all times. They have a key stroke logger installed so they can see if anyone tried to get around the settings. The kids are not allowed to watch t.v. either, and news sites are not on Gothard's list. So they'd have to find out from a member of the community or from their married sibs or parents. I suppose some in Walmart might walk up to a kid and spill the beans, but it doesn't seem highly likely. Walk by staring? Yes! Walk up and say, "Honey did you know your pervert brother has been foolin' around with other women on an internet hook up site?" Probably not that likely since these kids always have a buddy, and really aren't out from under their parents' thumbs all that much.

Hmmm, you are probably right. Well that's depressing. Even so, at some point something that close will invade their bubble world. I hope then they will reflect on the wisdom of putting their lives and their future children's lives under the control of a man they hardly know, if only because sometimes it can turn out very badly.

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My guess is that if it's hard to get a refund from Staples it's probably a lot harder to get one from Ashley Madison. I bet most of those sorts of sites don't honor their promises, after all, the whole idea of the site is to help people who want to be deceitful, so why would they be motivated to treat people well?


I am sorry for Anna, and I am sorry for all the young women victimized by patriarchy in general, but I am not sorry Josh and his parents are having who they really are exposed. The over focus on modesty is turning their children into nuts who only think about S*%, and they keep going.


Inside their church the pressure to overlook this will be huge. Because that's how cults work. You are pressured to prove you have forgiven the offender in any circumstance, rather than support the victim. Their TV show was a big advertisement for their way of life. Now people can look objectively at the fruits of the Duggar Way.

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Yes, but this assumes Anna would WANT contact with that sister. Even given her circumstances, I could see Anna NOT turning to that sister who has "fallen into sin". In her mind, that would probably just make things worse. She will probably want to seek out "biblical counsel", ie, fellow Gothardites.

Which is so messed up because look where Gothard has gotten her. She's 27, uneducated, married and has 4 kids with an uneducated, unemployed dude who (past tense?) touched young girls and at the very least tried to hook up with other women after marriage. Yuck.

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So I'm curious: did everyone else here know about this cheating website before the hack?


'Cause not only had I never heard of it, it had never occurred to me that such a thing might exist. Where do all these cheating spouses find out about it? Is it advertised on porn sites? Do they google "how to cheat on your spouse" and it pops up?


I don't think I live under a rock, but this had never crossed my radar before.

It's been profiled in the news. I'm sure I heard about it on the radio. There was some controversy over their billboards and ads. They've been sued over some stuff. It's blantant and shocks the conscience so it got a lot of press at different times.

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Ok, at the risk of going to hell in gasoline panties, let me just say that anyone who sees that profile pic then encounters JD is going to be sorely disappointed.


I mean I don't think he's ugly or anything, but he sure picked a much improved JD as a profile pic.


Of course it does make me wonder if both accounts could be someone else, though I know it's highly unlikely.


But agreeing with those who are feeling sad for Anna. What a messed up situation she has found herself stuck in. Shame on any "religion" that makes women believe they are either at fault for, or that they have to live with and tolerate, this behavior.


It's not a sin to tell the truth.


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It's been profiled in the news. I'm sure I heard about it on the radio. There was some controversy over their billboards and ads. They've been sued over some stuff. It's blantant and shocks the conscience so it got a lot of press at different times.

They have been sued because 90-95% of their profiles are males--the female profiles are mostly fake. Turns out, women aren't as interested in random sexual encounters as men are. Who could have guessed?!?

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My guess is that if it's hard to get a refund from Staples it's probably a lot harder to get one from Ashley Madison. I bet most of those sorts of sites don't honor their promises, after all, the whole idea of the site is to help people who want to be deceitful, so why would they be motivated to treat people well?


I am sorry for Anna, and I am sorry for all the young women victimized by patriarchy in general, but I am not sorry Josh and his parents are having who they really are exposed. The over focus on modesty is turning their children into nuts who only think about S*%, and they keep going.


Inside their church the pressure to overlook this will be huge. Because that's how cults work. You are pressured to prove you have forgiven the offender in any circumstance, rather than support the victim. Their TV show was a big advertisement for their way of life. Now people can look objectively at the fruits of the Duggar Way.

Women aren't the only victims of patriarchy.


Patriarchy harms men too.


Patriarchy sucks.


Obviously I worry more about the Annas than the Joshes but I can't help but think this nonsense, toxic, rigid patriarchal sect deprived him of an opportunity to grow up as a healthy, well adjusted person and have a healthy, full and mutual adult relationship. Patriarchy gives men an unequal power and control that corrupts. He was born into it, same as Anna.

