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So, is anyone going to let Al know that he has a fan club over here? :D


Honestly, I wouldn't want to do anything to attract any Naugler-related attention to the Hive. Some of the really psycho supporters consider it a sport to dig up personal info on anyone who criticizes the Nauglers, and then harass and bully them. They have been harassing a woman's FB page who recently lost a child, saying horrible things to her because they mistakenly think she's the person who runs the Naugler Report, when in fact she's probably never heard of the Nauglers. They have pulled photos of people's kids off their FB and blog pages and posted really cruel things about the kids being overweight or disabled or whatever. Even if all that happened was the crazies made accounts here to "refute" the criticism, it would just derail the thread and get it locked. 

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Honestly, I wouldn't want to do anything to attract any Naugler-related attention to the Hive. Some of the really psycho supporters consider it a sport to dig up personal info on anyone who criticizes the Nauglers, and then harass and bully them. They have been harassing a woman's FB page who recently lost a child, saying horrible things to her because they mistakenly think she's the person who runs the Naugler Report, when in fact she's probably never heard of the Nauglers. They have pulled photos of people's kids off their FB and blog pages and posted really cruel things about the kids being overweight or disabled or whatever. Even if all that happened was the crazies made accounts here to "refute" the criticism, it would just derail the thread and get it locked. 


And these are the people that say others are full of hate and spite when they dare to say outrageous stuff like, "Maybe children shouldn't be sleeping in poop?"

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Honestly, I wouldn't want to do anything to attract any Naugler-related attention to the Hive. Some of the really psycho supporters consider it a sport to dig up personal info on anyone who criticizes the Nauglers, and then harass and bully them. They have been harassing a woman's FB page who recently lost a child, saying horrible things to her because they mistakenly think she's the person who runs the Naugler Report, when in fact she's probably never heard of the Nauglers. They have pulled photos of people's kids off their FB and blog pages and posted really cruel things about the kids being overweight or disabled or whatever. Even if all that happened was the crazies made accounts here to "refute" the criticism, it would just derail the thread and get it locked. 


I had someone get on my page and criticize my kids and try to tell me I was lying about where I lived when in fact the video was taken at my grandmothers while I was living with her and my kids had just woken up. I checked my FB page to make it even more private than it already was. I was super pissed and felt so violated.

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Truth page posted that she's been too busy to keep up with BLH but will put it back up tomorrow.



Well, yes, if you have to babysit the page to make sure that non-supportive comments are removed as soon as they are posted I can see how it would take up too much time.

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Looks like Nicole set her personal FB page to private as well. She had some pretty crazy, paranoid rants on there earlier today.


The wife of the bishop that Joe threatened posted on the Naugler Report (in Posts to Page, her name is Mel). Al posted in there, too — and was informed that he has a fan club, lol. 

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What did I miss?!


Mountains made of molehills, as usual.


Yesterday she posted photos of herself and Joe with their youngest and oldest boys as newborns, with an ode to what an amazing husband and father he is. One person commented that she looked fresh and pretty in the first photo, which was obviously a long time ago before all this happened. She apparently took that as a huge insult and insisted that she still looked great and people were just jealous. Then someone on one of the non-supporter pages (that she reads obsessively) asked why anyone would be jealous of them, given that it's Fathers Day and their kids are in foster care. 


Cue angry, all caps, F-bomb rant about people mocking her looks when she had just given birth, followed by a rambling post about how she has to constantly watch the people who are out to get her, and she can't turn her back for a minute.

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Mountains made of molehills, as usual.


Yesterday she posted photos of herself and Joe with their youngest and oldest boys as newborns, with an ode to what an amazing husband and father he is. One person commented that she looked fresh and pretty in the first photo, which was obviously a long time ago before all this happened. She apparently took that as a huge insult and insisted that she still looked great and people were just jealous. Then someone on one of the non-supporter pages (that she reads obsessively) asked why anyone would be jealous of them, given that it's Fathers Day and their kids are in foster care. 


Cue angry, all caps, F-bomb rant about people mocking her looks when she had just given birth, followed by a rambling post about how she has to constantly watch the people who are out to get her, and she can't turn her back for a minute.


ah, logic.  you just can't escape it.

