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Okay so someone posted this on the Truth About the Nauglers page:



Oh, TATN, I hate to ask a bad question on top of a good question, (but at least we have this page to discuss the not positive things, so it doesn't have to be on BLH, and bother Nicole!), but I saw on another post that there was someone who asked about the state investigating they might be looking for a missing Naugler child, and perhaps in connection with the child possibly being sold. I don't think I would even put any merit into such a claim, except for the fact that I believe the lady that asked it is a high profile supporter of the Naugler adults, and of course that makes me wonder whether there is some actual merit to that, and what you can tell us about that.
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Oh, TATN, I hate to ask a bad question on top of a good question, (but at least we have this page to discuss the not positive things, so it doesn't have to be on BLH, and bother Nicole!), but I saw on another post that there was someone who asked about the state investigating they might be looking for a missing Naugler child, and perhaps in connection with the child possibly being sold. I don't think I would even put any merit into such a claim, except for the fact that I believe the lady that asked it is a high profile supporter of the Naugler adults, and of course that makes me wonder whether there is some actual merit to that, and what you can tell us about that.
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I am very skeptical about that. Nicole seems to love and need her children around her, for whatever dysfunctional reasons of her own. Besides, I feel like if there was a missing child, someone would have noticed from the pictures and the twenty blogs Nicole has had over the years. That seems pretty over the top, even for them.

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Oh, I totally agree.
I wonder who came up with that? I just thought it was an interesting theory on someones part. Not a fun or normal or happy theory, it's insane.



I am very skeptical about that. Nicole seems to love and need her children around her, for whatever dysfunctional reasons of her own. Besides, I feel like if there was a missing child, someone would have noticed from the pictures and the twenty blogs Nicole has had over the years. That seems pretty over the top, even for them.


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I'm curious about the visits too. She has referred to several visits and implies that each time all of the children are there. Is that feasible or normally the ay it works? First just the logistics of it seem unrealistic. The kids from all accounts are with 4 different families. Do the families just get told 'be here on X day and X time' and all 4 families have to show up? Do Nicole and Joe get to dictate that? I would assume these families have schedules and commitments as well. 


Plus I have to wonder why Nicole and Joe would be allowed what seems like a lot of visits to me. It seems like at least 4 in the last month. How can the kids have any kind of stability if they keep seeing Nicole and Joe regularly? I guess I've always been under the impression that when a court takes kids away there is a time of complete separation while the kids needs are dealt with and the parents start working on their issues before a visit would happen let alone what seems almost like weekly visits. Is that not the case? 



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Nicole has not stated that she has had visits with all the kids each time. It was a while back, but she did say one visit was with the youngers, and, other visits were different as well. I don't remember all the details.

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I hadn't seen her refer to visits with "the younger' or the 'older' etc but several times she's said how nice it was to be together again or to see 'the kids' without any indication it wasn't all of them so I assumed she meant they were all together. Maybe it's been some of each. I guess it is normal to have visitation once a week. 

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I hadn't seen her refer to visits with "the younger' or the 'older' etc but several times she's said how nice it was to be together again or to see 'the kids' without any indication it wasn't all of them so I assumed she meant they were all together. Maybe it's been some of each. I guess it is normal to have visitation once a week. 


I'm thinking I read it under some other responses. Under one of her posts, someone asked a question, and that was part of her response. At one point, she corrected herself to say that she had two visits with all the children (not one), the others were split. I really don't remember the details though. 

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I'm thinking I read it under some other responses. Under one of her posts, someone asked a question, and that was part of her response. At one point, she corrected herself to say that she had two visits with all the children (not one), the others were split. I really don't remember the details though. 


That wouldn't surprise me. She tends to me more specific in comments than in her posts and I rarely read all the comments. My blood pressure prefers I keep my exposure to her often insane supporters to a minimum :-). 

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Our foster system has the desire to arrange visits between separately-fostered siblings, as well as parental visits.


If that it's the case, it seems to me that *one* visit between *all* the kids, and the parents, would be less logistics than arranging various different kid meet-ups and parent visits at different places and times during the week.


I'm under the impression (not a foster parent myself) that foster kids have plenty of appointments that they need to be brought to: not only parent visitation, but also social worker appointments, therapy appointments, medical and dental catch-up appointments, school guidence counsellor meetings... Foster parents do a lot of transporting foster kids where they need to be at various arbitrary times. Not that it's non-negotiable -- I'm sure things aren't written in stone, but just that it's expected that the child will have a somewhat demanding schedule.

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Our foster system has the desire to arrange visits between separately-fostered siblings, as well as parental visits.


If that it's the case, it seems to me that *one* visit between *all* the kids, and the parents, would be less logistics than arranging various different kid meet-ups and parent visits at different places and times during the week.


I'm under the impression (not a foster parent myself) that foster kids have plenty of appointments that they need to be brought to: not only parent visitation, but also social worker appointments, therapy appointments, medical and dental catch-up appointments, school guidence counsellor meetings... Foster parents do a lot of transporting foster kids where they need to be at various arbitrary times. Not that it's non-negotiable -- I'm sure things aren't written in stone, but just that it's expected that the child will have a somewhat demanding schedule.


See I guess what I was thinking is that since the kids have all kinds of these other appointments that are being scheduled separately by 4 different sets of foster parents, trying to get a time that at least one of the 4 sets of parents hadn't already scheduled a kid (or kids) for other meetings/appointments would be a nightmare. Maybe that day/time has been set from the beginning and is the same time every week - say 11-12 on Tuesday or whatever. That's the only way I can see not ending up with someone who can't come every time. But then again it seems like they had visits for one of the kids' birthday (on his birthday) and for the 4th so it seems unlikely they just happened to land on those days. 