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I don't want to get into this with you - not here.  But you are making assumptions about her classmates intelligence and knowledge.  Please remember that people can have knowledge in history and still disagree with your daughter.  Also, there is a lot of carrot dangling going around.


No, I'm not making assumptions.  I have enough knowledge of it to know that it is not just an assumption.




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They have been sued because 90-95% of their profiles are males--the female profiles are mostly fake. Turns out, women aren't as interested in random sexual encounters as men are. Who could have guessed?!?

And it's not like women interested in random sexual encounters usually need to resort to websites either.

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They have been sued because 90-95% of their profiles are males--the female profiles are mostly fake. Turns out, women aren't as interested in random sexual encounters as men are. Who could have guessed?!?


I think that has more to do with the fact that women tend to be more aware of their vulnerability to rape and being killed in such circumstances. I am not saying that men don't have the same vulnerability, but they aren't as used to having to think about it. DH will use an Uber car if he needs to. His female coworkers only use Uber in groups, never alone.

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She married him with stars in her eyes, and now look.  I seriously doubt she knew the full extent of what happened prior to their marriage, and I seriously doubt she ever could have imagined it would come to this.  Yikes.


I am not one for following celebrity marriages and such. (The other day, I was on the fringes of a conversation about some celebrity, and I had to admit I didn't even know if this person was male or female, LOL.) 


However, I do hear enough to know that there are plenty of people who get involved with someone who has an unsavory past that has been made very public, and they still go ahead and marry the person. Women especially, I think, believe that they are the one who can turn someone around. 

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This is not a new thought.  I'm sure it's been said.  But the fact that this is the guy her Dad chose just grosses me out.  I mean, was it choice a) regular guy who didn't molest children and b) famous guy who touched little girls, and after much "prayerful consideration", Daddy chose option B?  Barf on him.

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This is not a new thought.  I'm sure it's been said.  But the fact that this is the guy her Dad chose just grosses me out.  I mean, was it choice a) regular guy who didn't molest children and b) famous guy who touched little girls, and after much "prayerful consideration", Daddy chose option B?  Barf on him.


stuff like this happening was a big turn-off to me about considering a courtship model of family-raising, I couldn't get past the responsibility of picking out a spouse for my child.  If it goes terribly wrong, I would feel so awful.  I figure I will go with trusting my kids to figure out who they love, and lots of prayer and lots of communication.

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Women aren't the only victims of patriarchy.


Patriarchy harms men too.


Patriarchy sucks.


Obviously I worry more about the Annas than the Joshes but I can't help but think this nonsense, toxic, rigid patriarchal sect deprived him of an opportunity to grow up as a healthy, well adjusted person and have a healthy, full and mutual adult relationship. Patriarchy gives men an unequal power and control that corrupts. He was born into it, same as Anna.

Exactly this! It's abusive to the men too because if they buy into, they are not able to have the kinds of fulfilling relationships with spouse and children that they could have because they have this twisted view of what those relationships should look like. It sets them up for abject failure and teaches them that they are nothing more than walking groins who have god-sanctioned right to discriminate against their previous wives and daughters. It's so bizarrely unhealthy. It sets up a generational dysfunction in their offspring, and trying to leave it, after building lives, dysfunctional relationships, and many times business connections around it is very, very difficult.


It's a whacko thing to do to people. But that is true of any cult perspective. It's supposed to be whacko. It's supposed to be manipulative, because at the heart there is a megalomaniac, narcissistic scum bag building an empire and feeding his ego off the adoration of his followers and the mayhem he or she causes in their lives, and well, many times making money off it as in the cases of Gothard and Phillips.


He is a victim. There are reasons he is who he is. But there also aren't excuses because he's not so impaired that he has reduced culpability and accountability. He knew what he was doing, and he knew it was wrong, period. It isn't doing him any favors in the long run to NOT come down on the side of right, to smooth it over because people feel sorry for him due to his upbringing. It isn't going to help him become a better person. He has to be accountable, and given that he's lived this public life going ape judgy on everyone else for their "immorality", he's going to then suffer his accountability in the public eye and rightly so.


They all need help. Anna needs to leave with the children and protect them. She needs to see a medical practitioner, and she needs for her children's sake to get out of that cult. He needs to leave the cult, and he too needs some serious, professional therapy, and a chance to start over somewhere else without the cult looking over his shoulder. He needs a job in Maine or Idaho or Alaska...somewhere long gone from his folks, and the type of job that is honest labor out of the limelight and doesn't involve being an influence over anyone else.