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Mountains made of molehills, as usual.


Yesterday she posted photos of herself and Joe with their youngest and oldest boys as newborns, with an ode to what an amazing husband and father he is. One person commented that she looked fresh and pretty in the first photo, which was obviously a long time ago before all this happened. She apparently took that as a huge insult and insisted that she still looked great and people were just jealous. Then someone on one of the non-supporter pages (that she reads obsessively) asked why anyone would be jealous of them, given that it's Fathers Day and their kids are in foster care. 


Cue angry, all caps, F-bomb rant about people mocking her looks when she had just given birth, followed by a rambling post about how she has to constantly watch the people who are out to get her, and she can't turn her back for a minute.


Wow, that really does sound paranoid. She really needs to just walk away if she feels like that.

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 One person commented that she looked fresh and pretty in the first photo, which was obviously a long time ago before all this happened. She apparently took that as a huge insult and insisted that she still looked great and people were just jealous. 



I have to wonder if she thinks the rest of us all look as fresh as we did on the day our first or second child was born? I mean I don't know about you guys, but I was way fresher and prettier at 29... I'm not saying I look bad and I'm happy with myself but I'd have to be delusional to think I was as gorgeous as I was that day 9 years ago. My partner, he looks like a child in his photos with his (now teen) baby daughter. He's adorable.


Sounds like she's really in a bad spot. :(

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You know, I really am feeling sad for Nicole this morning.


Because a person can be crazy and utterly imcompetent and deluded but still love her kids and be devastated by their loss. I am not at all sure that her apparent lack of effort to do what would be needed to get the kids back demonstrates that she really doesn't care; it just demonstrates that she is completely out of touch with reality. Her life, such as it is, is crumbling around her and her mental health problems are preventing her from even seeing the direction she would need to go to start rebuilding it in such a way that she might get the kids back.


Not sure about Joe; since he doesn't live out his life online I don't have a clue what is inside his head. I suspect his life is pretty empty, and Nicole would be better off without him and his probable substance abuse, anger and control issues.

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You know, I really am feeling sad for Nicole this morning.


Because a person can be crazy and utterly imcompetent and deluded but still love her kids and be devastated by their loss. I am not at all sure that her apparent lack of effort to do what would be needed to get the kids back demonstrates that she really doesn't care; it just demonstrates that she is completely out of touch with reality. Her life, such as it is, is crumbling around her and her mental health problems are preventing her from even seeing the direction she would need to go to start rebuilding it in such a way that she might get the kids back.


Not sure about Joe; since he doesn't live out his life online I don't have a clue what is inside his head. I suspect his life is pretty empty, and Nicole would be better off without him and his probable substance abuse, anger and control issues.

:iagree:   I think it demonstrates how mentally ill she is and how desperately she needs mental health help.  I'm not holding my breath that she'll get any because of her disconnect with reality and utter paranoia everyone is out to 'get her'. I do think even if she were placed in a locked unit and forced into mental health treatment - she would most likely be completely uncooperative.


I also think N would be *much* better off without J.  she was in a better place before he became a fixture in her life.

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You know, I really am feeling sad for Nicole this morning.


Because a person can be crazy and utterly imcompetent and deluded but still love her kids and be devastated by their loss. I am not at all sure that her apparent lack of effort to do what would be needed to get the kids back demonstrates that she really doesn't care; it just demonstrates that she is completely out of touch with reality. Her life, such as it is, is crumbling around her and her mental health problems are preventing her from even seeing the direction she would need to go to start rebuilding it in such a way that she might get the kids back.


Not sure about Joe; since he doesn't live out his life online I don't have a clue what is inside his head. I suspect his life is pretty empty, and Nicole would be better off without him and his probable substance abuse, anger and control issues.

I start to feel sorry for her, but then I remember that everyone who knows them in real life claims they're con artists.

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I start to feel sorry for her, but then I remember that everyone who knows them in real life claims they're con artists.


Yeah, I would have much more sympathy if they had just fallen on hard times in the last year or two and needed help getting back on their feet. But this is the way they've always lived. They've never been self-supporting, they've been writing bad checks and leaving a trail of evictions and bad debts for almost two decades. Also, her personal FB page shows a very different side of her than what people see on the BLH page and blogs. Her persona on BLH makes her seem mostly lost and delusional, but then when you read her own FB page it's like "F*#@ you, you psychos! You're going to pay for this!" 