The KY foster system is probably scrambling to figure out how to handle it all. I can't imagine they regularly assume custody of 10 kids all from the same family. It's bound to get even more challenging when September rolls around and the kids have to be in school. It seems nearly impossible that Joe and Nicole will have them back by then. I wonder where they are academically and how that is going to go.

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Our foster system has the desire to arrange visits between separately-fostered siblings, as well as parental visits.


If that it's the case, it seems to me that *one* visit between *all* the kids, and the parents, would be less logistics than arranging various different kid meet-ups and parent visits at different places and times during the week.


I'm under the impression (not a foster parent myself) that foster kids have plenty of appointments that they need to be brought to: not only parent visitation, but also social worker appointments, therapy appointments, medical and dental catch-up appointments, school guidence counsellor meetings... Foster parents do a lot of transporting foster kids where they need to be at various arbitrary times. Not that it's non-negotiable -- I'm sure things aren't written in stone, but just that it's expected that the child will have a somewhat demanding schedule.

As a foster parent of one of a Sib group of 5 I will.say that they set the visits and you have to get the kids there. My guy currently has 2 mom visits a week and a dad visit a week and counseling. All are in a different city from us but only 15 miles each way.


Foster parents do a ton of transporting. The other day I did 100 miles in one day between dropping off, going home for 2 hours, picking up and then repeating the process later in The day.

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Did she say that or is it from one of her "supporters"?


She specifically states it herself. It is under her post where she says they are together for fireworks. She later clarifies that the children have been home since Thursday.

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But she doesn't come out and answer the direct question from those who specifically ask if it's a long visit or if they have custody back. The whole thing seems suspect to me. 


Yup. She's being really weird and evasive. Every time someone asks if she has the children back for good and has custody again, all she says is, "They're home. They've been home since Thursday." Wtf? And if she did magically regain custody without having to go back to court, wouldn't she specifically post something to say so, and to thank the people that donated money and made it possible, instead of vague weirdness?


Oh, that's right. I'm assuming she operates by rules of logic and sanity. Silly me.

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But she doesn't come out and answer the direct question from those who specifically ask if it's a long visit or if they have custody back. The whole thing seems suspect to me. 


considering how they live - and I seriously doubt they're in a house with plumbing - I doubt the kids would even be allowed to visit.

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It does seem very strange that her children (?) are home (?) since Thursday (which would have been July 2) when her post on July 1 was a picture of goats and she said nothing much was going on. 

If her children really were going to be returned - or even just visit - the next day, wouldn't she have said at least that something positive was about to happen?

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I have been reading through the comments.  Being that they are all from big supporters the info is questionable but several said she's under a gag order from the court not to talk about her kids. I doubt it's a legal gag order but she's probably been nagged into submission by her lawyer to shut the heck up. 


As far as getting the kids back, someone BLH said it could be a trial reunification which often precedes a court date in which the kids are returned. Maybe one of our foster families here can comment on that. Also, if they really are getting the kids back then I am disgusted with the KY CPS. I can't see anything that has changed to the point that the kids would have a roof over their heads and safe food upon their return. 


I guess it's possible that's another reason she hasn't taken pictures. Maybe they gave in and got more suitable housing in the form of a trailer or something and want to keep up the image of the persecuted homesteader as long as possible.

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As far as getting the kids back, someone BLH said it could be a trial reunification which often precedes a court date in which the kids are returned. Maybe one of our foster families here can comment on that. Also, if they really are getting the kids back then I am disgusted with the KY CPS. I can't see anything that has changed to the point that the kids would have a roof over their heads and safe food upon their return. 



As a foster parent the GENERAL (always subject to variations) process is :


Supervised visits

Unsupervised visits in the office or public place of 1-3 hours in length

unsupervised all day visits

unsupervised over night

unsupervised weekend

return home


It generally doesn't go from supervised to return home.

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I have been reading through the comments.  Being that they are all from big supporters the info is questionable but several said she's under a gag order from the court not to talk about her kids. I doubt it's a legal gag order but she's probably been nagged into submission by her lawyer to shut the heck up. 


As far as getting the kids back, someone BLH said it could be a trial reunification which often precedes a court date in which the kids are returned. Maybe one of our foster families here can comment on that. Also, if they really are getting the kids back then I am disgusted with the KY CPS. I can't see anything that has changed to the point that the kids would have a roof over their heads and safe food upon their return. 


I guess it's possible that's another reason she hasn't taken pictures. Maybe they gave in and got more suitable housing in the form of a trailer or something and want to keep up the image of the persecuted homesteader as long as possible.

I can imagine a fed-up lawyer telling her to shut the bleep up and stop posting pictures of her (cough) "homestead".  it certainly has only reinforced the state's case against them.


I can also see them not wanting to admit to their devoted followers that; yes, the state can require you to have real plumbing and four walls and a roof before you can even consider getting your kids back.  (given that they moved into a motel after the kids were taken, I don't think sticks and a tarp is their preferred lifestyle - but was what they could get with how they handle money.)


given the previous times they lived in a house, the bedrooms were closed off, the bathroom wasn't used - but buckets were - I don't think four walls, a roof and plumbing will make all that much difference.  they need an entire mindset adjustment.

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Who is she kidding?!? No way she isn't posting a giant "F you" post to the state the second those kids are returned. She'll rant for days about the horrible things her kids endured in foster care. There is zero chance she a) has the kids back and b) could keep it quiet if she did.

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You know what, though? Something could have happened on Thursday. I remember reading her grooming page on Wednesday and it said she would be closed on Thursday, but would open again on Friday. I thought it was the strangest thing at the time.

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Wow. I didn't believe it, but they really have the kids.


I hope that whatever happens next, the kids have cleaner, healthier living conditions, and that they got any immediate healthcare needs cared for by the foster parents.


Just hoping the kids are ok...

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