However, given the course of human history with cults and megalomaniacs, how often does that happen? I don't think the statistics are in his favor or Anna's for that matter. More followers acquiesce to pressure and maintain the status quo, than become emboldened and flee.

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They've posted a statement on their website:




It says:

Statement from Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar:

Please see the statement below from our son Josh regarding recent media stories about him. When we learned of this late last night our hearts were broken. As we continue to place our trust in God we ask for your prayers for Josh, Anna, our grandchildren and our entire family.


Statement from Josh Duggar:

I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife.

I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living and am grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family, and most of all Jesus and all those who profess faith in Him.

I brought hurt and a reproach to my family, close friends and the fans of our show with my actions that happened when I was 14-15 years old, and now I have re-broken their trust.

The last few years, while publicly stating I was fighting against immorality in our country, I was hiding my own personal failings. 

As I am learning the hard way, we have the freedom to choose to our actions, but we do not get to choose our consequences. I deeply regret all hurt I have caused so many by being such a bad example.

I humbly ask for your forgiveness. Please pray for my precious wife Anna and our family during this time.

Josh Duggar



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Interesting that he came out about the porn - I hadn't heard that before.  I guess he decided to just get it all out (I hope that is all!) and move on.  Maybe his family told him he'd better do it or else.

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Interesting that he came out about the porn - I hadn't heard that before.  I guess he decided to just get it all out (I hope that is all!) and move on.  Maybe his family told him he'd better do it or else.

And went all the way to "unfaithful to my wife."  So I guess no attempt to say he just did it for internet thrills.

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They've posted a statement on their website:




It says:

Problem here. Big red flag. This site is not about porn, it's about meeting for hook ups. I have no doubt that he's into porn, but he never even addressed this issue. If it's stolen identity including IP address which is really not likely, he could have denied this aspect. He didn't even address it. Not at all.


One can view porn and not solicit for a hook up. That's pretty common. He solicited for a hook up, whether or not he went through with it being another issue.


So again, not a real confession or apology...a half the story attempt to shut everyone up.


Therefore, this isn't going to "go away" for him in the media because he still hasn't addressed the Ashley Madison issue.

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As for "unfaithful to my wife" that's not actually an admission of an affair because of the teaching about "what you have done in your heart" sin where the desire to do the sin is essentially the same as following through...so in terms of the theology, he's just admitting to lusting, not to whether or not he actually solicited for a hook up and followed through with it which will leave things open ended for the media to keep pushing back.


Anna, run, run, run...this isn't going to get any better because he prayers or asks the church to forgive him or any other "steps" Gothard says to take. It just isn't. That is NOT how he is going to reform. He's just going to be placated, and the problem will go on. He needs sex addiction treatment, and probably a fresh start in life away from the cult, away from his parents, and therapy for the emotional, spiritual, and potentially physical abuse he suffered at their hands.



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Problem here. Big red flag. This site is not about porn, it's about meeting for hook ups. I have no doubt that he's into porn, but he never even addressed this issue. If it's stolen identity including IP address which is really not likely, he could have denied this aspect. He didn't even address it. Not at all.


One can view porn and not solicit for a hook up. That's pretty common. He solicited for a hook up, whether or not he went through with it being another issue.


So again, not a real confession or apology...a half the story attempt to shut everyone up.


Therefore, this isn't going to "go away" for him in the media because he still hasn't addressed the Ashley Madison issue.


He doesn't deny the AM issue and he says he was unfaithful to his wife. It looks like at least a partial confirmation to me...because there is always more. He says he started with porn and that led to other things and ended with him being unfaithful to his wife. Which also makes me think that he didn't need to ask for that refund.


Or am I missing something?

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Problem here. Big red flag. This site is not about porn, it's about meeting for hook ups. I have no doubt that he's into porn, but he never even addressed this issue. If it's stolen identity including IP address which is really not likely, he could have denied this aspect. He didn't even address it. Not at all.


One can view porn and not solicit for a hook up. That's pretty common. He solicited for a hook up, whether or not he went through with it being another issue.


So again, not a real confession or apology...a half the story attempt to shut everyone up.


Therefore, this isn't going to "go away" for him in the media because he still hasn't addressed the Ashley Madison issue.

I'm confused by what you say.


(Not a Duggar fan, btw.)