I find it especially hard to drum up much sympathy for someone who not only allowed her husband to physically and sexually abuse a toddler, she stayed with him, had 10 kids with him knowing he was a child abuser, continues to defend him as if he's the most perfect husband and father anyone could ask for, and calls the victim of Joe's abuse a liar. 




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I start to feel sorry for her, but then I remember that everyone who knows them in real life claims they're con artists.

I agree. I don't necessarily feel sorry for her but I do think she has mental health issues that prevent her from seeing the reality that she isn't getting her kids back any time soon, if ever. 


In other words, I do believe she's a con artist and a narcissist. But I also don't think she's making a fully conscience decision to sacrifice her kids in favor of a con. I do think that's the outcome but I think she's mentally messed up enough that she thinks she can do both - con and have her kids. Joe I think is full fledged con man. I'm not sure he's as into the kids and would be fine walking away without them if it means having the 45k and avoiding potential criminal charges. 


I am slowly changing my view on their motivations as well. I used to think that they, or at least Nicole, was choosing ideology over her kids. Now I think it's more about choosing an ideology that in her mind will garner the most sympathy, attention and support. That's what she's really about - the adoring fans and the money and attention they bring. 

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You know, I really am feeling sad for Nicole this morning.


Because a person can be crazy and utterly imcompetent and deluded but still love her kids and be devastated by their loss. I am not at all sure that her apparent lack of effort to do what would be needed to get the kids back demonstrates that she really doesn't care; it just demonstrates that she is completely out of touch with reality. Her life, such as it is, is crumbling around her and her mental health problems are preventing her from even seeing the direction she would need to go to start rebuilding it in such a way that she might get the kids back.


Not sure about Joe; since he doesn't live out his life online I don't have a clue what is inside his head. I suspect his life is pretty empty, and Nicole would be better off without him and his probable substance abuse, anger and control issues.


I go between feeling sorry for her and not at all sorry for her. She does seem depressed and stressed and she seems like she's cracking under the strain of it all. Mostly I feel sorry for the kids and feel like they would be better off without their parents raising them. :( What kind of example are Nicole and Joe setting? What are these kids going to be like as adults?


Nicole seems like she's having a hard time dealing with the criticism. And I understand that. But I think those people are saying something she desperately needs to hear and understand. Part of me feels like they're fighting a losing battle, but at the same time, Nicole shouldn't feel like she only has support out there. However much she dismisses and explains away her critics opinions, at least she's aware that there are people out there who agree that the children need a better life. And speaking up for the kids... is that ever a bad thing? Many of the critics I've seen have actually been helpful and kind, trying to tell them how to get their act together so they can get their kids back.

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And...it's back up. It's no longer a blog.


That's not a replacement for the BLH blog, though. That page was started a month or so ago (and it looks like it was started by someone other than Nicole). It only had 2 "reviews" on it until the main page went down and then it looks like a couple of other people found that one and commented.

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That's not a replacement for the BLH blog, though. That page was started a month or so ago (and it looks like it was started by someone other than Nicole). It only had 2 "reviews" on it until the main page went down and then it looks like a couple of other people found that one and commented.


Hmm. I hadn't noticed that. I wonder if she'll be putting her blog back up then. Truth page said today, but how much of that is truth?

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It is just be such a bizarre solution for 'the dogs need to eat'. 


No more bizarre than throwing a tarp over some poles and old crap is a solution to "children need a place to sleep."

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I grew up in the country. I'be never heard of anyone buying rabbits to feed dogs?? Wouldn't dog food be cheaper and more immediate??


Yes, but you are applying sense and logic -- which makes you a toadying slave to the gubmint.  Shame on you!

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When I click on that link, at the bottom of the page is this disclaimer:


This Page is automatically generated based on what Facebook users are interested in, and not affiliated with or endorsed by anyone associated with the topic.


I just saw that message as a pop-up while hovering over the "unofficial page" tab. That's extremely creepy that FB can set up a page using someone's name or business without them even knowing about it.  :blink:

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