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Family Movie Night


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So, my boys are getting more and more busy and the theaters are getting more and more expensive. I am not a movie person, I would much rather read, but I thought it would be a good idea to incorporate a movie night before they start to leave the house (my boys are 17, 15 and 12).


I am so confused looking at Netflix and all the offerings. Any suggestions for great family movies?

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secondhand lions

the blind side

1776 (even my boys liked this as teens)


the incredibles (not a kids movie ;p)

my kids all made me watch tLotR movies.


there are some great oldies they should enjoy:

the great race (guiness book of records pie fight)

bringing up baby  (baby is a jaguar)

the great escape

to catch a thief (one of many Alfred Hitchcock movies)

a new leaf (dark comedy, with a sweet ending)

support your local sheriff

Casablanca - it's often listed as a romance, but the repartee and lines are incredible. (major strasser is one of the reasons the third -reich enjoys the reputation it has.  . . ..  and later, major strasse has been shot.  round up the usual suspects.)  should be mandatory just because of the contributions to modern pop culture.

operation petticoat



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Must watch:

Princess Bride

Arsenic and Old Lace

Absent Minded Professor (original)

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

To Kill a Mockingbird


A selection of Robin Williams movies - pick and choose which ones your family might enjoy

Breakfast Club (might not be for everyone, but it's a "right of passage" story, it was the 80's, so lots of foul language)


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Great Topic!  I'm always looking for a good movie to watch.


Here are some suggestions my and my kids came up with for you.


The Lost Boys (vampire movie with great music and storyline)


Avengers Movie

Chicken Run (excellent/funny animated movie)

Firefly (series)

Farscape (series)  This series is a little better than Firefly.


Dr. Who (series)


The above are a good mix of movies that my kids thought were excellent.  My kids are 17,14,12,10, so they should work for your kids too.  :o)


Enjoy!  :patriot:

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We just watched Gremlins and my kids died laughing. They are 10, 13, and 16.

That's funny! Last month my DH, BIL, and I were tossing out quotes from 80s movies and when we got to Gremlins my kids were like what are you talking about? So we pulled up some YouTube clips and were laughing so hard we were crying. Extra funny since I remember being so scared by that movie when I was young.

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National Treasure series

Night at the Museum series

Karate Kid (original)

Journey to the Center of the Earth and Journey 2

Emperor's New Groove

Back to the Future series



Those may have parts you find questionable, so always check review sites first to make sure they're a good fit for your family.

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What types of movies do the people in your family who like movies enjoy?


Here lately it seems to be a lot of sci-fi and comedy and cartoons, with current choices including Iron Man and Iron Giant and Big Hero Six type movies, which all sort of blend both sci-fi and comedy.  Summer seems to be a time for lighter movies than winter.



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Here is how Family Movie night works in my household (my oldest is 8 though so things may change as they get older.) 


1. We rotate so that each person has a chance to pick the movie they want

2. We rotate through our movies on DVD. Once one is picked it's out of the rotation until we have seen them all.  (This is the kid/family movies only. And we rotate because the 3yo would pick the same movie over and over again.)

3. We will rent new to DVD movies from Redbox or the library.  This would also apply to movies that come up on Netflix that we haven't seen too.  We are all up for new movies so it's never a problem.

4. We will rotate genres of movies.  This is really just the movies DH and I watch as most of the kid/family movies are similar.

5. Mom and/or Dad have final say if no one can agree.  We do allow some time to negotiate.

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