Josh confessed to being unfaithful to his wife AND to viewing porn. Didn't he? He didn't give the details of any internet site, but he did acknowledge adultery and porn. How is that not a confession?


Truly asking here...

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Problem here. Big red flag. This site is not about porn, it's about meeting for hook ups. I have no doubt that he's into porn, but he never even addressed this issue. If it's stolen identity including IP address which is really not likely, he could have denied this aspect. He didn't even address it. Not at all.


One can view porn and not solicit for a hook up. That's pretty common. He solicited for a hook up, whether or not he went through with it being another issue.


So again, not a real confession or apology...a half the story attempt to shut everyone up.


Therefore, this isn't going to "go away" for him in the media because he still hasn't addressed the Ashley Madison issue.


I disagree.  I think the fact that he did not deny what everyone is saying he did is an admission.  "Unfaithful to my wife" is clear enough IMO.


I think it is dumb to expect him to lay out the details of exactly how he was unfaithful.  He has already fallen from grace in the eyes of everyone.  He has lost his positions of authority forever.  There's nothing more to see here, unless he's been recently raping preschoolers or something, which I certainly hope nobody wants to hear ever.

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This is not a new thought.  I'm sure it's been said.  But the fact that this is the guy her Dad chose just grosses me out.  I mean, was it choice a) regular guy who didn't molest children and b) famous guy who touched little girls, and after much "prayerful consideration", Daddy chose option B?  Barf on him.


This! If courtship is so dang wonderful that we should all be doing it, then why aren't parents choosing better spouses??


I see that Josh commented. I'm glad he's not denying anything. Jeez. I read his statement is, "This started with porn, then I got addicted, then I was unfaithful (physically)." But maybe I'm wrong. I think he's intentionally unclear. But maybe that's ok. We don't need all the gory details you know? He called himself the biggest hypocrite ever, which is something I wholeheartedly agree with and am glad to see him acknowledge.

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And to me, this isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.  So he, like millions of men, has viewed porn and committed adultery.  He is no longer in a position where that is really any different from any other man who does the same thing.  It isn't news IMO.  You really can't go too much lower than he had already gone.  And I'll say it again - I hope nobody wants him to go lower than that, because that would mean more victims of worse crimes.

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You know, I hope he comes out and says, "screw it all" and leaves the damn cult. THEN maybe he could find a way out of this. As it is, there is probably a fraternity of ATI men that have cheated and been caught, with a newletter and picnics. 

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Yes, he is setting himself up for a big comeback, isn't he?  Just think of the fees he can collect telling his sob story, while his wife gazes at him with limpid adoring eyes....


Once again, there is nothing he can do that is good enough, even admitting he's the scum of the earth.  He must be doing it to earn some benefit.  Therefore he shouldn't admit it?  Or he should, but the wording needs to be different or ...  I dunno.  As someone pointed out, what he did isn't even illegal.


What could he have said at this point that would satisfy all the Duggar haters?  I realize there is no answer to that question.


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Aw, so now I have a dilemma because I have two public figures competing for my personal title of Biggest Douchebag Ever - Josh Duggar and Donald Trump. Who to pick? One is a bigger douchebag in public, the other (tries) to keep his douchebagginess private. Such a dilemma.

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My guess is that if it's hard to get a refund from Staples it's probably a lot harder to get one from Ashley Madison. I bet most of those sorts of sites don't honor their promises, after all, the whole idea of the site is to help people who want to be deceitful, so why would they be motivated to treat people well?


I am sorry for Anna, and I am sorry for all the young women victimized by patriarchy in general, but I am not sorry Josh and his parents are having who they really are exposed. The over focus on modesty is turning their children into nuts who only think about S*%, and they keep going.


Inside their church the pressure to overlook this will be huge. Because that's how cults work. You are pressured to prove you have forgiven the offender in any circumstance, rather than support the victim. Their TV show was a big advertisement for their way of life. Now people can look objectively at the fruits of the Duggar Way.



it's a lot more than a focus on modesty. it's a focus on outside appearances, not even asking questions, or having an actual "respectful" attitude towards a healthy s3x life between a couple. (usually, it's a 'it's icky for women but they must tolerate it, and men can't control themselves). etc. that are contributing factors in kids (and adults) going off and developing an unhealthy interest in s3x.  and it's not just the acting out - it's (usually old biddies) obsessed with other people's s3x lives so they can gossip.

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I prefer public blustering over sneaky cheating, but that's just me. ;)

True, but at least a private douchebag can go away and we can forget what a DB he is.

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