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Need to vent for a minute.


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Life is feeling like it's one step forward, two back.


2014/2015 has been a hard year financially.

I'm commission, and brought in less than half of what I normally do, while still paying out all of my fees. Hubby hurt his shoulder at work, but was denied any comp. he had to take time off with physio, and may still require surgery.


I was so happy when we got a decent tax return.

It meant that we could catch up, and I could have a slightly larger curriculum budget.


This morning my husband was taking the kids to his parents for a visit, and an older man made a left hand turn in front of him.


Everyone is alright thankfully aside from sore soreness. Our paid off van that was in great shape, is now a total loss. We will get maybe $1500 for it. I could cry. :( So much for catching up.

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:grouphug:  Can you appeal the workman's comp?  I know some who did and got it accepted after an appeal.


Just a thought.


Still...  :grouphug:  and glad no one was hurt, but I fully understand not getting paid what a vehicle is really worth after an accident.  It's frustrating.

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I'm so sorry. We had (2 very serviceable to us) vehicles totaled thru others' negligence* and the replacement money didn't come close to how valuable the vehicles were to us.


*one was totaled by someone running a stop sign and the other by a drunk driver.

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I'm so sorry, I am glad everyone is ok.


Have you looked up the private party value on Nada or Kelley Blue Book on your car? If it's worth more than the insurance company offers, try to negotiate for a higher offer.

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If the other person caused the accident won't their insurance pay for everything?  


When a low-value vehicle is totaled, all you get from insurance is the value of it. So it might be "worth" $1500, but you would be very unlikely to actually replace it for that amount. Not fun going car-shopping with $1500.


This has happened to us several times, an older paid-for car in perfect running condition, not worth much as far as selling it, but we could never replace it for the tiny amount given.

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When a low-value vehicle is totaled, all you get from insurance is the value of it. So it might be "worth" $1500, but you would be very unlikely to actually replace it for that amount. Not fun going car-shopping with $1500.


This has happened to us several times, an older paid-for car in perfect running condition, not worth much as far as selling it, but we could never replace it for the tiny amount given.


That is what we're dealing with right now - someone crashed into our car in a parking lot.  It is an old car, but it was running well.  We had just put new tires on it!   We will not get much if anything for it.  Someone who witnessed the accident actually told me to look on the bright side, we could take the money we'll get for it and buy a new car!  I guess she does not know how insurance works.   We don't have collision coverage on it anymore, but maybe comprehensive will cover something. If nothing else, we may get a few hundred for the brand-new tires! 


(Not meaning to derail the thread, here... more :grouphug: :grouphug:  to OP.)


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That is what we're dealing with right now - someone crashed into our car in a parking lot.  It is an old car, but it was running well.  We had just put new tires on it!   We will not get much if anything for it.  Someone who witnessed the accident actually told me to look on the bright side, we could take the money we'll get for it and buy a new car!  I guess she does not know how insurance works.   We don't have collision coverage on it anymore, but maybe comprehensive will cover something. If nothing else, we may get a few hundred for the brand-new tires! 


(Not meaning to derail the thread, here... more :grouphug: :grouphug:  to OP.)



:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  to the OP and everyone else who's been through this.


If we put new tires on our car and filled the gas tank, we'd double it's value. :glare:


Also, a PSA: for those of you wth older, low-value cars: Check your rates for collision coverage. We found out that, on our van, we were paying more in premiums EVERY 6 MONTHS than the van was actually worth! Meaning, we were paying more money than we'd get back if it was totalled. So it could be smart to drop the coverage and put the money in savings instead, although if you're in the same sinking boat we're in- that money would be desperately needed for some other emergency and then the car gets totalled and you have no savings AND no coverage. :cursing:  :driving: 

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If the other person caused the accident won't their insurance pay for everything?  


They'll pay for every penny of the bargain basement abysmally low value that they place on the car. It's really unfair how insurance works. But that's a whole other rant.


OP, :grouphug:


I hate money stress.

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