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Toilet Flushing - why is it such a difficult task?

Susan in TN

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How do you get your kids to flush the toilet? Or to flush an unflushed toilet before they use it? I have put up signs, given reminders, done a short study unit on bathroom procedures, and everything else I can think of, and yet the trouble remains. Surely 6, 8, and 12yo girls are old enough to handle this task?


Help me! Please!

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Oh my, I'm no help. My kids have always flushed. Like they can't pee if there is a single square in the water. Really. :rolleyes:


I guess when we taught them to flush and close the lid it just stuck. Yes, not only do they flush, they close the lid afterward. I hate having open bowls. But I don't think we did anything special to get that procedure imprinted on their brains.


Good luck!

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My boys are all grown now and remember to flush...and usually put the lid down.  Several years ago I asked them why it was so difficult for them to flush when they were younger.  They all agreed that they thought something "bad" might happen - like the toilet explodes, a geyser shoots out, it might suck them in, etc.


I'm guessing that they saw too many cartoons and their vivid imaginations just worked it up from there.  Whenever company was expected, one boy was always assigned the chore to flush all toilets and close all lids.  

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I would just lather, rinse, repeat. It may be tiresome, but it will eventually click because they will get tired of it themselves. When you see them heading for the bathroom, in a voice loud enough for all to hear, you pleasantly say, "Don't forget to flush!" When they come out, in a voice loud enough for all to hear, you pleasantly say, "Did you flush?" If they didn't, sweetly send them back. (Edited to add, you can lower your voice when there is company in the house. 😀)


The 12 yo will probably be the quickest learner. Then you can silently rejoice in a small victory, while dropping the reminders.

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Because we have to lift the heavy 5-gallon bucket to fill the back of the tank before flushing.  I can't wait to have running water again!


But if we had running water, I would call back the offender when I first noticed it to make them flush it.  Having to stop whatever fun thing they are doing to go flush the toilet might make them remember in the future.

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That kind of stuff, I typically make them stand in the bathroom for 5 minutes when I find an unflushed commode. And yes, I am not above making the whole group do it if I can't figure out the culprit. This also helps everyone to flush even if it's not theirs, because "We'd better do this before mom finds it."

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That kind of stuff, I typically make them stand in the bathroom for 5 minutes when I find an unflushed commode. And yes, I am not above making the whole group do it if I can't figure out the culprit. This also helps everyone to flush even if it's not theirs, because "We'd better do this before mom finds it."


That is brilliant!   

This hasn't been a problem I've had, though.  Mine is like the PP with a child that can't start if there is anything in there.  But having a daughter like that has cured DH who reads in there and occasionally forgets.  


Me, I can think of several times when the plumbing was being worked on, and the water was off and I flushed the toilet WHILE chanting "Do not flush.  Do not flush".  

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Oh. And all this time, I thought it was a super power that only moms had. Like pushing the trash down in the can, instead of letting it lie on top and overflow. And noticing when it is full. Things like that. Guess I'll have to take off my cape now.  :(

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Mine flush but I am the only person in the house capable of the difficult, time consuming, impossibly challenging job of putting on a new roll of tp.


They cook lunch every day and clean and help with whatever as needed so I just sigh and put on the tp rolls. Sometimes I giggle and think of the superpower thread here from a while back. My husband does actual challenging yard and house work and helps clean and cook as needed too when his work schedule permits so I don't nag him about it either, although I do joke about how seriously hard it must be every once in a while...

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At our house the issue was replacing the empty toilet paper roll, but I think our solution could work for you too.


If a person caught another person not replacing it (not by walking in on them, but being the next to go in), they could either request .50 cents from the offender OR get them to do a chore (make a bed, clear table, empty dishwasher, etc.).  It only takes a few extra chores before they become better at remembering.  

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It's not just kids.  There is this woman at work who will only flush once no matter what.  She is also the one who uses those paper seat covers.  They never are gone with one flush.  It's disgusting.  I talked to her about it, and she still does it every time.  Freakin selfish raised in a barn idiot.



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I have come to understand that flushing the toilet is a Herculean task akin to climbing Mount Everest, running with the bulls in Pamploma, or skydiving from 125,000 feet. Only a few, exceptional people accomplish these feats successfully during their lifetimes, and they should be lauded as heroes. :zombie:

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Same damn issue here.  Drives me bonkers.


And then DH, when he has a cold he puts all his tissue in there.  Which if he flushed after wouldn't be a big deal, but he just piles it in there.  Then the toilet clogs. 

If I ever buy a new toilet, I'm going to fork over for the most amazing never clogs self flushing toilet. 



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My girls are guilty of this. I have to plunge the toilet daily because they potty into an already-full-of-paper toilet.

Part of our problem is one must hold the handle down until the water/waste is gone. They simply do a quick flush and run off, not making sure it's cleared.

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At our house the issue was replacing the empty toilet paper roll, but I think our solution could work for you too.


If a person caught another person not replacing it (not by walking in on them, but being the next to go in), they could either request .50 cents from the offender OR get them to do a chore (make a bed, clear table, empty dishwasher, etc.). It only takes a few extra chores before they become better at remembering.

I started taking the roll with me. I had a hiding spot nearby. I'm mean.

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Maybe they are just conserving water :huh: ...Gag...


I would use the old tomato staking tool and drive them batty by being there every. single. time. until they get so sick of me. they flush.



Suggest, putting the lid down and then flushing.  Some people are afraid of getting sprayed, sucked in or what ever.

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It is sensory.

Take them camping or hiking and have them use a noncomposting outhouse. When you get back home, ask if they like the reduced smell of the flush toilet. Is it worth flushing? Hopefully you get agreement, and then can work on training.

So, one of the greatest thrills for them was the first time we were hiking and they had to go in the bushes. Port-a-potties are equally enticing to them (shudder).


The other issue is that I never know who the culprit is...could be any of them, and maybe all 3 by the time I see it. No one will confess. Maybe I could charge all 3 of them a quarter regardless of who didn't flush. Then they can fight with each other until they start flushing out of peer pressure.

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I have come to the conclusion that my children are part honey badger. They just don't care! And are a little nasty. We have 4 bathrooms, 4 children, and there is no way I can keep track of who is or is not flushing or doing any of the other normal things I want them trained to do. I can't tell if it's all of them who are doing it or just 1 or 2 because everyone says it's not them. And if I catch them right after the act, they will claim it was an isolated event and normally they do flush. 


As a kid, I'd flush for anything in the toilet- I don't know where these honey badgers came from. 

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I'm sorry. My kids have the same problem, although we are also in the middle of severe water restrictions so we do have the old ,"if it's yellow let it mellow....'" rule in place. So sometimes they don't think about it and just don't do it.

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I don't why kids can't flush.  When younger one of mine was scared she would go down too.  But at this age I don't get it.  


But almost every boy who has ever been to my house and GONE here hasn't flushed.  Seriously?   It's a lot of boys who don't.  


Why my girl doesn't I have no clue.  I threatened a bucket in the back yard but I am sure some neighbor would see it and call the police...

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