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What to do with lots of cherry and grape tomatoes


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Yes, this! Really delicious!


Not necessary but if I feel like taking the time I cut them in half because I prefer that to biting into it whole.


I usually roast them along with peppers, onions and cloves of garlic. It's been a big favorite this summer.

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Cut these small tomatoes into quarters. Add diced onion and minced fresh garlic. Cook until soft in a large skillet with olive oil, freshly-ground black pepper and fresh herbs. Toss all, including the oil, with hot spaghetti noodles. Sprinkle individual servings with fresh, shredded Romano cheese. (Do not insult yourself or the recipe by using "stale sawdust in a can labeled cheese"!) Enjoy!


I serve this to my kids as a quick, easy lunch during the school day. It is a favorite around here.

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Dry them!  You can cut them in half, put them on parchment paper on cookie sheets and dry them on the dashboard of your car on a hot day or in the oven, set to 200 degrees or less. I have just dried Roma-type tomatoes so far and they take several hours, but I would guess cherry tomatoes would take just a few hours. I don't do anything to them except wash them first, then slice them. I've seen recipes that call for olive oil, herbs, etc. It's not necessary, but you can do it if you want to. You could do that trick where you slice a bunch between two plates to get the slicing part done with quickly. (If you haven't seen it already on FB or something, just google hack slice cherry tomatoes.) 

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I dehydrate them. Our family loves to chew on the cherries in the winter, and I always dehydrate enough grape tomatoes that we do not buy tomatoes for salads and such from October through June which means no sprayed to ripen tomatoes shipped long distance that do not taste good. The texture of dehydrated grape tomatoes is yummy, and with Italian dressing or a balsamic or similar dressing, very, very yummy.

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I roast 2 lbs of them with olive oil, garlic powder and salt till they pop.  Pair up with orecchiette (little ears) pasta...add olives and/or proscuitto if desired and sprinkle with Parmesan.  Or roast and freeze for a hearty winter pasta sauce.  There is a recipe for Balsamic Cherry Tomato Conserve on SBCanning.com.  

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toss with fresh mozzarella cubes in a balsamic vinaigrette (can add pasta for a pasta salad)


roasted and used as a pasta sauce (like a PP mentioned above)


cook in some wine with garlic - especially good in a cake pan on the grill along side shish-kabobs.




chunky guacamole


If they are large enough, cut the top off, squirt out the seeds, stuff with tuna or chicken salad - sort of an appetizer

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Make the world's tiniest, squishiest jack-o-lanterns.

Have a tomato fight.

Hide them around the house and tell the kids the tomato moose came and left them a present.

Two words: tomato ping-pong


Barring my pointless joking, roasting them sounds like an excellent idea. :drool:

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Roast them...in a hot oven (maybe 425) with a drizzle of olive oil and some kosher salt and pepper.  You can use this on pasta, or on cream cheese or yogurt cheese and a little crostini for an appetizer.  (I love an everything bagel with cream cheese and tomatoes.)


You can make a tomato, cucumber, and feta salad.


You can make tomato jam.

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One year I had a huge bumper crop of cherry tomatoes.  I threw them in my Vitamix with onion, garlic, peppers, cooked it down and canned it.


Roast with olive oil, salt and pepper, toss with pasta.  Or just freeze the roasted tomatoes to use during the winter.

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Black bean salsa


Cherry tomatoes, halved

Can of black beans, rinsed

Frozen corn, thawed

Green onions, chopped

Garlic powder


Mix together. Drizzle with olive oil and squeeze plenty of fresh lime juice on it. Let it sit for a while. Eat it on or with everything. Especially tortilla chips. :) (or rolled up in a tortilla with brown rice, or on top of fajitas...)

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